Welcoming a new child can be a joyous and challenging time for people. Parenting requires one to become more responsible and understand the baby’s needs better. Of course, not everyone has excellent skills around a child, but you learn with time. That is why seeing comics that show the real-life struggles of parents can help you stay calm. The best part is that artist Yehuda Devir has captured the top relatable moments that parents experience while raising a child. You can use these pictures to understand what to expect when having a new baby if you’re becoming a parent again.
Expecting A New Baby
Expecting a new baby will be a joyous time for you and your partner. However, that may be different with your first child. Your kid may feel overwhelmed by the attention the second baby will get. They may also believe that you will stop loving them once the sibling arrives.

This is why you can make your child feel loved and wanted by taking them to important meetings. You may include them in an ultrasound and use phrases such as “You will have a new brother or sister soon” to ensure they have a positive mindset about the second child.
Maybe Avoid Grand Romantic Gestures
Men tend to be overly romantic with their partners during pregnancy. After all, every couple requires some fun in their life. However, you must be mindful when planning different gestures. Some can be risky to the mother or your child, so being careful will help you enjoy a healthier pregnancy.

For instance, avoid planning dinners with alcoholic drinks. As a male, you are not required to give up on wine, but your partner should not consume alcohol, so you should avoid having the drink. Also, avoid carrying your partner through a door due to the risk of smacking their head.
Teach Your Kid Early
Children are not born with etiquette, such as covering their noses when sneezing or coughing to keep germs away. It will be your job as a parent to teach your kid the proper practices. Starting early with such things will be better and help the child form better habits later.

One thing that will help you teach etiquette to your child is by following them. Young kids copy people around them very often. If you cover your nose while sneezing, your kid will likely do the same. Consistently teaching through easy explanations will also be beneficial for the toddler.
First Words Can Make You Cry
The first words of a newborn are memorable because you hear your child’s voice for the first time, apart from their crying. Your kid may say “Papa” or Dada” as their first word. They may also say “Mama” to call you. Whatever the case, the moment will surely be tearful.

For the parents in these drawings, the child’s first word was “Mama,” which made the mother cry significantly. So keep tissues for your partner ready as soon as you hear the first words. You may also capture the moment on camera if you’re lucky enough, like some other parents.
Work At Your Risk
Working at home can be risky with young children and newborns because they have a habit of pressing buttons they shouldn’t touch. They may turn off your computer while you are working on an important project. The noisy atmosphere can also be distracting and prevent you from developing good ideas.

Remember, this behavior of kids will not change anytime soon. So you should expect unforeseen events when working remotely. One way to prevent losing your work is to keep the room locked to prevent children from entering. You may also use a coworking space while your kids remain at home.
Proofing Your House
Every parent loves to record their child when they walk for the first time. However, this moment can distract you from other essential tasks, such as childproofing your home. Kids like to stick their fingers into anything they see. Therefore, proofing your house beforehand will prevent you from unnecessary trouble.

Be sure to cover all the sockets to prevent your toddler from getting electrocuted. Keep glass decorations at a specific height so the kid cannot break them. Shards can severely hurt a toddler and cause pain. If you delay childproofing your home, you will face a situation like this couple.
Do Not Judge Your Partner
One thing to avoid during pregnancy is judging your partner for their food choices. Many women crave unusual items during odd hours. They may also decide to make food at home by mixing various ingredients. The worst part is that you may be required to eat that food with them.

Remember not to judge your partner for the recipe and to eat the item to keep them company. These cravings are mainly due to different hormones, the growing belly, and other reasons. You only have to manage for nine months because the cravings disappear after your partner delivers the baby.
Staying Away From The Child Require Getting Used To
After giving birth, your child will grow and will have to start school after reaching a specific age. This time is very important for parents. Some enjoy the freedom and alone time when their kid is at school. Meanwhile, others worry more about their child because of the new atmosphere.

You may also do both because leaving your kid alone after spending all day with them can be overwhelming. The school time will take some time to get used to. Of course, you should allow your child to grow by giving them space instead of hovering outside their school.
Stomach Movements
It is not unusual for a baby to move in the mother’s belly. These movements are called quickenings, which can be felt from 16 to 20 weeks onwards in a pregnancy. So there is nothing to be alarmed about if you notice the movement of the stomach or feel kicks.

