It is no secret that our palms sweat when we experience a tense situation. This may happen before an important job interview or when you’re asking someone out. However, many more moments can be nerve-wracking and affect you significantly. If you’re wondering about examples of tense situations, you have come to the right place. This post contains 50 nerve-wracking situations that will make you wonder and think twice, and they are super relatable. The best thing is that these images will enable you to be more careful and avoid such tense situations.
Let’s Clean
Cleaning a window may seem safe, but you won’t think the same after seeing this image. The man in this picture got out of his apartment to clean the window. However, he probably didn’t care about the height of the building. He is slightly stupid and loves to risk his whole life just to clean windows.

If you ever want to clean your apartment windows from the outside, hire a professional cleaner. They will help you get rid of the dirt without causing you to risk your life.
A Regular Day Of A Sailor
Fishermen frequently tread dangerous waters to earn money and support their families. However, you may not realize the danger they put themselves in. This picture speaks volumes about how threatening a fishing trip can be. The wave of water against the ship might take away an onboard worker if they were on the deck.

Of course, this danger is a regular thing for fishermen who have no choice but to go out into the sea. A regular person would never be tough enough to do something as challenging as this.
The Dangerous Paragliding Trip
Paragliding is a fun activity for many people, but you should be careful doing it. It is advisable to check your gear before jumping and putting your life in danger. This person was not attentive enough to check his gear beforehand and suffered from the scare of his life in midair. The man’s gear was faulty as the carabiner was not attached properly, causing his life to be in danger.

He took this picture of the faulty carabiner while in the air. Luck was on his side, and he escaped safe and sound. However, that may not be the case for everyone.
Think Twice Before Skygazing
Skygazing is not a dangerous activity, but some people can make it seem so. This man seems to enjoy the sun while lying on a huge curved rock. The shot is clearly showing that any mistake can cause a person to fall to his death. After all, the structure is at a great height. The person who took this shot also seems to enjoy capturing such moments.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t have gone to such lengths to take the picture. The man seems to be enjoying his time, so there’s no need to worry. However, you should always think twice before doing such dangerous acts.
Hanging By an Inch
Having dinner with a friend or partner is fun because you can spend quality time together. These two individuals were also doing the same. However, they were so engrossed in their conversations that they didn’t realize the danger at the table’s edge. One of the glasses was hanging at the edge by an inch and most likely fell after another person nearby captured the dangerous situation.

This is why you should pay attention to the things around you when dining at a restaurant. The glass may have hurt someone significantly after falling. So it is better to be safe than sorry by being more attentive.
The Threat Below
Some people are afraid to swim in the ocean due to a fear of water and marine species. However, others love to have fun by engaging in water sports activities. This person falls in the latter category, as you can see her surfboarding. Unfortunately, she didn’t realize that a huge frickn fish was moving beneath her surfboard.

She most likely escaped the situation with the help of the person who captured the shot. Of course, we cannot be too sure. So always look below while you are surfboarding.
Your Gut Will Be Well-Moisturized
We all have creams in our homes for different purposes. You may have face cream to tackle acne and other skin issues. Another cream you have may be the edible one for adding to cakes and other foods. However, what this person is doing is inexplicable. The Nivea cream is mainly for applying on the face, yet this individual is applying it on a slice of bread for unknown reasons.

We wonder if they mixed up the function of face creams or were not in their right mind while doing this. Nevertheless, we hope the person didn’t actually eat the bread.
The Lost Sandal
Many people fear using escalators because of getting their legs stuck on the end. The girl who lost her sandal must have experienced the same fear. Instead of her leg, the footwear got stuck on the escalator. We wonder whether the machine stopped working because of the shoe. It might have also eaten up the sandal if it continued working. Only the girl who lost this sandal has the answer.

To avoid such incidents, you should be careful when getting off an escalator. It is also best to avoid experimenting with what would happen if you don’t raise your leg when reaching the end.
The Life-Threatening Breakfast
Many of us wake up with positive thoughts in the morning and look forward to enjoying our breakfast. This person also had the same thought but was caught off-guard. He went to the dining table in the morning and found their breakfast cereal already there. However, what happened next scared the life out of him.

