Disneyworld might seem like a magical place at first sight, but there is a lot that goes into making this place as magical as possible. Of course, these details are not visible to the naked eye, and most people don’t know about them. Only employees know about this. So, we talked to former employees about what really goes on at Disneyland, and they had a lot to tell us. Here is everything you need to know about what they had to say about Disneyworld and its inner workings that you will be shocked to hear.
Using Green
Disney World did not just turn up in thin air. Instead, a lot of planning has gone into creating this world for the people that visit this beautiful place. Because of this, they have the rule to cover anything that the guests might find irrelevant at Disney World.

The rule is to paint anything irrelevant with the color green, which is why you will notice various green patches throughout the space. Such a hue of green is utilized for non-magical distractions so that you can ignore it. It is a trick so that people don’t notice irrelevant spaces.
Castles Appear Larger Than They Are
There are castles all over Disney World, and they will not look as big as they do in the pictures. These are optical illusions because of the way these structures have been created. This is done by placing smaller bricks on top so that we think the buildings are big.

Of course, as you get closer, you will notice that the buildings are much smaller. The second and third floors of the buildings are also scaled down. So, don’t be fooled by the big castles in the pictures, as that is not the case in reality when you visit.
Cast Members In Costumes Are Not Allowed To Talk
One of the best things about the theme park is that you get to meet all the cast members. However, they have to adhere to a strict protocol that states that they can’t chat back with the people. This is done so that the magic of these characters is preserved.

So, you might be tempted to have a conversation with these characters, but that will not happen. Unfortunately, you will have to stick to communicating with your gestures. Of course, even that is not bad at all because it means you can simply wave at them or play along.
There Is A Diet For Disney Princesses
Princesses in the Disney realm have to follow a strict diet to maintain their figures and keep their jobs at the park. This means leaving sugar, sticking to lean cuisines, and enjoying low-calorie foods. Disney follows the old industry standard that women should be thin to be beautiful.

Keep in mind that they have to maintain this figure to keep their jobs for a long time. If they falter or gain weight, then the princesses can get fired. It is not easy keeping your job in the world of Disney with strict standards and protocols.
No Ashes Of The Dead
This might sound bizarre to you, but people have tried to release the ashes of their dead. That is because it is the favorite place of many children, which is why spreading ashes here is a popular dying request. Of course, Disney had to do something to stop people.

So, they decided to implement a policy to ban this from taking place again. If you are caught doing this at the park, Disney will ban you for your entire life from the park. Regardless of how sad you are, don’t spread the ashes of your loved one here.
Cats Are Disney Employees
You will not witness this during the hours the park is open, but at night. The team releases many cats at night to keep everything clean. Cats have the job of gobbling up all the rats so that the park is clean at all times during the day.

Yes, the people at Disney do everything in their power to guarantee that you have a clean and safe experience. We just wish the cats would get paid for their incredible services to the guests. Doing this also ensures that the cats have a safe space to live.
Trouble Makers Go To Disney Jail
Yes, there are endless people that visit the theme park, and those that don’t follow the rules end up in Disney Jail. Of course, if you have behaved well, then you will not be familiar with this fact. It is only for troublemakers that create chaos on the premises.

There is a jail cell for people who smoke marijuana, thieves, and other such troublemakers. Even celebrities such as Robert Downey Jr. and Blake Lively have been to Disney Jail. Blake went as a child because she tried to sneak inside the park, whereas Robert made an unsuccessful attempt to smoke.
Autographs Are Not Allowed
There are lots of rules in the theme park, and one of them is not to ask for autographs from celebrity guests. The rule is there so that the celebrities can enjoy themselves with their kid without having to cater to the audience. After all, they must also feel normal.

If you are an employee, breaking this rule can have serious consequences for your job. Disney wants everyone to have a memorable day at the park, even celebrities. So, you also need to make sure this happens by doing your part as a member of the Disney community.
You Can Get Fired For Many Things
Becoming a part of the Disney world is not easy because you have to prove yourself to be capable. However, even if you are hired, you still have to work hard to maintain your position. According to employees, you can get fired for doing just about anything.

Some examples of these include gaining weight as a princess, kissing another worker, and much more. If you work at Disney, you have to be incredibly careful about what you do. Once you are, you will easily be able to keep your job at the company without any issues.
The Sound Of Horse Feet
Anyone that enters Disney World will notice this sound on the main street if they pay attention. The sound never stops, and of course, just like everything else, this is also deliberate. The park is known for paying attention to detail, and this is one of them.

