Who is Katie Page? She is a woman from Alabama who decided to choose herself and asked for a divorce when she realized that the marriage was falling apart. Katie moved really far, to another state, to start from scratch. Even though she was excited she really felt upset because she wanted to have a family: she always wanted to become a mom. That’s why she made an important decision to become a foster mom which was even more difficult than she expected. So sit down and enjoy this soulful story.
Feeling Lonely
When Katie’s marriage was over she felt truly broken. She was thinking that her life was on pause, as she couldn’t realize who she was and what she wanted.

She was always dreaming about having a wonderful family and comfortable life, but now she lost everything. Even if she could realize what she needed she had no idea how to get it, so everything seemed stupid and useless to her.
Fresh Start
After spending some time hating life and everything around Katie realized that she needed to change everything to pursue her dreams. She was living in Alabama and despite having good friends and opportunities there she knew she should move and start from the very beginning.

Once Ms. Page decided to move she got a job offer from GE Johnson which she accepted and relocated to Denver (Colorado) to work in the construction industry as a service manager.
Enjoying New Life
After moving to Denver, Katie finally started to feel happy. She was sure that her decision to choose herself was right and would lead her to her goals. She even bought a good house with 4 bedrooms.

Katie Page honestly said that that new house wasn’t perfect and a lot of money, time, and effort was needed to make it look the way she wanted. She still remembers how she was saying to her friends that the new house would give her more than just a place to live in, although she didn’t realize what she was saying.
Renovating The House
That new house was a great deal, but Katie still needed to improve many things there. Renovating a house is not cheap and Katie didn’t have any extra money, so she became ready to renovate the place by herself, besides, new work kept her mind in shape.

Her house was very spacious and being alone in such a huge space is sad, so Katie started to feel loneliness even more. She had a cool house and a job she liked, she just needed to figure out what else she really needed.
Not Enough To Be Happy
Unfortunately, renovating the house didn’t give Katie what she wanted: she stayed focused, but there was no satisfaction.

But then after being alone in a big house for a while she admitted that it was family she really needed. And that’s when she started to think about fostering kids, but of course, it was a serious decision, so Katie took her time.
Purpose Of Life
Katie Page had some really hard times, so she decided to join the church to feel better. One day, the church invited Katie to one of its seminars and sent its program. Katie noticed that one of the topics in the seminar would be «fostering children who need help».

Ms. Page knew it wasn’t a coincidence and her idea of fostering started to feel right. She was really freaking out but at the same time, she was very excited.
The Decision Is Made
Finally, after analyzing the whole situation for a while, Katie made a decision to become a foster mom. On Mother’s Day, Ms. Page sent her application knowing that she was making probably one of the most important decisions in her entire life.

That decision wasn’t impulsive, she considered all ups and downs. The fact that she already had a ruined family before made her take even more responsibility.
Fostering Kids
Once Katie’s paper was approved she started to get different applications. She didn’t expect that, but there were many kids who didn’t have any parents and were already in pain with serious physiological trauma.

Katie was enjoying her new life: she was fostering children for 1 year. But finally, she realized it was time to adopt someone, she was ready to become a mom, not just foster some kids even though she enjoyed helping them. She started to foster kids also because she wanted to know more about it and become ready to adopt her own child.
Tears Of Happiness
Katie told her caseworker about her desire to adopt a kid, and in 2 weeks she finally got a phone call. Maybe it’s true that when you really want something the whole Universe is trying to help you… The caseworker told Katie about a baby who was born 4 days ago and whose mom abandoned him.

There were no second thoughts and Katie said she wanted to get that kid. She also asked the caseworker not to tell any other potential parents. In a day she got her kid. It’s hard to explain what she felt coming out of a hospital with a kid in her hands and tears in her eyes.
A Painful Beginning
Ms. Page had no idea how to care for a newborn because the youngest kid she was fostering was 14 months old. Unfortunately, turned out that the kid needed immediate help as it was found that some drug remains were in his womb.

