America is known for many extraordinary things, and each state is famous for its own unique reason. This can include tree species, most-used words, family sizes, and much more. Of course, all of this depends on the state you are looking at on the map as you explore. I have collected various unique maps of the country from different perspectives. You can take a look at each of them to understand the country in a much better way. It will give you a glimpse into what America and its states have to offer.
Largest Earthquakes By State
Earthquakes happen throughout the world, but there are some places that are more affected than others. That is why it is important to look at a map that tells you if you will be caught in a deadly earthquake. The map here of America is there to help you out.

Each state is represented by the magnitude of the largest earthquake it has gotten till now. Of course, magnitude is not the only thing that matters. The frequency of an earthquake will also guide your decision of which state to live in the United States.
Orange Production Map
A lot of agriculture goes in the US, and orange is one of them. After all, people love having orange juice with their breakfast since it is a staple. However, not every state producing these fruits has increased its production with time to meet the demands of this fruit.

Instead, only Texas has increased its production of oranges throughout the years. The other two major states that produce oranges have kept the same level of production. I don’t know the reason for this, but I am eager to find out why this is the case.
Presidents And Their Acquisition Of American Territories
The Presidents of the US are always trying to make themselves known and their legacy to last. Of course, not everyone can do that successfully, as some don’t have the talent for it. This is a map of the former American Presidents and their acquisition of American territories.

For example, Thomas Jefferson spent more than fifteen million dollars on the Louisiana Purchase. On the other hand, Andrew Johnson bought Alaska for more than seven million dollars. In the same way, you can see various territories and which President bought them on this map.
Soybean Production
In recent times, everyone has been trying to shift to healthier habits and switching to plant-based diets. Of course, soybeans are a base for many plant-based products that you can indulge in. You can see the production of soybeans in the country through this map of each state.

The production of soybeans has also grown in recent years to meet the demands that people have when it comes to this product. You will not need to complain if you are looking for soybeans. There is plenty to go around for everyone in the country.
The Debt Map
Student debt is one of the biggest problems that fresh college graduates face once they graduate. They leave the institution with a degree and a high amount of crippling debt that they need to pay back. The map shows the average debt of university graduates in the country.

Unfortunately, the average person in America owes more college debt than what they earn in a year. There are things happening to make this situation better, but it will be a long time before this system becomes better. After all, graduates should not be burdened with such a significant amount.
There Is A Map For Natural Noise
If you don’t know this already, natural loudness is the measurement of the decibels of wild noises. These include noises such as birds, water, wind, tree falling, and much more. Each state represents the natural loudness you will experience while you are living there.

The map is made by National Park Services, and it is official. That is because natural loudness is a factor for many people in choosing where to live. If you want to live in a calm and serene place, then you can select a state with low natural loudness.
Annual Freight Tonnage By Mode
The mode of transportation keeps on changing for the goods that we have to move from one place to another. There is the railway, cargo trucks, ships, and much more to help us achieve this aim. The map lets you know the annual freight tonnage by mode of transportation.

For example, highways and waterways take most of the freight through the coast. On the other hand, the west is popular with cargo trucks hauling the goods. Of course, the railway system has become obsolete in this matter, as we have found much faster ways of delivering goods.
Locations Of Federal Prison Systems
There are fifty states, and each of them has at least one federal prison where criminals are imprisoned. This map will help you understand the locations of the federal prison systems in each state. As you can see, there are many prisons throughout the fifty states.

Imagine if these systems turned to rehabilitation instead; the people might just turn out to be better human beings. Of course, this is not happening anytime soon, as the idea behind this is imprisonment. It might not be the best way, but it is the only way we know now.
Population Density 3D Map
If you are looking for a unique perspective of America, then this map will give you one in no time. It is a 3D map of the population density throughout the states of America. After all, some states are highly populated than others because of migration, urbanization, and more.

Of course, as you can see that the population density is incredibly high in NYC, as this is where most people come for opportunities. There are some other states, too, with high population densities. You can see this in the way that they tower over others.
Noise Pollution
Every country has noise pollution, and so does America, which is why there is a map for this too. From the map, you can see that San Francisco and LA produce a lot of noise. However, NYC beats everyone in this aspect, as it contributes the most to this pollution.

Of course, it is no surprise that NYC produces the most noise pollution among all the states. That is because it is also known as The City That Never Sleeps. Locals and tourists alike stay up all night, especially on the weekends, to party it up.
Mapping The Coffee Culture
The entire world has jumped on the bandwagon of the coffee culture, as it is one of the most famous drinks that people love. Of course, one major coffee chain you will find throughout is Starbucks. It has completely changed the coffee culture in America and throughout the world.