Each horse in the park has a unique horseshoe that enhances the sound of its steps. So, as you roam around, you will hear that extra clunk in their step as they move along. You will think as if you are living in a real fairytale.
The Tree Of Life Is Artificial
From afar, you might think that the tree of life is real, but this is not the case. Instead, it is a fake tree, and a lot of effort has been put into ensuring that it looks real. For example, even the leaves on the tree are crafted by hand.

On the other hand, even the animals have been carved into the trunk of the tree by hand. So, you will think it is a real baobab tree. Many people also don’t know this because they don’t notice that the tree is fake when they enter the Animal Kingdom.
The Lost And Found Is Huge
Just like everything else in the park, even the lost and found are huge because hundreds of people visit the park each day. Besides that, the lost and found also has the most bizarre things you will come across. These include prosthetic legs, glass eyes, and much more.

These are real tales from employees who have found unique things inside the lost and found. There are also at least two hundred pairs of sunglasses that are lost daily. Next time you visit Disneyworld, you can also go through the lost and found and see what people have left.
The Scents Are A Small Detail Too
As you enter the theme park, you will notice unique smells throughout, and these are there for a reason too. For example, when you are on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, you will notice a salty sea smell in the air. It is there to ensure an authentic experience.

There are special pumps spread throughout the park to give you a unique experience of smells. The key is to engage all your senses so that you have a complete experience. After all, the sense of smell is also the strongest one in igniting our memory in no time.
One Character Each
One thing you probably might have noticed is that there is only one of each Disney character at the park. This is also intentional to recreate the magic and ensure the integrity of the park. Such a strategy ensures that the children have the illusion that the characters are real.

If there were many characters roaming around, then the magic would be lost. This is the reason that the park does not allow you to dress up as the characters because that would ruin the magic. So, make sure that you wear normal clothes and enjoy the beautiful characters roaming.
Everything Is Separate And Unique
There are smaller worlds inside the Disney universe, and you will notice that each of them is separate and unique. This is not an accident, as even this has been planned beforehand. All the views, sounds, and smells of each park are obstructed from one another.

The purpose behind this is to guarantee that the experiences don’t get mixed with one another. When you are in one world, you will feel as if you are part of that world. So, as you roam around the park, you will get to experience different worlds.
The Jungle Cruise Is Fake
Did you know that the Jungle Cruise used to have live alligators and real animals roaming around? However, this is not the case anymore when you visit the theme park now. Instead, you will see animatronic animals throughout this cruise because animals used to die and had to be replaced.

Animatronic wildlife solves this issue, but it also makes the right boring. You can still visit it if you like, but you will not be blown away by what it has to offer. Don’t even get your hopes up high in the first place as you go through the safari.
Know Where To Find The Beast
All the characters roam around at Disneyworld so that you can witness them in their element. Each of them has certain unique elements that bring them to life as you get up close and personal. Many people love to see the Beast but don’t know where to find him.

Well, according to the employees, the favorite place of the Beast is the Be Our Guest restaurant. You will find this restaurant at the edge of the castle of the Beast. That is because he goes there to have dinner, just as you will witness in the movie.
Plants Have Been Integrated Into Tomorrowland
Most theme parks around the world are made of materials such as plastic, metal, and many others. However, there is a small detail in Disneyworld that many people don’t know about. For example, the plants inside Tomorrowland are edible because Walt Disney wanted them to be that way.

If you don’t believe us, you can take a bite out of these pants when you visit it next. That is because Walt Disney wanted sustainable integrations inside the park. So, the plants in Tomorrowland are all edible so that you can enjoy them when you visit.
There Are Perks Too
Being a Disneyworld employee is not all about rules and regulations. Instead, you also get perks during your time there. These include discounted or free entries to Disneyworld locations throughout the world. Besides that, they also get discounts on food and merchandise.

Disney also hosts various events, parties, and tours for its cast members to have fun and mingle with others. You might think this is not much, but most of the parks barely offer any perks these days. At least Disney tries to do some things for people that work there.
The Employees Know Everything
You might think that the employees don’t need to do much, but their jobs can be stressful. That is because Disney does not allow employees to say they don’t know when someone asks them a question. Because of this, everyone needs to be knowledgeable to maintain the park.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that the employees have to be cops or doctors. Instead, if there is an emergency, then they can always ask for help. There are secret phones throughout the park to reach the park operator for emergency situations that might take place.
Characters Go Through Autograph Training
Disneyworld is located throughout the world, and it has to make certain amendments to ensure that everything is standardized. You will notice that no matter which Disneyworld you visit, the characters will have the same autographs. That is because every character has to go through autograph training.