As the baby enlarges, it will try to get comfortable inside the womb leading to such movements. Your partner may keep their head on your belly to feel the quickenings. The best part is that many parents try to connect with their children by talking to them during such movements.
Be Ready To Help Your Partner
Weight during pregnancy has many consequences. Your partner will suffer from back pain frequently. They will get tired quickly and lie down more often. However, getting up from the sofa or bed may also become difficult because of the heaviness. So your partner will rely on you to help them.

You should be ready to help them get up from the bed at their beck and call. It is also better to do small gestures like this yourself instead of doing them after your partner asks. This can make them feel more loved and cared for during the demanding pregnancy.
Using TV To Keep Your Kid Distracted
Young ones require entertainment throughout the day to stay calm. They may indulge in different activities if you’re not meeting their needs. Some kids start drawing on the wall of their homes to keep themselves entertained. Others play with light switches because of the on-and-off mechanism for an exciting day.

As a parent, using the TV to your benefit will be good. You can make your child see cartoons that will expand their imagination. Educational animations may also help them learn good habits. Of course, keeping the use of TV must be restricted to maintain healthy eyesight and prevent addiction.
Be Comfortable With Your Body
Acknowledging the different body changes after birth can be difficult for women. You may feel insecure about wearing exposed clothes due to your stretch marks. If you gave birth through a C-section, you might not want to show the scar to others to avoid looking bad or due to insecurity.

Remember, stretch marks and other scars are normal after pregnancy. They are as natural as baggy skin due to aging. So acknowledge this fact to enjoy your life better. Own your scars instead of staying in the shadow and hiding them because of what other people would say or think.
Sleep Schedule Changes
It is no secret that holidays with young kids can be significantly different. You don’t have to worry about staying up till midnight. Most parents sleep by this time because of tiredness and taking care of the kids. You don’t have to skip all the fun when becoming a new parent.

Of course, your priorities will change, so you may not be able to celebrate some holidays. Remember not to be too sad about such events because different holidays, such as New Year’s Eve, are celebrated every year. You can attend fun parties when your kids become a bit older.
Grab New Comfortable Clothing
Pregnancy causes many of your body parts to grow. Your stomach will enlarge, your breasts will get bigger, and more. This is why getting new comfortable clothing will be a necessity. Of course, it is better to keep maternity clothes from your first pregnancy as they come in handy later.

Wearing a sports bra during pregnancy is a better option than standard bras. The soft straps will not hurt your skin, and you will not have to worry about marks. Once you reach a specific period in your pregnancy, you can use nursing bras for the rest of the duration.
Explaining Things To The Children
Pregnancies can be confusing for many children because of their inquisitive minds. Your first child may also be wondering about your belly growth and what is happening to you. That is why it is good to have a conversation about the new baby with your first kid to calm them.

You should use different analogies to make it easier for the kid to understand the pregnancy. They may also mimic the growing belly to familiarize themselves with your situation. for instance, the kid in this picture uses the father’s head to replicate the stomach. Some children also use soft pillows.
Losing Weight Will Come Naturally
Sometimes pregnancy can lead to both partners gaining weight. You may indulge in snacks with your pregnant wife to keep them company or due to sympathy. Of course, losing these extra pounds will be necessary for a healthier life. The best part is this process will come naturally to you.

No need to worry about eating because running after a toddler will allow you to lose calories. You can also control weight gain by having healthier snacks with your partner instead of junk. Light cardio exercises will also be helpful. Women also lose up to 13 pounds after giving birth.
Help Your Partner Carry The Weight
It is no secret that pregnancy can cause your partner to gain 20 pounds or more. Many women lose most of this weight after giving birth. However, they will require support till the delivery date. A common thing that many women do is lean against their partners for pain relief.

Leaning on their partners mainly allows the weight to feel more balanced. Holding your wife’s belly can also offer them relief from the back pain due to additional weight. Researching ways to support your partner can help you make the pregnancy easier for them, so be sure to do that.
Sleep Together To Show Affection
The first child may feel neglected during your pregnancy because of various reasons. You can show more affection to your kid by making them sleep in your room. If the baby is young, you can set up a crib for them to easily watch over them and care for them.

You can also follow this triple spooning method and make the child sleep in your bed. Of course, this method is better suited for younger kids. If your first child is relatively old, you may make them sleep in the middle. Such actions can help you show more affection easily.
Learning In The Water
Most babies are born with some survival instincts that you will be amazed to see. Some know their heads must be up when staying in the water. You can also use family vacation to teach your child how to swim once they reach the safe age for this fun activity.