Instead of cereal, the bowl of milk contained sharp pins that would have damaged his throat. Upon further investigation, the man learned that the bowl had white disinfectant, and the pins were put there for sterilizing. The man would have been in the hospital if he hadn’t been alert.
The Dangerous Climb
Many of us love to climb dangerous mountains and hills for a thrilling experience. This man also does the same by entering this long well-like structure using a rope. The only catch is that if he slips on the pavement, he may lose his life. After all, there is no support for a railing or another structure. The rope may also not be strong enough to withstand the weight.

Doing dangerous things may give you a thrill, but you should think of your loved ones before such acts. You should also care for your life and take measures to avoid losing your life.
The Middle Fingers
At first glance, you may wonder what this picture is displaying. However, on a close look, you will realize that nothing in the image is abnormal. The person is only trying to create an uncomfortable looking by keeping all toes except one inside the shoe.

It is surprising how it even occurs to people to do such crazy things. If you ever want to irritate someone without risking your life, this is a good way. The act can help you make a person uncomfortable without doing much.
The Unusual Window Seat
Most passengers on a plane love to get a window seat to enjoy the view and stay comfortable during the flight. However, the person who got this seat must have been fearful throughout the flight. After all, tape has been applied to the edges of the window. We’re not sure why the black tape is there.

However, it is likely to keep the window in its position and prevent accidents. If you ever encounter such a seat on a plane, be sure to fasten your seatbelts to keep yourself safe. It is also best to get your seat changed to avoid fear.
Crossing the Bridge From Underneath
The typical way to cross a bridge is to be on the upward side. However, this person had a new idea of moving across a bridge. Instead of the road surface, he is standing on the edge beneath the bridge. The only question is how the man got there and who took the picture. After all, it is not common to find people beneath a bridge.

The person would have also fallen into the water after a misstep. Hence, you should avoid engaging in such unnecessary activities. There are many ways to do thrilling activities without risking your life.
Finding unique things on the ground is not a common thing for many people. However, the one who took this picture cannot say the same. The item in this image looks like a shell containing a worm or a snake. You may have thought of them as marble because of their similar appearance. The only advice you should follow when finding such shells is to leave them alone instead of disturbing the creatures.

Most likely, these shells are of worms and not snakes because, generally speaking, snake eggs aren’t transparent. Only an experienced scientist would be able to differentiate correctly.
What Is Going On?
Do you ever look at some pictures and ask yourself what is happening because you cannot understand the image? Well, that is what we thought after seeing this picture. It looks like the man is trying to replicate a facepalm by hitting his head against another building.

Whatever he is doing, we do not recommend this move to anyone. After all, one mistake could have caused the man to fall. It is surprising how common sense leaves people when they want to take unique pictures. Putting your life in danger is never the correct answer to capturing a dangerous image.
A Mesmerizing View
If you have an Instagram account, you must have seen many pictures of views from skyscrapers. This image is also showing a mesmerizing view of the city beneath. However, the situation is anything but safe for the photographer. The person does not seem to mind the height or the low security. But please do not follow in the same footsteps.

Taking such pictures can be fulfilling but comes with unnecessary risk. Instead of taking pictures by sitting at the edge, you can be more careful by capturing the shot safely by staying behind the railing. This will allow you to take a picture without playing on your nerves.
What The…
Keeping your eyes open does not seem like a tough task because it is an everyday action. However, the same cannot be said for this person. The picture is uncomfortable on many levels because of the bee in the person’s eye. It would have scared the life out of me. I can only guess how they kept their eye open throughout the situation for long enough for someone to capture the shot.

A normal person would have panicked upon seeing the bee in their eye. But this individual does not seem to be fazed by the situation. I hope their eye did not get damaged.
A Real Cliffhanger
Enjoying trips in nature can help you relax your mind and avoid overthinking some stuff. This lady also seems to be enjoying herself while taking a picture at the cliff’s edge. However, we can’t help but think about her safety.

It is good to take pictures for memories, but remember that no image is worth losing your life. Any misstep would have caused this woman to fall to her death. Of course, this is only true if the picture is real. It may have been photoshopped because the aerial shot looks too clear, considering the distance between the photographer and the surroundings.
A Lucky Day
Dropping things while moving on the pavement beside a road is pretty risky. This is because your item may fall into the drains on the sides. The person in this picture faced a similar situation. The only difference is that this individual is luckier than most other people. They dropped their car keys on the drain, but luck was on their side because they didn’t fall through the grates.

