Animals have the advantage that their humor never wanes. Whatever the size or appearance of the creatures, if you observe them closely enough, they will ultimately do something that will make you laugh. Fortunately, these photographers did just that, and the results of their work demonstrate that nothing is funnier than the absurd behaviors that these amusing animals engage in. Believe I am lying? Start scrolling, and before you know it, you’ll be laughing so hard that you won’t remember ever doubting me.
Bonding Over A Hilarious Joke
These Quokkas are the embodiment of joy, and anyone would grin just by seeing them. In fact, their endearing smiles have the power to greatly improve someone’s day.

The quokkas laugh and smile all the time. If only I were all as upbeat as they were.
A Snuggly Capybara
This person’s snooze right now has to be the best he’s ever taken in his entire life. The capybara is incredibly cozy and at ease with this man. Things as small and endearing stay with you forever.

This appears to be very serene. How much does a capybara weigh, by the way? Let us look up the information for you before you Google it. A capybara adult can weigh anything from 35 to 66 kilograms.
Having A Big Ol Bear Party
Most of us have never witnessed such a large bear gathering! That evergreen tree has certainly seen better days, but I have a feeling the tree is handling things pretty well.

One wonders what may have happened if everyone had decided to climb the tree after spotting the spider. You know how scary spiders can be, so it might be real.
No Need for Guns When You Have Carrots
I adore the fact that she is not carrying a firearm since that is how the Norwegian police operate. Carrots are available for her beautiful horse.

“Hands up or it’s carrots for you,” she must be saying. Perhaps you should say, “I have carrots and I’m not scared to use them!”
This Dog Is Facing Corruption Charges
Have you ever heard of a pact with the devil? The bear has obviously learned quickly because it is able to purchase the dog.

One wonders if the bear tried any other rewards before settling on deer bones. The dog is also intelligent in our opinion. Depending on the bear, it might be preferable to become friends with one rather than attempt to defend trash.
The Seal “Sealed” A Deal With This Girl
The best thing on the internet right now is this grinning seal. The seal appears content to spend time with a lovely woman.

He is the most attractive element of this photo, therefore it’s obvious that he knows a thing or two about posing for the camera!
The Best Photobomb Ever
The horse behind these police officers, who wasn’t even in the picture to begin with, was therefore ready for his picture to be taken when they were in front of the camera.

The horse instantly displayed its stunning smile to the world with the simple command “cheesssee.” The horse’s face and sparkling, brilliant smile make this by far the best photobomb ever, and I adore them.
A Cute Little Home
The leaf-roofed nest of this hummingbird fills me with such joy. This demonstrates how lovely and comforting nature can be.

Here are some interesting details about this incredible bird. Only hummingbirds can genuinely fly backward around the entire globe. Only two eggs are laid by a female hummingbird, and this bird weighs less than a nickel.
Bless Thy Neighbor!
So a kind neighbor put this letter at the homeowner’s front door out of concern for the soul beneath the tire.

It’s possible that this person had to miss work and excused themselves by calling on cute woodland critters.
Safety Comes First
Our favorite! It’s impossible for anyone to not like the picture if a hedgehog is seated in the passenger seat and is securely fastened with a seatbelt.

The hedgehog appears to be cozy. I adore his smile; it looks as though he is prepared for a road trip. “I’ve buckled up, now it’s your time or things will get pretty prickly,” the pet hedgehog says.
Little Breakfast Buddy
This person spent all four weeks in the same location simply to enjoy each breakfast or lunch with a small bird. During his whole work break, the bird stays seated next to him. Isn’t that cute?

For a meal break, their group is quite polite. By the way, robins have a low threshold for fear when they come into close proximity to people.
I Saved This Crow’s Life And Now She Brings Me Gifts In Thanks
A crow that became stuck in her patio in the French Quarter was treated for its wounds. So the crow occasionally returns simply to give her these sweet presents.

Given that crows are intelligent birds, these are undoubtedly expressions of gratitude. She is fortunate to have a grateful, considerate, appreciative, and polite crow!
It Completes The Family Picture
It was discovered by this guy after uploading an old Christmas photo that his pocket square had his sister’s hamster. The adorable little fluffy ball finished off the family portrait.

A handkerchief is no match for a hamster as a pocket square! It’s a cute tiny creature.
Hey Look, It’s Me!
The likelihood that a bird will land on his own description is therefore what? It is an extremely unusual occasion that might never occur again. You should consider yourself fortunate to have seen it.

In the bird’s words, “Please excuse me. Simply confirming that my description is accurate.”
This Mother Duck Always Brings Her Young To My House For Help Raising Them
This person has a special relationship with the duck that sends her young back to their home each year so they can care for and rear them.