You may also use the activity to teach different rules to your toddler. For instance, they must know that they shouldn’t pee in a swimming pool or ocean. Of course, teaching such habits will only be easy if you follow them too. The dad in this comic forgot the rule.
Taking A Break Is Normal
Caring for a newborn can be overwhelming because raising a child requires physical and mental strength. You may take a break from your kid by leaving them with your partner for some time. Remember not to feel guilty about this because such an action is normal in many households.

However, you should also communicate with your partner when things are getting overwhelming. They can offer you the support you require and be there for the child when you aren’t. This is a better option than leaving your toddler completely alone. Taking help will also help get rid of stress better.
Parenting Is A Partnership
It is no secret that parents know the best things for their children. However, sometimes you may argue with your partner on specific things due to different upbringings. What may have been normal in your household during your childhood may not have been the same in your partners’ home.

Remember that parenting a child is a partnership between two people. This is why finding common ground is better when teaching things to your kid. Arguments can be overwhelming for couples, and they can also have a negative impact on your kid’s upbringing, who may have seen you guys fighting.
Check The Baby’s Diaper Before Dinner
Dinner is an important meal of the day that many couples enjoy together. After all, one of you may be at the office during lunchtime. You may be excited to enjoy the dish because of its appealing smell. However, your young one may ruin the fun with a stinky diaper.

The best tip for new parents is to check their little one’s diaper before sitting at the table for any meal. You could change the diaper if it were unclean to prevent any foul smell at dinner. This will prevent you from getting up in the middle of the meal.
Forget Your Comfort Level
Sleeping comfortably is a wish of many people. However, men with pregnant partners should forget their comfort level, especially at night. Many women make a body pillow to rest their growing stomachs and sleep comfortably. The pillows will take up significant space on the bed and affect your sleep.

It is better to bear with the discomfort level instead of complaining to your partner. This is because pregnant women already go through a lot of emotional turmoil and mood swings. So this small price will allow your partner to enjoy sound sleep and be in a better mood later.
Match Your Schedule To Your Baby’s Bedtime
Getting a good night’s sleep is hard for new parents because the infant will have odd sleeping hours. Your baby may also start crying in the middle of the night. Matching your sleep schedule to your newborn’s bedtime will sometimes be beneficial. You can rest while your baby is asleep.

This picture also represents the need for sleep for many parents. You may be so tired that you may fall asleep around the baby’s cot. Communicating with your partner will also be helpful. One of you can sleep while the other takes care of the baby during midnight crying calls.
Welcoming The Newborn
Welcoming the newborn is a joyous moment for many families. You may also decide to announce the birth on social media to let your extended family members know. One way to do this is by taking a family picture with the entire gang. You should also include your first child.

This comic was shared by the artist Yehuda to welcome their newborn son. Remember to enjoy the moment entirely with every member of your family. After all, it is not every day that you get to welcome a new life. The picture can also be saved for the family album.
Getting Back To Old Routine May Be Hard
Once a baby is born, you may find it challenging to enjoy alone time with your partner. The baby will take up space in your room during the initial days. After placing them in a new room, it will take some time to get back to your old bedroom routine.

You may decide to introduce new toys in your life to enjoy time as a couple. Using such items may be confusing, but it can spice up your life. The couple in this comic is a prime example of the struggle you may face with your partner after giving birth.
Multitasking Is Tough For Dads
Managing work, grocery shopping, and other tasks can be challenging after a pregnancy. Your child may keep you distracted from office tasks. This comic represents the struggle of parents during such a time. Interestingly, women are much better at multitasking than their partners, as shown by this comical drawing.

You can see that the woman is working on a laptop while crossing items off a list and talking on the phone with her husband. Meanwhile, the husband is asking for help on the phone because he cannot remember which grocery item, he was sent to the store to purchase.
Body Changes
This drawing is for all mothers who have become a parent before or experiencing their first pregnancies. Women go through many body changes during pregnancy. Their weight increases, stomachs may feel squishier, and stretch marks will appear. Your first child may also play with the growing belly by poking.

Remember, the pregnancy process is difficult but beautiful. Every woman experiences these body changes, so you should not feel isolated or have a negative mindset about your habits. This picture is the perfect example of the body changes and mood changes you may be having during your second pregnancy.
Kids Usually Ask For Their Moms
The working status of the partners differs in every relationship. You may work at the office, while your husband may stay at home or vice versa. Whatever the case, babies usually ask for moms when they are left alone with their dads. This is especially true for the first child.

