Did you know why the bottle has a long neck? And why is there a loop on the back of the shirt? And what is the role of the hole near the camera? You probably never thought about the meaning of such simple and familiar things. In this article, you will understand that some everyday objects have a “secret” function. Let’s get started, shall we?
Why Is There A Loop On The Back Of The Shirt?
This purpose does not apply to garden-type shirts. But if you have a shirt with a collar, there must be a loop on the back. It was started by the navy because men in the navy had loops on the back of their shirts and could easily hang them on hooks.

After that, years later, it became common among students. As for today, now the loop serves as a sign of quality, class, and wealth.
The Hole In The Lock
So small, but it has an important function. Can you guess?

It allows water to drain if it gets inside, and it is also used for pouring oil.
Additional Holes On The Sneakers
Everyone at least once tried to put the laces in them. Yes, they are really created to lace up the sneakers more tightly, which is especially important for people prone to blisters.

What do you need to do? Make sure that you insert the laces into the additional holes in the opposite direction to create a conditional loop on each side. This will give a stronger lock than the one you usually make. Did you know about this?
Why Does A Golf Ball Look Like This?
In terms of technical features – golf balls are not round, so it is difficult to call them balls to some extent. But now it is not about that.

While playing golf, it was found that balls with cuts and irregularities move better than smooth ones.
Underwear Pocket With A Secret
Most lingerie has a pocket, which is small in size, but convenient in one way…

In what way, you ask? It is designed to place all sorts of female things, like tampons or other small items.
The Purpose Of The Arrow On The Gas Gauge
Since 2010, all manufactured cars have had an arrow near the gas gauge. You will not need it if you refuel your own car, but…

If you are driving for the first time or renting a car and want to fill the tank – you should look at the arrow and you will understand which way you need to go and how to park the car.
Why Do Manufacturers Make Long Necks For Bottles?
What is the function of a long bottleneck, if it functions well with a short one?

This was done to evenly distribute heat from the person to the bottle. But first of all – for convenience.
Use The Lids Of Juice Boxes
The flaps at the top of juice boxes look cute, like an airplane, if they are molded from the base. But this is not their purpose.

They were designed to make it easier for children to hold them.
The Hole Near The Camera On The Phone
If you have not read the instructions for the iPhone or watched a video review on it, then you probably asked yourself this question. No, this is not a spy beacon.

This is a microphone that is placed near the camera lens. In fact, most smartphones have it, as well as on the bottom edge of the phone and under the speaker grill.
Small Rivet Buttons On Jeans In Different Places
They are unnecessary there, right? Are they not?

These rivets on buttons are not in chaotic places as you might think. They are located so that the jeans do not tear, keep a good look longer, and do not wear out. This idea was introduced by Levi Strauss.
Features Of The Apple Power Cord
The MacBook power cord has special wings that can be lifted. What is it for?

They are used to wrap the cord around the power supply.
The Question That Everyone Asked Each Other In School Years
What is it? Why does the eraser have two different colors, namely red and blue? According to the old theory, the blue side erases ink – not true.

It was invented for artists. They use a thicker type of paper and so they use an eraser with more sensitive friction.
Have You Ever Seen A Patch On Backpacks?
No, it’s not for beauty, although it looks good.

Pig’s face square patch is designed to carry additional equipment, namely – to carry strings, and cords.
Brass Door Handles
Brass door handles are very common and found in almost every home. No, it is not because brass is cheap.

In fact, brass is resistant to bacteria. And since door handles are touched by many people every day, brass helps them stay germ-free.
The Purpose Of The Strokes On The Keyboard
If you are a confident computer or laptop user – it does not mean that you know this detail. Namely, what is the purpose of small bumps on the keys F and J?

It’s simple. They were created for the convenience of users to better navigate the keyboard without looking at it
The Zigzag Side Of A Bobby Pin
This thing is especially familiar to girls and women, and each of them wondered why one side is straight and the other is slightly wavy.

This is done for convenience. Because the zigzag side helps to grip the hair firmly.
The Purpose Of The Disc Under The Bottle Cap
Have you ever wondered why there is a small plastic disk under the cap of a soda bottle? For a tight fit? No, it is there to help in carbonation.

Without getting into the scientific research, in short – it helps trap carbon dioxide inside the bottle. Without it, there would be no fizz of your favorite drink.
Grocery Cart Cycle Function
Sometimes the grocery basket is so full that when fragile things are damaged – you see it too late.

