Cleaning is a necessary chore that no one can escape from. Whether cleaning the kitchen after cooking a delicious meal or scrubbing the bathroom tiles, cleaning is a daily routine. If you’ve ever cleaned your own home or the homes of others, you know that some things can be a real pain to clean. While designers often prioritize functionality and aesthetics, they tend to forget that users must clean their designs. It’s a shame, but at least we won’t have to clean those hard-to-reach spots. This article will tell you about 35 places and things that are impossible to clean. So, the next time you’re frustrated with a hard-to-clean design, take a deep breath, grab your cleaning supplies, and get to work. You’ll thank yourself for it, I promise!
When Design Goes Overboard: A Room that’s Hard on the Eyes
Picture walking into this royal-like room for a moment. At first, you’d be blown away by how the designer managed to bring a bit of the great outdoors into the house. Between the tree-like columns, wooden floors, and wooden railing, it looks like something straight out of a fairytale. But the longer you stare at it, the more headache you get. It’s a prime example of creativity without common sense.

And I don’t think living here would be too good for your eyesight. Plus, how would you even know what’s supposed to look rustic and just plain old dirt? This room might look cool, but it seems like the perfect way to create a headache and give yourself a good workout just trying to maintain it.
Chapodiphobia and the Octopus Sink: A Real Bathroom Conundrum
Do you know what’s cool? When folks add some groovy, fun stuff to their living or working spaces to give them a little pizzazz. Something to make things pop, to stand out from the usual boring crap. I can only assume that was the goal when someone decided to install an octopus sink in their bathroom. I mean, it’s unique and fun, right? But let’s get real for a minute – how the heck do you clean that thing? There are like a million little tentacles and crevices and whatnot. I am sure nobody has that much extra time.

And that’s not even considering what to do when someone with a severe case of Chapodiphobia – that’s fear of octopuses, folks – comes in. Do they just hold it in and never wash their hands? Gross.
A Grand Staircase Fit For Royalty, But Impossible To Keep Dust-Free
Okay, so picture yourself trying to clean every nook and cranny of your furniture. It’s tough, right? Now, check out this fantastic staircase that looks like it’s made of folded bed sheets. It’s a work of art, but let’s be honest, keeping it clean would be a nightmare. You’d probably have to hire a cleaner for hours to get it dust-free, and even then, it might not be worth the hassle. I know I wouldn’t have the time or patience to tackle that beast!

But you have to admit; it’s a stunning piece of architecture. The way the stairs fold and twist to create this illusion of cascading sheets is breathtaking. It’s just a shame that maintaining its beauty is so difficult.
A Lamp to Light Up Your Dust Collection
Picture this – you’re at an estate sale, browsing through all the weird and wonderful stuff that’s up for grabs. And then, you spot it – a lamp made up of all your favorite comic book characters. It’s expensive, tacky, and doesn’t match a darn thing in your house. But you don’t care – you just must have it. You lug it home, set it up on your living room table, and bask in the glory of your excellent find. But then you realize – oh crap, this thing will be a pain in the butt to clean.

There are all these little figures, details, and odds and ends. And you just know that if you try to dust it, something will break off and ruin the whole thing. Great.
Is This Floating Bed a Parent’s Worst Nightmare?
Did you ever lay your eyes on something and just knew it would end up in disaster? If you haven’t, just wait till you become a parent – you’ll start feeling it quickly! Suddenly, even the most essential things and designs seem like potential hazards. But check this out; I am not talking about your run-of-the-mill bedroom design here.

This bed is set up to look like it’s levitating over a dang pool of water. I’m sure it’d be every kid’s fantasy room, but in reality, it’s a recipe for disaster. And can you even imagine trying to change the sheets on this thing? Yikes!
This Restaurant’s Clay Pot Ceiling Might Ruin Your Meal
I don’t know about you, but the person who put a bunch of clay pots on the ceiling of this restaurant must have been smoking something funky. Sure, it looks pretty cool in that rustic hipster way, but what about the practicality of it all? Can you imagine trying to enjoy your meal while fearing that one of those pots will fall and bean you in the head? Not to mention the nightmare scenario of a spider or other critter crawling out of one and straight into your food! No way.

