While some of these bodies of water appear to be just as ominous as they are, others conceal spooky creatures deep below the dazzling surface. However, they all have one thing in common: you should keep as far away as possible. These locations will make you rethink your next holiday, with secrets lying beneath the seas and shark-infested oceans, and boiling hot waters. So go headlong into the terrifying realm of these perilous seas.
Take a Swim in Shark Alley
A region famed for something that terrifies the majority of people in the globe is located just off the coast of South Africa. Although some people are content to swim in shark-infested seas, you should certainly think about avoiding Gansbaai. The amount of sharks swimming here is not only extraordinarily and unsettlingly high, but they are also the aggressive, voracious kind.

Since some sharks rarely bite humans, some other shark-infested waters may not be as dangerous as they initially appear, but Gansbaai is just as hazardous as its nickname, Shark Alley.
Snakes Rule on the Gulf Coast
It’s not a place for the faint of heart to visit the Gulf Coast off the southern tip of the United States. Be cautious if you plan on swimming there to cool yourself from the oppressive heat. Due to the massive farm runoff from Central America, there are relatively few sea species there, but one animal does walk (or should I say slithers?) free: these eerie snakes.

The Gulf Coast’s waters are frequently home to several venomous and hazardous snakes. I had no idea snakes could swim. Now that you are aware, you are aware to avoid these waters at all costs!
Chicago’s Bubbly Creek
How could something with a name like Bubbly Creek be harmful? It has such a joyful, innocent sound. However, some southern stretches of the Chicago River are so terribly contaminated with garbage, factory runoff, human waste, and other debris that it is dangerous for your health to even walk near them. Why is Bubbly Creek thus named? Because the rotting waste in the water causes the water’s natural bubbles to be produced.

No fish can even survive in these waters due to how obscene they are, and any that did were found to have perished very soon. Not the best location for a short swim, for sure! While Chicago’s St. Patrick’s Day festivities are what gave the image above its strong green hue, I believe it could be beneficial to maintain the river green all year round to deter people from dipping their toes.
A Life-Threatening Dive in Thailand
Please think carefully before plunging into this perilous (but fascinating) hole in the water, diving aficionados. Divers frequently struggle to see anything at all as they descend because this hole is so black. Therefore, either bring powerful underwater lights or be ready to scramble through the eerie darkness until you reach the light. A word of caution: getting back up is not that simple!

One of the riskiest and deepest dives in all of Thailand is this one. The Samaesan Hole is a real-life threat, even though it may seem like a challenge.
Avoid the Nile Crocodile
Since the Nile River has been so well-known throughout history and up to the present, it may be hard to comprehend that it is one of the world’s most hazardous bodies of water. There are so many crocodiles in the Nile River that swimming there puts you in alarmingly high danger of getting attacked. The Nile Crocodile is the moniker given to these crocodiles since they are so well-known.

The Nile River experiences around 100 crocodile attacks annually, compared to only 16 shark attacks. It appears that the wrong animal is what most people are afraid of.
Where Many Life-Threatening Creatures Lurk
Australia does not attempt to downplay how hazardous its nation is. In Australia, there is always something out to get you, whether it is strange weather or stupidly big and terrifying creatures. And Queensland is no different. In Queensland, Australia, you should be prepared to swim with sharks, saltwater crocodiles, dangerous octopuses, and the box jellyfish, which is the deadliest of all jellyfish.

Any of the monsters that dwell in these waters can kill you in a matter of seconds with just one sting or bite. Who has the courage to swim here?
Fiji’s Shark-Infested Lagoons
The Fiji Islands are among the most picturesque locations on earth, yet they are also dangerous. Fiji is no stranger to hazardous sharks, as are many places with access to water and the ocean. Before swimming in the clear blue waters of the Beqa Lagoon, you should be advised that it is a known breeding ground for sharks. Swim at your own risk—there are sharks absolutely everywhere!

Although you shouldn’t expect a shark attack, you should be aware that it could still happen. Swim carefully!
The Boiling Lake
Have you ever burned yourself accidentally while handling boiling water? Within a few seconds, you were probably frantically searching for the aloe vera. If you want to take a chance at getting that sensation all over your body, head over to Dominica’s The Boiling Lake. Scalding hot magma exists beneath the water’s surface, which is why the lake’s waters are actually boiling.