It’s unbelievable, but the boy’s body was used to store illegal drugs, can you imagine it? Luckily, the doctors examined him and stated that he would be fine and that those drugs wouldn’t really affect him.
What’s His Name?
Katie Page knew that babies need all the love and care you can only give them. And after getting through the painful time together and getting rid of that drug remains she decided to share everything with her son so that he would feel how much he was loved.

The baby boy didn’t have any name as his biological mom abandoned him and didn’t even name the kid. So his new foster mom gave him her favorite name which was Grayson.
The Strongest Bond
Starting from the first seconds, Katie felt huge love for Grayson, she was totally sure that he was meant for her, and their bond was undeniable. Her love and impressive experience of fostering children made her a really great and loving mom which Grayson deserved.

When Ms. Page was a foster mother to children with the trauma she was doing everything she could to help and take care of them. However, none of those kids stayed at her place for a long period of time, and maybe that’s why she made a decision to adopt someone: Katie wanted someone who wouldn’t leave her.
Finding Biological Family
Even though Katie and Grayson had a strong bond in just 11 months, the social workers were trying to find the boy’s biological mother and father as it was their job.

Katie Page also participated in the search process, but it didn’t lead to any results. The data collected by the hospital when Grayson’s biological mom was leaving him didn’t help at all, just like the magazine ads.
Legal Mom
After almost 1 year of living with Grayson, loving him, and caring for him, it was officially approved that Ms. Page was a legal mother of Grayson. Mom and son were absolutely happy together, although they had no idea how many interesting things were ahead.

Unfortunately, despite the doctors’ statement, Grayson faced some issues with his development because of that drug exposure. Katie was spending all her time helping her kid, and only in 1.5 years, she realized she could foster another kid.
Taking Time
When Katie Page mentioned she was ready to foster children again, she started to get many applications mostly for children who were in need of a place to live for a short period of time.

However, Katie preferred to foster someone for a long period of time. Besides, she was taking her time as she noticed that Grayson really needed her to care all the time and probably wouldn’t be happy to see his mom caring for another kid.
A Life-changing Phone Call
In spite of all details, Katie was absolutely sure that her family should expand, she was just taking time to be with Grayson only for a while. She couldn’t expect that a big surprise would come to her life really soon.

In June, the social worker called Katie and told a story about baby Hannah who was left by her mom in the same hospital where the doctors had found Grayson.
Looks Like A Destiny
Isn’t it interesting that Hannah’s story looked almost like Grayson’s? She was left in the exact same hospital and some drug remains were found in her womb as well. All those facts made Katie make a decision without any doubts.

Katie said that after that call she understood what she should do in 10 minutes. She was sure that it wasn’t some coincidence and that God was making everything clear, so she realized she should take the baby girl home.
Was It a Coincidence?
Even though Katie Page already had experience in taking care of a baby she was really nervous. The caseworker brought Hannah to her new loving family several hours after Katie confirmed taking the girl.

Katie examined all of Hannah’s documents that she received and noticed on Hanna’s bracelet that her biological mom’s name was absolutely the same as Grayson’s. Besides, she found out that Hannah’s mother mentioned a very similar to Grayson’s mom’s birthdate. Ms. Page started her own investigation.
Are The Kids Related?
Not only those details but also Grayson’s and Hannah’s life stories were similar: both were exposed to drugs, had similar health troubles, and were left similarly, according to the social workers.

The kids didn’t look like siblings, however, Katie’s intuition was making her believe that her kids were related, although people didn’t believe that. Ms. Page shared her thoughts on her blog stating that Grayson’s skin was darker, and he had some curls as he was half black, while Hannah was white with straight hair. But something wasn’t right anyway…
Sherlock Holmes Mode
Even though no one else supported that idea, Katie Page was almost sure that her new kids had one biological mother. Unfortunately, it was impossible to find her as the data that she had left wasn’t accurate. The birthdate of Hannah’s mom was 1 day different from the mom of Grayson, and besides, that woman left different surnames. But Katie was unstoppable, she wanted to reveal the truth.

Katie shared her thoughts with the caseworker, but the caseworker didn’t believe it saying that all those details, including the kids’ biological mom’s name, were a coincidence and nothing more.
Oh, There She Is
Katie has never been a woman who could give up. She phoned her son’s social worker and asked her to contact her daughter’s social worker to get all the information. Katie was working better than any detective, and finally, she got the contact of Hannah’s mother.