But have you ever thought that there is a special compartment for items like bread and eggs?
Why Are There Ridges On Coins?
Quarters and nickels have rough edges, but you may have noticed that dimes and pennies do not. This is because coins are minted in different weights and need to reflect their true value.

To prevent people from melting coins to new, higher value – people came up with the idea of putting ridges to get rid of these frauds.
Improper Use Of Boxes
When ordering Chinese food, someone eats it right out of the box or pours it on their plates. But is it right?

Did you know that you can make a convenient plate from a box? Yes, it is true. You just need to carefully separate the walls of the box.
The Key To Easy Ketchup Extraction
It is not a pleasant phenomenon when ketchup remains at the bottom of the bottle, and it seems impossible to get it out of there. One big ketchup brand has found a solution to this “BIG PROBLEM”.

All you need to do is turn the bottle at an angle of 45 degrees and touch the logo “57”. The sauce will come out easily. You can thank us later.
Why Do Airplane Windows Have Holes In Them?
Have you ever been on an airplane? Did you see it and get scared? Maybe it was because of the air pressure?

The answer is simple. It is called a vent. It is responsible for equalizing the pressure at a safe and comfortable level. With the help of such holes, the plane copes with changes in pressure difference.
Extra Cloth For Clothes
Did you really think that additional fabric should be used if the product is torn? Is it possible to create the originality of this thing?

No, it is not true. The purpose of this fabric is as simple as possible. It is added so that the buyer checks the washing of the material and its quality.
The Cylinder At The End Of The Cable Cord
You may have noticed a large lump in the shape of a cylinder at the end of the laptop cable. Do you know what it is?

This little “thing” helps prevent any electromagnetic interference.
The Story Behind The Margins On Lined Paper
What happens to paper and how can fields help it? It changes color, deforms slightly under the influence of temperature, and wears out. And what else?

Long ago, as soon as they started to create paper, there was a problem with rats, and the margins protected what was written on paper. Now the margins also serve as protection against wear.
The Tab Of A Soda Can
If you haven’t opened a can of soda before, then either you are strongly against excessive sugar consumption or you live in a cave.

If you have, you may have noticed that there is a tab at the top of the can. Do you have any idea what this is for? Well, few people know that flipping the tab turns it into a small straw holder.
Removable Headrests In Cars
What other tasks does it have, perhaps other variations of functioning?

I hope this knowledge will never be useful to you. In case you are trapped in a car – you can use the headrest to break the car window.
Using Plastic Lids For Cups
Is the function that the lids perform sufficient? Namely, so that the drink does not spill?

You will notice that there are three protrusions on the plastic lid and the bottom of your cup can easily fit on the protrusion. This can help prevent spills as you sit and enjoy your hot drink.
Vegetable Peeler For Onions
Yes, it can be used not only for peeling carrots and potatoes.

Look at the photo. It is fast, convenient, and prevents onions from breaking.
The Cause Of The Black Microwave Oven Grill
How often do you use your microwave oven? Ever wondered about the important function of that black grille on the door?

The function is really important because this grille prevents the spread of electromagnetic fields and thus harms people, and animals around you.
How To Eat Clementine And Oranges Properly
Citrus fruits and oranges are very tasty. The only problem when eating citrus is the peel, which makes a mess.

The best way to do it is to cut it on both sides and then cut the middle part in half. This will save you time and ensure that your fingers stay dry.
Hole In The Cap Of A Ballpoint Pen
If you look at a ballpoint pen, you won’t notice anything strange. But if you look closely, you will notice that there is a small hole in the cap of the ballpoint pen. Considering that ballpoint pens dry out if left uncapped for a long time, a hole in the cap defeats the purpose, doesn’t it?

It is there to save lives if someone accidentally swallows the cap. This often happens with the bad habit of putting the cap in the mouth.
The Role Of The Spaghetti Spoon
The unique shape of this spoon is striking. Why is it like that?

Did you know that the hole in the spoon helps to determine how much spaghetti you want to eat?
Airplane Seat Gadget
Not everyone puts on a suit or jacket on the plane, but those who do – face the problem to hang it.

If you look closely, the hook that holds the table in an upright position can also be used as a hook for clothes.
Colored Squares On The Toothpaste
Usually, there is a square insert on the tail of the toothpaste. It comes in three colors, namely black, green, and red.

I heard from someone that green is the safest, and black is very, very bad. But this is nonsense. These inserts-squares are used in production so that the machine knows when and where to cut the toothpaste.
Loading Cycle
I have already mentioned additional holes in the sneakers. And what are the loops in the boots for? Not just for that.