And let’s not forget about the poor schmucks who have to clean all those pots to ensure no nasties are falling into your dinner. What a waste of time and effort!
The Most Confusing Sink
Ever since this pandemic hit, washing your hands has been the talk of the town. You can’t just wipe your grimy mitts on your jeans and call it a day anymore. But check this out – this sink is something else entirely. The faucet looks normal, but there’s no bowl to catch the water. Instead, it’s got this wooden maze thing going on. I can’t tell where to put my hands, and I have no idea where the water will go.

And don’t even get me started on all those nooks and crannies where who knows what kind of grossness could be growing. All that wet wood can’t be good for the germs, right?
The Truth Behind This Old-fashioned Baby Bottle
Have you ever had a “light bulb” moment where you thought you had a great idea but quickly realized it was a load of crap? Yeah, I feel you. And let me tell you, this glass bottle is one of those whacks. The person who made this thing never got to that second part of their thinking process. It is supposed to be a glass bottle for newborns and babies.

And whoever came up with this didn’t think the grind to clean all those tiny glass pieces. It turns out these bottles were used back in the Victorian era and ended up causing a ton of babies to die from all the bacteria they bred. Not a good look.
When Your Antique Aquarium Becomes A Hazard
So you fell down a YouTube rabbit hole and stumbled upon some aquarium hobbyists. The next thing you know, you’re scouring antique shops for a vintage fish tank. You’re already picturing friends and family oohing and aahing over your hip new addition, but just wait until you accidentally slam something down on the surface, and the whole thing comes crashing to the ground.

Sure, antique stuff is cool and all, but it’s also a bit of a double-edged sword. That vintage aquarium may look super rad, but it’s probably so fragile that you’ll be too scared to even breathe near it, let alone give it a good scrubbing.
Sand, Sun, and Surf in Your Basement
Okay, time to bring back some childhood memories. We all dreamed of building a beach in our basement when we were kids. If you didn’t, then you must have been a dull child, sorry not sorry. As incredible as it sounds, the reality of creating a beachfront in your home is a disaster waiting to happen. Check out this picture; someone went ahead and transformed their entire basement into a beach with chairs, towels, and tons of sand. I mean, how did they even do that?

And let’s not forget about the cleanup involved. You can only hope they’re not planning on renting the place out anytime soon, or the next tenants are in for a surprise they won’t soon forget.
Bathroom Cleaning Woes
One of the most challenging tasks is cleaning the restroom. It’s a real nudnik. But it’s also crucial if you don’t want your bathroom to look and smell like a dump. But have you ever seen this type of toilet design? It’s like a breeding ground for mold and other gross bathroom stuff. Soap scum, mold, mildew, and other unmentionables can lurk in every corner.

Whoever thought of this must have been evil! If you’re unlucky enough to have one of these in your home, you know the struggle is real. You practically need a full-on hazmat suit and a hose full of bleach to tackle the cleaning job.
Pink Wall Catastrophe
I can’t help but wonder if a designer would choose to adorn a wall with a bright pink shag carpet. It’s not only an unusual choice but also an impractical one. The thought of trying to keep a carpeted wall clean is enough to make anyone shudder. Can you imagine having to vacuum the floors, the walls, and possibly even the ceiling? It sounds like a nightmare. And let’s not forget about the potential damage that can occur, especially if there are children in the house.

Unlike a painted wall that can easily be touched up or repainted, a carpeted wall would require much more effort and expense to repair. This design choice is a head-scratcher, and it’s hard to understand what the designer thought when they made it.
The Perils of Shabby Chic Design In Bathrooms
Imagine walking into a bathroom and coming face to face with these walls that bring out the germaphobe in you. Whoever had the bright idea to install these tiles on the walls had no idea what they were getting into. I mean, who picks this weird color and material for walls?! They look like someone was going for that rugged, shabby chic look but took it a bit too far, like way too far, like a hundred steps too far.

