High school yearbooks are a great resource for recalling your time there. Years from now, you’ll reflect on all the memories you created throughout those four years. The best way to stand out in your yearbook is to make a funny comment. Thanks to the hilarious words made by these high school seniors, you’ll be giggling nonstop for days. Have a laugh and get some inspiration if you need a quote for your yearbook by reading this.
Never Employ The Forgiven Curses
He does have a name that is reminiscent of a former Hogwarts student, most likely a Slytherin. He was presumably attempting to create some Horcruxes when they learned he was Voldemort’s successor.

Additionally, it makes us think of the Key and Peele skit when the guy taking attendance pronounces everyone’s names incorrectly. This name has undoubtedly been mispronounced by the teacher before.
Such A Poet
Well, aside from the fact that he is a fantastic poet, there isn’t much to say about this one.

His reasoning really is beyond debate. All of those assertions are accurate.
Her Hair Cut Went Unnoticed
This gal is on the rise! She is proficient at making jokes about herself.

We bet her hair is lovely underneath that stylish headscarf. But even if she got a terrible haircut, nobody would ever notice!
He Must Be Ecstatic About Graduating
It is hilarious when someone can make a joke about the stereotypes that people have about their ethnicity.

When you’re joyful, your eyes wrinkle up. He already has smaller eyes, so when you add that, he hardly sees!
We Have No Relationship
The surname Nguyen is incredibly well-liked all around the world. It is the ninth most popular family name in Australia!

It’s sweet how they all coordinated their quotes for the yearbook so that no one would ever mistake them for quadruplets again.
Hell School
They told Randey that high school was fun, but college would be even better. The bicycle will be replaced with a motorcycle, and the burning ground will become lava.

Once you graduate from college, the situation becomes worse than a burning hell. It hurts and burns slowly.
Sibling Rivalry
Any sibling who is older, even by a few minutes, would likely recall the same experiences: being the only kid and receiving all of their parents’ attention.

If you are an older sibling, did you prefer the period before the birth of your siblings?
Don’t Get Taken In By His Deceit
Have you ever received a scam email posing as a foreign prince or princess and requesting money? Hopefully, despite realizing it was a hoax, you decided not to give any money.

He is the only person who could pull off this joke, and it is quite original. He should have had the person next to him write, “I won’t fall for that fraud a Segun time.”
Are you Professor Quirrell?
Typically for Muslim women, a hijab is worn by women to maintain modesty. Professor Quirrell covered his head in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone to conceal Voldemort’s possession of him.

Telling folks you are hanging out with Voldemort is a lot funnier than explaining things to them.
Teen Mom, Or Dad!
Being a single mother is challenging, particularly if you are a teenage boy without children. This is the most absurd quote I have ever heard, but it cracks me up. How did he come up with this wise saying that will live on in the history of yearbooks?

His kids will look at this in the future and wonder what their dad was thinking.
No One Can Laugh At You If You Can’t
Is he capable of making Alfalfa from The Little Rascals twitch his ears? He hears everything, so don’t even try to whisper near him.

His eyebrows are flawless, despite the fact that his ears are large.
Thank Your Hips Forever For Never Lying
It’s good to see that his appreciation of his physique never wavers. Does that imply he can only count to one if he only thanked one finger?

What if he raised up his hand and showed only one finger, and everyone assumed he had made a spelling error?
He’s A Tea Guy
If this was the time he decided to come out, that would be fantastic. He keeps quiet in the hopes that everyone will read his quote from the yearbook.

You deserve more credit for being so open and honest about your dislike of coffee.
Her Positive Attitude Is Reviving
There aren’t many things that can genuinely make you angry when you start laughing at yourself.

Everyone in today’s society is preoccupied with how they appear to others and how they are seen online. This young lady is admirable!
“Old McDonald Had A Farm”, But Joe definitely didn’t
“With a moo-moo here and a moo-moo there, here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo-moo.”

