Photography is probably one of the best inventions made in the world. It helps us to capture the most important moments and have them with us forever. What a truly precious thing: being able to look at something or someone important to us anytime! No matter what exactly you want to capture: a family dinner, a moment from the best trip, or just a photo of your soulmate, absolutely every photo will bring you back to the day it was made. But let’s look at some cool photos that were also captured at the best second!
One Second Before The Fall
Photos can make us feel different emotions. Sometimes we look at something with some love and warmth, but there are images that are really funny and memorable because of another thing. Look at the photo below: it was made just a second before these people fell. They were probably enjoying the ride at first, but it didn’t end well. Damn, I guess it was really painful considering that these people didn’t have any helmets, and of them even were without shoes.

I hope that this photo will not only make them smile thinking about the crazy times together but will also teach them a lesson as it’s pretty obvious how many rules they haven’t been following. Maybe next time they’ll be prepared much better.
Hey, What’s Up?
Here we go again: another cute but not the smartest dog. If you have a dog you probably know that to know each other better dogs prefer to smell each other’s area under the tail. This smell probably gives a lot of information to the dogs, although it’s really hard to imagine how it works. So here is what we can see here: that dog saw another one on the wall and decided to say hi.

This pup isn’t really good at understanding who’s real and who’s not as he decided to smell a drawing of a dog. The owner of the dog was probably laughing really hard and decided to snap a shot.
When it’s time to open a bottle of champagne people are usually divided into the ones who’re ready to do it and the ones who are afraid. There are people who can do it professionally without shooting the ceiling, glasses, or guests. But the person who was opening the bottle at the moment when the photo was taken probably needs some lessons to master the skills…

Someone was lucky to take the photo at the exact same moment when the bottle cork almost hit the man’s eye. He probably noticed something the cork was flying right into him… Ouch.
Wait, What’s That?
I know what you’ve seen when you looked at the photo for the first time. It takes at least a few seconds to realize what’s happening in that picture. There is just a couple in their swimsuits, but the photographer chose the most perfect angle to mess it all up. These people probably were having a really good time on the lake, swimming, chilling, and sunbathing. And I guess their friend decided to take a photo of the couple.

The photographer is definitely not a professional as the angle he chose made the woman’s legs together with the man’s hand look like something we were shocked to see!
Is He Really Young?
Do you remember the story of Benjamin Button? Well, this photo looks like a part of that movie. The picture is showing a small baby who is just 9 months old. However, the angle really messed everything up and as a result, the kid looks like an old man. The child still looks really nice and cute, but I guess we should be really more attentive when we capture something.

You are probably interested in how that happened… Well, the dad decided to make a photo of his kid when the baby was planning to sit on the floor. But the man didn’t check the shutter speed (and it was really high) so the camera was freezing every movement in the same second.
The Best Teacher
How did you learn how to ride a bicycle? Some people say it’s been the easiest thing for them, although others are struggling for real. Anyway, it’s really important for kids to have an adult near them to help and support them. Besides, it’s really necessary to control if a kid is putting a helmet on as it’s essential when you are learning something traumatic. Now, look at this man who is reacting pretty fast to save his kid.

It’s really impressive! When the child did something wrong and almost fell, his daddy was there for him putting his foot under the kid’s back to save him.
Becoming A Plane
Have you ever thought about how clever seagulls are? They truly are smart! It’s already proven that these birds can really learn how to behave and even give the knowledge to some younger seagull generations. These abilities can definitely help seagulls to overcome many difficulties and get what they need. Now look at this cool photo! Feels like the bird has really known how to join the airplane show, doesn’t it?

We can’t know the truth. But the fact that the seagull really improved the photo is obvious.
Hitting The Ceiling
It’s always cool to be invited to a wedding! Even though all of them are completely different, there is always something similar in all weddings. There is always a huge amount of meals, funny games, and well-known traditions. Looking at the photo, it seems that people were having a great time, but then they decided to add some craziness. The guests turned a popular tradition into reality: they started throwing the groom up but probably too many intentions were made as a result of which the groom got too high.

