We live in those times when everything can be ordered online, so people don’t really need to go to the shopping mall if they don’t want to. But of course, purchasing something online is pretty risky as you never know what you’ll get. So here is the list of people’s unlucky but funny orders: they bought something incredible but instead of getting it, they received something «a little bit» different 🙂 Let’s take a look!
The Scariest Clown In The Whole World
Do you think Pennywise is the scariest clown in the world? Look at this suit that someone ordered online. Pennywise would probably run away after seeing someone like this.

I truly hope that parents didn’t allow their kids to wear this costume as not only kids but also adults would have a heart attack after seeing this clown. He looks like a kid of Marilyn Manson and Bozo, doesn’t he?
The Worst Prom Dress
Prom dresses ordered online have already become a meme: everyone knows that ordering them online is the most stupid idea. But still, some people prefer to get something from a weird website. So here is the price they really pay for being naive and wanting something cool but cheap online.

Let’s just look at these white cups… What reality is the producer living in? Does he think it looks nice and expensive? Such dresses just make me speechless.
Scary In The Way That Wasn’t Planned
It’s hard to imagine why the person decided to order that mask in the first place as it really looks terrifying but there is something that probably scares people in the other way.

This mask truly reminds me of Mrs. Doubtfire if her mask was thrown away and run over by a car. Anyway, it really looks horrifying just not of good quality so next time you need something like this check the place you are ordering from.
Who Is This Man?
Making custom orders is always risky as you hope that the result will look exactly like you’ve wanted. But reality sucks sometimes… This person ordered these custom socks but when he/she got them they were nothing like what was planned, instead, they were really weird.

To be fair, one sock is exactly what the person needed, but the other one has a print of a stranger. This stranger probably got the wrong pair of socks as well not knowing where the matching one is.
A 10-years Delivery
Have you ever been waiting for the delivery for 10 years?.. Well, this person has this kind of experience now. He/she bought a cookbook in 2009 and USPS delivered it in 2019. No one knows where it was, looks like a LOST situation.

No one even knows if this person still loves cooking, besides, the recipes have been developed, probably. However, it’s a great chance to see how many things have changed in the cooking sphere.
Dress For Bodybuilders
This man was working out really hard… Just look at his muscles! He probably decided to make a gift to his body and ordered a tank top. I guess he was pretty excited. But instead, he got something else…

The guy put it on, and it’s obvious that it looks more like a dress. If he has a girlfriend she will probably find out how to use this outfit. However, he looks really good in it!
A Dress For A Puppy
The woman was ordering an XL dress but turns out even a French bulldog is too big for it. It seems that the seller needed to write that this dress would be great for a puppy or a newborn.

To get the dress of a necessary size that woman probably needed to order something 6 times bigger. How can it be okay to be fine with such things? We all know that sometimes photos and reality are different, but this was too much.
Whose Bone Is It?
Do you look at the sizes of the treats when you order some for your dog? Well, you better start doing it or your dog can end up just like the one below: this cute small doggo needs to enjoy this dragon’s bone. It’s probably delicious though.

It’s hard to imagine what dog can enjoy such a huge treat, Clifford from the «Flintstones» is probably the only one: he would be fine taking and eating it.
Giant Poster With Your Face
The girl has decided to buy wrapping paper with a photo of her own face! It was planned as a joke but instead, someone decided to make this joke for her. She got the giant poster with 4 photos of her face!

However, she is laughing really hard, so maybe she wasn’t very sad. The printing company workers enjoyed the order as well for sure!
Online Teeth
The guy below looks really funny with such teeth, so now you will probably get why ordering veneers online is not a good idea. It looks like this because every mouth’s size is different, so there is always a chance that ordered veneers can not be suitable for your mouth.

Let’s be honest though: these teeth look exactly like in the photo, however, their size is definitely for a mouth of a different size, and that’s why this man looks so funny. Don’t expect anything great if you purchase veneers online.
Truth Always Comes True
If you are ordering something secretly online… Be ready to be exposed. Someone who ordered this package was probably really embarrassed as everyone could see what was inside.