Can you imagine how many hours it would take to clean those walls with a bucket of bleach and a scrubber? I shudder at the thought. There’s no way I’d risk touching those walls without giving them a thorough scrubbing first.
Are Geode Sinks Worth the Hype?
If you really want to impress your visitors, why not add a geode sink to your bathroom? Just imagine how they’d react when they walked in and saw this massive rock sitting there. But hold up; I have got to question the decision-making skills of whoever came up with this sink. First, it seems risky to put a sink with jagged edges in a spot where people wash their hands. And secondly, how the heck do you even clean something like this?

Can you use bleach, Windex, dish soap, or what? You can’t use harsh chemicals on those sparkly bits, so it’s bound to get grimy in no time.
The Sistine Chapel Copycat That Turned Into a Spider Haven
Whoever had the bright idea to try to make this casino look like Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel with a ceiling covered in glass flowers deserves to have their brains examined. It might have seemed like a creative concept initially, but it’s a recipe for disaster. The dust, grime, and critters probably accumulated in those glass flowers by now are beyond comprehension. It won’t be a surprise if an entire spider colony lives up there, happily tucked away for years.

The thought of someone discovering spider haven is horrifying, and they might even try to burn the casino down! Ultimately, it’s best to stick with a classic and straightforward design when it comes to ceilings rather than creating a haven for unwanted guests.
Are Beaded Car Seat Covers Worth the Mess?
As I look at this car covered in beaded seat covers, I can’t help but feel a sense of curiosity and wonder. What led this person to go to such lengths to cover every inch of their car in these colorful beads? Maybe they have a deep appreciation for vintage car accessories or simply love how the beads sparkle in the sunlight.

If you’ve never seen these things before, they’re basically like those old-school seat covers that keep you cool and stop you from sticking to the seats. But this person took it to a new level, and it’s just… not a good look. Who knows what kind of gross stuff is hiding underneath those beads? Can you imagine snacking in that car on a hot day? I shudder at the thought.
The Glamorous, Yet Gritty Reality of a Toilet
Have you ever seen a porcelain throne as majestic as this one? I mean, it’s practically fit for a king or queen! Imagine using the bathroom at your friend’s house and finding this beauty staring back at you. It’s almost too good for your essential bodily functions, right? But let’s not forget about the upkeep of this throne. Sure, the golden tiles look stunning, but they’re probably a pain in the butt to keep clean.

Can you imagine scrubbing away at all those tiny tiles with a toothbrush? No, thank you. Don’t get me wrong, I love the fancy look of this toilet, but I can’t help but tremble at the thought of how dirty it probably gets.
The Artistic Chandelier That’s More Trouble Than It’s Worth
Take a look at this chandelier; it’s an absolute beauty! It’s designed to look like a whole bunch of flowers lighting up the entire joint, and it’s something special. I mean, it’s a true masterpiece, but here’s the thing – masterpieces aren’t always practical. As impressive as these flowery lights are, they’re probably impossible to keep clean, and anyone sitting below them will get doused in the dust.

To get them clean, you’d likely have to break them down, and you better believe that’s going to cost a pretty penny. So, while these lights might look like a dream, they’re not the most practical choice for a busy restaurant.
The Dilemma of Cleanliness vs. Style in Car Headlights
Have you ever encountered something just asking to be shattered into a million pieces? Maybe your mischievous side is tempted to give a gentle nudge to that vase sitting perilously on the table’s edge. Well, that’s the exact feeling I get when I see these fancy glass skulls that double as headlights for this car. With a slight tap and boom, they’re shattered to pieces. Honestly, I might be doing the car owner a favor by doing that. Why do you ask? It’s because those glass skulls seem like a nightmare to keep clean.