They discovered these thirteen puffballs when they opened the door in the morning. The duck’s trust is so lovely in its simplicity.
That Explains A Lot
It was because of this adorable little frog that the water stopped flowing. Isn’t it the cutest frog ever?

Hey, are you certain that it isn’t a chameleon? I have an idea: Adorn that and turn it into a tiny home for this frog.
Those Adorable Expressions!
It is difficult to imagine that this cute tiny river potato will eventually develop into a powerful monster. Hippos are after all among the deadliest land mammals in the world. Nevertheless, you have to savor this little guy’s cuteness. Right back at you, sweetheart!

By the way, this infant is Fiona, a Cincinnati Zoo hippo born too soon. Now a big girl, she is!
The Coolest Photobomb
An iguana photobombed this woman’s wonderful photo while she was having a fantastic time in Puerto Rico and was about to publish it to social media.

Without a sure, it is one of those moments that you “won’t believe if it wasn’t filmed.” Simply said, that resembles Superman’s pet iguana.
What A Lovely Cow
Stop what you’re doing right now and take a time to admire this gorgeous cow. Is she not the most gorgeous cow there is?

She really is a charming, rural beauty with brown eyes! Does she go by Sunflower? If it’s not, then by all means use this name.
Mud Bath Time
This person got a picture of a bear chilling out and not giving a damn about anything while volunteering in a bear sanctuary in Croatia.

Although the bear appears serious, he appears at ease. And I am ecstatic to learn that there is a bear refuge nearby. The bear appears completely at home.
“Are You Done Yet? We Want Our Breakfast!”
Check at these cute grass puppies! Simply observe them. They are just stunning.

Mini-cows, by the way, are genuine. They are pet-grade cows, about the size of a dog. They can be described as adorable, mobile cows.
Don’t Look Suspicious, Don’t Be Suspicious
The two raccoons on campus agreed to sit like this to apologize to the person who they had startled.

How can someone refuse to accept their apology when they are so adorable? Raccoons, regrettably, have a poor reputation.
A Lioness With Manners
A lioness was being photographed by this person, who got a cute smile out of her. Or maybe she’s thinking about something else.

Who knows, perhaps she is considering “Would gravy or mint sauce taste better with this photographer? I’m undecided!”
If You Can’t Beat Them Join Them
Is it appropriate to declare that this is a true copycat now or not? I simply want to know, and if it isn’t, I won’t bring up this topic ever again.

Hey, whatcha looking at, the serval asks. The National Anthem should be playing in the background for these furry creatures. Love it!
Looks Like a Fun Owl Party
The owls thought, “Hey, why not take advantage and host a pool party,” when they saw an empty pool.

They appear to be having a great time there. Please be mindful to safeguard any owl nests you uncover close to your home. Those adorable owls.
Is That Some Kind Of A Shrimp Ritual?
This individual noticed that the shrimp were gathered together for a rite of some sort. Or perhaps they’re taking in a pole dance.

I believe it to be a shrimp club as they are focusing on two additional shrimp. We are all aware of the Shrimp Club’s first rule, don’t we?
A Tidy Bunny
Cat owners can also identify with this image because cats are just as bad as dogs at lying wherever they like. Even if you spend $1,000 on a house for them, they might still have to sleep in a shoebox.

This dust bunny is acting in a typical manner. Unexpectedly frequently, bunnies do this!
How Do I Look With This Wig On?
This foal is very lovely and so human- or childlike-like.

You can tell that the young girl is asking her mother, “Mom, do I look attractive,” because she wants to be like her.
What Chameleon?
This is nothing more than a military backpack. Ah, but! Can you detect a difference in this situation? Yes, another black backpack is present. You can overlook this picture because there is nothing more to view. Then, is there?

There is a pet chameleon who likes hiding on the soldier’s backpack, though. It’s incredible!
The Funkiest Hair Accessory
As she was cleaning the young man’s enclosure, he made the decision to settle in. He didn’t want to go when she was finished cleaning his house.

Imagine if she left it behind and went shopping. Although the snake appears cute, I doubt that those who are afraid of snakes would find it appealing.
“Karen, I Only Love You”
So this Pikes Peak proposal was unintentionally captured, and all I want to know is where the tissue box is.

Even yet, it still has a finer love story than Twilight (if you don’t get that, we can’t be friends).
This Cow Is Having A Bad Hair Day
Most of you must agree that this is the cutest baby animal you have ever seen. By the way, it’s a Highland Cow, a hardy breed of cattle from Scotland.

I apologize in advance if this offends anyone, but I think this baby calf has nicer hair than most people.
A Pigeon’s Walk
I can only infer from this image that the pigeon must be on a really intense phone call. Maybe his wife gave him a call.

The pigeon might also be attempting to reach his FitBit step target. Those are flawless little tunes, by the way.
Horse Lady
Excellent placement for the photo! Most of you will initially assume that the horse is donning a helmet.

