You can learn about the old history by various methods. Books about different events can enhance your knowledge significantly. Blogs and social media posts by reliable scholars can also improve your history. However, a unique way of learning about old events is through memes, making the experience fun and educational. The best thing is that we have collected some of the top memes to help you enhance your historical knowledge. Many of the pictures will teach you new things that may be useful to you in the future. The guide is also suitable for you if you love historical events.
The Old Discovery That Wasn’t What It Seemed
This meme is an excellent way to show you the inaccuracy of a common historical belief. Everyone knows that Christopher Columbus performed four trips from Spain, looking for a direct pathway between Europe and Asia. He also encountered America on the way, which was called the “New World” back then.

However, this name was misleading because the nation was anything but new. It was inhabited by different civilizations, such as the Vikings. Many people also credit Vikings for the discovery of the region. This is why the meme is funny because it mocks the mistake Columbus made with the discovery.
The Killing Of Caesar
The current meme is one of the most clever memes on the internet because of what it’s representing. This picture shows a bottle of Caesar salad dressing getting stabbed by a knife on its backside. You can relate this to the unforeseen stabbing of the famous Roman Emperor, Julius Caesar.

The Emperor was stabbed 23 times by approximately 40 Roman Senators. This sorrowful event occurred on 15th March 44 BC and was a dark period in Roman history. Many civil wars started after Caesar was backstabbed by his own government officials. This is why the meme is funny and relatable.
The Old Princess Life
It is common to hear girls say they should be treated like princesses. Some females use this phrase at home to make family members treat them, while others use it in front of their partners. This meme shows the truth of the words, which is not something you would expect.

During the old eras, princesses were treated as objects married off to strengthen alliances with other countries. Marie Antoinette is a prime example of a princess who was married to a French dauphin to improve Austria’s relations with France. This is why you should be careful when wanting princess treatment.
Is It Cheating If You Don’t Get Caught?
The invention of the telephone was a unique moment in history because it removed the boundary of distance. People were able to communicate from different regions easily. Alexander Graham was praised for the invention, but all the credit that he got was undue. This is because Graham stole the material.

In 2002, the US Congress confirmed that immigrant Antonio Meucci invented the telephone. Graham took his materials and patented the phone 16 years later. The immigrant had taken legal action, but proceedings couldn’t complete due to his death. Graham believed that it is not cheating if you don’t get caught.
Partying In The Old Era
This famous classical painting from the old era shows a woman holding a man’s hair while he vomits. The meme has been made with some verses underneath in old English. These verses mainly imply that the person was partying hard and couldn’t handle the booze because of being a lightweight.

You should know that this is a misleading verse for the painting. People in the old era were not known for partying hard or making paintings of people who did. This illustration is mainly showing a person dealing with an illness while the woman is acting as a nurse.
Smart Moments That Changed History
There are different events in history that make some kings look very smart. This meme represented the position of King Henry VIII when he decided to leave the Catholic Church. The primary reason behind the move was to divorce his first wife, Catharine of Aragon, without facing strict religious repercussions.

The ruler wanted to divorce his wife to marry Anne Boleyn. Another reason was that he didn’t have a male heir from Catharine. Whoever made this meme nailed the situation because not many Catholic kings divorced their waves due to religious consequences. King Henry VIII had six wives in total.
The Cuban Missile Crisis
Many people love to procrastinate these days because of laziness and prioritizing other tasks. This meme of the Cuban Missile Crisis shows the highest level of procrastination because it took 13 days to take care of the issue. Remember, this moment was one of the most dangerous ones in old history.

The US and Soviet Union were involved in a crisis because the latter had placed nuclear missiles in Cuba. It took 13 days for the US to decide how to deal with the threat. In the end, America agreed not to capture Cuba, and the Soviet Union removed the missiles.
A Grim Take On Pandemics
Many people believe COVID-19 to be the worst pandemic because of a lack of historical knowledge. Some also consider that deadly viruses did not exist in old eras. These are misconceptions because there are many examples of other deadly conditions, such as malaria and smallpox. Black Death was also fatal.

This meme is a comparison of 25 million Europeans and a rat carrying the microbe that causes the Black Death. Remember, the latter would win because plagues have been known to end civilizations. It is also no secret that scientists have only been able to eradicate one virus over centuries.
When Someone Tells You Not To Do A Specific Thing
It is no secret that when you are prohibited from doing something, you become more tempted to do the exact opposite. This is what US citizens did when alcohol consumption and production were banned to promote sobriety in America. The secret was the worst kept during the ban’s 13 years.

