Family portraits are a memory for the future of all family members. They’re not always perfect, and no matter what kind of family member you are, sometimes the photos are intimidating. Family photos used to be taken in photo studios, with good lighting and color correction. Usually, they were portraits where each family member stands strangely, has a strange expression, or is dressed strangely. Of course, everyone prepares for the photo shoot, it’s a planned event. But despite this, people look strange there.
Unfortunate Timing
Sometimes, when taking photos, you should hurry or wait a little bit. For example, this Christmas photo shoot should have been perfect. Indeed, what could be better than having the whole family in one house? Parents, children, grandchildren, brothers, and sisters all gathered together. And of course, what could be better than pets? For example, these are dogs here. They really made this photo lively and emotional, just look at the family’s reaction, and how sincere their smiles are.

Everyone here, including the children, seems to know that these two dogs are not just fighting because they are excited about the family photo. The woman in the back even has to turn her head.
Dad is In Good Physical Shape
This photo raises a lot of questions, and it also gives the impression that these people are from different worlds. Was the photo taken at home or in a studio? Why did the man choose this particular pose? Why is the woman on her knees? Why does the man look so radiant and as if anointed with self-tanner? Could these people not be family?

The man is good, he keeps himself in shape. But in my opinion, he should have chosen a better time to take the photo. Or at least get dressed for this photo shoot.
Ride Or Die
Usually, family photos with guns include all family members dressed elegantly, with nature, trees, or mountains in the background. And men are holding the guns, as hunting and defense is a man’s job. But this photo is an exception. Everything is strange here.

Starting from the girls dressed in 2000s style with crazy hairstyles, the M-16 rifle in the hands of one of them, and the background that makes it seem like the photo was taken in front of a warehouse, pharmacy, or any other store.
We Are Humans, Not Aliens
People are strange creatures, especially in this photo. If scientists were to use this photo as a basis for their research papers, they could quite seriously write about the confirmed existence of aliens and even their entire families.

We do not know why this family is wearing these “hats” on their heads. Perhaps it was an image that the boy on the left does not like. Or maybe they live like this all the time and it’s their peculiarity. Maybe it’s a family tradition or their humor.
Every young child knows where to put their hands in photos with loved ones, especially women. These kids are no exception. But if you don’t pay attention, the photo looks very cute and family-like, everyone is happy and smiling. Especially the child, whose smile is from ear to ear.

It is a pity that the child’s hand was not noticed at the time of the shooting, the family would have smiled even better.
Christmas Cards
Christmas photos are not only when the family is together, but also when friends join in the celebration. You’ve seen photos with dogs before, but compared to this one, it doesn’t surprise you. Are you sure that this photo was taken by a family? Or maybe friends? It’s at least embarrassing to be naked in front of your family at this age, people in the photo are not newborns. But I’m sure everyone remembered the photo.

The people in the photo probably didn’t want to repeat last year’s photo on the shelf on the right. It is very banal.
What’s Happening Here
This isn’t the weirdest photo on this list, nor is it the most embarrassing, but it’s definitely one that makes you wonder “what’s going on here?”. More so than many of the other photos you’ll see here, there’s a lot going on here. A mother is holding a chicken for some reason. A young boy is dressed like a cowboy. The other son is holding what appears to be an accordion. In all of these cases, the daughter’s clothes still don’t match the person in the photo.

With all of that said, the only normally dressed person in the photo appears to be the father. But, if this is a family portrait of themes, then dad might just be playing the part of a Baptist minister.
When Kids Won’t Cooperate
Up until now, there have been surprisingly few photos that directly feature children, but now that’s changed. We don’t know this kid’s real name, but let’s call him Billy, and he personifies all the kids who get dragged to family photo events and don’t want to be photographed. Billy just stares blankly while the photographer clicks the shutter and takes the picture, and it’s hilarious.

Billy is practically throwing a tantrum, while the rest of the family goes about their lives as if nothing is wrong. They even appear to be screaming from below.
Back To The 70s
The 1970s brought monumental cultural achievements, but this style of family portraiture is not one of them. However, perhaps we are being too harsh on this classic. The biggest problem in this photo seems to be the dad. We’re not sure what the photographer told him, but for some reason, there’s a huge difference between his family’s smiles and his thousand-yard stare. This photo looks funny, but also a little awkward. I wonder what thoughts are going through dad’s head?