After viewing this image, all I can think to ask is, “Why the lengthy face?” By the way, it’s a fantastic shot and deserving of a lot of praise.
Wedding Shoot Photobomb
Raccoons photobombed this couple’s wedding photo shoot as they were having it.

I believe that they were kind to this couple. Or else, it would have been another wedding photo session.
An Angry Sulking Panda Cub
This newborn panda appears to be annoyed with his mother, and it is obvious from the way he is seated that he doesn’t want to speak to her at all.

I was slow to notice that a cat was hiding behind the calf. What a cute little story the calf has, I thought.
Rocket, Is That You?
This small masked thief is immediately recognizable to fans of the Guardians of the Galaxy as the Rocket from the superhero movie from 2014. “I need your help; we have to preserve the galaxy,” the Rocket cries.

Although unlikely, there is still a potential that a raccoon will take your life. I don’t believe that this one is armed, although it could be hiding a weapon.
An Angry Sulking Panda Cub
This newborn panda appears to be annoyed with his mother, and it is obvious from the way he is seated that he doesn’t want to speak to her at all.

The youngster asks her mother, “Do I look pretty?” because she wants to be like her.
There’s No Shame
We’ve never really been able to figure out why certain people enjoy peeing on sculptures so much. We’re attempting to suggest that they don’t look all that enticing. They have also been around since 1619 in that regard.

I don’t laugh at it; I just assume the parrot is merely attempting to collect the water.
Her Crown is Beautiful
She may appear to be wearing a crown, but she could be obstructing alien signals.

It appears that the bell is only obstructing the swing’s ideal position. Wearing it as a “hat” is a clever approach to ensure that it won’t irritate her constantly.
“Heeeeey! Wassup Karen!”
Oh my goodness, he resembles a cartoon figure. He might have smoked something, and everything suddenly seems different to him.

We’re sure he was grinning as they brought him in for a checkup, but the cruel doctor would change his life forever. Nevertheless, it is a terrifying sight that may make you feel uneasy.
80’s Workout Girl
Someone’s chicken required a hairband for its chicken-fro, and as a result, it now resembles a 1980s chick.

The woman appears to take exercise and health very seriously. I also believe that this woman is Jane Fonda’s animal spirit or an 80s icon.
Avocado Bird
When this bird spotted an avocado, it appears that they had bonded well. She presumably assumed the avocado was kin based on its form and color. If that is the case, the bird must urgently acquire glasses.

The sad bird’s loneliness may be another factor. Although it is depressing, it is probably the cause of her refusal to put down the avocado. She might be watching for the avocado to ripen. Who knows why she became friends with an avocado, but I hope she meets someone more mobile or able to fly.
Frog Prince
So two brothers used 3D printers to create headgear for their pet frogs. It was a wise decision.

The prince of the frog, please! He’s really adorable, so kiss him for me. He is very cute, it is preferable to kiss him right now without waiting. Immediately take action!
A Cartoon-Worthy Hamster
A hamster looks like this after consuming a lot of popcorn. The hamster apparently feared it wouldn’t get food for a while, so it hoarded the majority of it.

They keep the food in their pouches, by the way, only to eat it later. However, the cheeky hamster kind of stands in for many people during the quarantine.
This Must Be Patrick
Greetings, Patrick Pat, hello! Patrick! Take note! Patrick’s back is extremely pronounced, so it appears like he’s been doing some serious squats.

Or maybe Patrick decided to sleep naked after losing his shorts. In the instance of Patrick, you can infer so many things, and any of them might be accurate.
The Stingray Photoshoot
The stingray calls out, “Group hug, ladies!” and the women appear to be second-guessing their decision to pose for a picture with the reptile. The females should be frightened given how Steve Irwin passed away.

The ladies are, incidentally, at Grand Cayman’s Stingray City, where you can pay to swim with stingrays.
That’s A Big Bird
Despite the fact that this is a bird feeder, I have a sneaking suspicion that the bear has consumed something and now believes he can fly as well.

The bear may have also spotted a mouse or a spider. However, I do have one concern: how on earth did he get up there? The bear weighs a lot, but how sturdy is that pole?
A Potato Bunny
So the owners allowed this fluffy creature to roam the house. After some time of looking for him, they discovered that he was resting near to the potatoes.

Another peculiar behavior the homeowners have is to leave potatoes on the floor.
An Art Gallery For The Gerbil
It can be difficult to spend time in quarantine, but if you have a pet gerbil, it gets a little bit easier. I think it is absolutely wonderful that this woman and her boyfriend spent the entire day setting up an art museum for their pet gerbil.

And it’s really sweet! The gerbil seemed to be appreciative of the masterworks on show. Teaching it to read is the next step.