It’s not a coincidence: the company probably did that on purpose, but it’s absolutely awful as such purchases must be private, especially when it comes to such specific orders.
Too Big For His Home
The sellers certainly promised that any cat would enjoy this Xmas tree home. How could anyone know that this cat wouldn’t be able to get there? He was too curious to try it out, and now he was stuck in there.

There are no doubts that the cat was over-confident if he decided he would fit into that new bed. But only his head got inside! However, he would be fine: he should get some treats to stop being stressed.
Airpods For A Giant
Searching for the gift idea on wish.com can really help you but don’t even think about ordering something from there (unless it’s approved by Wish). Someone who bought this probably was ordering AirPods, but instead, he got something huge.

The person was probably imagining how he would listen to new songs, but the seller decided to disappoint him and sent 2 shower heads instead. How do such sellers get away from justice?
A Bench For Dolls
Just imagine: you are ordering a new wooden bench but instead, you get something that is only suitable for your doll. Honestly, the buyer should’ve checked the dimensions as the bench looks weird and small even in the photo.

This girl did an impressive job though trying to sit on this bench. But I don’t really think she will do it often, only if she wants to laugh with her friends. Or maybe she’ll simply get rid of it.
Frog And Toad Are Not The Same Anymore
The woman decided to buy some beautiful cupcakes for the engagement of her sister, so she came to Walmart and showed the photo of what she needed. There definitely was some misunderstanding because otherwise, I don’t know how to explain what she’s received.

To be honest, it looks like the woman found the photo somewhere on Pinterest and decided that the bakery wouldn’t be necessary as she could do it herself. So she has what she has: instead of a beautiful surprise for her sister, she got something similar to the toilet seat.
Cupcake Ring And Almost Ruined Engagement
The woman decided to buy some beautiful cupcakes for the engagement of her sister, so she came to Walmart and showed the photo of what she needed. There definitely was some misunderstanding because otherwise, I don’t know how to explain what she’s received.

To be honest, it looks like the woman found the photo somewhere on Pinterest and decided that the bakery wouldn’t be necessary as she could do it herself. So she has what she has: instead of a beautiful surprise for her sister, she got something similar to the toilet seat.
Tiny Wet Wipes
It’s hard to believe that someone really produced such a small package of wet wipes. Who are they for? A mouse? Maybe these wet wipes were made as a joke, otherwise, I have no idea how to explain it.

Of course, we can blame the one who bought it as he didn’t check the mentioned dimensions. But who could expect tiny wet wipes?
Looks Like A Joke
Can you find any similarities between these 2 dresses? There are no jewels and the color is not even close… Well, that’s what you get when you buy clothes online unless they are ordered on a famous brand’s website or purchased in a trustworthy online store.

Maybe it’s time to finally accept that a really good dress can’t be sold for 20 bucks. So stop searching for some new websites offering incredible dresses for the price of fast food dinners.
Tapestry As A Headdress
This guy’s friend bought him the tapestry to decorate the room, but it seems that now he can only decorate his head because the size of this tapestry is nothing like it was promised.

I really hope that the man who purchased it paid at least 75% less considering that this bandana is about 1/4 of the tapestry’s size. Jack Sparrow would enjoy this gift though.
Maybe it’s Apple?
This is really heartbreaking. The man was trying to save money for a long time to finally buy a laptop for 850 bucks. He made an order from Walmart and then received a package with 3 bottles of juice instead of the desired laptop. One bottle is even broken a bit, so maybe it’s even good that there was no laptop inside.

Walmart is a big brand, so I hope this man can return his money or get the laptop he ordered. I would be really mad and sad if such a terrible situation happened to me. This world… You can’t trust anyone.
Bulbasaur On Drugs
The guy who ordered this really wanted to make a surprise for his wife, so he bought this Bulbasaur that should hold the plants. He was waiting for almost 3 weeks, and then he received this…

It really seems like this Bulbasaur is on drugs, right? Look at his smile and eyes. The seller probably decided to prank a customer because if it’s not a joke then how can it be even real?
A Way Cooler T-shirt
I truly think that the tee this girl has gotten is cool, at least really better than the one she ordered despite the mistake in the letters. These cherubs with guns are dope, better than the standard ones.