Illegal drinking rose in the nation, and many new speakeasies developed. The worst part is that the sale and production of booze actually became higher than in the era in which it was not banned. The meme shows that people always find a way to do things they want to.
Talking To A Wall
We all have had at least one moment in our lives where we believed we were talking to a wall. This may have happened when explaining something to your parents, at work, or in other situations. This meme offers a funny take on when Galileo challenged the church’s scientific beliefs.

He said that Earth was the universe’s center, which the church officials refused to believe. The best thing about the meme is that it can be applied to various other historical events. For instance, this is what Einstein must have felt like when explaining his relativity theory to the world.
This Is Why One Should Not Take Advantage Of Another’s Misfortune
This is one of the funniest memes about the smartness of old civilizations. It is no secret that people love to benefit from someone else’s misfortune. The Scots decided to do this when England suffered from a plague in 1349. They believed they would be victorious by attacking the weak nation.

The plan backfired because the Scots were not immune to the plague. They caught the disease and took it back to their nation. More than half the population of Scots died because of the deadly plague. This is why you should think ten times before benefitting from someone’s misfortune.
Period Panties
These period panties are different than the standard garment. If you want to learn about vital British figures, this is a fun way to learn about them. The one on the top left is the famous Queen Elizabeth I. Meanwhile, the picture on the top right is King Henry VIII.

The second lady on the bottom left is Anne Boleyn. She was one of the wives of King Henry VIII. The last picture is not of a monarch but of William Shakespeare. All the earlier key figures have been depicted in his plays, which is why Shakespeare is in this image.
‘You too, Brutus?’
Julius Caesar’s death has many memes on the internet. The killing may have been tragic, but the social media posts offer comic relief. This Julius Caesar knife set is an accessory that most people would not want in their kitchen. After all, it shows the backstabbing of the monarch literally.

You can choose from various knives when using this set. This may not be an actual set, but it is a great idea that businesses may profit from. However, there may be a good reason why companies don’t sell products using historical events. It may start a conflict or hurt sentiments.
The Berlin Wall
Many famous walls have been created for different reasons in history. However, Berlin Wall gained more popularity than others. It separated East and West Germany because the latter wanted to prevent its government officials from defecting to the West. This meme represents how eager people were for the wall’s breaking.

Some people climbed the wall, while others built underground tunnels to escape East Germany. Many also died in their attempt to escape this part of the country. The wall was officially taken down in 1989, and the act was seen as a symbol of freedom because the barrier was removed.
If Historical Figures Used Hashtags
Digital illustrations may be a recent invention, but it would have been so much fun in the old era. This meme is one of the top ways to learn about different key historical figures. The first box shows King Henry VIII being single again because the ruler married six times.

The box in the first row represents Jesus preaching God’s sayings. Meanwhile, the third image in the same row is a depiction of Marie Antoinette. The hashtag for being civil is an indication of the American Civil War. The last two pictures show Egypt’s Pharaoh and Napoleon with their hashtags.
Arrival Of Smallpox
The Mayflower sailed to America in 1620 and is known for having at least 20 passengers who died of smallpox. Physicians of the passengers were also included in the list of dead. The funny meme also represents this by using a rhyming poem. There is some inaccuracy in this information.

People who believe Mayflower brought smallpox have a misconception. This is because the disease came to America through Europeans who were colonizing the region. Remember, this colonization started happening even before Mayflower set sail. So it is inaccurate to blame the ship’s passengers for bringing smallpox to America.
A Lost Battle
The period of the American Civil War was a turbulent time in history. This is because there was no clear win for any parties involved. The funny picture below is a prime example of a losing battle as the person tries to fix a broken wall using duct tape.

President Andrew Johnson attempted to fix the social disparity issues between different communities. Many laws were also passed, one of which gave complete voting rights to African Americans. Other issues were also present, but it was difficult for Johnson to keep all parties happy. This meme sums up his losing battle.
King Henry VIII
It is no secret King Henry VIII is one of the most famous monarchs. After all, not every ruler married six times. He also divorced two wives and beheaded two more wives. This funny meme shows him as a man looking for another woman by using a rose for charm.

The meme also uses a Taylor Swift song to represent the situation. Insane is the keyword in the lyrics because that is how many people consider King Henry VIII to be. Other lines also suit the ruler because he had a tendency to have affairs and marry new ladies.
Men Do Start Drama
Many women love to hang out with men because it is a common belief that males don’t engage in drama. This meme mocks the belief because most wars in the old eras were started by men. It was common for males to participate in political events while women stayed behind.

However, you should not expect that only men were the reason behind the political drama. Researchers have stated that regions ruled by queens were 27% more likely to engage in wars. This is why there should be no disparity between the two genders. Men and women both engage in drama.
The Boston Tea Party
Have you ever heard of a rebellion that started because some people threw tea packets in a harbor? Well, that is precisely what happened in 1773 when some merchants disguised themselves and boarded ships of the East India Company. The individuals threw 342 chests of tea in the Boston Harbor.