They probably took this picture to show how lucky they got. This is why you should be careful when walking on the road. Losing keys in a drain means you might not be able to retrieve the same pair.
The Breathtaking View
We all wonder what lies in the depths of an ocean. After all, marine life is exciting for many people. This image also piques the curiosity of nature and water lovers. The man seems to enjoy his time by keeping his foot in the lake. However, it also makes you wonder about what lies beneath the water. The lake seems deep and beautiful from the outside.

The man also seems to be intrigued by the view. We wonder whether or not he jumped in and explored the lake after taking this picture. It would have been dangerous but worth it too.
The Most Dangerous Rope Bridge
At first glance, this picture seems like a scene taken from a movie. However, the image is real and not fake. Such dangerous rope bridges are present in many parts of the world. The guy seems to be treading carefully to cross the bridge safely.

However, it must have been difficult because of the fog ahead. Not to mention, the wooden planks on such bridges are unreliable and aren’t built to last. We hope he crossed the bridge safely or moved back instead of risking her life. After all, losing your life while crossing a bridge does seem like a waste.
The Wrong Cup Holder!
Cup holders are present near the front seat of a car in many models to hold drinks and other beverages. However, this person decided to play on my nerves. This is because they needed to use a different space for holding their beverage. The drink likely spilled in the car afterward because of the wrong position.

All we want to know is why the person didn’t have any common sense. The moral of this picture is not to consider all circular spaces in your to be cup holders. Some holes are present for other purposes rather than for holding containers.
Losing an Indispensable Item to a Waste Disposal
Earbuds are expensive and difficult to get for some people. This is why the picture will make you sad for the person who lost one of their earbuds to food waste disposal. It is most like the person was listening to songs near the machine. However, the earbud fell out of their ear and into the disposal before they could react. Another explanation is that they threw the item intentionally.

Whatever the situation is, this picture is enough to make anyone shiver, especially those who prefer things organized. After all, the right place for an earbud is definitely not food waste disposal.
The Most Annoying Moment
Washing your hands is not annoying, but the way you do it can speak volumes. This person clearly does not know that you should roll your sleeves before washing your hands. After all, the clothing will get wet, just like in this image. The feeling of wet sleeves against your hand is undoubtedly uncomfortable.

It can also make you feel cold unnecessarily and give you a messy look. However, the person in this picture might have wanted to make people uncomfortable. After all, who takes an image of washing their hands? If not, the photographer must have wanted to reveal the uncomfortable moment.
An Icy Triangle
A triangle may seem like an ordinary shape, but people can change the meaning easily. After seeing this picture, you will never be able to think of a triangle as just a shape. This woman tried to do a unique thing by creating a triangle by removing ice on a lake. She also took an aerial shot of herself lying in the icy lake to enjoy the moment and posted the picture on her social media.

Such moments are nerve-wracking because the woman could have gotten frostbite or gotten really ill due to the icy water. This is another great example of things you should avoid while on a trip.
A Faulty VGA Board
A VGA board without screws is definitely not welcome because you are not supposed to hang equipment like the person in this image did. If you are tech-savvy, you should know that this board is necessary for running monitors. Projectors will also only work with a VGA cable. You should remember to ensure your equipment doesn’t just hang there like that. Otherwise, it will give your coworkers a nightmare.

Most desktop users understand the risk of hanging equipment and faulty VGA boards. So if you’re such a user, be sure to handle things correctly by getting reliable cables and sockets.
Anything For Likes
Many people are ready to go full-on crazy when taking pictures. This girl does not seem scared while sitting on a narrow ledge high above the ground. Her pose makes you think that this is a common thing to do for her. However, the height can make anyone looking at this picture uncomfortable. After all, the woman could have fallen down easily and lost her life due to her love for Instagram.

This is why our top advice for everyone is to avoid risking lives for pictures that will get you likes on social media. No image is worth losing your life unnecessarily and causing your family to grieve for you.
A Dangerous Instagram Photo
Some people love to risk their life for a thrilling picture for their Instagram followers. This guy also tried the same thing by standing on a narrow railing high above the ground. The person could have sat down on the railing and taken a cool picture.