Just imagine how many insects get stuck in them every day, and don’t even get us started on that menacing barbed wire grill.
Get Your Caffeine Fix with a Side of Terror
If you’re down for a wild ride every morning, I’ve got the perfect cup for you! Imagine this: a ceramic mug with a freaking octopus chilling in the center. As you sip on your morning joe, that little dude starts poking its head and tentacles out, scaring the crap out of anyone who doesn’t know what’s up.

And if that wasn’t creepy enough, those cubbyholes in the octopus are perfect spots for mold to grow if you don’t clean it properly. So, if you’re looking for a morning scare and a potential health hazard, this mug is the way to go!
When a Good Idea Goes Bad in Your Living Room
Have you ever had a brilliant idea that didn’t work out in real life? Well, picture this – you walk into your friend’s house and spot this “soft cabinet” in the corner. It looks like a regular cabinet, but it’s made of foam with slots for your dishes.

I mean, the absurdity of it all is enough to make you wonder what else is lurking in those foam crevices, right? And to make matters worse, how do you even clean a foam cabinet like that? You maybe need a cleaning company services here to sort the issue.
When Elevator Design Goes Wrong
The designers who designed this elevator must have been trying to make it feel like you’re chilling in a field or something with grass floors and walls. They even threw in some flowers and a mirror to make it fancy. But instead of feeling relaxed, I am straight-up disgusted by all the nasty stuff collected in the fake grass on the walls.

Hundreds of people have been in this elevator and left a little piece of them behind if you know what I mean. Why even I am talking about this?! Also, I can’t see any way to clean this elevator properly as long as that grass is still up.
A Wooden City Model That Will Leave You Speechless
Do you know what the epitome of patience is? Those folks who create miniature boats inside glass bottles. And then there’s this guy who owns this wooden model of a humongous city that appears to have been lifted right out of “Inception’s” folding city scene. The buildings’ windows are as small as the tip of a pencil, so you must keep a close eye on them to prevent dust or grime accumulation.

Maintaining this city model is probably a hobby, requiring an insane amount of patience and attention to detail. Sure, it looks cool, but trust me, if you’re not careful, you’ll regret it.
A Wild West-Inspired Chandelier For Your Home
Back in the Wild West days, tumbleweeds were known to ruin an excellent old-fashioned duel by blowing right through the middle of it. But in reality, those things are usually just big old balls of dirt and weeds, as these little balls of dried-up weeds would roll across the road and ruin the whole vibe. So you definitely wouldn’t want one hanging in your kitchen, right? Well, guess what? This crazy tumbleweed chandelier exists, and it’s from Texas, of course!

Now, I can’t say it’s the most practical or elegant lighting option, but if you’re looking to go all-in on that western vibe, this tumbleweed chandelier might do the trick.
The Toy Car Bathroom Nightmare
I can’t even begin to imagine how bad this bathroom smells. Like, it’s got to be worse than the stinky subway system in a big city. And get this – the bathroom is also home to many toy cars. Now, I am not saying that the toys are covered in pee (who knows, they probably are!). There are significantly fewer chances that little suckers haven’t been splashed on a few times. Top of all that, it seems like hobbies and hygiene collided here.

So not only is the smell going to knock you off your feet, but you’re going to have to clean each one of those cars by hand if you want to get rid of the funk.
The Design Disaster You Never Knew You Wanted
I don’t know what kind of crazy was going through this kitchen designer’s head when they bent a wooden cutting board to the countertop. Maybe they’ve never used a wooden board before, but these things get jacked up after a while. And don’t even get me started because wood and water don’t mix.

So now you’ve got this gross hunk of wood that’s impossible to clean, and to top it off, the drawer underneath is acting like a catch basin for any water that might leak through. This whole setup is just asking for a mold infestation.
The Pointless Home Accessory That Will Drive You Nuts
So, check it out – this homeowner decided to install these super fancy fans shaped like leaves. They’re pretty and all, but what’s the particular purpose? They don’t do anything extra that a regular fan couldn’t handle. And on top of that, they will struggle to clean. Like, who wants to deal with all those little crevices and details? Not me, that’s for sure.