The primary purpose of throwing the chests was to rebel against the Tea Act, which was used by Britain to raise money. This event was called The Boston Tea Party by the rebels. The British counteracted by using The Coercive Acts. The rebellions didn’t budge, and eventually, American Revolutionary War happened.
War On Drugs
This picture may have been taken from the rule of Ronald Reagan, but the meme refers to the earlier President Nixon. The official was famous for his War on Drugs in the 1970s. He used the event for hidden motives and to gain the public’s side to promote his government.

The policy that cost the government millions of dollars was used for discrimination against Black citizens. Anti-war activists were also criminalized through drugs. Nixon mainly used the policy as an excuse to maintain his power within the government. Eventually, he had to resign due to a significant political scandal.
The Unexpected War
This picture is an accurate depiction of the start of World War I. It shows how small unexpected actions can lead to an advanced war with more than 20 million casualties. Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated with his wife in 1914. Then several events occurred leading to World War.

The meme shows how the news of the assassination shook different countries, and everyone reacted differently. So the first World War involved more than one nation fighting against each other. The picture may seem funny to various people, but the event was a terrible time in the world’s history.
Karl Marx
This meme may be a bit hard to understand for most people because it requires good historical knowledge. The person in the portrait is Karl Marx, a socialist revolutionary. Whoever posted the picture wanted to initiate a conversation about class struggle and history. You can understand that through the caption.

The primary theme of many books by Karl Marx was class struggles. This is why the meme is funny to those who have a background in Marx. Some people idealize the revolutionary, while others have differing opinions. Nonetheless, that should not stop you from enjoying this hilarious social media post.
No Options Left
Napolean was a great general in French history and expanded the nation’s reach to many parts of Europe. The general was known for his intelligent tactics and strength. However, he was not able to maintain his position for a long time. Napolean was exiled to Elba island for ten months.

He returned to Paris in 1815 after the exile was complete but met with another exile. The Seventh Coalition used its power to send the general to St. Helena. This is the place where Napoleon died six years later. The countries involved exiled him to weaken the French Empire.
He Is Gone
The caption of this meme made it a thousand times funnier. This post is about the events that happened after Jesus was crucified and buried. As per the bible, his tomb was guarded by Roman soldiers. It was later found to be empty, leading to an uproar in the nation.

Soldiers who slept while performing their duty received capital punishment from the rulers. This meme is a depiction of a Roman soldier worriedly calling the higher authority to report about the empty tomb. The picture may not be accurate, considering no phones were there, but it sure is funny.
The Best Cold War Meme
The Cold War is a famous historical event in the US and Soviet Union history. Many series and films have been made on this occasion. Some are fictional, while others depict the truth. Interestingly, this meme sums up the event perfectly using an analogy that everyone can easily understand.

Both countries threatened to destroy each other using their missiles and other advanced equipment. Of course, none of them had the courage to actually proceed because of fear of the plan backfiring. You can learn more about the Cold War through the internet or books to realize this analogy’s accuracy.
How Photos Were Taken In The Old Era
There were no cameras or mobile phones in the old centuries. A person who wanted his photo had to hire an artist to draw him. This act was a symbol of one’s power, status, and wealth because ordinary people could not afford to hire artists to draw their portraits.

The meme shows a depiction of what people would have said if their painting didn’t turn out to be good. After all, there was no option of taking another picture fast or using filters to hide flaws. Most people could also not get the painting redone due to the high rates.
‘I’ve Lost My Head Over That Guy!’
The caption of this meme is literally what happened to Anne Boleyn. She was the second wife of King Henry VIII. The ruler beheaded her on charges of adultery, incest, and conspiracy against him. The famous lady was sent to the Tower of London during the investigation of the charges.

It is believed that Henry built the charges against Boleyn because she did not produce him a male heir. So the ruler decided to get rid of the lady without divorcing her. Henry VII married Jane Seymour later, who finally gave him the male heir he was longing for.
Hitler’s Story
This meme shows how bad Hitler’s ideas were and indicates everything began when he was kicked out of art school. Rejection from art school may not be the reason why Hitler started World War II, but things may have been different if he had gotten admission into Vienna’s Fine Arts Academy.

He applied to the institute but was rejected both times. In 1914, Hitler joined the Bavarian army. However, his pathway to power started in 1919. He joined the German Worker’s Party, which later came to be known as Nazi Party. We don’t have to tell you what happened after that.
The Maginot Line
The French felt very proud after building the Maginot Line to protect the nation against invasion by Germany. Nine billion dollars were used for creating bunkers, and minefields and fortifying the region using other tools, such as tons of steel. Sadly, this method of protecting the nation was a big failure.

