When you are watching a movie do you really watch it from the beginning to the end without putting it on pause sometimes? I doubt that. Sometimes it’s okay to stop the film and go grab some drinks or just visit the bathroom, but what about the moments when you stop the movie to realize what the hell just happened? It happens in the weirdest, scary, beautiful, or funny moments when you want to realize it, rewatch it, or show it to a friend. Here is the list of such Hollywood scenes as some people were ready to share where they stopped the popular movies. Hop on, let’s check it!
Basic Instinct
It’s time to talk about legendary movies like «Basic Instinct». Do you know that this thriller full of beautiful erotic scenes brought almost $353 million to the office? And I am not shocked considering how provocative and unusual the movie is.

Look at beautiful Sharon Stone! The way she is sitting here and looking at someone is inimitable. Her acting was incredible, and the scene you see here is probably one of the most famous scenes in the film industry. It looked like she was fully dressed, but then she moved her leg and… Well, you see the beautiful pose. Now imagine the excitement!
Fast Times At Ridgemont High
If you are a fan of 1980s movies there is no way you haven’t watched this. A popular movie that gave a wonderful start to the careers of many famous actors, including Nicolas Cage and Eric Stoltz.

The movie was really beautiful, but one of the scenes was the most memorable and people rewatched it a lot. It’s when the character named Linda was swimming with her friend. The way she was climbing back made viewers really excited.
Everything Alfred Hitchcock was working on became legendary, no doubt he is known as a king of horrors. And «Psycho» is probably the best one. Special thanks go to Anthony Perkins who made his character look so real and creepy.

I don’t want to give you any spoilers but if you’ve watched the movie you definitely remember this scene when Norman Bates was looking right into the camera. It was terrifying, but many people put the movie on pause to look at Norman’s scary face with a scull on it. The creepiest thing I’ve ever seen.
The Little Mermaid
I really miss old Disney cartoons: new cartoons lost their souls. And this «Little Mermaid» created in 1989 became a real legend! But not only because of this scene, although it made its point.

Here Ariel just got human legs and was excited about it not less than the viewers who rewatched the scene as they saw something worthy of a 16+ animated film.
Fight Club
It’s hard to find a person who watched «Fight Club» and didn’t love it. It’s one of my favorites actually! But have you noticed that we were able to see Brad Pitt in the movie before we really met his character?

Many people rewatched that scene as it’s really easy to not see the character if you blink for a second, so turn the TV on and watch the film carefully.
The Wizard Of Oz
This one was created in 1939, can you imagine it? Of course, people were excited, but something made them put the movie on pause several times. Look at that forest where Dorothy was probably coming to with her friends. What do you think is this figure?

They tell it’s a bird but have you ever seen such a bird? Because I haven’t. It feels like someone just committed suicide in that forest. Creepy.
The Lion King
It’s still one of the best movies kids and adults have probably watched. And the saddest one in the same time… But do you remember this scene? Some fans noticed a little detail that is pretty funny.

That was the moment when the stars together with the dust spelled an interesting word if you know what I mean. I’m not sure if it’s appropriate to write it so rewatch the scene. Here is a hint: the word is connected with giving Simba birth.
It’s hard to forget this one. I’m talking about the 1982 film as it’s probably the best one among all «Trons». It’s definitely amazing as so many people enjoyed many scenes from the movie!

Do you remember Ed Dillinger in the film? Well, many viewers noticed how Ed was playing Pac-Man. Yeah, it’s a good idea to watch the film again and find that moment.
Jurassic World
Oh yes, it was epic! Do you remember that moment when Jimmy Buffet together with other people was running because a pterodactyl came to kill them? Popular one.

It’s iconic: Jimmy is running with 2 cocktails while other people are scared for their lives. Well, Jimmy is scared too, but cocktails are priceless.
Star Wars: A New Hope
It’s time for funny moments! How many of you enjoyed «Star Wars»? In «A New Hope» part there was a moment when one of the stormtroopers hit the wall by accident. I was laughing so hard when I saw that for the first time…

If you didn’t see it, you definitely should! Many viewers loved the moment and rewatched it so many times! I’m guilty too, to be honest.
Boogie Nights
Stay calm, please, because we will talk about shirtless Mark Wahlberg! Look how young and handsome he was! That role of him is well-known: Mark really played his character named Dirk well showing his natural look.