The song mentions Old McDonald having the farm, yet this youngster is clearly too young to have a fully functional farm.
He Should Have Listened To His Mother
When you do something only to annoy your mother, but it is eternally recorded in your yearbook and there is no way to remove it.

His mother obviously didn’t get that he wanted to flaunt his toned legs while wearing his jorts and muscle tank. Another possible title for this image is “‘Merica.”
His Parents Intentionally Did That
He’s so kind that they gave him two names! It’s an excellent name since neither your initial nor surname name can be known without the other.

The fact that his first and last names are the same makes this comment humorous even if it wouldn’t be funny on its own.
She’s A Free Elf
Megan, try not to be too thrilled. Then comes education, which ensnares you in debt, and once you graduate, you have to make payments on your debt.

After graduating, you receive two months of freedom as an elf before being forced to return to school.
A Positive Attitude
This guy really ought to become a motivational speaker. He turned being considered garbage into an honor. Nobody wants to be referred to as garbage, but it has come to mean something good.

Additionally, it’s equivalent to stating, “Yeah, you’re garbage, but it doesn’t mean you completely suck.”
She’s Not Wrong, Though
To tell you the truth, no guy can compare to the sheer delight you get after a restful night’s sleep.

We all need to sleep. Sleeping is enjoyable, healthy for the brain and body, and uplifts your mood.
Don’t Let Them Get To The Punchline
You can safely sign her Christmas card with Ho, Ho,Ho ..

You can only make a Ho into a wife. Michelle Ho has excelled, HOnoring her family.
Is That Bullying?!
Mason and Noah, we need some clarification on these quotations. Do you two have a love of bubbles, or did you arrange this? Perhaps someone read the quotes, saw an opportunity, and combined them.

Where are Noah and Mason right now? Are they still attempting to persuade people that the quotes were mere coincidences?
A Surprise That I Still Love
The adage “Two is always better than one” is well known. Their parents now have to pay for tuition twice in addition to caring for extra children.

How can these twins tell who was intended and who wasn’t? Did they decide which was the initial embryo by flipping a coin?
Paige Wins The Yearbook
The senior quotations will be much more entertaining now that individuals are aware they can compose statements using emoticons.

She is an inventor, and as a result, yearbooks will never be the same.
They made a joke about how difficult it would be to tell these identical twins apart because they are exact replicas of one another. Did you know that some parents name their kids “Dollar”?

Additionally, they appear far too old to be in high school. Seniors must mature at different rates.
Every Man Ever On A Dating App
Have you ever used a dating app and discovered that the person’s photos did not accurately portray them? This guy believes that his yearbook photo does not accurately portray who he is.

It’s okay if some folks aren’t very photogenic. Everyone is not cut out to be a model.
How Was This Allowed?
Unexpectedly, the school allowed this quote to stay in the yearbook. Either the yearbook coordinator got the joke or they have an excellent sense of humor.

Do you really want to leave this legacy when you graduate, Connor? In 20 years, how will you feel about that?
I’m Too Young Dad!!
When your parents want you to have a full-time career that demands years of education as soon as you graduate from high school, you may say, “Dad, I’m Only In High School.”

You do realize that’s a reasonable expectation for an 18-year-old? Perhaps Daniel will choose a different line of work.
With the help of her cunning maneuver, she was still able to utilize her original quote. Our hero is this young lady.

Do you believe that when her father read what she eventually put in the yearbook, he responded indignantly or with laughter?
Pronounced “Pareekeet,”
He must have had to say this every time he met a new person, had a substitute instructor, or had a new teacher.

Because he repeated that phrase frequently throughout high school, he decided to make it his senior quote.
That’s One Defense For Poor Grades
when you’ve made every effort to raise your grades but nothing has worked, so you decide to adopt them.

Maybe someone else can make things better for you; we’re not encouraging cheating, just saying.
He Identifies As A Carrot
This quote is more absurd than we could have ever imagined. Is this individual really pretending to be a carrot while they roll around? Does their neighbor remain in the dark?

