The 50 states that make up the United States of America, the land of the free, are known as the United States of America. Americans number over 328 million, making the USA the third most populous country on the planet by population. The United States is also the fourth-largest country on the planet in terms of land area. Around the globe, this enormous country is well-known, and it has left a cultural stamp that has been shaped by technical advancements, popular films, television shows, and musical performances. No country can be perfect. We need to work on countless things in every place. Despite what many people claim, America has its fair share of problems. While everyone claims their country is the best, without flaws, this next list proves otherwise. You’re about to experience a whole range of emotions thanks to some unsolicited realness!
$page_end_ad_template$Justice For The Louisville PD
Even years later it appears like little to nothing is being done to bring justice to Breonna Taylor who was slain by Louisville police in her home. They arrived for a drug search and entered the incorrect residence, shooting the defenseless Breonna Taylor dead.

She was absolutely innocent and yet the police officers who killed her have never been penalized for what they did. Breonna was also an award-winning EMT and had absolutely nothing to do with the narcotics that the cops were seeking that night.
A Look at Donald Trump’s Parents Explains a Lot
Almost too terrible to believe that these photographs were taken in real life. They are weird images, regardless of the fact that Donald Trump looks quite like his parents in these photographs. His entire appearance appears to have been influenced by his mother and her updo, or it is possible that he wore a wig that had been passed down from generation to generation.

He resembles his mother more than his father, who appears to be a spitting image of his mother. Is it more likely that Donald Trump looks like his father or like his mother, based only on these photos? It’s difficult to see anything beyond that hair!
It Ought To Be Illegal
Diabetes is an inexpensive disease, as anyone who suffers from it knows. In the US, insulin alone is around $1300 a month without (the high) insurance costs. Many people, especially young people, just getting out of college, cannot afford to pay that kind of extra money every month.

This sad young man was one of those who could not afford the medication, and he died as a result of the over-rationing of the drug supply available to him. Meanwhile, insulin producers earn (at the very least) millions of dollars per year.
Because She Had Some Pot
Rachel Hoffman was charged with marijuana possession and sentenced to four years in prison. So she became an undercover informant for the cops to bring down prominent drug dealers. She was instructed to acquire an unreasonable number of narcotics from hazardous drug traffickers to clean her identity (1,500 ecstasy pills, 1.5 ounces of cocaine, and a gun).

Her tale didn’t deceive the drug traffickers, who were skeptical of her hefty drug purchase and didn’t believe her for a second. Following the discovery of the wire in her handbag, they murdered her. Because she had some pot interesting.
Her Female Empowerment Hypocrisy
Beyonce is a feminist and female empowerment symbol who is appreciated by practically everyone. But that appears to be only the surface. After starting her own clothing company, Ivy Park, she has revealed that she pays her female workers startlingly low wages of only 64 cents per hour.

This is not the symbol of empowerment she is looking for. The situation appears to be much worse when someone speaks so loudly about female empowerment and then fails to pay their female employees a fair wage for their work.
Ex-Con Or Hero?
A man named Aaron Tucker rescued someone from a car crash after stepping up to prove himself a hero. On his way to a job interview, he stopped everything to save a person from a car accident. What did the media say about this action? He was referred to as an “ex-con” instead of his name.

It appears he won’t be able to completely clean up his slate. Saving someone’s life probably cost him his job and maybe even his life. How could they come up with such a headline? An ex-con skips his job interview to save a car crash victim. Tragic.
Abortions Forced By The State
As of right now, these kinds of events continue to take place in the modern world and seem almost too horrific to be true. During the course of a year, this woman was forced to terminate four pregnancies by her husband. What is the explanation for this?

His wife would rather undergo these procedures than get pregnant with a daughter, and he did not want to have a child until they could conceive a boy. Her body suffered too much damage because of many pregnancy terminations, and she eventually died. Where were the husband’s actions ever prosecuted? Unlikely.
A Terrible Lie Is Concealing The Truth
In 2005, LaVena Johnson was a 19-year-old lady serving in Iraq when she was found dead in her tent one day. At first glance, the entire situation appeared to be traumatic, as her nose had been shattered, she had a black eye and broken teeth, she had gunshot wounds, and there were corrosive chemicals all over her body, among other injuries.

It was obvious to everyone that something dreadful had occurred, but what exactly was this described as? Suicide. Clearly, there is something seriously wrong with the way her situation was handled. We can only hope that she has found peace at this point.
Certain Things Are Beyond The Reach Of Money
There is a good chance of eliminating poverty if all the billionaires’ wealth is distributed to the poor. But here is the biggest proof that it will never happen (sadly). Billionaire Kylie Jenner’s makeup artist was involved in a car accident requiring $60K in emergency surgery.