Of course, this scene was rewatched and put on pause the most. Dirk took his shirt off at that moment, so everyone could see his muscles and nipples. It still looks really nice but in 1997 it was really unusual to see something so private.
I don’t know anyone who hasn’t heard about Titanic. The movie is legendary. Even though we have many great love dramas now, «Titanic» will always be one and only. Many scenes from the movie are iconic, but this one was rewatched by people the most. Yeah, it’s when Jack was painting.

Now it may seem like a pretty basic scene for some dramas but in 1997 it was something absolutely new. Besides, that painting became very important in the end. Grab your tissues and watch it again… It’s too good and so classy.
She’s The Man
This movie is one of my favorite comedies, however, it has nothing to do with Shakespeare’s work. It was funny but interesting at the same time.

The girl in the photo is Amanda, you definitely remember her if you’ve watched the film. She decided to be a soccer player making others believe she was a male. But the truth was revealed and Amanda showed her boobs. Now you get why everyone enjoyed the scene, right?
Wild Things
That movie was a real bomb in 1998, so provocative and epic! It gained more than $67 million, and it’s understandable as people loved the film and the director’s brave decisions.

All scenes are memorable but one of them is probably the favorite for many viewers. I’m talking about the scene when the characters of Neve Campbell and Denise Richards kissed each other. Women’s love was new and exciting for the audience: everyone rewatched it!
Coach In The Woods
Modern movies are coming, so be ready! And yes, we will talk about horrors. This one is pretty good, even though it’s a combo of horror and comedy. And the scene that you can see here is the one that was put on pause too many times. I still remember how these scientists were staying in front of that list full of different creatures under their control.

Many viewers wanted to see the list, so they clicked the button to stop the movie and have enough time to explore the list. It’s an iconic film, take your time but don’t forget to watch it one day. It’ll be worth it (especially when you see young Chris Hemsworth).
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
That animated comedy movie was something very new for many viewers. The woman you can see in this photo was making every scene memorable. And it’s understandable: she looks so gorgeous! Everyone wanted to stop the movie and look at her.

But even though it’s animated, it’s not really for kids. The woman was showing some parts of her body that she should hide a little bit more. Thank God, she is not a real woman showing off.
Teen Wolf
We are talking about the film now but if you know the TV show only: it was created based on this 1985 movie. That year can be called the beginning of the era of romantic comedies. And «Teen Wolf» was one of the best movies because of its awesome actors like Michael J. Fox and its interesting plot.

The movie itself was pretty fine, even though it was very easy to predict the ending. But in one of the last scenes, there was a man without pants somewhere behind. The most attentive viewers noticed that a long time ago. I’m curious about who he was, that’s why so many people put it on pause.
Toy Story 3
Here is Sid: the bad guy who was always into ruining someone’s day or life. In the first part of «Toy Story,» he was locked somewhere.

I thought his story in «Top Story» is finished, but some attentive fans saw the guy in the third part of the film! Sid became a garbage guy, and I really hope he is not so rude and mean anymore.
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace – episode 1
Look at the photo and tell me: what do you see there? Or simply watch the movie and find this moment. Yeah, some aliens from the «E.T.» are hanging out there a bit. You can’t see such things every day, so it was worth rewatching it.

Honestly, it feels like George Lucas just decided to present his compliments to Steven Spielberg as Steven once put a Yoda costume on a kid in the «E.T.» movie.
The Rescuers
Disney makes me shocked sometimes, and turns out it’s not just me! Let’s talk about «The Rescuers». Why was there a scene of someone getting changed? I will be honest: that moment left me with some questions.

I still don’t get how Disney was okay with adding that scene. But okay, never mind.
Three Men And A Baby
This movie was directed by Leonard Nimoy who you can know as Spoke. That fact makes this movie even more interesting. And some scenes added some spice.