If the girl compares these 2 t-shirts she would probably be glad that it happened. And fixing the mistake is also doable: she just needs a steamer and some new letters.
West Elm Fail
Imagine how excited the person was when he decided to order this kitchen board from West Elm. But in 6 months he received something absolutely different… It looks like the creator of this just watched some videos on the «how to make a…» topic and made a board for the first time.

If that was my package I would be more than sad because instead of something cool I got something I wouldn’t even use. I do believe though that West Elm can do it better.
The Assembling Worker Was Probably Drunk
It feels like you should be prepared for literally anything when you make online orders. How could these headphones be sold? But more importantly: who produced them thinking that the jack matching the earbud was a nice idea?

I have no idea if these headphones are working fine, but I guess they can. But who cares if it’s absolutely uncomfortable to put a phone right near your head? Luckily 3.5 mm jacks aren’t used anymore.
The Disrespected Wolf
Let’s start by clarifying one thing: who could buy this? I guess it was that super-confident man who prefers to call his private parts «the wolf» or «the predator». Poor wolves… It doesn’t look like people respect them.

But let’s be honest: the fact that this underwear looks terrible is not because the seller failed, as the look of the boxers depends on what package is inside of them. Now you know why it is risky to order underwear.
A Great Carpet For Your Doggo
Some people decided to make a good gift for their friend’s Birthday and ordered this beautiful carpet for $150 to decorate his room. Sounds like a cool gift, but then they got this…

Of course, checking dimensions is a necessity but after paying more than 100 bucks who could expect that the carpet’s size would be more suitable for a dog?
Not The Cutest Outfit
You probably heard about Lukalula Maternity: a famous company offering pregnant females beautiful clothes. But the company and its workers are scammers. They steal photos and post them like their own. The female who bought the outfit was 26 weeks pregnant but instead of looking beautiful in this dress, she looks terrible.

She then posted the photo of «ordered vs received» on her Facebook and a woman from the left photo wrote a comment proving that the company was lying and stole that image from her.
Night In A Tent
Someone decided to order a beautiful bed frame thinking how beautiful this bed will look in his bedroom. But it probably wasn’t mentioned that after buying you should also assemble it… To make it look like in the photo it is required to paint it and attach the canopy.

I just hope this product wasn’t overpriced as sleeping here is not a good idea. I also can’t stop laughing looking at these sticks instead of solid beautiful branches.
Vending Machine Ring
Facebook and Instagram ads sometimes really take all our salaries. You see something you never really needed but it’s so cool and the ad is so convincing… So in a second, you are ordering it. Well, here is the story.

This person decided to buy this ring with crystals which were advertised on Facebook. But instead, something like a ring for kids from the vending machine has arrived. I think 25 cents would be enough for this item.
Mirror Mirror On The Wall
If you are always trying to find the cheapest option of everything then no doubt that’s what you get. This guy did it, so he got distorted mirrors, and it makes him look like Syd from Ice Age.

The man could really have a good mirror, but now he has a weird one that changes his look so much that he laughs every time. It is funny but completely useless.
Royal Dress From China
The situations when females order dresses online and then get something awful are all over the Internet, but people still make this mistake. Look at this photo: these 2 dresses don’t even have any similarities.

It looks like the seller downloaded the photo from some random designer’s website and decided to use it to get people’s attention.
When Harry Met Sally For 2,5 Bucks
If you’re a fan of «When Harry Met Sally» then you would also be excited after finding the record for 2,5 bucks. That’s what happened to this man but when he got his order he was shocked because of the size.

Such a record would be perfect for a tiny house where you could also put that tiny bench and weeny wet wipes. If only this record was sent with a tiny record player…
What Will It Purify?
When the man decided to buy an air purifier he was probably thinking that the air would be purified. And then he noticed there was nothing inside so this small device could only change the green light to red light.

I’m just curious how long it took for the man to understand that device was completely useless. But of course, you can always hide some jewelry inside so that robbers never find anything.
Nothing Stops From Robbing A Bank Now
A man found a cute hat that can keep him warm during the winter season and decided to order it from Wish. What could possibly go wrong? Well, Warm decided that it would be better for the man to rob a bank than to go for a walk.