Not only did she not automatically cover the cost, but she also asked her fans to donate. Even though she had more than enough to fund the entire surgery multiple times, Kylie Jenner donated a mere $5,000 to the cause instead of paying for it herself.
A 2-Year-Old’s Wheelchair Would Not Be Covered By Insurance
A child’s wheelchair, as simple as it seems, becomes a point of contention between insurance companies, and that is when you know there is something wrong with the system. A high school robotics team was able to build this wheelchair and give it to the family free of charge, saving the family from having to purchase the $20,000 wheelchair for their son.

Unfortunately, the situation is different in the United States. Even while the kindness of this high school robotics team is a heartwarming story, the fact that it had to reach such a low point is quite sad. Is it interesting? Let us in the comment section.
The T-Shirt He Made Is Sad
They fear they may not be seen in the dark if their t-shirts are not bright enough. It’s not the same concern for him. When he runs in his neighborhood, he is concerned about his personal safety and how people perceive him.

People should be aware that he is just running for fun to be suspicious of him. Despite the sad fact that this shirt is required for some, hopefully, it does at least what it intended, and he can still go for a run without interruption.
The Justice System Is Skewed
The justice system cannot possibly be right when it punishes a woman for unknowingly voting. In contrast, she was ineligible (because she had a criminal record) while at the same time only giving others brief jail terms for bribing universities to admit their children.

I find it unfair and unreasonable to give such different sentences to the two women. The problems in countries’ systems cannot be denied forever. The justice system in a country like this isn’t perfect, but it must show that they are improving it.
It Appears That The Wrong People Were Put Behind Bars
Another example of police misconduct can now be added to the list. Breona Taylor and Kenneth Walker were sitting in their home when the police barged in without knocking. Even though they entered the wrong house, they fired twenty shots, of which eight killed his girlfriend.

As a self-defense move, he shot back with a licensed gun, and somehow he ended up in jail for attempted murder. That must have been a horrible, horrible night for them when everything was turned upside down so quickly. His girlfriend was killed, and he was wrongfully sent to jail.
In Sea World, Orcas Are Mistreated
The Orca whale, the biggest member of the dolphin family, is well-known in the United States because of its appearance at Sea World. Unfortunately, despite the fact that orcas require a lot of open space to swim around and be free, they are not handled as humanely as they should be. Do you realize the scale of Sea World as a whole?

The orcas spend their entire lives on the small, tiny green dot in the center of the picture. Even creatures considerably smaller than the Orca would find it difficult to survive their whole lives in such a little place, especially since they are intended to swim freely in the sea.
A Look at What Jim Carrey Reveals About Others
Despite the fact that US military policy and arms agreements are nearly always a source of heated discussion and criticism, they do not always make it to the front pages of the mainstream media. For example, most people were unaware that Saudi Arabia had fired a missile developed in the United States against a school bus in Yemen.

They were also unaware that the explosion had resulted in the deaths of forty youngsters. However, although the United States did not fire the missile, it was transferred to Saudi Arabia, which later used it to hit a school bus in Yemen, according to reports.
A Uniform’s Irony
Most people will never know what it’s like to be targeted for the color of your skin or the way you look. People worldwide are experiencing a very similar experience to police officers who are scared to walk around in their uniforms.

Every single day, people are judged by their appearance and sometimes even harmed. In the future, I hope no one will be judged based on their appearance or have to be afraid of walking down the street for any reason.
Nothing Can Stop Him From Smiling
One thing is certain: This man was arrested and held for unknown reasons. His mug shot would have been a smile. They resorted to force because he would not stop smiling, and the guards weren’t pleased with this behavior. As a result of the prisoner’s claim that he had been choked.

The report stated that he “claimed” he had been choked. In the pictures, you can see that multiple guards have their hands around his neck as he is having his mug shot taken. The use of the word “claimed” might not be appropriate.
Education’s Disturbing Side
Teachers and students worldwide have complained about the stress of online classes. The teacher seemed far too strict with her students in the zoom classes. Teaching is never an easy job. I think it is pretty extreme to prevent students from turning around for a moment to grab a charger for their computers.

Even if it can be hard to manage students over zoom! It’s at least good that the teacher apologized when he realized that the mother had been listening in. If the student had explained, would they have apologized as well?
In The World Of American Healthcare, $345 Is A Candy Bar
If you’ve ever been seeking a concise method to summarise the whole American healthcare system, this brief exchange is it. When you consider how much more costly it would be if you didn’t have a “membership card,” even a $345 dollar candy bar appears to be a bargain in comparison.

It’s mind-boggling to consider how the American public has been brainwashed into believing that paying that much for basic healthcare is the norm. The truth for so many individuals is that they are unable to obtain the basic healthcare that they require and deserve. It is a genuinely tragic reality for them.
An Ambush By Police That Ended Tragically
This man was replaced with his girlfriend playing video games at home after his daughter graduated, another tragic example of what could happen when policing goes wrong. After hearing a knock, several officers were waiting for them when they answered the door.