The best moment when the man hit the ceiling was snapped by the photographer. I hope the wedding wasn’t ruined.
A Proud Cook
Just imagine how it may feel when you’ve cooked one of your favorite meals, and then you accidentally drop everything on the floor… I guess this guy was really sad. He was definitely proud of his cooking skills and someone even decided to take a photo of him with his meal but instead, captured it at the ideal moment. I think all of us have experienced those terrible emotions.

Staying in the kitchen for hours, cooking something difficult, and then just losing the result in a second… So sad. I hope one day this man will be able to look at this photo and laugh without any sadness.
A Dog That Was Too Into Frisbee
I can look at clumsy pets forever as they are usually as funny as no one else! Even if a dog is barking and trying to look really mad, its clumsiness won’t go away as a result of which you will probably witness a funny situation. You can see a really cute dog in the photo, however, this doggo is probably not the most careful one in the world. Someone was playing with the dog and decided to make a photo of that happy time!

As you’ve probably noticed this dog was too into getting that frisbee… And as a result, the pup just ran into a huge tree! Funny but probably really painful.
What A Model!
Holidays are the best part of the year for many people, however, when the kids are born, all vacations become a little more stressful. It’s still cool to go on a trip but with kids, everything is more difficult. You should make sure that the children are warm, safe, and not hungry. Even though parents have more responsibilities. Trips with the kids are still one of the most memorable things for them.

You can see how excited the woman and her 2 kids are looking at something during the trip. However, the man was looking at something else which is why it looks like his eyes are staring at the photographer. As both husband and wife wear white t-shirts it looks like the man’s pose is very fun and unusual.
Who’s Shooting?
Sometimes it’s not that easy to understand what’s really happening in the picture. Let’s clarify this one. Some US states in the South and the West really enjoy rodeos that have been popular here for ages. A lot of contests like roping and races like racing on barrels make the event really exciting. However, there is another traditional event that’s not so popular but still, many people come to participate in it.

This festival is known as the “invisible ghost shootout” and it’s celebrated during Halloween week. You can see a man in the picture who was performing in front of many people. He was doing a flip when this image was captured.
Daddy’s Love
It’s always hard to leave the home once you’ve graduated. But to be honest, it’s probably even more painful for parents to let us go. That’s why some parents are trying to leave their kid not too far, just like the father in the photo. It’s weird and funny in the same way as it feels that the dad is trying to take his daughter back and protect her literally.

The photographer really chose the wrong angle, although the result is pretty cool. But putting all jokes aside, this man was probably really proud of his daughter who was taking a photo with some of her friends.
Not The Beard
It feels like every dad who has a beard felt some pain looking at the photo. It’s probably somehow relatable, right? When the kids are very small they enjoy grabbing something, but their favorite thing is hair. It doesn’t matter if it’s a beard, a hair on the head, or anything else. So when someone was taking a picture of this man with his child, everything went not so well…

It looks like the child took all his strength and pulled his dad’s beard really hard. It’s obvious that it caused the man a lot of pain because of his grimace.
A Photo With The Violence
I’m sure that some animals are definitely smarter than people. The bird from the photo is a toucan called Sam, and he is a real star. The guy probably wanted to make a photo with the bird, but Sam suddenly decided to pinch the boy. It was completely unexpected to everyone who was there, and the guy’s shock is easy to get.

However, let’s notice that the guy wasn’t really mad, otherwise, he was pretty calm. Or maybe he was seriously shocked.
A Football Player With A Ponytail
As you’ve already noticed angles are very important when someone is taking a photo as sometimes the craziest things can be captured. When I looked at the photo below I needed some time to really understand what was happening there. I think this boy’s parents came to this practice or game to support his kid, and then suddenly he decided to take a picture of him. But at that exact moment, someone with the ponytail was very close to the boy… Well, you see what’s happened.