Germany was ahead of France in military tactics because it decided to go around the Maginot Line. The country officials decided to invade France through Belgium. This meme shows a comparison between the level of smartness of French and German. It is no secret that Germany was smarter and faster.
Copernicus Vs. Catholic Church
Many people don’t know who Copernicus is. That is why this meme is best for learning about his key achievement. The astronomer was born in Poland in 1473. He worked as a church canon during the day and worked on his scientific theories. The heliocentric system was discovered by him.

Copernicus also informed the Catholic Church about his discovery that the Earth moved around the sun. The officials did consider his theory to be true. The Church also prohibited theories of Copernicus as they believed him to be guilty of heresy. The meme represents this in a short paragraph.
What Men Think Vs. What Women Believe Men Think About
This is one of the famous meme templates that are used for depicting what women believe men think about vs. what they actually think. The story of this meme starts with the Roman Emperor Caligula, who was a tyrant and mad king. He was also famous for being unpredictable.

A famous legend about the Emperor is that he loved his horse, Incitatus, a lot. Some scholars also say that Caligula gifted a house to his horse. There were also rumors during that time that the Emperor wanted to give the consul position to Incitatus. This is why the meme is funny.
Identifying The Correct Country
World War II led to the deaths of more than 35 million. The exact figure may not be known because not every casualty is accounted for. This meme, from the point of view of a World War II veteran, maybe the most accurate thing on the internet.

This may not be the best technique to identify a war unit, but the post is still funny. Americans are known for using airstrikes and bombing different places due to their mighty strength. Meanwhile, Germans used machine guns to display strength and win battles. So a country’s artillery can be used for identification.
Theodore Roosevelt Upon Reading “The Jungle”
The famous catchphrase in this post has been developed by Nick Joseph. He used to say this line to his friends when they used to prank him. The phrase sums up President Roosevelt’s reaction to reading “The Jungle.” This book was about the condition of JS workers in the meatpacking industry.

After reading the book, Roosevelt took serious action to improve the working conditions in the meatpacking sector. He introduced new legislation and rules within the food industry. This also shows how a simple action such as reading a true storybook can lead to significant changes in the government.
The Bad Idea
Displaying affection publicly may not be the best idea amidst rumors of an affair. If you’re wondering what we are referring to, there is no need to worry. This post is dedicated to Marilyn Monroe and President John F. Kennedy. The diva publicly sang happy birthday to Kennedy on stage.

This meme shows how Kennedy must have felt because the celebration escalated the affair rumors. The President also never met with Monroe or attended events where she was present. Kennedy did not have to make much effort to avoid events because Monroe died three months after the birthday event.
The Deadly Fidget Spinner
Fidget spinners were popular a few years ago because they were helpful for stress relief. The item was also popular amongst kids because of a good distraction. This meme represents the uncanny similarity of fidget spinners with the radiation symbol. The person also connected it to Chornobyl Nuclear Plant.

The plant was located in Pripyat, a lively Ukrainian city. Unfortunately, an explosion exposed the place to deadly radiation levels. This is why the city is now a ghost town on the Ukrainian map. The explosion happened in April 1986 and led to the death of many people in Pripyat.
Telling Yourself Something Often Can Make It True
This picture is another famous meme template that many people use for making funny posts. The context of this image for this post is telling yourself something so often that you start believing it to be true. The caption underneath the post makes everything clear for easy understanding.

It is a hot debate that there is a connection between Christianity and slavery. Some rulers made people convert to this religion forcefully. Of course, not everyone thought they were doing something incorrectly. Many believed that by forcing them to a new religion, they were saving them from hellfire and bad habits.
Striking Nostalgia
This meme is mainly for those studying colonial history in the current era. The post will take you back into the realm of the 18th century because of the speech slogans. An American statesman and revolutionary encouraged the audience to fight against British colonization in 1775 by taking action.

The American Revolution may have begun a decade later, but this gives me liberty or death speech inspired the people significantly. It also encouraged many people to take up arms against colonization back then. This is why the post strikes nostalgia amongst those who have read about colonial history properly.
The Famous Reenactments
Reenactments were used for spending time by many people in the old era. It was common in the US and European regions. Grown men used to wear costumes and perform a reenactment of different battles. It was one of the ways to enhance the historical knowledge of the audience easily.

The creator of this meme used it to make fun of the reenactors of the American Civil War. This is because the men fought over the fabric of the flags. Sadly, the reenactment hobby is decreasing in popularity. Not many shows occur nowadays to display famous battles of the older centuries.