Your firstborn will likely be attached to their mother more. Remember that things will get better with time because the children will grow more. All you have to do is find ways to keep the kids entertained while your partner returns home. Bonding with them will help you gain favor.
Getting Hurt Is Normal
Growing up can be challenging and fun because of the different moments that make childhood memorable. Your kid may fall and get back up. This allows them to understand the process of feeling pain but continuing with their tasks. Of course, you can make the process easier by supporting them.

For instance, you may kiss them with a boo-boo on their scraped knee. You may also put cute bandages with cartoons or smiley emojis on them. This picture also represents a similar moment between parents and their kids. Always be there to support your kid and help them get up.
Check Up On Each Other
Some days of parenting can be tough because of the overwhelming tasks. You may also be stressed because of office projects and other reasons. Remember to go through things as a couple. Share your worries with your partner like you share all the happy moments. Communication can be significantly helpful.

Talking about things will also prevent you from overburdening your partner due to a lack of communication. Things can become exhausting, and your relationship may suffer. You should also check up on your partner. Sometimes they may be waiting for you to ask before sharing about their worries and exhaustion.
Spending Time Without Talking
All couples have moments where they need some distance from their children and partners. You may zone out in the same bed and do different things on your phone. Of course, you may also be communicating with each other through memes, reels, TikToks, and other social media offerings without talking.

Such zoning is out normal and healthy for a long-lasting relationship. It is not a steadfast rule to talk to each other every time you’re in the same room or bed. Social media is one of the escapes for many couples. You may also read a book while resting together.
Teamwork Achieve Results
Raising a kid is not a job for one person. You and your partner must work together to instill good values in your kid. Teamwork is also necessary to maintain different tasks around your baby. For instance, one can hold the baby while the other changes the kid’s clothes.

Working together on different tasks will also make the process efficient. You will also not fight often with your partner because they help out less if you guys work as a team. It will also help you enjoy more time with your family and bond better with your little ones.
Keep Your Mouth Closed
Many parents love to coddle their young ones when changing their diapers. You may talk to them to keep them distracted during the process. This is not a good idea for many parents because children can be unpredictable. The little one may cause a mess by peeing toward your face.

Your kid may also puke on you when changing their clothes. This is why you should always keep your mouth closed when changing your baby’s diaper or clothes. It will prevent you from experiencing a messy situation. The earlier comic will allow you to visualize such an unusual event easily.
Aging Is Natural
Everyone ages naturally because that is the cycle of life. Women get wrinkles more often, while men experience balding or thinning of hair. These things may make you anxious and worried. However, you should avoid stressing about aging because it is natural. Of course, having a child may cause faster balding.

After all, you may take more stress due to the chaos children create at home. Remember owning your flaws will help you be more confident. You’re not the only person to age in this world. This comic also shows the shock one experiences when seeing a sign of aging.
Tickling Your Baby
Your baby will experience many new sensations after birth. They may like some movements, while other things may upset them. For instance, belly tickles are a favorite of many infants. Lightly tickling your baby can entertain them and make them laugh. It will also help you bond with your kid.

As your child grows, you will learn what they like and dislike. So pay attention when you do new things around your kid. You can understand the things they like and do them more often to cheer them up. It will also be helpful when your baby is crying heavily.
Savor The Peace
After giving birth, you will rarely have moments in which the entire household is asleep. Remember to savor such moments because they will not come back later. It’s okay if the house is a mess or you haven’t taken a shower. Use the time to get rest and worry later.

The day will become busier once everyone is up, and you will eventually find time to take a shower. Cleaning the mess early is not wise because the kids will wake up and return the clutter. Resting with your children like this couple is a moment to be grateful for.
Hairy Legs In Winter
Waxing or shaving their legs is common for many women around the world. However, most females stop shaving during winter because their legs are usually covered up. After all, showering in cold weather is already a huge task. Staying longer under the water to shave can be discouraging for many.

This comic indicates the arrival of winter due to the presence of long hair on the woman’s leg. Remember, it is entirely normal to follow the practice of not shaving during winter. Staying comfortable should be your priority instead of meeting the beauty standards society has set for women.
Get Ready To Hear Screams During Delivery
Giving birth naturally is a painful process for every woman because of contractions. You may have time to take your partner to the hospital during the delivery. This is because some women give birth in a few hours, while it may take days for others due to different contraction strengths.

If your partner is having strong contractions, she will likely scream in the car and during the delivery. So prepare yourself for the shouts and avoid getting angry. Maintaining your calm will be easier when having a second child because you will have gone through the same thing before too.