His hands were in the air as he kneeled on the ground rather than fight them. The officers shot a bullet into his back, killing him. He did not commit any crimes at all and was completely innocent. Police officers who killed him were never arrested or fired for their actions.
Heart Attacks Are Expensive
What would it be like to have a heart attack that threatens your life? The thought of it is terrifying. You receive a hospital bill hefty enough to trigger a second heart attack despite surviving. Your hospital bill alone is over $100,000. How is a person supposed to pay the bill? Hopefully, they will never fall ill again!

The extremely disturbing crisis of extremely high healthcare costs in the US is sometimes dealt with through humor, such as one person who said his parents died of a heart attack rather than taking them to the hospital, saving over $100,000 in the process.
How to Obtain Healthcare in America in the Easiest Way
This man was in such severe need of healthcare in the United States that he determined that robbing a bank would be his best option in order to receive the treatment provided to criminals in prison. He went out and robbed a bank for the little sum of $.

Just so he could be prosecuted as a criminal and thrown in jail…all in the name of getting some basic and inexpensive healthcare. If becoming a criminal and doing time in prison is the only practical method to obtain healthcare, then there is something severely wrong with the system in which we operate.
She Will Not Pay Half The Rent
Imagine yourself in the terrible position of suffering a potentially life-threatening heart attack. Afraid of what could happen, you and your entire family have gathered in one place. You manage to live, only to be confronted with a hospital bill that is so large that it causes you to have a second heart attack. A single therapy resulted in hospital bills of more than $100,000. How is it possible for anyone to afford such a ludicrous expense? Hopefully, they will never have to deal with illness again!

The exceedingly serious situation of extraordinarily expensive health care costs in the United States has prompted some individuals to turn to comedy, such as one guy who claimed that he and his family just let his parents die from a heart attack rather than rushing him to the hospital and saved over $100,000.
Realizing That This Person Is Running For The House Is Terrifying
What could be worse than the fact that this man, Russel Walker, is running for the House of Representatives while being a clear racist himself? One explanation for his success is his assertion that “God is a racist and a white supremacist,” as well as his assertions that Martin Luther King Jr. was a “agent of Satan” and that Jews “all descended from Satan” in his campaign for president.

The most terrifying thing is that he most likely won the election as a result of these remarks, rather than in spite of them. Hopefully, this individual never gets it to the top of the political ladder. It would be absolutely terrifying if he were to get to a position of actual authority.
The Police Aren’t All The Same
The police officers on this list aren’t all bad, despite the fact that the stories told about them. But unfortunately, those who speak up to try to change the system are ignored and punished. Here are a few officers who stood up to corruption and violence.

Unfortunately, they were not taken into consideration and were instead fired. In the future, police officials should pay attention to the officers who are working to improve their department and make it a safer and better environment for all citizens to work.
Pick The Right Side
Women are more likely to be abused by men than the other way around, but any abuse of women should not be ignored. He called the police when his girlfriend began to beat him. The police ignored him despite being covered in bruises and marks, siding with the woman instead.

When he returned to his flat, they refused to let him in due to security concerns. Despite the fact that the police were not present to defend him on that particular day, I hope that this man eventually receives the justice that he deserves.
Xbox vs Insulin Cost
It may come as a surprise to those who do not have diabetes to learn just how prohibitively expensive insulin is in reality. The cost of insulin has become so prohibitively expensive that a new Xbox system is less expensive than a single vial of insulin.

The holidays are a time when children all throughout the world are given extravagant gifts such as Xboxes, while others cannot afford even one vial of insulin to keep themselves alive. How is it possible for anyone to afford to have diabetes, and how is it possible for insulin firms to charge such exorbitant prices for such a necessary medicine while still being legally permitted?
Money Distribution Inequity
No one appears to mind when the wealthy receive government funds, but when people in need receive any form of government assistance, it is seen badly. People’s perceptions should shift, and people in need of assistance should be able to receive it without judgment.

The poor become poorer and the affluent get richer appears to apply here, but maybe this will change one day.
Increasing Living Expenses
The cost of living has increased consistently over the past thirty to forty years, with the greatest increases occurring around college tuition, medical care, and housing expenditures, among other things. The older generations frequently look at the younger generations with bemusement, as if they don’t understand why they can’t afford the lifestyles that they were accustomed to.