It looks like the boy has not only a ponytail but also more than 2 legs considering that 2 of them are not on the ground, and the sneakers are very different.
Pool Party
Would you like to be invited to a pool party? It’s really cool as such parties are usually full of people, great music, and drinks. But not everyone is a fan of such things. The girl in the photo is definitely one such person: she is literally showing everyone that such a party isn’t cool. Her pose and facial expressions are saying it all. But that’s not it: the photographer was a really funny guy as he captured the girl from an angle that makes her body weird.

The female is staying in the pool showing only her face above the surface. No doubts that the perspective is so strange.
Family Dinner
Accidents happen all the time, and sometimes you can’t prevent them. People need to deal with them at home, in the restaurant, at work – literally everywhere. What do you think has happened in the photo? It seems like the woman just made an inaccurate movement as a result of which the cocktail was spilled all over her son. It’s even funnier when you realize that the waiter was taking a photo at that moment.

This photo will stay with the family forever, so they’ll probably laugh at that situation a lot. But for now… I just hope their dinner was still great!
Music Everywhere
It’s pretty understandable why wireless earphones have become so popular among all music lovers. But still, there are people who prefer old earphones even though they are tangled almost all the time. Sometimes people don’t even try to untangle them! That’s exactly what the man in the photo has done but look what a masterpiece was made! It truly looks unbelievable!

It’s hard to imagine that but when the man took the earphones and turned the music on his earphones made a famous music symbol out of themselves. It’s really awesome that someone has noticed that and made a photo!
Splash In The City
Public buses can be a really great help if for some reason you can’t drive a car. But getting on a bus every single day is pretty annoying: too many people and the same route can literally drive anyone crazy. The bus in the photo is promoting a city water park as it was decorated with a photo of a laughing couple. Damn, it makes me want to get to the swimming pool…

Someone took the photo of that bus on a really great day when it was raining all day long. The streets were full of water as you may see. But because of the angle, it looks like the couple was actually riding on a pool of rain making splashes.
The Girl With The Butterfly Eyes
Animals and insects can really make fun of us sometimes. Just look at this beautiful and creative butterfly! A woman probably wanted to have a nice photo in nature, and the butterfly was glad to be a model as well. But she chose the best place to make the female look really weird and crazy.

The butterfly is painted by nature in a very beautiful way, and because of her positing, it really looks like the woman has crazy eyes. Masterpiece!
We should really give extra credit to those photographers who are there at the greatest moments! Sometimes I look at the image for some minutes to understand what’s happening there, and this photo gives the same feeling. This woman probably wanted to make a photo of the view through the window. So she just took her phone and was ready to snap a picture.

But how could anyone predict that falcons would be curious and fly to the woman’s window? The female couldn’t imagine that, so she was definitely shocked when one of the falcons appeared right in front of her. That bird together with the woman’s reflection is the reason for this cool picture that looks like a falcon’s selfie.
Get Away From My Food!
I think it’s really important for people to help animals and birds when they have such a chance. Looking at the photo, it’s obvious that someone decided to feed the birds but unfortunately, the plate isn’t big enough to place several birds on it. Turns out birds don’t like sharing their meals with anyone else just like us. But what’s really happening in the photo? I guess one bird was having dinner when another came to enjoy food as well.

The bird in the photo really doesn’t love sharing its food and is always ready to kick someone who is trying to get some snacks. And someone was already there making this cool photo!
A Stylish Boy
Fashion is one of those spheres where photography is even more important. Both photographers and celebrities work really hard to get the most epic photos, and choosing the best angle is one of the most important things. But when some people practice poses to look cool, others do literally nothing but the most unusual angle just come to them making the photo hilarious!

Just take a look at this guy! He was sitting when someone decided to make a picture of him. As a result, it looks like the guy has been wearing some impressive heels.
UNO Is Taking A Boy
Here comes another photo proving that angle is probably the most important thing when you are capturing the photo. It looks like it was an air show, so the helicopter came to perform. Of course, many people were taking photos as always happens at such events: that’s why this photo was taken. This kid’s dad decided to make his son be higher, at the exact same time when the helicopter started to lift something.