You might be in for a nasty surprise on your next trip to Dominica if the steam and the bubbling waters aren’t a loud enough warning to keep away from this scary body of water.
Shark Attack Capital of the World
Why would swimming in the seas of this little island off the coast of Madagascar be so dangerous? Only the fact that, with over 40 shark attacks documented here, it is figuratively the shark attack capital in the world. Although the reason for the high number of attacks is unknown, it is certain that the sharks in this region of the Indian Ocean are not the friendliest.

Reunion Island continues to be a popular tourist destination for visitors from all over the world despite the high number of shark attacks that occur there.
The Land of the Deadly Box Jellyfish
The very dangerous box jellyfish is not just found in Australia. These eight-inch-long creatures, which are capable of instantaneous death, are also abundant in the seas around Thailand. The box jellyfish’s rapid touch and one sting can immobilize you. It is realistic to assume that few individuals live long enough to return to land in time to tell their story because this frequently happens in the ocean.

Box jellyfish are very prevalent in the Gulf of Thailand, making swimming there exceedingly risky. Be careful to come prepared if the lovely waters entice you too much!
It’s Not Called Tiger Beach for Nothing
For a reason, places have names that are specific. Can you determine where in the Bahamas the name Tiger Beach originated? It is so named because there are so many tiger sharks swimming in the local seas. Tiger sharks are the most deadly and prone to attack people when compared to great white sharks and other sharks that appear to be hazardous. So it’s best to avoid it.

The millions of tourists who travel to the Bahamas each year don’t appear to be discouraged from swimming and enjoying the beaches there. Just be mindful that there might be a few tiger sharks waiting for you in the water.
The Most Terrifying Fish in the World Live Here
The Amazon Basin is home to a wide variety of amazing animals, some of which are lovely and kind and others that could be taken out of a horror movie. In addition to the typical caimans, piranhas, and barracudas, this location is home to the candiru, one of the scariest animals in the entire world. This fish is said to swim up your urinary tract and consume your genitalia. What else will scare you away from accessing these waters if it doesn’t work?

It’s depressing to consider that a location this stunning might also be home to some of the world’s ugliest and most harmful animals. What more dreadful creatures might be hiding beneath those waters?
The Underwater Sign Warning You of Your Doom
You would assume that this sign is frightening enough to deter anyone from entering. While attempting to dive at Florida’s Eagle’s Nest Sink Hole, several individuals perish by drowning. Although the water is normally suitable for swimming, there is a shockingly deep hole (300 feet) where individuals have been known to fall in and never come out. There have been at least eleven fatalities only from this cave.

Divers with experience and proper gear are permitted to enter, but as they descend underwater, they are met with this ominous warning sign. How many people will see the alert?
Warning: Unseen Currents Have Killed
True ocean enthusiasts are aware that powerful rip tides should be avoided. And what’s scarier than rip tides that are always powerful? Unexpected ones. Strong and perilous rip tides are known to carry individuals out to sea and keep them there forever on Hawaii’s Hanakapiai Beach. The rip tide’s powerful hold nearly cost one family their two young children. Thankfully, someone quickly requested assistance, and a helicopter was able to save them.

Not everyone who went swimming at Hanakapiai Beach was that fortunate. Due to the hazardous rip tides at this beach, over 80 people have died.
The Ganges River’s Toxins
When individuals disregard how their activities affect the environment, as is so obviously the case with the Ganges River in India, it is very unfortunate. This river was considerably safer and cleaner than it is now before development. It is now a source of extremely deadly chemicals as a result of pollution, rubbish, and plastics, and people utilize it as a general disposal site for all of their waste.

These folks shouldn’t even be rowing their boats on top of the waves since they are so unsafe and unsanitary. It’s disgusting to be around and much worse for your health.
Spain’s Shockingly Acidic River
This vivid orange river can appear to be a spectacular and lovely natural occurrence at first look. It is surprising, but not in a positive manner, regrettably. These liquids ought to be avoided at all costs since they are neither natural nor healthy. Runoff from the nearby coal mining has seriously contaminated the Rio Tinto in Spain, giving it a distinctive orange tint that is also extremely acidic.