If you have military-style shoes, you may have noticed loops on the top and back of your boots. Well, they are there to help you pull up the boot when you try to put them on, and then you can also hang the boots using them. Also, you can use the loop to give more support to the laces.
A Variety Of Vacuum Cleaner Attachments
Where did you put the vacuum cleaner attachments that came in the kit? Did you throw them away? Do you know how to use them?

They are used to clean hard-to-reach places. Agree, a small delicate brush can easily get into every crevice.
The Purpose Of The Hole For The Pot Handle
Although professional chefs know why most pots have holes in the handles, there is a chance that you did not know about it.

The hole may serve to hang it somewhere, but that’s not what it was originally intended for. The hole is designed for the convenient storage of dishes. So try it the next time you cook something.
Tabs On Film And Foil
If any of you have ever tried to remove aluminum foil or cling film from a box, you know that it can be a real headache.

Well, you don’t have to feel that way anymore because there are little tabs on the side of each box that you can press. The tabs help to grip the roll and it stays in place when you pull it. Welcome.
Sauce Cups
We go to a fast food restaurant and order fries with a chicken burger and they give us little paper cups for condiments.

Can I dip the burger in the sauce? Yes. You just need to unfold the cup as in the photo, make a small plate and that’s it. Enjoy your meal.
No Need To Reheat Food
You come home hungry and tired and heat your food in the microwave. It can be very frustrating to find that the middle of your meal is still cold.

The best way to counter this annoying problem is to leave a hole in the middle of the plate and then heat it up. You will notice that the food is heated more evenly.
The Mistake Of Using Your Fingers For Makeup
What seems more reasonable is that many cosmetic companies want to sell their products and so they constantly tell everyone not to use their fingers for makeup. What is it for? That’s right, this is a marketing ploy with which manufacturers create new tools for beauty and makeup applications.

And also, it is important from the point of view of hygiene. Applying makeup with your fingers can cause allergies or other skin problems. But do not forget that sponges and brushes should be washed after each use.
Do Not Pump The Mascara Stick
It will not be wrong to say that old-school habits do not go away so easily. Many people pump the mascara wand without knowing that it pushes more air into the tube and makes the product dry much faster.

What indicates the good condition of the mascara? The sound of “cracking” when opening the mascara, if it does not appear, it means that you need to buy a new mascara.
Eat Oreos Properly
Have you seen the Oreos commercial? It’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of these cookies. Whether it is necessary to do all the actions from this advertisement is up to you. And I offer another option.

Wet the whole Oreo with a fork. Just insert the fork into the creamy white part and you are ready to eat.
A Reliable Way To Wear Headphones
Did you know that headphones can be raised and lowered straight? This does not affect the sound, but only the convenience.

The earbuds should be above the ear, with the round part towards the ground. This promotes comfort and prevents the headphones from slipping.
Fewer Wrinkles With Tissue Paper
Cigarette paper has many uses and one of them is to wrap clothes to reduce wrinkles.

Just put your clothes in a layer of tissue paper and pack them. You will notice that the creases will become much smaller.
HDTV Antenna On Electrical Outlets
The average American family has to spend about $200 a month on the Internet, phone, and TV.

Since people have to pay an insane amount of money for HDTV channels, a new disruptive technology has emerged “HDTV antennas” that broadcast HDTV from major stations such as NBC, ABC, FOX, PBS, and many others.
Proper Mixing
Do you like smoothies? Do you know how to mix the ingredients correctly?

The best way to do it is to add liquids first and then move on to solids. Swirling helps to mix the solids more smoothly.
Proper Use Of Conditioner
When you use shampoo, all you have to do is massage your scalp to get rid of all the grease and dirt from your hair. It also cleanses the hair roots. However, you should not use conditioner in this way.

Many people try to use conditioner all over their hair. Instead, apply it only to the tips of the roots and move backward. This is because most of the oil and dirt is in the roots and therefore they need it the most.
The Back Of The Key Doubles As A Quarter
We’ve all been there – we arrive at the grocery store with a huge list of groceries to buy, but unfortunately not a single coin for the basket! What should we do, carry the shopping in our hands like savages or give up shopping altogether? None of that is necessary, because this useful tip is here to help: use the top end of that simple metal key lying around!

Turns out, these handy keys not only open mailboxes and gate locks; they also open shopping cart locks! Talk about two for the price of one.
How To Floss Properly
Flossing is a great way to maintain good oral hygiene, but many people find it difficult.

The best way to do it quickly and conveniently is to make a loop with the floss, and this ensures that you don’t damage your gums or even your fingers.