Because of the angle and the perfect timing of the photo it looks like the helicopter was trying to lift the boy: looks like an UNO situation from the films.
Sneezing Hard
Probably every family has hundreds of cute photos of their kids. However, it doesn’t mean that babies can’t shout or be mad. They actually are, and it happens pretty often, so they need as much love, care, and attention as anyone can offer. It seems that the kid in the photo is really angry and shouting at his parents, but the truth is that something different has happened.

A second after the photo was captured this child sneezed really hard. So the photo is just showing how well-prepared he was for that action. It looks very funny to us, but the kid’s parents will enjoy this photo for sure.
Where Is His Head?
Yoga is a really great way to relax after a hard week, get rid of muscle tension, and become calmer. But as you probably know yoga has a lot of different exercises and poses, and some of them can look pretty weird. As you can see, someone made a photo of these people exercising in the park which is a great idea actually!

The photographer definitely decided to make a photo of people staying in a pretty strange pose. But besides, he chose an angle that makes everything even weirder. That man’s head is absent, and I don’t even want to predict where his face is.
Not Very Stable
Animals and birds are really the cutest! They can be mad, sad, funny, and sometimes even a little bit clumsy. And in this story, some unlucky situation happened with the owl! Birds can lose their feet too, and that’s what’s happened here. 3 owls were chilling on some branch together when one of them realized he was falling down. And of course, someone was there to make the cool and rare photo. Let’s just hope that the owl is fine.

What’s even funnier is that the other 2 owls didn’t even look back. They probably didn’t care.
Is It A Horror Movie?
Mirrors are an indispensable attribute of horror films! It is so because they can truly confuse someone looking at it: sometimes people can see something else instead of their reflection. It’s terrifying! I can name hundreds of books and movies that used mirrors in their stories, but sometimes it happens in real life… You can see a really weird illusion on the photo below. Just look carefully at girls’ faces: they have absolutely different facial expressions on the left and on the right sides. Isn’t it really scary?

But don’t worry, it’s not a horror movie. The girl just had a very fast camera as a result of which the illusion was accidentally created.
Cocktail Shooting
I’m sure you haven’t seen anything like this before! Nightclubs become more and more creative nowadays to get a lot of loyal clients! The organizers not only provide great music and lights but also color the ice cubes for the drinks, use neon items, and so on. Really impressive! But what we can see in the photo is really unusual. The cocktail that the woman is holding is probably shooting with a neon laser, isn’t it crazy?

But it’s impossible to be 100% sure that it’s exactly what’s happened. There is still a chance that the angle and the lights were the reasons for this shot. But still, it can be a cool innovation as well. The truth is unknown, but the photo is awesome!
Wrong Size
Any fashion lover can prove that trends really come and go all the time, so you need to be extra creative to look fashionable all the time. This man is probably not really great at understanding the trends, but it looks like he was trying… Before hopping on a train he took his smallest hat with him to look cool. But wait… Seems like he didn’t choose the hat, it’s the hat who chose him.

Someone who was sitting in front of that man couldn’t lose the moment, so he took a camera and snapped a photo. Now this fashionable moment will live with us forever.
The Photo That Spoiled The Wedding
Every time when a wedding is organized the photographers are invited to capture one of the most important events in people’s lives. In many years, couples will be able to enjoy the times when they were young and just started their marriage. But of course, if you want to get creative photos you should be risky, and the wedding photographers are always glad to advise you on something! That’s what the couple in the photo decided to do: the groom took the bride to make a wonderful photo together. I guess something went wrong…

The man in the photo was probably pretty confident when he took his bride in his arms. However, something wasn’t as easy as it could be… The photographer made a memorable photo when the bride almost fell. That dress was spoiled for sure, I just hope marriage wasn’t.
Breaking The Arch
Maybe archery is not the most popular kind of sport, but it’s a really hard one. Archers know how to be focused and determined enough, and of course, they practice a lot. When I look at the archer in this image, it looks like he is really focused but I guess it would be better if he got some new equipment before that. It’s hard to understand what exactly has happened to him, but it’s obvious that right when he was shooting the arch just broke into small pieces.

