The first ever commercial flight took place in 1914, and since then, we have seen a lot of improvements in how airlines run their operations. On-flight, services have also improved, and the whole flight experience has gotten much better than in the yesteryears. However, all that glitter is not gold. There are some fishy things about airlines that even frequent flyers don’t care to ask. So today, we are going to take a look at 45 things that airlines don’t want you to know. Flight attendants have shared these things, so they are bound to have some truth to them.
The Food Isn’t Hygienic
Like water, the food served on airplanes isn’t that good. Firstly the food is extremely unhealthy and unhygienic. It may come prepackaged and may look fancy, but one can only imagine the freshness of that food. Don’t be fooled by that plastic wrap.

If you are a health-conscious person, you should always avoid the food they serve on the planes. Sometimes you don’t have a choice, especially when you are on a long flight, but for shorter flights, it is better to eat beforehand.
The Best Time To Fly
If you don’t like to wait in long queues at the airport and you are tired of crowded flights, then the best thing to do is book your flight for early morning. Not only do early morning flights not have a lot of turbulence, but these flights are rarely delayed or rescheduled.

It is also ideal to travel during the middle of the week, i.e., Wednesday, as it is the least busy time of the week to travel. This is why you may be able to get a discount on your flight. So if you book a flight for Wednesday morning, you can get enjoy a range of advantages.
Planes Don’t Carry A Lot Of Extra Fuel
Sometimes the planes may need extra fuel, especially if they have to change their route due to an emergency. However, you might be surprised to learn that planes can only carry a small amount of extra fuel that can give them 45 extra minutes of flight.

If the plane carries any more fuel, it will become heavier, which can cause more problems and may even slow down the plane. You shouldn’t worry about this as it is very rare for planes to use an additional amount of fuel than the already designated amount.
It’s Really Difficult To Be Comfortable On A Plane
In the past few decades, airplanes have been continuously improving their services, but at the same time, when they have been increasing amenities, they are also making decisions that are causing problems for the passengers. These things include reducing the size of the seats and reducing legroom for the passengers.

On some planes, there is such little space that you can’t even stretch your legs properly. Another thing that affects the comfort of the passengers is the pillows and blankets that the airline offers. In most cases, they aren’t clean, and passengers may be disgusted by them.
The Water On The Airplane Is Not Clean
No matter how many pilots on YouTube debunk this claim, you should never drink water, tea, or any other water-related beverage on the plane. You are better off drinking processed fruit juice.

This is because the planes are usually always moving, and to optimize their use; airline companies don’t spend a lot of time cleaning the water tanks. Some even believe that there is no separation of water for drinking and cleaning purposes on the plane. All water comes from the same tank.
Flight Attendants Don’t Eat The Same Food As You
Believe me when I tell you flight attendants don’t eat the same airplane food that you eat. They know that the food isn’t healthy or hygienic and can result in a disturbed stomach or worse. This is why most flight attendants bring packed food from home, which they keep in the flight attendant area.

The fact that they don’t eat the food they serve just goes to show how little they think about the food being offered by the airlines. This is why I would recommend you eat before your flight, so you don’t have to eat the food offered by the airlines.
You Are On The Radar The Moment You Step Foot On The Plane
When you enter the plane, you see flight attendants standing there to greet you. They greet you and then receive your ticket. During this time, they also assess you to see if you are intoxicated or if you are suspicious in general.

If they find something serious, they report it to the authorities. If they think a certain passenger is going to create problems on the flight or if that person is going to be hard to deal with, then they will let other flight attendants know about it. So be very careful about how you behave when you greet the flight attendants before your flight.
Trick To Get Transferred To First Class
Do you know there is a trick to get transferred to first class while only paying for economy class? This does not work all the time, but if you are lucky, you might hit the jackpot. When there is a weight imbalance on the plane, people are shifted from economy to business class to balance the weight.

The first class is usually at the front of the plane, while the economy class is at the back. So the trick here is to get your seat near the end of the plane in economy class. So when the flight attendants come looking for a passenger to shift, they would most probably choose you.
Some Airlines Have Weird Dating Policies
It is common for companies to have a ‘No Dating Your Co Worker’ Policy, but some airline companies have a ‘No Dating The Passengers’ Policy. This seems weird, as dating a passenger can do no harm. What if the flight attendant clicks with a passenger, and they can have a happy life together?