The characters have to learn how to make the squiggle out of their unique character. So, if you want to become a character, even you will have to go through such training. Of course, this is a small price to pay for becoming a great character at the park.
Employees Are Not Labeled As Employees But as Cast Members
This might sound weird, just like many other rules at Disney, but employees are known as cast members. The team hires you as a cast member because they consider the park to be a stage for all the characters. The idea behind this is to acquaint you with the job.

Regardless of the employees, everyone is a crucial part of the experience at Disney. When you visit the park, every employee is there to provide you with a live show. So, expect to have your mind blown away when you visit the theme park for the first time.
Employees Have To Maintain Social Media Silence
It was challenging for us to find this information because employees aren’t allowed to talk about their jobs on social media. There is a strict policy against complaining about their jobs. If they do, then the employees will be fired immediately for this violation, but this is just the beginning.

Besides that, employees aren’t allowed to tell others about the character they play at the park. This means that if you play a character, you can’t even tell your friends about your job. We don’t know why Disney does this, but we are sure they have a reason to justify it.
No Smiling For Spooky Characters
If you are one of the spooky characters at the park, you are not allowed to smile. For example, the characters inside the Haunted Mansion can’t smile or be funny with the people visiting this attraction. Of course, such a rule makes perfect sense because of the setting.

When such characters smile, they will not remain in character anymore and lose their appeal. Disney makes sure that children and adults get an authentic experience when they visit the park. Because of this, there are important rules that all employees must follow at all times to keep their jobs.
Liquid Garlic Is The Trick To Keep Mosquitos At Bay
Orlando has a very humid and hot summer, which means a lot of mosquitos. However, Disneyworld has a trick up its sleeve that guarantees you will not be annoyed by the mosquitos on the premises. According to them, pesticides were not a solution to this problem.

Instead, the park started using liquid garlic so that everyone could enjoy the experience. You will not notice this stuff, but the mosquitos will, which is why they will not come close. You can try this trick at home if you also have a mosquito issue in the summer.
Employees Have To Graduate The Disney University
Disneyworld is the best theme park worldwide, without a doubt, and you will have to graduate their university to start working. They will teach you how to dress, walk, talk, and do everything else to provide people with a genuine Disney experience. You might wonder if this is worth it.

Well, characters can easily earn around $30,000 per annum. However, you will not get a lot of increments, and the salary will mostly stay consistent. Of course, if this is your dream, then it might be worth it for you to go through the training and keep the protocol.
Tower Of Terror Plays Real Human Screams
As the name suggests, The Tower of Terror is full of terror, and the sounds you hear are real and scary. As you go through this experience, you will get to hear a variety of screams. What you don’t know is that they have been prerecorded for authenticity.

Real humans have sat down and screamed to ensure that you get a great experience while you are in this tower. We have already established that Disney makes sure you have a great experience. So, this is part of that protocol to ensure genuineness in your experiences.
Security Guards Are All Around The Park
Disneyworld is huge, and anything can go wrong at any time. This is why security guards have been spread around throughout the park in plain clothes. Their duty is to ensure that everything goes as smoothly as possible without any emergency situations getting out of hand as they happen.

The company has to take extra precautions to ensure the safety of everyone on the premises. So, such guards are there for your protection so that you, your friends, and your family can stay safe. When you come to Disneyworld, you can truly leave your troubles behind.
The Spacing Between The Trash Cans Is Intentional
Thousands of guests come to the park each day, and they eat and dispose of their garbage. Walt Disney made a rule by eating a hot dog and counting the steps. Once he was done eating the hot dog, he stopped counting and reported the distance.

Of course, this was the perfect distance between the cans so people could easily dispose of their waste. It is also a great idea to encourage people when they need to use garbage cans. There are also other rules to ensure that the park remains clean at all times.
Face Characters Must Remain In the Character
We don’t know face characters pull off this job, but they have to stay in character for eight hours daily. This means that they must hold conversations, walk, and do everything just as the character would do. We imagine this must be incredibly exhausting for the face characters.

After all, you have to pretend to be someone else for eight hours a day, each day, every year. However, there is a backstage area for the characters to pause and be themselves. So, they are allowed to take a breather when they wish during the day.
Disney Knows How To Surprise You
All of us know that amusement parks have long lines that we can’t escape. However, Disney has just the right trick up its sleeve to make people think the line wasn’t long. They exaggerate the waiting time listed so that you can think you got a better experience.