The nervous look on his son’s face really doesn’t help. But it does make for a more interesting and ultimately hilarious look at life and family photos from the 1970s.
A Christmas Card For The Cousins
Another example of kids who don’t want to be anywhere, the daughters in this photo all have a few things in common. A taste for music is just one of them. Beyond that, it’s doubtful they would have wanted to pose together for a family photo, let alone one with Santa Claus. But their obvious distress would make for a pretty funny Christmas card to send to their families.

This photo even reminded us of an old sitcom called “The Munsters,” which basically followed a family dressed as goths and their interactions with other normal everyday people. We wonder why we thought of that!
An Intimate Family Photo
Home births are quite often talked about nowadays, but they have been widespread since ancient times. In this photo, we see happy parents, a newborn baby, and two older sons. Don’t you think the middle one didn’t like this action? The baby was born and that’s great, but maybe the other children shouldn’t be forced to go to the pool with them.

Home births are not always safe and you need to think about other family members in advance.
Merry What?
Something must have happened to Santa Claus when this photo was taken. To be honest, it might as well have been Halloween instead of Christmas. Fortunately, the kids didn’t seem too offended – the daughter didn’t seem interested in the whole scene, while the baby wanted to know what was going on.

It’s a great example of what happens when you wait too long for a Santa costume. Every father takes note because you don’t want to get a Christmas card like this.
Family Photos Are All About Positioning
The proportions of a group of people are important. They should be taken into account and observed to make the photo look harmonious and clear, without defects. The photo should be pleasing to the eye. The photographer did not take into account the fact that the dog in that place in the photo may be superfluous.

You can read the question on his face: “What’s going on here?” But the whole family looks quite happy.
Is This Another Themed Photoshoot?
This is either another themed family photo or a very strange photo taken with a parrot. If this is a themed photo, we can assume that this couple is doing a Pablo Escobar impersonation. If not, we’d love to meet these guys and hang out with them, but we might not need a gun because they have bayonets.

Once again, let your pet be the voice of reason. Like the dog we saw earlier, the parrot seems to be the only one in the photo with a curious expression.
Mr. Monkey, Monkey Doo
Is there anything more difficult than getting kids to sit down and pose for a photo? You might not see what’s happening in this photo – it looks like this couple adopted six monkeys and brought them in for a family photo. There’s nothing wrong with bringing your pets to a family photo shoot, but maybe it’s the clothes the monkeys are wearing that make this photo stand out.

Some of the monkeys are wearing overalls, some are wearing Victorian dresses, and frankly, they’re cute, but the monkey in the bottom center doesn’t look like he wants to do anything.
I’m Not Sure What’s Really Going On Nere
If a picture is worth a thousand words, sometimes those words are random and strangely confusing. This photo is one such example: these people are wearing plates on their heads and dentures in their mouths with no apparent rhyme or reason. It’s a strange, happy family that for whatever reason decided to get together, get dressed, and take a picture.

I think they’re all wearing plastic cups over their eyes, just in case, but the person taking the photo and pointing the camera at them probably didn’t realize that.
Great Dresses for Family Photos
Dressing appropriately is an important part of taking family photos. Sometimes this means simply dressing nicely. Sometimes it means matching the family members. And sometimes it means matching not only the family members but the entire environment around them. This family decided to do just that, and I can tell you that the photo turned out pretty well. In fact, the family blended in so well that it was hard to tell them apart from the couch.

Now, whether or not their surroundings look good with plush materials and vintage patterns is another discussion. But at least everyone in this photo looks like they’re having a good time.
Not The Second Best Photo
As with the last photo on this list, this family photo has its problems. Obviously, it was taken at a different time, but nonetheless, it is very strange to have a family photo taken in Native American clothing. It’s unclear if this is part of a theme or if the family (especially the mom) is part Native American, but either way, it’s a creepy look into the past.

On top of that, the father in the photo looks strikingly similar to a character from Parks and Recreation – and if you know the show, this photo would fit the bill perfectly.
A Portrait With Portraits
The father in the photo has gone very far and got a rather interesting tattoo. These are not only the names of family members or the family name. These are also their portraits. It looks creative. I wonder what his family thinks about it. Is it possible to make changes to your appearance so that you don’t get the impression that there is another person on your dad’s back?

Someone’s face looks ironic, doesn’t it? And there is something else ironic in this photo. Namely, Dad’s tan, which is uneven. If his hands were tanned, we wouldn’t be surprised. But it looks like he put a self-tanner on his back.
Family Photo At The Renaissance Faire
This isn’t a traditional family photo, but there’s definitely something interesting about it. Forgetting for a moment that dad is dressed as a centaur, who is the person in the background and why isn’t he in the photo, and why is dad dressed as a centaur? I wonder how he was able to walk around in this costume, which seems like something two people would have to wear.