He can make some holes for his eyes now and get a cool mask for Halloween. I just hope that Wish has a return policy, however, I’m really not sure considering how many awful products they sell.
Print Don’t Knit
The girl who purchased it was probably really excited when she saw the knitted cardigan somewhere online. She ordered it but when she opened the package she got something absolutely terrible and not even similar.

Instead of being knitted, her new cardigan just had a similar pattern that was printed on the fabric. I want to cry looking at this, and I can’t even imagine what that girl felt.
Make Your Own Cactus
Never! Do you hear me? Never make any orders when you are drunk, especially if you just see something on Instagram ads and decide you need it. The woman from this story made that mistake and bought a cactus scratcher for her cat when she was drunk.

Instead of a scratcher, she just received two packages of rope without any instructions on how to make that cactus. I guess she was really wasted if she didn’t notice it was a DIY cactus, not an actual scratcher.
Sabbath Is Not A B*tch
«Black Sabbath» fans probably got really mad after seeing this hat, and I don’t blame them. It’s truly disrespectful for fans to wear it as it can really offend the band. But to be honest, the hat itself looks cool.

When you are buying something from Amazon try to avoid high expectations because the reality may disappoint you. Try to have no expectations at all so that you won’t be upset if something bad happens.
A Mask For A Puppy
If our pets used such masks it would be a great gift considering the mask’s size. This girl is really upset after receiving this but at least her forehead skin will be fine.

I really want to know: who produced it and why? Did the producers think that the mask would be stretched until it fits the face? Many questions, zero answers.
Do It Yourself
This female found a beautiful blanket on Wish and decided to order it. But as you already know Wish is not trustworthy. Now the woman knows that too as she got yarn to knit the blanket instead of receiving the blanket itself.

I feel like Wish is really good for people who love DIY products. Why can’t they just sell the items that look exactly like in the photo?
Do You See The Squirrel?
When a person was ordering these nuts he was probably waiting for the package full of them. Of course, it was mentioned that some nuts could settle but not in someone’s stomach! It really looks like someone was very hungry in the distribution office.

Of course, the buyer could be more careful as you can see that this product has just 2,5 stars while the suggested package is 4,5 stars and just a little bit more expensive. Don’t underestimate Amazon’s reviews.
Who Ordered Fabric?
Is it even possible to call this piece of fabric «a dress»? It doesn’t even look like an outfit. What I see is some mesh with several seams as a result of which it’s possible to wear this «something». The buyer is probably really upset to get this instead of a beautiful dress.

The person was ordering a wonderful wedding dress. It’s a lesson we all should learn: if you want to get something beautiful with great quality you should pay a good price for it.
Kids Toilet Paper
Do you remember the times when people were scared that the world would be out of toilet paper? Many decided to buy it, so there was no toilet paper in some stores for a while. But this woman found a solution: she paid the double price to order some packages online.

The size of the rolls is funny though: who were they made for? It seems that one received roll is 50% smaller than the standard one.
A Boy Comes For Free
What do you think you see? You are probably thinking that Amazon was selling that nice dinosaur pillow. Well, the buyer had the same thought. Who could expect that he would get a pillowcase where that dinosaur and boy are printed?

There is no chance the buyer can return this to Amazon as they’ll state that’s exactly what they were advertising. It’s just hard to believe they truly did that.
Water Is Not Needed
This guy was sure he was ordering a heat-sensitive mug: it was expected that the light bulb on the mug would turn on once the hot water is poured. But instead, the sellers just put this print on the mug.

The mug costs $15, not $2. Nowadays, you can’t even trust a product that has a reasonable price. Be ready to get the weirdest products but never the same you thought you were buying.
What Has Happened To Groot?
If you are also a fan of the «Game of Thrones» show just like the man who ordered this you would also be excited to get the Night King mask, right? How upsetting it is to get this damaged something-like-Groot…

I can’t even call this mess «a mask» as a paper or plastic bag would look much better than this. If you ever thought about buying something online, think twice. For real.