It’s really sad to see such lovely scenery degraded as a result of people’s careless handling of the environment. This river might be pure and healthy rather than poisonous and bright orange.
The Underwater Tunnels That Suck People in
Jacob’s Well, in south-central Texas, appears to be the perfect location for a little picnic and a relaxing day in the outdoors at first appearance. The setting is breathtaking, and the lake’s waters are glisteningly pure. What you might not realize right away is that there is a complex network of tunnels and caverns deep beneath the surface of the water that numerous daring individuals are eager to explore.

Although it may be tempting to explore these mysterious and presumably stunning underwater caves and tunnels, navigating the intricate system can be quite challenging. A lot of people have been known to get lost and drown as a result.
Carbon Dioxide Took Over the Place
California’s Horseshoe Lake may initially beguile you with its stunning surroundings. But if you look closely, you’ll see that much of the nearby vegetation is actually dead. This is because several earthquakes that have occurred here throughout the years have released a significant amount of carbon dioxide from the ground. In this place, little nothing can survive.

Given that the surrounding vegetation is struggling to live, it is generally a good idea for you to keep away. Also bad for people are high carbon dioxide levels!
The Dangerous Dam
It might not seem like a risky area to go swimming, but the Hoover Dam is keeping something from you. In addition to being forbidden by law, there are shockingly strong currents within that have claimed the lives of several unwary people. Going swimming is even riskier because there are several intakes and a bell-mouth spillway.

There must be a reason why swimming in the Hoover Dam is forbidden. Despite the fact that it is enticing to take a plunge since it is so attractive.
Russia’s Radioactive Lake
There have been times in history when humans appeared to not give a damn about the environmental harm they were causing. People are still not the most ecologically conscientious species. A classic example of an environment like this that people ruined is Lake Karachay. What was once a clear, healthy body of water has become a poisonous waste lagoon.

Because of the poisonous waste present in the lake, Russia is currently filling it with concrete to assure that no one will ever again endanger their life by swimming in or near the lake.
Swimming in the Red Triangle
The Red Triangle was not given its menacing moniker by accident. The beaches in this region are among the most stunning and well-liked in all of California, but they are also among the most hazardous. The latter group includes Bolinas Beach. Why? Great white sharks frequent the region in unusually large numbers in search of seals and other large fish for snacks and daily meals.

Although it is unlikely that you would be mistaken for a fish (great whites seldom attack people), it is nevertheless possible in these ominous waters, so proceed with caution if you decide to go swimming at Bolinas Beach.
Africa’s Lake of Death
Another stunning face with a terrifying past is Lake Victoria, the biggest lake in Africa and the third-largest lake in the world. This lake is both much feared and tremendously liked since it offers all of the neighboring nations plenty of fishing chances. Over 5000 people perish annually in the waters of Lake Victoria as a result of the specific meteorological zone that exists just for this lake.

Imagine going swimming on a day that appears to be nice and sunny only to be unexpectedly hit by a scary and fatal storm. Not to add that many crocodiles and hippos are living in this lake!
The Waterfall With a Hidden Deathwish
There’s a solid reason why Hawaii’s Kipu Falls is a popular tourist attraction. The waters are fresh and clear, and the area is stunning. Why is there a catch? Unknown factors have led to an unexplainably high frequency of drownings in the water while swimming. If you accept the local tradition, a mysterious curse from the gods might be the cause instead of the waves, whirlpools, or both.

Millions of visitors each year make it a popular tourist site, and more people mean more risk, thus this might possibly explain the high mortality toll.
Don’t Be Tempted by the Turquoise Blue Waters
The Blue Lagoon in the UK is considerably more suited for photographs shot from a distance, despite the fact that the alluring and gorgeous turquoise blue waters have doubtless enticed many people to swim in them. With a stunning pH of 11.3, the lake gives a comparable feel to ammonia or bleach when touched. Therefore, keep The Buxton Derbyshire Blue Lagoon off of your list of places to avoid the next time you’re looking at a map of the UK.