However, he decided to make things riskier by standing on one foot on the narrow platform. The picture must have gotten likes, but it definitely wasn’t worth it. Taking such risky moves will only endanger your life and cause you harm. Your followers would also call you out for making such a risky move instead of acting normal.
Hello Spider
We expect to find spiders in various corners, but a shoe is the last you would expect to see this creature. This is why the owner of this boot was shocked when they encountered a spider inside their shoe. The picture does seem unreal due to the spider’s appearance, but it may also be real. So, considering the latter option, the owner might not want to wear this shoe again.

This story’s lesson is to always check your shoes before wearing them. It will also do you good to hit the pair against the wall to remove any creature that may be lurking inside.
Skating On Thin Ice
Mountaineering is a fun but dangerous activity that is not designed for everyone. This person must have a lot of courage to climb the mountain using such narrow metal rods. They also stopped to take a picture of the thrilling moment before continuing. I hope that they complete the trip without getting hurt.

However, you should think a lot before engaging in such an activity. It is necessary to be highly careful when mountaineering to avoid accidents. Wearing proper gear like this person will help you.
Weird, But OK…
It is no secret that people will advise you not to judge situations by just looking at them. This saying also applies to this picture. The TV may seem like it will fall off the cabinet any minute, but that is not true. It is not visible in the picture, but the device is attached to the nearby partition wall. So there is no chance that it would fall off and get damaged.

The moral of this picture is not to judge things by their looks. Instead, you should consider various aspects before coming to a conclusion. Of course, we bet your palms did get sweaty while assuming this to be a tense situation.
A Life-Threatening Climb
People love to put themselves in danger to climb different trails and structures. This guy also seems to hang by a thread while climbing a rock. However, we are not sure whether he is trying to come up or go down. The worst part is that the guy is not using any gear, such as a rope, for support. This makes the situation even more dangerous.

If you ever want to climb a mountain, we advise you not to follow the same tactics as this guy. By the way, his name is Alex Honnold, a legendary free climber who climbed El Cap in Yosemite with zero equipment.
A Scary View
It is great to see drone footage from a height and get the best bird’s eye view. It just lets you love nature more and appreciate how everything looks. But what if you go to such a height by yourself instead of the drone and enjoy the view? For some, it may be a scary thought, but people like him love doing it every day.

Known as Mustang Wanted, this guy is the literal meaning of a crazy man. No safety gear, no harness, and you do stunts like this. What would you say if he asked you to join him?
An Image That Will Trigger Your OCD
People with OCD tend to organize things constantly instead of leaving a mess. It can be called extreme perfectionism, and they pay close attention to every detail. If you’re such an individual, this image will surely trigger your OCD. The things on the table’s edges will worry even those who don’t have this condition.

It is most likely that someone kept these things in the corner to mess with another person. However, the situation is more nerve-wracking than funny. This is why you should probably maintain some boundaries while joking with someone.
Another OCD Panic Attack
We all know how fun it is for someone with OCD to organize and unite all the different colors you will find in an M&Ms packet. They would love to do that 100%. That is why you should never open a packet of M&Ms in front of someone with OCD. They will first separate every color and then ask you to continue.

You can separate different colors, but finding an unusual shape is nearly impossible. How will the OCD person organize this, it doesn’t even belong anywhere.
A Confusing Door
This is one of the most confusing pictures on this list because of the angle. However, let us clarify that these two doors are side-by-side at the actual site. So you should not consider this a before and after picture collage. The door on the left may seem in an incorrect position, but that is not true. It is the design of the door that gives such a distorted illusion.

We don’t know why the owners got such a door, but we bet guests get confused upon seeing it, that’s for sure. After all, just looking at this image is giving us a headache.
How Is That Even Possible?
Yes, that would be the first thing that struck your mind right after seeing these. Everyone in their childhood or high school has used this device to draw a circle. It just used to spin so smoothly to draw a circle. But making a perfect square, how is that even possible? It takes a lot to do something like this.

It also takes a lot to even figure out that you can do this using a compass. Hats off to the guy who figured it out and shared this. But only if it’s real, of course.
Time for Anxiety
We have seen how unorganized or messy things can cause anxiety, which would be the last thing we want to happen. It can take your peace away and disrupt your thinking. But the mess isn’t the only thing that can cause anxiety.