As you can see from the map, people love their Starbucks coffee. Of course, everyone needs their coffee before they go to work and throughout the day to keep them going. What coffee do you prefer the most from the major chains that are present in the country?
An Australian’s Guide To The American Map
Everyone has to give their two cents on America, and this map was made by an Australian. For someone that was not born and raised in America, they have done a decent job in representing the country. They have tried to label the various states according to their understanding.

At least the person is honest, as the bottom part of the map speaks volumes. It says that it was labeled by an Australian who has never been to the country and doesn’t know its geography. The map might not be accurate but full points for honesty.
Alaska Sees America As That Place Down There
The schools in Alaska use a map that shows Alaska in the middle and North America on the Eastern side. Of course, this is just one of those fun maps to provide you with a unique look. You will notice that Alaska is one of the most secluded regions.

Because of this, the people in Alaska see the rest of the country as that place down there. If you are from Alaska, you can also confirm whether this interesting fact is true or not. Of course, it is still an important part of the country that can’t be excluded.
Gun Ownership
Gun ownership varies between each state, and some of them have the most guns in the country. For example, if you are someone that is against guns, then we recommend you stay clear of the country’s center. Gun ownership is the highest in these regions.

Many people are exercising their gun rights, even if it is not a smart move to do so. I just hope that gun ownership becomes better and fewer people exercise their right to have guns in their homes. What are your thoughts on people that own guns in America?
Diverse Tree Populations
America has an incredibly diverse tree population that makes it a unique country. Some of the states have more than a hundred unique tree species that you can explore. You will notice that the East Coast has the most diversity in this aspect, as there are lots of trees.

So, if you are someone that loves trees, then you can select a state to live in based on this map. Some states have hundreds of diverse species that will be a delight for any tree lover. America has something for everyone, even people that enjoy nature.
States Affected Most By Depression
Unfortunately, depression is a significant problem throughout the world. Of course, even Americans go through depression, and there are some states that are affected by this mental health issue more than others. That is because economic and other factors also play a role in it.

From this map, we can gauge that the Mid and North-West have some of the highest rates of depression among people. I don’t know what it is, but it might be an accumulation of economic, natural, cultural, and other factors. I just hope these numbers get better with time.
Popular Costumes In Various States
One of the top holidays that people love in the US is Halloween because everyone gets to dress up as someone else. There are parties and parades all around. Of course, this means that each state has a popular costume that most people come up with.

Of course, this map has been just made for fun, and you will see some hilarious entries. For example, costumes include a sexy volcano, sexy alcoholic, sexy Amish, and many others. If you had to choose a costume for yourself from this map, which one would you select?
Former Presidents And Their Resting Place
America has many former presidents, and all of them have been laid down to rest in different places. For example, some of them are buried at the Arlington National Cemetery. On the other hand, some have peacefully been buried in their hometowns as they wished to be.

This map will let you know the resting places of various former presidents of the United States. All of these presidents have been laid down to rest in eighteen unique states. You might be able to visit some of these resting places and pay your respects.
States And Their Most Used Words
While everyone speaks English in the country, every state has a word that the people in it use the most. For example, some states have people that say the word like a lot. In the same way, there is an everyday word that people from different states use more often.

Keep in mind that this made is just made for fun. As you can see, people use words like make, can, underlying, fun, stuff, and others a lot. Do you think this is an accurate representation of the people that live in these states or not?
Which State Is Worse At What
Leave it to the American people to create a map of shame for each state, as you can see below. Go through the map with the light-hearted intention it is made from, and don’t take offense. We are all worse at something, and this map is a representation of that.

There are states known for cocaine use, bankruptcy, worse credit score, abortion, drug use, binge drinking, and much more. Of course, some of these things have been taken to another level. So, tread lightly and only read this map for fun if you don’t want to get offended.
Concentration Of Major Burger Chains
Burger chains are highly popular in the US, as people love to consume fast food, especially after drinking. Of course, this means that everyone has their go-to burger chain regardless of how they are feeling. McDonald’s is not the only chain people rush to when they are drunk.

Instead, there are many other popular options. These include Burger King, Wendy’s, Dairy Queen, Hardees, and many others. Which is the major burger chain you like going to when you are in the mood for fast food or when you are drunk late at night?
Turkeys Raised By State
Thanksgiving is all about carving the turkey and consuming it with your family while giving thanks. Of course, the turkey might not feel as thankful as you raise it for the meat. The map shows turkeys raised according to the states in millions throughout the country.