This is just a useless rule, and it’s good that not all airlines have this policy. However, this does not mean that flight attendants go out of the way to communicate with the passengers on a personal level, but if they find a passenger good-looking, there should be nothing stopping them from trying their luck.
Miss Flight Attendant
It makes sense to have beautiful women take part in pageants like Miss World or Miss Universe but what’s confusing is the fact that airlines do it too. They try their best to hire female flight attendants who meet a certain standard of beauty. Not only does it not have a place in the 21st century, but it just seems weird to start with.

These days, airlines care more about professionalism rather than looks, but in the old days, you would only find flight attendants who were so young and beautiful they could have won a pageant themselves. This was done to attract more customers. Frequent flyers would specifically choose to fly for airlines with beautiful flight attendants.
The Conspiracy Theories About The Brace Position
The brace position can be seen on safety pamphlets on all airlines. The flight attendants also mention it in their safety protocols routine. When you place your head between your legs and put your hands on your head, this is called the brace position.

There is a conspiracy theory about the brace position that it actually results in certain death so that the person cannot sue the airline. This couldn’t be further from the truth. There is research behind the brace position, as when the person is in a brace position, their important organs are protected, so they have more chance of survival.
You Can Take Your Pet With You
There are many misconceptions about bringing your pet on the plane. It should be noted that different airline companies have different rules regarding this, but pet owners would be happy to know that there are airline companies that have no problem with you bringing your pet on board.

Your pet can be kept in the plane’s cargo area, or in some cases, you may even be allowed to keep your pet with you in your seat. However, it is best to ask the airline company about their pet policy before you buy the ticket.
That Romantic Movie Cliché Is True
It is very common in the airline industry for flight crew members to get romantically involved with each other. When you are in the air most of the time, you only want to spend your days off relaxing and sleeping. So there is no time for socialization.

This is why many people in the industry start relationships with each other, but it is not always serious. Sometimes they just fool around and have fun together. So basically, the movie cliché of the pilot getting together with a beautiful air hostess isn’t just a made-up Hollywood thing. It actually happens.
Lighting Strikes Are Common
There have been instances in the past where lightning strikes have resulted in plane crashes. However, these days planes are built to be stronger and more durable. They can withstand lightning strikes and keep flying. In reality, planes get struck every now and then, especially if the weather isn’t good.

So if you have a misconception about this, then we are here to put all your worries to rest. The maximum you would feel is a little turbulence, and plane lights may flicker a bit. In addition to all this, there are safety protocols in place for this.
Say No To Blankets And Pillows On The Plane
Sometimes when you are on a long flight, you want to get comfortable. Many people ask for blankets or pillows on the plane so that they can relax and be comfortable on the plane. However, once you realize how dirty those blankets and pillows actually are, you will be anything but comfortable.

These pillows might be given to you in plastic wrap to show that they have been cleaned, or some airlines might show that the pillows are absolutely brand new, but that is not the case. These pillows aren’t even cleaned most of the time after a passenger is done using them.
Cheaper Airlines Are As Safe As The Expensive Ones
You might think that cheaper airline tickets mean that the service will also be bad and the flight will be less safe. However, that is not the case. If you buy a cheaper ticket, that does not mean you are compromising on your safety for a few bucks.

The airline companies reduce the number of amenities they offer their passengers. This is how they are able to reduce the ticket price. If they were offering risky flights, then I am sure even the pilot and the plane crew would refuse you go onboard.
Safety Protocols Work
As a frequent flyer, you might get tired of looking at the flight attendant explaining the safety protocols before every flight. The airlines are instructed by the regulatory authorities to do this before every flight. But it is not just a formality. Many people don’t even care about looking at the flight attendants when they are explaining these protocols.

These things are there to protect the passengers and the plane as a whole. People don’t think straight when there is an emergency. But if you have already seen the flight attendant explain everything, you wouldn’t be confused when there is an emergency. So next time, listen to the safety protocol with great care.
Tip Your Flight Attendants
There are many points of discussion that divide the world in two. Giving tips is one of them. Some people think that it is important to give tips to service workers while others think that it is the job of the company to pay their employees well and the customers shouldn’t be expected to tip.

A lot of people, including frequent flyers, don’t know this, but you can actually tip the flight attendants as well. The main reason that people don’t tip flight attendants is that they think flight attendants earn a lot of money from their job, which isn’t exactly true.
What Happens To All The Unused Food?
It is always best to bring your food on the plane, and if you are on a short flight, then it’s better to eat before your flight. The quality of food they offer on the plane isn’t good and what’s more alarming is what happens to the unused food.