It is not taken into consideration that earnings and salary for common jobs have barely increased in the last few years. It’s simply too difficult to get by these days! If all Millenials earned the same amount of money as the Baby Boomers, they too would be living in luxurious homes that they had purchased out of their own pockets. However, unfortunately, that is not the case at the present time.
‘Animals’ They Call the Homeless
There is nothing more repugnant than seeing individuals look down on those who are less fortunate than themselves, especially in such a vile manner as this bagel shop owner demonstrates. When one of his employees suggested that the leftover bagels be given to the hungry homeless people in the area rather than thrown away, he became enraged, stating that he would not allow his employees to “feed the animals.”

This unfortunate employee was attempting to do the right thing by ensuring that leftover food did not go to waste and that it could be used to assist people who were hungry and in need. Instead, he was sacked by his cold-blooded employer!
Free School Lunches
Shouldn’t the lunches for the children in public schools be included in the budget because they are paid for by tax dollars as well? Evidently, this is not the case in the United States. Children are forced to pay for their lunches on a daily basis in the majority of educational institutions. However, unfortunately, many children simply cannot afford to pay for that expenditure, and yet they are required to attend school.

The end result is as follows: When the school lunch line closes, children are left hungry. After being unable to pay for his lunch, this poor eight-year-old was not even given the courtesy of showing him the smallest amount of compassion. Please don’t let something like this happen!
Greatest Hypocrisy
It is a genuinely sad state of affairs when society believes that overcharging the poor is acceptable but that doing the exact same thing to the wealthy is not. The most recent illustration of this was the dramatic increase in GameStop’s share prices. People were furious and complained that the decision was unfair.

On the other hand, people remain deafeningly silent when millions of people are overcharged for critical, life-saving drugs on a daily basis simply because pharmaceutical companies want to earn a great profit. The hypocrisy is palpable and, at the same time, heartbreaking. Imagine if the same kind of fury could be directed towards something that may actually benefit people, such as affordable pharmaceuticals!
How Could the Plastic Sword Ruin His Life?
Darrien Hunt turned cosplay dark when police officers saw him. They assumed he was a cosplayer with a fake plastic sword and “feared public safety” instead of understanding that he was a cosplayer. Even though they may have seen him as a threat, there is no getting around the fact that their reaction and outcome are unfair.

As innocent and fun as cosplay is, a person should never die from it. That morning, he walked out of his house dressed in a fun costume of one of his favorite characters. The plastic sword he was holding probably never thought it would be viewed as such a threat.
A Man’s Experience in the Army
The United States government certainly didn’t anticipate such a positive response to their tweet, which asked “How has service (in the US army) influenced you?” After serving in the army, this man was awarded a scholarship to attend college.

However, when he came out as homosexual in 1992, the army expelled him from school and ordered him to repay the whole amount of his scholarship award. Years later, he is still obligated to pay back the amount. Imagine someone denying you a scholarship because of your sexual orientation. It’s absurd to imagine that anything like this could be legalized and enforced.
The System Is Truly Messed Up
Unfortunately, horror stories about the rising expenses of healthcare in the United States are far from uncommon. This man had to deal with the misery of his wife being diagnosed with cancer, but he also had to deal with the additional burden of having to spend all of their funds to pay for the medical expenditures necessary to help her recover.

Money from their savings accounts and retirement accounts was being spent at a rate that was faster than they could keep track of it themselves. This man has every right to be resentful and bitter at the system that has left him and his sick wife in such a dire financial situation. No one can blame him for feeling this way. We can only hope that his wife was able to receive all of the therapy that she required!
Worst Kind of Cruelty
It is true that there are some heartless people in the world, but there are also some truly nasty ones. Anyone who thought it was amusing or even partially acceptable to slash the tent of a homeless person has reached a new level of despicableness.

When you are a wealthy individual with a comfortable home and a roof over your head, how can you approach a destitute person’s tent and demolish it? This tent was presumably already a difficult acquisition for them; to have it destroyed for no apparent cause was a tragedy to say the least.
They Trusted The Wrong Person
It appears that problems with the police have appeared on our list quite a few times before. It was this little child who paid the ultimate price when the police opted to disregard his cries and re-entrust him to the care of a man who mistreated and murdered him over the course of several years, as well as committed other horrific crimes against him.

Wish the cops had paid attention to him as he begged for assistance. Even worse, the police officer who ignored the boy’s pleadings was never penalized or reprimanded for his conduct; on the contrary, he was promoted as a result of his acts.
Orcas Can’t Surf
If you want to go surfing, you need to get a surfboard and head out into the water. Make a point not to follow in the footsteps of these heinous individuals and choose to stand on top of orcas that are currently held in captivity at Sea World. They are not only mistreated by being confined in areas that are far too tiny for them but they are also mistreated by being used as surfboards by disinterested coworkers. Who gave their approval?!

They even went as far as dressing up like orcas for the photoshoot! Is this some type of performance or a marketing push to entice people to visit Sea World in Orlando? Whatever the case may be, it appears to have backfired due to public outcry.