The middle-eastern part of the country has the most turkey production. Farmers work incredibly hard each year to ensure that you get the best turkey to carve with your family. Next time, you can also thank them for providing you with this delicious bird.
Christmas Tree Farms
If you live in the country, you know that Christmas has many traditions for families. One of the top traditions is to go with your family to look for the perfect tree for your home. So, there is no surprise that you will find Christmas tree farms.

Whenever you want such a tree, make sure that you know where the local farm is in your area. It will help you find the perfect tree without cutting down a tree from places you are not allowed to. If you do, you will have to pay a fine.
Percentage Of Homeless People
If you have a roof over your head, you should be grateful because not everyone has this luxury. There are people that have to sleep outside in the cold or in shelters with abysmal conditions. The map of the percentage of homeless people will remind you of your blessings.

Over 100,000 homeless people live in NYC and 150,000 in California. When you take this into account, you realize that almost a quarter of a million homeless people is spread over two states. Of course, the number will go much higher when we take other states into account.
Immigrants And The Jobs They Hold The Most
As an immigrant, you have to understand that you will hold a job that you might not want. Many people come to this country to chase the American Dream but end up working jobs they don’t like. The map shows the most common jobs held by immigrants in each state.

These jobs include housekeepers, cooks, home health aides, truck drivers, agriculture workers, janitors, and much more. Of course, this doesn’t mean that immigrants don’t hold high positions. They do, but their percentage is significantly less, as you can tell from this map of common jobs.
Salary Needed To Purchase A Home
Homes are becoming expensive every year, and people are not earning enough to match the level of inflation. For example, the average salary you require to buy a house in NYC is twice as much as what you will need to buy a home in Florida.

On the other hand, if you want to live in a major city, you will need more than $100,000 in annual salary. Before you decide to move to any state, you must take a look at these prices. After all, you can’t end up in a worse living situation.
Seven Deadly Sins And 50 States
Everyone has their own vices, and they mostly come from the seven deadly sins that we know of. The map below will let you know which states are the most sinful and which ones are the most angelic. Of course, when you give into temptation, it only leads to trouble.

As you can see, the states on the bottom look like they have the most fun with the seven deadly sins. Which one do you think your state is known for and why? We all have our vices, and there is no shame in admitting your states.
Highest-Paid Public Employees
This might not come as a surprise, but the highest-paid public employees include sports coaches in the country. That is because each state’s happiness is somewhat dependent upon its sports team. People are proud of their teams and the players that make those teams in the states.

People are willing to pay the coaches an exorbitant amount to ensure that the team does well in sports. For example, the average annual salary for a football coach in college is close to three million dollars a year. Yes, that is how much money college football coaches can easily make.
Certified Organic Farms By The State
People are tired of eating food that is filled with chemicals and many other items that adversely affect their health. This is why most people are now shifting to food that has an organic label attached to it. It also means that farms are producing organic food.

This map will show you the number of certified organic farms by state. These foods are more expensive, but it is a small price to pay for your health. So, if you also want healthy food, you can shift to organic labels in no time.
Every State Is Famous For
Every state is famous for something or the other that represents its people or culture. There is a motto or slogan that perfectly fits each state. Of course, the map below is created in a light-hearted spirit, and this is how you should take it when you read.

For example, some states are known skiing and depression, Tinder profile pictures, wilderness and alcoholism, and much more. These slogans will help you understand the different parts of America and provide you with insight. Make sure you know everything before you decide what state you will live in.
Life Expectancy
Thanks to the wonders of technology, we have accelerated our knowledge and execution of science and medicine. Because of this, the average life expectancy has increased with time. There is also a map of average life expectancy depending on the state you live in.

You will find the highest life expectancy in Florida and California. Of course, this may be because of the incredibly nice weather that you find in these states. There are also some states with the lowest life expectancies below 76, as you can see.
Hourly Wages You Need To Afford A Two-Bedroom Apartment
America has become expensive to live in because the housing situation, especially in major cities, is not ideal. You need some of the highest wages in the country if you plan on living in California or New York. If you really want a two-bedroom, you can share it with someone.

Doing this will place less burden on you so that you can afford it in no time. However, there are much better places you can live in the country where you will not have to sell your kidney to afford a place. Make sure you do your research.
Generic Terms For Beverages
Do you call fizzy beverages soda, pop, or coke? Well, depending on where you live in the United States, your answer will vary. Soda and pop lead the way, while coke is the least used generic term for a beverage throughout the country, as you can tell from the map.

Make sure that you know which states use what term so that you don’t use the wrong terms when you walk inside the store. If you do, people will know you are a new tourist to the state. A great way to blend in is to use local terms.
Average Size Of Families In The US
Finally, there is also a map for the average size of families in the United States. Of course, this means that states with large sizes will have the most cramped cars during road trips and holidays. Some might fun this fun, while others just might find this to be annoying.