You might have wondered where the old and unused food goes. Well, the airlines actually serve some of this unused food to the passengers on the next flight while they dump the remaining food. Personally, I am never eating the food they serve on the plane. You never know; you might be eating a leftover from someone else.
Pilots Are The Kings And Queens On A Plane
Pilots hold a great amount of authority on the plane. They can also kick passengers off the plane if they are being problematic, given the plane hasn’t taken off yet. However, that does not mean that the passengers can be problematic while the plane is in the air.

The pilot can contact air control about problematic passengers, so before even the plane lands, there is security personnel ready to arrest that person. The pilots are responsible for making important decisions in case of any emergency, and the crew and the passengers have to follow the pilot’s lead.
The Most Common Item That Is Stolen From Airplanes
Many people don’t know this, but the most common item that is stolen from airplanes is a life jacket. Airlines have life jackets placed under every seat so that in case the plane has to make a crash landing in water; you can take out the life jacket and wear it.

As these life jackets get stolen all the time, it is very important for you to check your seat every time you board a plane. If it’s not there, you should ask the flight attendant to provide you with one. People who steal life jackets from planes should realize that their actions can directly cause someone’s death.
The Best Seat In The House
Plane accidents are scary and, very often, lead to the death of all people on board. However, research has shown that there is one row of seats that can give you a high chance of survival. If you want to increase your chances of survival, you should try to sit on the third row from the last.

You should also try to sit on the aisle side instead of the window. You might not get the same level of service in the economy class, but you will definitely have a higher chance of survival. Listen to the safety protocols at the start of the flight, as following those protocols can also be helpful in case of an accident.
The Flight Attendants Aren’t Paid That Well
People who don’t work in the airlines may think that flight attendants earn a lot of money. Well, their life isn’t as glamorous as one might imagine. The job is tougher than most people think. Many people also assume that flight attendants get to travel the world without even realizing that they can’t even leave the airport.

In recent years, many airlines have updated the payment structure for flight attendants. But there are still some who follow the old practices. Flight attendants are paid according to the time of the flight, and if a flight is delayed, most companies don’t even compensate the flight attendants for the delay.
Planes Are Equipped For Medical Emergency
Even if you haven’t seen any medical emergency take place when you are on a flight, you might have seen one in movies or television shows. In movies, the first thing they show is that after a medical emergency, the flight attendants ask if there is a doctor onboard. That is actually the right protocol in real life as well.

There is also a specific line on the plane that can be connected to a doctor on the ground. The flight attendants are also trained in some aspects, like CPR and first aid. There are also medicines and other small medical equipment on board that can be useful in case of medical emergencies.
The Air, You Breathe On A Plane, Is Absolutely Safe
Many people are concerned about the quality of the air they breathe on the plane. This is because the plane is a pressured tube, and there are so many people who are sneezing, coughing, and releasing gas. There is a misconception that you are more vulnerable to airborne disease when you are on a plane.

You would be relieved to know that there is high-quality cabin ventilation. The air you breathe is a combination of fresh air and recirculated air from the aircraft’s engine’s compressor. And this air is absolutely safe to breathe. So don’t worry about contracting any airborne disease and fly without a worry in the world.
Flight Attendants Are More Than Just Your Waiters In The Sky
In the old days, the only job of flight attendants was to care for the passengers and serve them food. However, times have changed, and now flight attendants have to do much more than just be sky waitresses. They are trained for all sorts of emergencies.

Flight attendants go through months of training where they are trained to handle situations like hijacking, medical emergencies, emergency evacuation, or even death on the plane. They are also trained in self-defense to protect themselves from hijackers and problematic passengers.
Mobile Phones Wouldn’t Bring Down The Plane
There is a common misconception that using mobile phones on a plane can cause the plane to fall down from the sky. Well, that couldn’t be far from the truth. While it’s true that the radio waves from the mobile phone can clash with other waves, this process does not affect the operating controls of the plane in any way.

The only reason the flight attendants ask you to turn off your phone is so that the pilots can have a smooth conversation with the air control. Now the radio waves may not affect the controls of the plane, but they can definitely distort the frequency that is being used by the pilots to communicate with the air control.
Flight Attendants Don’t Like Diet Coke
We have all poured a fizzy drink for ourselves at least once. You may have noticed that sometimes while pouring the drink, the carbonated fizz takes a little extra time to settle, and you see the bubbles reach the top of the glass, which go down very slowly.