You should also take into consideration staying away from the Blue Lagoon indefinitely since nobody would like to swim in a pool of bleach (no matter how beautiful the waters were).
The Most Dangerous River in Yorkshire
Who would have imagined that a river in Yorkshire, England, would rank among the most hazardous swimming locations on the planet? The Strid, on the other hand, is a surprisingly spooky river that runs through Yorkshire. Although the water is clear and supposedly safe for swimming, it possesses a little-known secret that makes it powerful currents. These currents have the power to engulf you in a split second and kill you by drowning.

The worst thing is that if you do get trapped in one of the currents, you will be carried into the stony bottom of the lake, which will result in an agonizing death from which you cannot escape.
Brown and Muddy Citarum River
The first thing that likely springs to mind when you think about Indonesia is certainly a vision of stunning islands and vibrant landscapes. It is doubtful that when you see the nation, you would picture this nasty, dark, muddy river. The Citarum River is not one of Indonesia’s many picturesque locales. No one wants to be forced to even dab their big toe near these waters since they are so dangerously contaminated and virtually biohazardous.

If you ever travel to Indonesia, I hope you can avoid the Citarum River and instead take in some of the more scenic (and less polluted) areas the nation has to offer.
Don’t Fall to Your Death at Victoria Falls
Even though Zambia’s Victoria Falls is known for having one of the largest and most impressive waterfall systems in the world, swimming there is not advised. The Devil’s Pools are little pools of water that appear safe to swim in, despite the fact that it is impossible to swim below the waterfalls because you would be crushed. The trick is that you are quite likely to tumble over the edge since they are so near to the brink of the falls.

No matter how alluring it could be, you wouldn’t want to take a chance by swimming in these false pools. Simply put, it’s not worth going too far!
The Exploding Lake in Rwanda
Have you ever heard of a lake that exploded? Evidently, it does exist—in Rwanda. Although Rwanda is more renowned for its gorilla safaris, it also has one of the world’s most perilous lakes. It’s possible for Lake Kivu to erupt at any time. The primary reason for this problem is a neighboring volcano, which guarantees that this lake might explode at any time. What takes place during a lake eruption?

When the lake erupts, it produces a significant amount of carbon dioxide, making it exceedingly risky to hang around there and even riskier to swim in it.
The Lake That Was Formed by an Exploded Bomb
Have you ever considered what might occur if a bomb just made a lake? Most likely not, yet that is exactly what occurred at Kazakhstan’s Nuclear Lake. What looks to be a lovely lake in Kazakhstan was apparently produced by an underground Russian nuclear weapon detonation. The outcome is a radioactive and very dangerous lake that must be avoided at all costs! Nobody wants to expose themselves to radiation risk.

It is heartbreaking to think that it was formed by a nuclear weapon and that the entire region has become poisoned as a result because it so closely resembles a component of nature.
The Unsuspecting Waters of the Potomac River
The Potomac River in West Virginia and Maryland is certainly not one of the first locations that come to mind when you think of the most hazardous waters in the world. After all, it appears to be a regular, amiable river where people frequently go swimming. However, appearances might be misleading because there are some strong currents in this river that could quickly suffocate you.

Don’t let the Potomac’s appearance as a tranquil river mislead you; it contains a dark secret that you don’t want to be the one to discover.
Boiling Waters and Volcanic Eruptions
In reality, the seemingly idyllic lake with azure blue waters in the center of Costa Rica’s stunningly rugged landscape is a very dangerous body of water with boiling water. Swimming in this water would practically burn you to death because of how hot it is. Even worse, there is a volcano that is now active and close by that often erupts, leaving the region burning and filled with noxious vapors.

Fortunately, because of the risk it poses to bystanders, the Costa Rican government requires a special permit only to enter the lake.
There Is Danger in the Mystery
The Blue Lake is located in a remote region of Russia called Kabardino-Balkaria. This lake is so blue that it has captivated experts from all over the world. Hydrogen sulfide in the water has been blamed for the water’s distinctive hue, but there is another mystery buried deep. This lake’s depth has never been precisely measured, and it appears that no one is willing to do so out of fear.