You will notice that the Southern side of the country has some of the largest family sizes. These include places such as Texas and many others. That is because people still value the family system in these states, which leads to larger family sizes in the long run.
People Proud To Be From Their State
Our roots and the places we are born in define who we are, but sometimes, we are not proud of that place. Some people have too much pride in the state they are from, while others don’t. Of course, there are many reasons for this, but we don’t know.

This is a map of the percentage of the population in each state that describes it as the worst possible state to live in. As you can see, people from the East side of the country are not too proud of their state. We wonder why that is.
National Highway Services
Are you looking for a way to get to the different national parks that are present in the country? If you are, then you can look at this map by the National Highway Services. It shows you all the routes on the highway that connect with one another.

It is a great way to see how the different parts of America are united through its road system. There are more than 164,000 miles of roads that are spread throughout the United States. If you are ever lost, just look at this map to get where you want.
Back To The Cold War
It was challenging for Russians to leave the country during the Cold War era. Unfortunately, even if they somehow left the country, they were not allowed to enter back into their country of origin. The red parts of the map show the places where the Russians weren’t allowed to enter.

Of course, that is not a fun way to go on vacation to America. After all, you want to visit however many states you can to get the best experience. The Russians did not have this luxury back in the day because of political tensions.
Maximum Speed Limits
It is crucial to follow the right speed limits in the state you are in. After all, you don’t want to get in trouble for going over the maximum speed limit. While speed can be thrilling and freeing, too much of it can also land you into unwanted trouble.

We recommend that you check the speed limit before you decide to cruise through the country for a road trip. It will allow you to have a better experience so that you don’t face unnecessary problems. Once you follow the rules, your road trip will be excellent.
Most Common Food Stops After Drinking
Late-night drinking is a common pastime in many states, especially among the young population. After they drink, they make their way towards various food stops and load up on carbs and fats to soak the alcohol. You might wonder what your favorite post-drinking restaurants are.

Of course, the answer depends on the state. Taco Bell is the most common food stop after drinking, McDonald’s is on the second, and Waffle House is on the third. Let us know the food stop you prefer the most after you have spent a night drinking.
Protected Federal Wilderness In The US
By now, you are familiar with a lot of things about America. This includes the most diverse tree species, turkey production, egg production, and much more. Now, it is time for you to see the protected federal wilderness that exists in the country.

You will notice that there is a lot of land dedicated to cow farming and pastures. When you compare this to other industries, the land is significant. Other industries don’t have such a highly protected federal wilderness area in the US, as you can gauge from the map.
Egg Production
Eggs are a staple for breakfast, which is why the demand for them will never go out. Did you know that there are over fifty billion eggs that are laid in the country annually? The top state that leads the production of these eggs is Iowa.

You can thank Iowa for providing you with some of the best eggs you will find throughout the US. The farmers also work hard to ensure that the production is consistent. Of course, this means you will never run out of your favorite breakfast item.
The Origin Of State Names
If you live in America, a fun fact to know is the origin of the names of the states. Of course, it is no surprise that the names of the majority of States are taken from the native language. However, there are also states that don’t have an English origin.

For example, many state names have originated from Algonquian, Siouan, Iroquoain, Spanish, Latin, French, and much more. There are also some states that have an uncertain origin. Find your state on this map and see the origin of it if you don’t know about it already.
The Horror Map
If you love horror movies, you will love going through this map. It shows you all the horror movies that have taken place in each state throughout the country. Of course, you can also use this map to steer clear of the locations that include the most horror movies.

For example, I would recommend that you steer clear of any summer camps taking place in the country. Besides that, you must also stay away from the Midwest part of the country. Follow these guidelines, and you will be safe from all the horrors of these places.
Predominant Ancestry Of Population
All of us know that people from all over the world came to America for a better life. Of course, because of this, people from different ancestries came together to create something for their families. Between 1820 and 1930, over six million Germans came to the United States.

On the other hand, more than four million Irish also made this journey from Europe in search of a better life. Both of these people make up at least ten percent of the entire population in the country. You can tell all about the dominant ancestry from this map.
National Park Services Map
The landscape in the country is incredibly diverse and stretches on for thousands of miles. Regardless of where you go in the country, you will find some of the most beautiful views. However, beware of the wild animals that are present in the different landscapes.

For example, there are bears, Yetis, and many others that you might spot in some of the landscapes. You can use the map by National Park Services to familiarize yourself with what you might find. Once you do, you can plan your trips accordingly whenever you wish.