Katie was stressed before meeting with that woman but once she saw her she was completely sure it was also the mother of Grayson.
Collecting Information
Katie was sure that the woman in front of her was the mother of Hannah and Grayson. However, Ms. Page decided to stay calm and get all the necessary information instead of confronting the woman immediately. Actually, that was a great idea as Hannah’s biological mom provided all the information that was needed.

The woman confirmed that besides Hannah she’d given birth to a baby boy who had been left by her at some hospital without any information. That’s exactly what Katie wanted to hear to be sure that her lovely Grayson was that woman’s son which was obvious as even their faces looked similar.
Continuation Of The Investigation
Katie was trying to get all the details, and that female was fine answering everything. She told that she had given birth to 3 kids: the third one was the youngest and the woman just didn’t tell the officials about him. After that meeting, Katie provided all the gathered details to the social service.

It all made sense when the social worker confirmed that Grayson’s biological mom’s surname was the surname that Hannah’s relative had as well. A DNA test was made after that, and the results allowed them to make the statement that Hannah and Grayson were sisters and brothers.
Unexpected Siblings
Even though Katie’s intuition told her that her children were close to each other, she still was shocked to get the proof that Hannah and Grayson were siblings. The woman was excited and felt truly lucky.

Katie was very honest in the blog: she wrote that she couldn’t realize that such a miracle had come into her life. She said that if Hannah had been taken by another family she would have never found Grayson’s mom and reunited her son with his sister.
Keeping Siblings Together
When it was officially confirmed that Katie’s children were siblings Katie became 100% sure she would adopt the girl. Ms. Page couldn’t let the siblings live in different places, she wanted them to stay together. That’s why Katie was doing literally everything she could to reunite her kids.

Not only Katie wanted Hannah and Grayson to be together, but the siblings also enjoyed each other’s company as well. Hannah made Grayson smile all the time, they were always playing and laughing. As a result, Katie was even more inspired to make sure Hannah would be in their family officially soon.
The Happiest Family
On December 29, before the New Year, Katie was really nervous and stressed as it was the day when the court was going to state the final decision about Hannah’s future. Ms. Page came to the court with her kids and gave a very emotional speech. After that, the court stated its decision: Hannah officially became Katie’s daughter.

Katie Page felt as happy as never before. When she made a decision to help kids and become a foster mother she couldn’t imagine that she would adopt 2 wonderful siblings so soon. Finally, the whole family was officially together and ready to start an incredible path.
How Could They Live Without Her?
After spending 2 years as a foster kid, Hannah finally became a part of a loving family. But it was probably inevitable considering the emotions and love Hannah provided to her brother and Katie.

It was impossible for Katie to imagine life without Hannah. She stated that adopting Grayson was a very important decision, and it wasn’t easy but at the same time, she was sure it wasn’t enough. So when Katie adopted Hannah as well she realized it was exactly what Grayson also needed.
God’s Plan
When the interviewer from the People came to Katie to talk, she said that the fact that the whole family was brought together felt like destiny. Katie believed in God’s intentions that’s why in her opinion baby girl got to them instead of living with the other relatives.

Ms. Page also said that if anyone had told her that she would be a mom of 2 kids so soon she would’ve never believed that person. But after getting Grayson and Hannah, Katie understood it was her purpose. She really succeeded as a parent, and what’s interesting: she didn’t learn how to become a good mom, it appeared in her nature. However, that was just the beginning.
Here We Go Again
It’s still not the end of Katie’s story: her life became even more interesting. When Hannah was officially adopted and the family was happy together, the woman received a phone call from the adoption center and got some unexpected news she wasn’t ready for.

The agency said that the biological mom of Katie’s new kids had given birth to another boy and that he was also in need of a place to live at. Katie was shocked when she heard that, but she also had doubts she could deal with one more kid considering it wasn’t easy to be the only parent of 2 growing kids.
The Siblings Can’t Be Separated
When Katie heard the news she was shocked, but she knew that she couldn’t allow that kid to be abandoned and stay without a family. Well, Katie wasn’t planning to have 3 children, but she needed to do something.