And I have a question about his height. Either he’s standing on something or he’s ridiculously tall. His daughter in the photo also looks like she’s bored with everything and is ready to leave.
Not The Best Look
This recent family photo was apparently taken at a Christmas tree farm during the holidays. Nothing says equality like a Christmas card with every family member’s mouth taped and hands tied with Christmas lights. Jokes aside, the expression on my son’s face and the thumbs-up are hilarious.

Honestly, everyone’s facial expressions are spot on in this photo, which is hard to do in a family photo where the family is all tied up together.
At Each Other’s Throats
Here’s another photo of a family with pets, showing that it’s hard for the kids to pose, and even harder when you add the pets. The two dogs seem to not want to sit here any more than the kids do. While the two brothers are laughing, the middle brother is putting on a brave face.

But to be honest, he looks scared. Poor guy, there’s nothing worse than sitting patiently for a picture and then having two dogs attack each other at close range.
Family Hobbies
Family hobbies can be healthy and pretty fun. I’m referring to things like fishing or hiking. However, when taking family photos, it’s best to keep these things out of the forefront or you’ll get a photo that looks like it came out of a 1980s movie poster. The best part of this photo is probably the glasses Dad is wearing.

This photo sold very well. The second best thing about this photo is that Dad is wearing a different colored belt than the rest of the family, but I’m wondering if this belt is higher or lower than the others.
Before The Influencers
Before there were influencers, there was a strange couple who sent the most outrageous Christmas cards. For some reason, the dad was lying on the carpet in the background and the mom was laughing happily in front of him. Imagine getting a card like that in the mail in the early to mid-2000s. You may have reconsidered everything you thought you knew about Uncle Earl. As it turns out, he really liked the way the carpet felt on his body.

Other than that, his facial expression in this photo is actually pretty good, a creepy yet sensual scream, like a really weird shampoo or lotion commercial.
The Cat Takes My Picture
Another family photo featuring a pet, this time a kitten. But instead of wandering around, it’s tucked into a pocket. As far as weird family photos go, this one isn’t that weird, it’s just ridiculous in the best way possible. However, some of the family members clearly don’t want to be there – one of the daughters looks ready to go.

The woman in the back is looking at something else. But the boy on the far right is the only one holding back laughter and seems to be giving something away.
Becoming One With The Photo
Family photos taken between the late 1990s and mid-2000s are usually boring. It’s always the same boring background and the same men and women wearing the same color clothes. But these people found a way to make things more interesting: for some reason, Darth Vader is just hanging in the background of the photo. When you look at this photo, you can almost hear him breathing in the background.

But this begs the question. Who exactly is wearing the Darth Vader costume? If it’s a son or daughter, how did they convince their parents to let them wear it?
There’s The Fan, And Then There’s This
In one of the most embarrassing photos on this list, this family thought it would be cool to paint their faces like Gene Simmons for a family portrait. It must have taken a long time to get everyone’s makeup ready, but at least the dog is the first one I’ve seen without a problem. The family looked great, but it would have been 10x cooler if they’d painted the dog too.

If you wanted to draw a dog like Gene Simmons, a Rottweiler could be the perfect portrait. Instead, it looks like you’re wondering why it wasn’t included.
The Themed Family Photo
Sometimes photographers like to spice up their family photos with an occasional theme. While this may sound like a good idea, it can lead to some hilarious results. In this photo, the father somehow seems to be frozen in place, axe in hand, defending his family from looters, while his family watches in the background. However, I think this theme is a bit too much for a family photo.

For example, why is Dad wearing a fox, and why is he wearing a fox down there? Also, the lighting in this photo is off, as if everything was shot separately and then put into place in Photoshop.
The View Of The Red
This is actually a pretty crazy family photo. It looks like everyone has red hair, except for the dad. But I really like the way the photographer leaned in to give the whole photo a red hue. He also picked the perfect fall backdrop to go with it. The whole family blended in nicely, but Dad didn’t seem interested in the photo at all.

And who can blame Dad? We probably wouldn’t have been as happy if someone had told us to dress like this. But the rest of the family looked like they were having a great time.
Some Ideas Are Just Better Left In Your Head
Having each member of your family represent a different color of the rainbow in a photo might sound like a great idea, but as you can see from this photo, sometimes ideas are better left in your head. The family photo shown here looks a little strange, and it would have been difficult to coordinate all the colors, the only thing that doesn’t match is the shoes.