Around the potential animals that may reside deep in the waters of Blue Lake, there are several tales and myths. What is mysterious might as well stay that way.
Jellyfish and Rip Tides
The well-known tourist attraction in South Carolina, Myrtle Beach, might seem like a joke in comparison to some of the other hazardous waterways on our list. But something about this beach is fatal. Like several other beaches, there is a significant chance of getting caught in a rip ride. In addition, there are a lot of cannonball jellyfish in these seas, which, if stung, can render you instantly paralyzed.

Even though these two items alone are not particularly hazardous (though they should still be carefully avoided), when combined, they are quite lethal for both swimmers and beachgoers.
Home to One of the Deadliest Limnic Disasters
Lake Nyos in Cameroon is a calm and secure lake for most of the year. However, because of its proximity to the Cameroon Volcanic Line, it poses a very serious risk. As the name implies, there is a lot of frequent volcanic activity in this region. One of the deadliest limnic disasters in history resulted from this. A large CO2 cloud was discharged into the region as a result of one eruption.

This explosion resulted in the deaths of 1,700 persons and more than 3,000 animals. That eruption wrecked devastation in Cameroon and was extremely, extremely destructive.
Runner up for the Shark Attack Capital of the World
Reunion Island, off the coast of Madagascar, is the site of the majority of shark attacks worldwide, but New Smyrna Beach in Florida is giving Reunion Island a run for its money. Don’t be deceived by the area’s stunning sandy beaches; there is a hidden danger that may prove fatal. If you’re afraid of sharks, this is not the place for you to swim.

There is a good probability that you will encounter a shark at New Smyrna Beach even if one doesn’t really attack you because there are so many of them swimming around the seas there.
The Toxic Mono Lake in California
The majority of people would probably stay away from Mono Lake because of its frightening moniker. But feel free to stop by Lake Mono, which is close to Lake Tahoe, if you’re seeking to view some unique geological structures. Even though the waters are hazardous and you can’t swim in them, they are nonetheless intriguing to look at, cool to photograph, and make for a nice shot.

The Los Angeles streams have depleted the lake’s resources, leaving it with a particularly high concentration of carbonates, which contributes to its poisonous nature.
Nothing Can Live in These Waters
The only thing Siberia is renowned and infamous for is its very frigid weather. There is a mysterious lake called Pustoye Lake that very few people have ever heard of. Although this lake seems to be completely normal, for some reason, not much can dwell in the waters. Although plants and animals can endure under the water for a while, they are unable to reproduce and eventually just disappear.

The oddest aspect of all is that nobody truly understands why there isn’t much life in Pustoye Lake. Unsolved and unsettling, it makes you want to stay away from swimming in this odd lake.
Largest Lava Pit in the World
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nyiragongo is located close to the biggest lava hole in the world. You should avoid Nyiragongo if you travel there because it is already not one of the safest nations to visit. You definitely don’t want to go swimming in this volcanic area, and if you do, it’s unlikely that you’ll survive. You’ll perish quickly if there’s too much carbon dioxide in the air or if the water is too hot.

The tremendous quantities of carbon dioxide that are produced from the region make it unsafe to even approach this body of water. It’s preferable to simply steer out of the situation.
The Abandoned Copper Mine Became a Lake
This lake was made possible by the abandonment of a copper mine near Butte, Montana. However, the majority of the harmful compounds found in copper mines were never removed from the region. What’s the outcome? a water body that should never be approached since it is exceedingly poisonous and deadly. No one should be permitted to approach, much less swim in, this area since the residual toxins can cause catastrophic harm.

People could be enticed to go swimming in Berkeley Pitt’s chilly waters since the building looks so stunning from the outside with the cloud reflection on the lake.
Avoid All Bodies of Water in Mumbai
Mumbai is a beautiful city known for its great culture and vibrant hues. However, it is not renowned for having clear waters. Since the people just utilize the region as a landfill for all of their rubbish, Mumbai’s waterways have (unfortunately) gotten quite unsafe and dirty over the years. What was once crystal clear and gorgeous has unfortunately changed into real filth that plagues the neighborhood.

It is probably best to stay away from Mumbai’s seas altogether until India finds a better way to deal with its trash issue.