For example, look at this one. I can’t imagine how many people stopped the movie right there to rewatch the scene. Yeah, it’s cardboard of Ted Danson’s character. But why?
The Wolf Of Wall Street
You may love or hate this movie but what I know for sure is that it’ll make you emotional. Martin Scorsese knows how to entertain people. This scene is probably the most popular, people love it. Margot Robbie’s character was teasing DiCaprio’s character a lot, and the fans enjoyed it.

Don’t lose time, the movie should be watched by you as soon as possible. And not only because of this scene.
Total Recall
It’s a very good science fiction movie that was released in 1990. It still looks cool, but some scenes were pretty creepy and weird. Look at this woman! Why does she have 3 parts of the body?

Not everyone saw that, but once someone told about that, others started rewatching the scene immediately. Still a thing, actually, as such a weird thing is hard to believe in.
Raiders Of The Lost Ark
This first part of Indiana Jones is something to talk about as it has many interesting scenes. And of course, actors did their thing as well: for example, Dr. Rene Belloq can still be considered as one of the main film industry villains.

In this scene, a fly got to the actor’s mouth. So disgusting! But he continued talking as he didn’t want to spoil the film. What brilliant acting and responsibility! It deserves to be rewatched, so don’t forget about it.
Iron Man
No words are needed here. That’s a real GOAT among movies. Marvel fans enjoy Marvel movies not only because of the actors, plot, and awesome visual effects but also for many Easter eggs. And here is one of them.

Here Tony Stark was taking his suit and viewers could see a shield of Captain America. People rewatched the scene to make sure it was it. What a great way to tell your fans that a new movie is coming! Bravo Marvel!
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
As you can see «Star Wars» movie is truly into some epic scenes, and the «Force Awakens» part released in 2015 also has such a moment. It was actually one of the most profitable movies of all time, people loved it so freaking much. That’s obvious: who didn’t want to know where Luke Skywalker was?

The end of the movie is emotional, however, I won’t give you any spoilers here. The real fans who have watched the movie many times noticed that strange thing after putting the film on pause. Is it really a gravestone?
Man Of Steel
Here is another popular film about superheroes. And it’s so not only because of all the exciting universe scenes, but it’s also because of Henry Cavill’s role. Some people enjoyed his acting and his appearance a lot, while others thought it was a bad idea to invite him.

One scene is also memorable: Wayne Enterprises logo could be easily noticed in the universe.
Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy
That comedy is funny not only because of some situations and dialogues, but its hard-to-get jokes are also important as well. Do you see the name of the restaurant? If you don’t know Spanish you probably have no idea what «Escupimos en su Alimento» means.

But Spanish-speaking people and those who weren’t lazy to pause the movie and translate the phrase know that it’s «We spit in your meal». Would you like to visit that restaurant? I’m out!
Before I Go To Sleep
Who else really loves Nicole Kidman? Well, I do, she is definitely the greatest! Maybe that’s why her fans were so excited to see her without clothes in that movie. Are you one of them?

What’s really funny is that Nicole had some clothes on her body, it’s just that the fans were so excited and pictured her fully naked.
Finding Dory
Releasing «Finding Dory» 13 years after the successful «Finding Nemo» was definitely a good idea. Everyone was waiting for the film! But no one actually thought that we would be able to see the biggest villain of «Finding Nemo» named Darla. So what was that scene?

Do you remember that moment when Dory was quarantined? That’s where you can see Darla as well. Damn, Pixar is just too cool, I can’t handle it!
Burn After Reading
This comedy is still popular, especially among the ones who adore black humor. The movie gained more than $168: that’s a real deal! Here is the scene where George Clooney’s character found Brad Pitt’s character who was hiding from him. Do you remember what happened next?

Yeah, as always, Coen Brothers decided to make that murder scene super fast. It’s okay, but fans needed to rewatch the moment many times to make sure what’s happened.
The Exorcist
For 1973, that horror movie was a really impressive one. It was full of intriguing and shocking scenes, so people rewatched some of them many times. Just don’t forget to hold your hands.