But at least the kids look like they’re having a good time. We wondered what they would think if they looked at this photo again, or if they would ever look at this photo again.
Once again, poor positioning turns a great family photo into something else. This time, though, it’s not the animal’s fault: in this photo, Dad’s head is, unfortunately, blocking the main letters of the sign behind him. It’s still a great photo, but it’s one that’s likely to generate more laughs than any other.

To be honest, this mistake could have made for a better photo. Sure, it was a great photo before, but who wants to take the same boring photo as everyone else at Disneyland?
When It’s Annoying
Sometimes you don’t ask to be photographed and when the time comes, you just sit there and smile and do nothing. That seems to be the case with this guy in the photo here. Instead of dropping his turkey leg, he rolls it up and continues to enjoy his meal. He still looks like he’s smiling when someone tries to take a picture with a flash while he takes another bite.

But to be fair, he pulled it off, and the food and beer combo looked pretty good. All in all, it looked like an opportunity to get together with a fun group.
When It Was A Fad
There was a time when parents thought it was cute to have their kids dress up as cartoon characters for family photos. Fortunately for today’s kids, that’s mostly a thing of the past. Unfortunately, some of us here probably have a few of those pictures floating around somewhere. In this particular case, the kids have dressed up as Winnie the Pooh characters. Stand-ups even appear.

But let’s be completely honest: the kid dressed up as Eeyore looks too old to be dressed up as a character from Winnie the Pooh. He also looks too old to be having that much fun.
Happy Birthday
Speaking of photos that make you want to know more, this one is pretty interesting: it appears to be a birthday photo, but only one person in the photo is smiling, and it’s not the birthday person. Everyone else looks like they’ve received some really bad news. Even the little girl with the balloon looks like she had a bad feeling when this photo was taken.

But that aside, the aesthetic of this photo actually looks pretty cool, like something out of a Bill Murray movie. Heck, the guy in the middle even looks like Murray.
Guess What Year It Is?
Speaking of times, this family photo was taken in the 1980s. The big heads, mustaches, and extreme ambrosia are a sight to behold. But if you’re laughing now, you’re not alone. 20 years from now, chances are you’ll look back at a photo taken today with the same eyes, but at least you won’t think mustaches are cool – unless you work in law enforcement.

All kidding aside, everyone in this photo is having a good laugh, which makes it a better family photo than half of the photos on this list.
Other Reviews
When I think of the 1990s, nothing says that era more than giant cell phones, pagers, and bright blue business suits. It’s clear that this is a photo from another time before the iPhone made most of the things in this photo obsolete. The facial expressions of the various family members are also priceless. The girl’s smile is one of the best I’ve ever seen, and the boy looks like he’s actually talking to the person on the other end of the phone.

Dad, meanwhile, is halfway through a conversation as if he forgot he was taking a picture, while mom is the only one looking perfectly normal.
About To Explode
In this photo, the family photo outfit is once again prominent. We’re not sure what’s going on, but we can make a guess. The family in the photo is about to blast off into space, and they stop to take one last picture together. Or maybe they hired Wes Anderson as their photographer and added his unique style to the photo. Either way, it would have been weird to wear something like that during a family photo shoot.

But what’s even weirder is the expression on the family’s face on the far right. They look like they just woke up, wondering how they got there and what they’re wearing.
When You See a Trap On The Road
In what is probably the most unusual pet photo on this list, this family decided to take a possum to a family photo shoot. While possums make great pets, they’re a little strange looking. Honestly, it looks like a scene from a sitcom. The overalls, cowboy hat and glasses made me want to know more about this family.

I also wanted to know more about the possum – was it really a pet, where did they get it, and why did it act calmer than most of the dogs on this list?
We’re Happy, We Promise
There’s a lot going on in this photo. Outdated attire, different types of pets, and an obviously fake smile. It’s as if all the confusing parts of this photo have been merged into this gem of a family photo that shines at one point or another. The pets don’t seem to know what’s going on, which is why the boy is holding the duck’s neck.

Something off-camera seems to have caught the dog’s attention, and everyone in the photo seems to be holding their breath waiting for the picture to be taken, except for the dad, who looks a little more normal than the rest of the family.
A Little Beer Never Hurt Anyone
Yes, it’s true that times were different in the past. But ask enough people and one of them will have an old photo similar to this one, where the father appears to be handing his daughter a sip of beer while continuing to smoke a cigarette. Today, neither of these things are allowed, but back then, only one was, but it makes for an interesting picture.

Some of the pictures on this list are only partially interesting because of their oddity.