Although the author of this remark is unknown, they must be a fascinating person.
You Evil One!
Some people decide not to eat meat out of compassion for animals, while others decide to be vegetarian despite the availability of plants.

Animals and plants get along well, yet consuming them is a necessary element of the food chain.
Say Cheese!
There’s a big difference between this girl and the great and powerful John Cena. But still…

It is crucial to learn from these individuals’ ability to make light of everything that could have made them feel different throughout their time in high school.
Gingers Make Good Citizens
Redheads are stereotyped as being heartless and nasty, yet this is merely a cliché. According to some, ginger people live longer than those with other hair hues.

Other common misconceptions regarding gingers include the idea that they are entirely Irish, freckled, or look like the Weasley family.
What A Fun Joke!
Since triplets are uncommon, everyone at school is familiar with them when one set appears. Because they would no longer be referred to as “the triplets,” these three were thrilled to graduate.

We wish our yearbook had humorous quotes like these. In most cases, individuals utilize motivational phrases and don’t think beyond the box.
Sister Competition
Is there anything more enjoyable than seeing siblings make fun of one another in the yearbook? When they each settled on the same phrase, “I’m the lovely one,” these two sisters set themselves up against one another. Although we are certain that it was only a joke, it is certain that these sisters have received several compliments and comparisons to one another throughout high school. After their classmates read these lines, the signings in their yearbooks must have been hilarious!

As these ladies mature, we wonder if the sibling rivalry has subsided. Someone should remind them that they are both the attractive ones!
Spongebob Quotes Are The Best
Plankton was the most relatable character since he was so multifaceted. Have you ever thought, “I should charge them for my treatment fees,” when among people?

Due to all the changes, you are going through in high school, you may require counseling. The world is harsh.
Mission Impossible
when you’ve put up with your name being mispronounced by instructors for thirteen years and are sick of it.

There are times when you have to take matters into your own hands and confront the professors who didn’t even make an attempt to pronounce your name correctly.
The period was considered a character. How could something significant fit in a message with fewer characters than a tweet? People will remember you for years to come because of your senior quote.

This student managed to communicate his idea in under 100 characters. What would your senior quote be if you could return to school?
It’s Always The Last Name…
Christopher Gaylord is nothing compared to Carlos Carlos, who previously claimed to detest his name. Although he didn’t pick it, he must accept his last name and all the jokes that go along with it.

He is probably accustomed to all the jokes and mocking at this stage in his life. He at least has a common first name.
This one is quite hazy. If we have this right, whoever speaks before Steven speaks the truth, and whoever speaks after Steven speaks a falsehood. Perhaps it is a contradiction.

Congratulations if you were able to comprehend this. We’re still working to solve this puzzle.
It’s Deep
This gal must be well-liked among geeks. This remark provokes serious reflection on life and personal identity.

Which would you prefer: overcoming an innately bad disposition or being born good?
She Found Herself In High School
High school is a time to discover your true self. You can change your appearance, your hairdo, and your attitude. During Amberlyn’s four years of education, she was able to learn about her sexual orientation.

When you are confident in who you are, you can be authentic and have a happier life.
He Had A Feeling!
Throughout high school, Blake has had a crush on Brooke. It was now or never for him to try to get a chance with her.

He might only have the yearbook to get close to Brooke, so we applaud his audacious efforts to catch her eye.
4 Years Wasted
Sometimes attending classes is less important than focusing on your workouts all day. Some people prioritize their education, while others don’t.

Yes, we are certain that it is a joke, but there are others who value appearance over intelligence.
The Long Lost Sibling
When you share a last name with the set of twins in your grade but your photo appears between theirs.

The twins wanted to make it clear that he is not kin to them since some people could mistake them for being triplets.
The Similarity Is Startling
This man resembles Frozone from The Incredibles in every way. That must have been something he heard so frequently that he chose to include it in his yearbook.