That scary scene can make you see the demon. I don’t know why people enjoy rewatching it though… It’s so terrifying!
Here is a famous film about aliens released in 2002. You probably remember that at the end of the story, aliens were revealed. We could’ve noticed that earlier actually if we were more attentive…

There was a moment when an alien was shown really fast so everyone who decided to pause the film could take a closer look. As far as I know, that scene was created on purpose to prepare the viewers for the reveal.
Suicide Squad
That movie is very memorable because some of the scenes truly left me shocked. But when Margot Robbie appeared in the movie for the first time, I was impressed by that Harley Quinn look. And others were as well.

It’s stated that the fans rewatched the scene when Harley decided to lift her t-shirt. That was quite impressive! But in my opinion, the movie needed more impressive scenes because the plot wasn’t really as good as I expected.
Disney is a real master of adding Easter eggs to its movies. Let’s talk about «Frozen» which is one of my favorite ones, actually. Do you remember that cool conversation between Anna and Hans that you can see in the photo? You probably heard it before.

The thing is Disney made a surprise for adults by adding that phrase that had already been in the «Arrested Development» movie. Even more: some can remember it from «The Simpsons» as well. Disney is so creative! I’m impressed by how they add those Easter eggs every time making people smile.
Bohemian Rhapsody
It’s been a while since this movie was released, but it feels like it was yesterday. Rami Malec’s acting really brought the movie to another level as he told the story of Freddie Mercury as no one else could.

But people were excited to see Adam Lambert in the movie as well. His role was a truck driver who got suspicious considering Freddie’s sexual orientation. Adam’s cameo is so iconic because starting in 2011 he was working with the Queen band. It even touches my heart.
Pulp Fiction
Tarantino knows how to create real hits, and the best actors definitely help him. However, Pulp Fiction is known because of one more moment… Do you remember that scene in the shower? Yes, you do!

Many people paused the movie when Bruce Willis was coming out of the shower. Of course, they did, who didn’t want to see more? I can say that their excitement paid off a bit, so come back and check it.
It’s probably my favorite film with some animated characters. So cute and funny! Let’s come back to one specific moment when Judy Hopps became a policeman to deal with a crime. I know many people really rewatched the scene.

She was listening to some animal bands and singers whose names are a little bit familiar… Hyena Gomez (I love it the most), Fur Fighters, and even Kanye West! I enjoy these names even more than the original ones.
Jurassic Park
Some people noticed that the outfit in «Jurassic Park» is really similar to what people saw in «The Goonies». And it’s not a coincidence.

«The Goonies» became a real legend, so no doubt some viewers found out the similarity. And it’s understandable because Steven Spielberg was the scriptwriter of «The Goonies» and the director of «Jurassic Park». He is a lover of such Easter eggs and jokes.
Beauty And The Beast
It was one of the favorite cartoons for many kids. And it was released in 1991, can you imagine? Try to recall that moment in the end when Gaston came to ruin the castle.

Luckily, Gaston lost, and he was looking right in the face of death. The most attentive viewers even noticed skulls in his eyes showing the upcoming death or the evil he had inside.
The Crying Game
That thriller released in 1992 left the viewers really impressed. The film is full of epic scenes that deserve to be rewatched. But one of them was really shocking in 1992.

Jane Davidson played a role of a singer but when she showed that she was a transgender person viewer were in shock. Many people even put the film on pause to realize everything.
The Matrix
There is nothing special in this scene, just something very memorable. Morpheus said: «I can only show you to the door» and that’s when the viewers could see that doorknob with a videographer in it. Did you notice that?

That scene looks really creative and unfortunately, it was impossible to shoot it without the reflection of a cameraman. However, in my opinion, it doesn’t spoil the scene and the movie anyway.
I love «Passengers» a lot, but I’ve never noticed one interesting thing. The director of «Passengers» is a real fan of «The Shining» film, so he decided to add some Easter eggs to his movie to show respect.