What’s interesting is that the photographer was ready to capture the photo exactly in the most dramatic moment!
Who’s A Good Boy?
Surviving mornings is impossible sometimes if you don’t drink a cup of good coffee, right? Don’t feel guilty as it’s completely normal! Even this dog needs its cappuccino to start the day right. I guess he was a really good boy if the owner is completely fine with taking his puppy with him to grab some coffee together. And to be honest, considering how calm a dog is, it’s a tradition in their family!

Yeah, that’s the real thing! And no worries, the cappuccino doesn’t have any coffee or anything else with caffeine inside, it has whipped cream only. Yummy!
Why Do Kids Grow Up So Fast?
It’s really hard for many parents to see how their kids grow. Today he is a baby but then suddenly you realize he’s a teenager! Time truly flies, and it’s impossible to witness the moment of change. But of course, this picture is not exactly about the value of time, it’s just a cool photo! Here you can see a child with his parent under the blanket but something is extra funny here!

Someone who made the photo had a really good sense of humor! As the kid with the parent was both under the blanket, the photographer found a new photo idea. He chose the weirdest angle and avoided snapping the parent. That’s why the kid’s feet look like that!
New Zombie In The City
It can always be a great idea to get to the wildlife sanctuary as it’s the best way to see something absolutely new in the wildlife. People learn a lot of new things there, and it feels that the world has so much to show and offer. The girl from the photo came to one of such places together with her parents. She became really excited about it so when she found something very interesting, she came closer and as a result, she got into the bubble.

Someone from her parents decided to snap a photo, but it was taken at the moment when the girl was looking up. The combination of her eyes and the flash made the girl look like a zombie.
Someone Is Winning
Being in the sports sphere is not easy because this job requires day and night training as all sportsmen want to get to the Championships and Olympic Games. Every athlete is living with a dream of higher results and even some Olympic medals as for many sports it’s the best achievement. Looking at this game, I guess that volleyball players were all into it! Just look at them! Such dedication and hard work will pay off.

However, the girl that you can notice in the center of the photo is really outstanding! It looks like she is a giant, although we all know that it’s the photographer who made her look like that. And look: she is jumping! That’s why she’s so much bigger than others.
The Dog With The Long Hair
Have you ever noticed how many people really look very similar to their dogs? Well, if you haven’t, then this picture will show it. As far as you can see, the dog’s owner took his puppy to go for a walk. That’s always a great idea to enjoy nature, especially after some really hard work. So enjoying some walks with the dog, and getting some fresh air can be beneficial for both of you.

The dog and the owner in the photo were sitting together, so it’s hard to understand if it’s a dog who has this beautiful long hair. Someone who made a photo of them chose the best angle!
Hercules Truck
Trucks were invented to deliver different cargoes including something that weighs a lot. So it’s not a rare thing to see a truck carrying something oversized. However, the size of this cargo is not normal… It looks like that truck was delivering a huge skyscraper that was built in the shape of a giant wheel. Looks unbelievable and really funny once you realize what’s going on here.

The skyscraper is located right near the highway, so almost any photographer could make such a photo when a truck was driving by. However, the angle is doing its work as well.
A Fire-spitting Dog
It’s impossible to tell how many breeds of dogs exist, but scientists say there are about 250 of them. And it’s really hard to imagine how more of them will be discovered in many years. Each breed has its own specifics, but golden retrievers are special for people. These dogs’ kindness, good mood, readiness to help the blind, and great hunting abilities make the breed the most incredible and loved by different people. And these are just a few things that retrievers are great at!

No one saw that retrievers can spit fire, although this photo can make us believe that. The photographer really gave some Marvel power to the doggo by choosing this angle.