If he were donning the Frozone outfit rather than a tuxedo, it would be funny.
That’s Me Again
This instructor was able to have his image in the yearbook twice since teachers may also have yearbook photos. One for him as he is every day and the other for his cool persona.

He must rank among the most well-liked instructors at his institution. Students likely believed he had a twin as a result of this.
Year’s Funniest Dad Joke
This yearbook entry has a lot of wonderful details. First of all, the image of him playing the drum helps us to better understand Amith’s character.

When you add the quote, it becomes clear that he is a real-life legend. Amith, you rock! As long as there is time, keep telling dad jokes.
And From There, It’s All Downhill
That is a lot of time to spend in school, just to have to go to more schools. One hundred thirteen thousand eight hundred eighty hours equals 4,745 days and around 13 years. After spending that much time in school, you are only qualified to work in a fast-food restaurant after you graduate.

When she completes college, we wonder what her quote will be. “I spent four years, hundreds of thousands of dollars, and no employment chances for a piece of paper.”
Eat Well, Feel Well
When you don’t care what other people think, and speak the truth. It doesn’t matter if you put on a few pounds; at least she seems to be enjoying her meal.

In addition, she has dispelled any rumors that she was pregnant.
Always Be Better
Be yourself, everyone else is already taken, as Oscar Wilde famously said. Mitchell wants you to know that, unless you are a nasty person, you should heed Oscar Wilde’s advice.

Maybe you should take a look within to see what you can alter to make yourself better rather than pretending to be someone else.
“Failure For The Peasants”
Thanos from Avengers: Infinity War sounds a lot like this person. Kevin believed that he was the only one who should be successful.

Since he is the only person capable of great things, if he is successful, everyone else should fail. Don’t be like Kevin; allow others to prosper as well.
Innocent Until Proven Guilty
It is easier to ask for forgiveness than to beg for permission, as the saying goes. He took the bike instead of asking for it and would ask for forgiveness later.

Will he get away with stealing the bike? Asking for forgiveness in this scenario would not be much simpler because the owner was probably not too delighted.
If you are flat-chested when you first enter high school and significantly less flat-chested when you graduate, you have good reason to smile so broadly.

This girl also saw a decline in her grades, which isn’t good, but she doesn’t seem too concerned about it.
Childhood Was Ruined!
High School Musical gave the impression that singing and dancing were commonplace during high school. It wasn’t anything like that, as we can attest.

Seth, we feel your suffering. After the movie raised our expectations, we had to realize that everything was a deception.
It’s A Code For Cursing
This means, in case you were unclear, “F**k b*****s, get money.” You have to be shrewd and resourceful to work around such regulations when you can’t swear in the yearbook.

She will be able to remember this phrase and be proud of how smart she was.
Because of all the regulations and deadlines, high school might occasionally feel like a jail, but once you graduate, you are finally set free.

High school is difficult, we get that, but just wait till you enter college and the working world.
Everyone Wears The Same outfit!!
When you present yourself as being well-dressed while wearing the identical tuxedo as every other male graduate in your class.

Although wearing a black tux is hardly a stylish option, we admire them for coming out and hope they are now living their best lives.
She Is Right
You’re undoubtedly already aware of the frequent problem of school clothing regulations. Typically, they only forbid ladies from donning what they choose and from basic actions like baring their shoulders. The ladies naturally object to this since one should be able to regulate one’s behavior, especially when one is around a vulnerable group of shoulders. Madison was obviously frustrated by the time photo day arrived and opted to voice her frustrations in her statement.

She used the phrase “I’m sorry, did my shoulders distract you” to express how ridiculous she found this clothing rule, and we believe she nailed it.
One Day His Children Will Love This
A few people have used statements similar to this as their senior quote. We showed them their yearbooks and asked if any of them had children yet.

Do you really want to know what his offspring will think of this in thirty years?