Ms. Page knew that separating kids would be a terrible idea. So she took all her strength and applied to adopt that boy.
Welcome Home
Katie Page needed to react really fast once she heard about an abandoned boy, and she did it and decided to take him to her family. He was named Jackson and he made Katie fall in love with him really fast. The boy’s siblings were glad to meet him as well, so it was a win-win.

Finally, Ms. Page told her followers that the adoption process was going on and that she already knew the court date. Even though that process took time and some nerves, Ms. Page was extremely happy knowing Jackson was living with them.
Staying Private
Such stories don’t happen every day so of course Katie’s family became really interesting for many journalists. That’s why the woman decided to be extra private and stopped sharing everything on her social media profiles. She did it for her family’s safety.

Katie just wanted to know that all attention wouldn’t ruin the adoption process. She even decided to put a heart emoji to the boy’s face on all photos until her adoption application would be approved by the court.
Happy Mother And Her Kids
While Katie is waiting for the court’s decision, the family enjoys every minute together. Grayson is growing really fast, and everyone who meets him falls in love with him immediately. The boy is really cute and kind, he also enjoys meeting new people and cares about the ones who’re around.

Hannah really loves playing with dolls, and she can’t sit in one place even for a few minutes! She sees her mother as an example and spends a lot of time with her siblings.
The Lucky Man
Ms. Page’s family is expanding very fast. She shared something really personal about her current life: the woman has met a person who is definitely her soulmate. Katie has promised not to publish a photo of her boyfriend, but she has shared a cut version at least just to tell the world how happy and grateful she is.

They have been dating for a while. And it’s really interesting how they met: the pastor introduced them to each other. It probably really means a lot to Katie that her boyfriend is so supportive and that he is helping with 3 kids, instead of being nervous or mad.
What’s Happening Now?
Being a mom to 3 kids is a really hard task but luckily, Katie’s family and friends helped her. Ms. Page has been working really hard putting efforts into every sphere she’s been dealing with. While Katie was working in that construction company, her mom, sister, and friends helped her a lot with the children. Besides, Katie has been working on the improvement of her house all this time, and she was really good at it.

Nowadays, Ms. Page is a pretty successful entrepreneur as she has her own business. Besides, she is also working as a consultant in a skincare company.
Remote Job
The company Katie is working for is a seller of many skincare items and some makeup products. Luckily, Katie can work remotely, and it is very helpful as she can be with her children but work in the same time.

Katie has said that she truly hopes that she’ll have the chance to spend even more hours with her children and maybe even expand her family. She explains that the traditional job doesn’t allow her to have enough time with her family and pursue her dreams… That is the reason why she is starting to find a really flexible job.
Sharing The Story
Ms. Page is advertising her company on her social media profiles, but she’s also really open to sharing her life experience that can probably inspire other people. Katie is telling not only about her hard but exciting path of becoming a mom, she also tells how she rebuilt her home and improved the design inside.

Katie honestly shared that for almost 40 years her life was really difficult, but she was always pursuing her dreams, no matter how crazy they were. The woman knows that her 3 children have made her life completely different, and she’s happy about it.
Accepting Help
Katie is a really successful entrepreneur and her work allows her to earn enough money to get some additional care for her kids. That’s why she’s decided to hire a live-in nanny: the woman realized that her children were in need of some extra love and care.

Katie has shared that it’s really not easy to be a foster mother, sometimes it’s even harder than you can imagine. But God always helped her to get through the hard moments.
What Does It Mean To Foster Kids?
Katie has decided to share her story to inspire people. She has wanted more of them to know what it means to be a foster mom. She admits that her experience made her happy. When she was interviewed she even said that earlier she didn’t believe in miracles and destiny but now she is sure they exist.

Katie says that sometimes she is trying to be as patient as possible because not everything is good every day. Sometimes she’s really mad and it’s hard to stay calm. But when she looks at her kids she understands that it’s worth it. She can’t really live without her children now and she can’t even imagine how it could be without them. Katie is still waiting for the court’s statement enjoying and loving her family.