Well, that is what happens with diet coke when you are at an altitude of over 30000 feet. Flight attendants want to keep the cart moving so they can serve everyone on the plane, and when you order a diet coke, it annoys the flight attendant and delays the food service for other passengers.
The Autopilot Is On For The Most Part Of The Flight
Being a pilot is a difficult job; not only do you go through rigorous training, but you also have the added pressure of flying a large aircraft with hundreds of souls on board. However, advanced technology has made things easier and take some pressure off the pilot.

One of those things is the autopilot option. The autopilot option has been on planes for decades, and it gives the pilot an opportunity to focus on other important things like navigation. What most people might not know is that the autopilot is on for the most part of the flight.
Planes Can Keep Working On One Engine
If one of the jet engines on your plane fails, then there is nothing to worry about because pilots are trained to operate the plane with just one engine as well. In fact, they can even glide it down to the ground even when both engines aren’t working.
An engine failure can happen due to many different reasons, but in most cases, you wouldn’t even know that it has happened. You don’t see an engine getting flamed up every time it fails. The pilots, however, inform the authorities on the ground, and they land the plane as soon as possible so that it can be fixed.
Planes Use Sandbags To Balance The Weight
Modern planes are built in a way that they can carry a lot of weight, even more than what they allow each passenger. Have you ever wondered how you are able to carry more bags by paying more money without affecting the balance of the plane?

Planes charge extra for additional bags because they want to discourage people from bringing in more weight to the plane. If there weren’t any other charges, everyone would bring additional luggage and disrupt the plane’s balance. To maintain the balance of the additional luggage, airlines sometimes use sandbags to improve weight distribution.
The Legroom Is Getting Smaller
If you are someone who flies a lot, then you might have wondered why you felt more comfortable on the plane seats a few years back but feel stuck and claustrophobic now. Well, that is because the plane seats are getting smaller. One thing to understand is that businesses want to earn profits.

To optimize their profits airlines reduced the size of the seats and also reduced the legroom between all rows. This gives airlines the opportunity to have more passengers on board. Not only will you have to squeeze yourself into the seat, but there are also going to be more people on the plane, which can make it feel crowded.
Undercover Air Marshals: Reality Or Just A Hollywood Creation?
Well, you would be happy to know that undercover air marshals are very much real, but this idea that they are on every plane is absolutely wrong. There is a misconception that after 9/11, the US movement made it compulsory for every flight to have an air marshal.

This is, however, not true. Currently, there are only around 3000 registered air marshals, and the authorities assign them based on the level of risk. If a flight hasn’t been deemed risky, then there is a high chance that there wouldn’t be any air marshal on board.
Pilots And Flight Attendants Have Specific Sleeping Schedule And A Separate Sleeping Room On The Plane
Pilots and flight attendants have some of the most hectic jobs in the world. They are always on the go and don’t get much time to rest. This is why larger planes have a specific hidden room where the flight crew and relax and even sleep so that they can function properly on the plane.

This room is not found in all planes and is usually only available in larger planes like Boeing 787; however, I believe that all airline companies should add it to their planes. A tired pilot may not be able to fly the plane with full focus, and that can be very risky.
The Baggage Compartment Has More Than Just The Passenger’s Baggage
Commercial planes don’t just transfer people; there are many other things that are transferred through passenger flights. For example, it can contain an expensive painting, a courier, and, in some cases, coffins of people who passed overseas and are being transferred back to their country.

Airlines earn extra money by transferring other things in the baggage compartment. They set a specific weight for this, and there are extra things on all commercial lights. It is the duty of the baggage handler to place everything in the plane’s underbelly in the best possible way.
The Job Of A Flight Attendant Is Extremely Hard
You should never believe everything you see in the media. One such example is the portrayals of flight attendants in movies. They show them as having glamorous and well-settled lives with lots of money. However, that is just the Hollywood way of things.

In reality, the life of a flight attendant is extremely tough. They have to wake up early and get ready for work which in some cases may take a lot of time as the airlines have certain regulations about how to make your hair. Not to mention long hours with low pay.
The Secret “Ding”
It is very common to hear a ding sound when you are on a plane. These dings are actually used as code by the crew members to communicate with each other. The different numbers of dings have different meanings, and the crew members are trained to understand these sounds.