I think that the only reason they got these fans in the first place is that they can afford to hire someone to clean them. Lucky them, right?
The Mouse You Can Admire but Can’t Clean
This computer mouse has a futuristic look with its shiny white surface and all the little holes that reveal the inner electronic components. The aesthetics of this mouse are outstanding, but cleaning it poses a significant challenge. Unlike other regular mice, you can clean them with a simple wipe. Spraying it with any cleaning solution may destroy the device, leaving you with a worthless piece of equipment. Consequently, you may have to let the mouse collect dust and dirt until it gets too unhygienic to handle.

As much as the advertisements try to persuade me that it is “Glorious,” I am not convinced to purchase this mouse. The cleaning issue is just one of many drawbacks that make it impractical for everyday use.
The Dust Guards That Work
Sometimes designers hit the nail on the head, and these dust guards are a prime example. These tiny metal triangles are placed in the corners of your stairs to prevent dust bunnies from accumulating. No more struggling to clean those unreachable areas with a toothbrush. These dust guards can make your cleaner’s job easier too.

It’s incredible how well they work, given that many designs don’t always meet expectations. Small things like these make a big difference, so it’s important to value them. So, kudos to the designer who came up with this genius idea – credit where credit’s due!
The House That Leaves You Speechless
Do you ever want to blow the minds of your friends and family? You don’t have to keep looking because this crib will do what you need. Check out this photo of the front door. It has a thousand metal poles sticking out in every direction. Was the architect who created this place trying to get in touch with their inner porcupine? I don’t know how to keep birds from living there.

Let’s be honest: when people come to this house, they’ll be looking at it for all the wrong reasons. The only thing big about this place is that it will cause much confusion.
The Bathroom Mirror Frame That Missed the Mark
Okay, so when this family put up this bathroom mirror frame, they probably thought it would be this one-of-a-kind, totally rad piece that everyone would be like, “whoa, where did you get that?!” But their hopes and dreams were shattered like glass (pun intended) because the feedback they got was less than stellar. This thing looks like it was slapped together out of some sort of foam, maybe like what a little kid would use in art class.

And that little pore all over the frame? What is the purpose of this crazy creativity? Can you imagine how many globs of toothpaste have been trapped there over the years? Eww!
The Unconventional Lamp That Will Leave You Puzzled
Have you ever encountered something so intriguing that you had to take a second look at it? This lamp will make you do it. It appears to be an ordinary lamp at first glance, but closer inspection reveals that it is wearing a wig! However, the mystery will not be solved until you obtain this strange object. Functionally, is it a lamp or a wig?

But that isn’t the only thing on my mind: how will this be clean? It is made of fabric and functions as an electronic device. Is water a good option? I don’t want to die just to clean this up.
The Pointless Wooden Architecture Piece
Man, do modern home designers even know what the word “simplicity” means? Check out this wooden structure – it’s just a random board jutting out for people to cook and eat on. Like, what’s the point? And the worst part is that the whole thing is so extra and over-the-top; it’s just adding to the mess you will have to clean up later.

Honestly, sometimes less is more, especially when it comes to keeping a tidy house. No one needs all these fancy-schmancy additions that don’t even serve a real purpose. Let’s keep it basic and save ourselves the hassle of extra cleaning.
A Mattress Fit for the Worried Sleeper
If you’re constantly concerned about the space between your bed and the floor, I have a mattress that will solve that problem! It has three levels and extends to the ground. There are also adorable little steps leading to the top level. At first glance, it appears to be the most comfortable thing ever and a great way to keep those pesky monsters under your bed away.

But here’s the bad part: you went out of your way to find your pet the best scratching pad in town. You may no longer be afraid of things that bump at night, but try sleeping while your pet is playing with their new toy.