For example, most people would see the two-hour waiting time and abandon the line. However, if you are determined, you will still stand in line. You will get to it in significantly less than two hours, and you will be surprised that you didn’t have to wait long.
Cast Members Have A Secret Salon
Yes, there is a secret hair salon for all the cast members present on the premises. The idea is to draw as many crowds as possible, which is why everything is done to the highest standards. Disney has hired hairstylists to ensure that the characters are always looking their best.

The salon is known as Kingdom Kutters, and it is only for the cast members at the park. If their hairstyle is not neat, styled, or properly combed, then they can visit the salon for an emergency fix. The people there will help you out in no time.
There Are Underground Trash Tubes
You may think you have heard it all, but we guarantee that you don’t know this fact about Disneyworld. There are underground trash tubes to ensure that the space is clean at all times. These tubes happen to be in seventeen places, and they suck the garbage at high speeds.
We recommend that you hold on to your things in these places because they might get sucked if you lose them. This is one of the coolest facts, as the underground trash tubes are highly technological. Of course, such a technology is not in other amusement parks.
Mickey Mouse Is Hidden All Over The Park
Yes, this is something you probably didn’t think of, but there is a hidden Mickey Mouse throughout the various places in the park. Visitors love to play this game and find the mouse in unique places. There have been a thousand hidden Mickeys so far.

The next time you are at the park, we recommend that you also partake in this activity. Who knows, you might end up finding a Mickey in the most unexpected places. So, don’t forget to venture off on this adventure for a fun day during your visit.
There Is A Secret Tunnel System
Disneyworld is a huge place, and employees need an easy way to get from one place to another without wasting time. Well, Disney has made sure this can happen through a secret tunnel system. This is also known as the underground city to the people that work there.

Besides that, employees can also store their belongings here, and there are spaces for kitchens here to serve guests. Of course, you will not get to visit them unless you are an employee. However, it sounds like an interesting operation happening under the grounds of the park.
Each Night Ends With Magic
The day at Disneyworld begins with magic and ends with magic. That is because the final closing of the night is more than just magical. The castle in the park illuminates, and a song begins to play for everyone to hear and enjoy the final moments.

There is also an announcement that thanks everyone for coming to the park for a memorable day. As the park begins to close, your heart will be full, and you will still not want the day to be over. Don’t forget to enjoy this magical place at least once.
There Are No Vendors That Sell Gum
You will find everything at Disneyland, but one thing you will notice is that none of the vendors sell gum. That is because people chew on gum and throw it away, and it is incredibly difficult to clean up. There is a strict policy of no gums on the premises.

There is a reason why Disneyworld is always so clean. It is because there are strict standards and rules in place to make this happen. As an employee or visitor, you will have to adhere to these rules for the best experience of your life in the park.
You Can Sleep In Cinderella’s Secret Castle Suite
The castle of Cinderella is one of the top attractions at the park, and everyone loves it. However you might not know this, but it has a secret suite that special guests can sleep in. Only a handful of people have slept in this suite till now, including Walt Disney.

That is because it used to be closed off, but now it has been opened as a prize for competitions. Whoever wins a certain competition can sleep inside this suite. So, if you are lucky enough to win this prize, don’t forget to enjoy it to the max.
Even The Floors Around The Park Are Well-Thought Out
Yes, even the floors around the park are there for a reason, especially the color. There isn’t anything that hasn’t been thought of in the theme park for the guests to experience. Designers of the floors also think it will encourage people to take selfies.

The idea is that colored concrete will make everyone’s pictures more appealing for social media. Of course, this is a marketing trick that we are sure has paid off well over time. Whenever you look at something in the park, you can count on the fact there is a reason.
Some Celebrities Used To Be Disney Characters
Yes, there are a few celebrities that began their career as Disney princesses in the park. For example, Robin Williams used to be a Jungle Cruise Skipper. On the other hand, Michelle Pfeiffer also used to be the Alice character at the theme park.

Of course, all of this happened a long time ago, and we are surprised, but everyone has to start somewhere. Even John Lasseter, Disney director, used to sweep the streets at Tomorrowland. Clearly, these people landed a jackpot after working at Disneyworld during their early years.
There Are Underground Trash Tubes
Yes, this is something you probably didn’t think of, but there is a hidden Mickey Mouse throughout the various places in the park. Visitors love to play this game and find the mouse in unique places. There have been a thousand hidden Mickeys so far.

The next time you are at the park, we recommend that you also partake in this activity. Who knows, you might end up finding a Mickey in the most unexpected places. So, don’t forget to venture off on this adventure for a fun day during your visit.