The purpose of this special secret code is to help crew members communicate with each other without letting the passengers know what they are talking about. For example, if someone tried to enter the cockpit, the pilot would send a signal to alert the crew members without creating a panic situation among the passengers.
Planes Are Dirty
The planes are inspected and cleaned after almost every flight, but what does this cleaning entail? They take a hose and clean the external body of the plane. Then they empty the disposal cabin and vacuum the floors. However, everything else is left as it is.

This means that the seats you sit on, the cushions you use for comfort, and even the windows carry A LOT of bacteria. If you want to be protected from these things, then it is better to bring disinfectant wipes with you so you can clean some of your surroundings, like the windows and armrests.
Car Crashes Are More Dangerous Than Air Crashes
Thousands of people all over the world lose their lives to road accidents every year. On the other hand, plane crashes are responsible for relatively fewer deaths, but when a plane crashes, it becomes international news. This may be because of the fact that a lot of people lose their lives in one go.

There are aspects of a plane crash that are different from a car accident like you are in the air in a much bigger structure, and you are going at a tremendously fast speed, but that still does not change the fact that people are more likely to get killed in a car accident than they are in a plane crash.
The Window Seat Isn’t Always The Best Option
The window seats are loved by passengers, but they aren’t always the best option. Yes, they do let you enjoy a great view, but they are also full of germs. These windows aren’t cleaned regularly, and most of the time, they are only cleaned from the outside.

So remember this, next time you are sitting next to a window on the plane, and you feel like leaning against the window. The best thing to do would be to take a disinfectant wipe with you so you can clean the window and enjoy a worry-free flight.
Be Nice To The Flight Attendants
The pilot might be the captain of the ship, but the flight attendants are the ones that run the back of the plane. So if you are not nice to the flight attendants, they might not offer you the same smile that they offer everyone else on the plane.

You should respect the flight attendants as a person and because they work hard to serve you on your flight. If you are nice to them, they might even shift you to the first class in case there is a seat available.
Getting Drunk On The Plane Can Land You In Jail
It is okay to have a couple of drinks while you are on the plane but avoid drinking too much alcohol when you are on a flight. If you get drunk and start causing problems for the flight attendants and other passengers, then it can land you in jail.

For the passengers that have already had enough, the flight attendants have the right to refuse alcohol to them. If the flight attendants aren’t careful in this matter, then it can also result in serious consequences for them. If an intoxicated person causes an issue, the flight attendants on that plane may even lose their jobs.
Turning The Cabin Lights Off Serve An Important Purpose
You might have seen that the flight attendants turn off the lights during the takeoff and also during the landing. This actually serves a very important purpose. Both takeoff and landing times are considered the riskiest time of the flight. These are the times when accidents may happen as compared to when the plane is in cruise mode.

The flight attendants turn off the lights so your eyes can adjust to an environment where there is low visibility. So in case there is an accident with the plane, and there is smoke everywhere, all lights would be turned off and it would be easy for you to see the EXIT sign.
Oxygen Masks Don’t Last Forever
Whenever there is an emergency on the plane, you would see the oxygen masks dropping down. You might think that the oxygen masks are there to help you breathe when the smoke starts to fill the cabin or when you are hyperventilating. However, that is one of the uses of oxygen masks.

Another important use of the oxygen mask is that when the passengers are breathing through the mask, the pilot has an opportunity to equalize the cabin pressure by descending the plane to a reasonable altitude. So make sure to breathe the oxygen masks; otherwise, the sudden descent might be damaging for you.
Why Are Flights So Expensive
Airlines companies earn millions in profits every year but earning a good profit in this business isn’t exactly easy. Yes, these airlines charge a lot of money, but they also have a lot of corresponding expenses. The passengers who complain about the high-ticket prices aren’t exactly aware of how airlines actually work.

Not every plane takes off filled with passengers. Passengers are always looking for cheaper tickets, which means that a lot of people cancel their tickets to choose a cheaper option at the last minute, whereas planes need to fly at a capacity of 85% for the airline to turn a profit from tickets.
Planes Can Keep Working On One Engine
If one of the jet engines on your plane fails, then there is nothing to worry about because pilots are trained to operate the plane with just one engine as well. In fact, they can even glide it down to the ground even when both engines aren’t working.

An engine failure can happen due to many different reasons, but in most cases, you wouldn’t even know that it has happened. You don’t see an engine getting flamed up every time it fails. The pilots, however, inform the authorities on the ground, and they land the plane as soon as possible so that it can be fixed.