The bartenders in both movies are very much alike. How didn’t I notice that before?
Deadpool 2
Many people have no idea that Brad Pitt was acting in the second part of «Deadpool». I was shocked as well but turns out it’s the truth. He was shown in the scene when some superhumans were hired. One of them was Vanisher, do you remember him?

There was a moment when they jumped off the plane and died mostly. The Vanisher’s outfit was destroyed for a second and everyone could see that Brad Pitt was the Vanisher. Unexpected, right?
It is still one of the best movies, especially for those who enjoy the sea world and sharks. The film started with the horrifying moment when Chrissie was taken by a shark. Damn, I still can’t forget it.

As far as I know, even though the scene was creepy people were rewatching it many times. Beautiful but horrifying at the same time.
Back To The Future
This movie includes so many details that are not that obvious. But if you rewatch it paying full attention you will see many interesting things. Let’s talk about one of them.

Do you remember how Marty McFly and Doc Brown decided to meet near Twin Pines Mall? Now let’s get to that moment when Marty hit one of the 2 pines when he was running away. That affected the future, and that’s why the name of the mall as well as its logo were changed. Damn, I love such details so much!
That animated film that was released in 1999 became a favorite one for many kids and adults. I still love watching it from time to time. I doubt that you guys noticed some Easter eggs from another Disney film.

Do you remember that scene with a tea ceremony? When I saw it for the first time, I noticed that the cups were pretty familiar. Yeah, these cups actually belong to Mrs. Potts and her kid from the famous Disney movie called «Beauty And The Beast». How cool!
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
This scene was planned really well and one of the Reddit users noticed and proved that. Many people remember that scene when Captain America was looking through the notes. But did you know there is something outstanding about that?

The thing is that the list differs based on the country where the movie is shown. I couldn’t expect this for real, it’s so lucky that someone paid so much attention to it. You can see the lists shown in the USA, South Korea, England, and Russia here. Wow…
Spider-Man: Homecoming
The best movies have everything under control and every coincidence is not a coincidence. In that part of «Spider-Man» Zendaya’s character was reading a book that was called «Human Bondage». Take a look.

Wondering what’s so special in that novel? It’s a pretty old book written in 1915, and it’s about an orphan who was living with his uncle and aunt. You get it now, right?
Wedding Crashers
That comedy became really popular after it was released in 2005. I can say comedies were a real thing during that period of time, and the fans of that movies still love watching them, even though such comedies can’t be considered trends anymore. I’m sure Isla Fisher really improved the movie with her brilliant acting, however, Owen Wilson and some other famous actors did their jobs too.

As far as I heard Isla got her role right after the audition where she was crawling over the director: can you imagine this? Well, then it’s obvious that she was so great at acting: the director knew who he was hiring.
Take This Waltz
2011 wasn’t really full of good movies and TV shows, but there were some impressive films anyway. One of them is «Take This Waltz». There was nothing special in that funny drama but famous American comedian Sarah Silverman really led the movie to another level. People mostly saw her performing on stage before so of course that scene in the swimming pool made them curious, so they rewatched it a lot.

Sarah told that she was really inspired to act in that scene because it was so similar to everyday life. I guess she expected that the fans would enjoy it.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
I can say that this film is a pretty basic romantic comedy but at the same time, it has so many impressive and memorable scenes! Oh, I miss the beginning of the 2000s. The beginning of the movie was spicy enough, but the next scenes were definitely not worse. It’s hard to choose the best one as some people were impressed by scenes with Mila Kunis, however, Kirsten Bell is probably the winner.

Kirsten was usually acting in movies where her characters were pretty intelligent. So the role of Sarah Marshall made people extremely excited. Maybe that’s why they watched that scene again and again.
You are probably wondering why this movie is here if it’s not that famous and popular. But trust me, it’s a very good one. Besides, it’s when David Cronenberg’s career started. One of the scenes was really special because of its craziness. I’m envious if you haven’t seen it before.

I’m not going to tell any spoilers here because you should watch it yourself. You’ll laugh a lot! And that scene is the one to be remembered.