Here you can see how some disfigured porcelain plates on the rack can give someone anxiety as soon as they notice it. If you are okay, can you remove these weird plates to ensure they don’t cause anxiety to anyone else? That would be a great thing to do.
Living on the Edge!
How do they even do it? Climbing the mountain and thinking of setting up a tent is enough to make me get a headache. Only a true daredevil can pull off this stunt, someone with nothing to lose and nothing to fear.

Regular people can never even think of pulling such a stunt off. What if things go South? That is a spot no one can even come to the rescue, all they can do is look at you and pray. Hats off to such people!
Fashion, Rest in Peace
The store got many people asking for a refund. It took the store manager some time to make it clear that is a design, not a malfunction. Some people understood that it was the design, while others were still asking for a refund and got it somehow.

You will be amazed to hear that now people are fond of these asymmetrical designs, and it is a trend that is going on. Let’s see how far it can go with this.
Reason You Lost
Dice are one of the highly used tools in countless games across the world. Sometimes they can help you win a huge amount of money, but if you lose now, you know who to blame. The differently produced dice is the one that makes you lose your money. It may not bring your money back, but it will bring you peace of mind somehow.

However, knowing this can now affect the way you use the dice, and what if it didn’t work your way? What will you do then? That is now difficult.
Hold On!
There is one struggle that we all have gone through is moving the office chairs. Sometimes it can get very tough, especially when the carpet acts a bit tough. The worst thing after this is when someone gets stuck on the wheels.

The wheels take up anything that comes their way, and you can do nothing to prevent it. All you can do is untangle the things later on. So, this is a bad one. The chair can’t move, but the person who owns the bag cannot leave by leaving his bag with the chair.
Wait, What?
Anything that falls will land straight to the ground; that is the law of gravity that we all know. For example, pouring liquid from one container to another seems easy. All you have to do is tilt the container and have it in the other container. But how can someone even mess that up like that?

He should’ve stopped as soon as it started happening. The liquid is smoothly running down the container and doesn’t know where the target is. Why would this guy do it this way?
Don’t Go Straight
In general, every mark looks the same without any slight errors. Even the paint stays within the line and looks like it was printed on the road. However, such markings are painted, which is why there can also be room for errors, just like the one that happened here.

If you look closely, you can notice how the mark is asymmetrical slightly to the right. Hope no one notices this while they are driving as it can confuse them and wouldn’t end well.
That’s Unexpected!
There is no doubt about how a fork should look like. Someone can even sketch a fork with their eyes closed. It usually has three or four tongs or prongs, but they are exactly the same. No one would expect to see such a fork on their table. Is this a new design for the fork or a manufacturing error? It is more confusing the more you keep looking at it.

Yes, you just noticed the difference here. What is the center prong doing here? Why is it so long, and how would the extra millimeters help you with your dinner?
Oh, No!
It is common to see many incidents involving something getting stuck in escalators and the damage it causes. Women and children are especially scared by the escalators, which is why they take the necessary precautions. However, this lady didn’t pick up her hanging dress and see what happened. Thank god it was just the dress otherwise, things could’ve ended badly for her.

Well, that dress is gone for sure. And if this was her favorite dress, then all she could do was grieve and feel lucky that nothing bad had happened to her.
How Is That Possible?
Who doesn’t like watermelons? They are the best berry to have on a hot summer day and hydrate your system (end yes, it’s not a mistake watermelon is indeed a berry). There is no denying that watermelon is one of the most highly-consumed foods in the world during the hot months.

You can never get over the fact of how juicy it is. Anyways, have you ever seen someone carving a watermelon like this out of its shell? It looks so perfect, and there isn’t even a dent on the watermelon. Otherwise, after cutting it, there can be knife marks, but how was this perfection achieved? No idea.
How Could That Happen?
When you use such an accurate tool as a ruler, there is no chance you can make a mistake. And even at such an easy task of making dots on a straight yellow line. But in this picture, something has gone very, very wrong.

This may cause some people anxiety and stress to some people. The question is, who was right and wrong: the people who manufactured the paper or the ruler? I’m on the side of the ruler, to be honest. But you can never know for sure without wasting loads of time checking.
Tastes Strange
A strong, hot cup of tea in the morning or evening will make you feel great. And if it is raining, you should have a cup of tea by the patio and enjoy the cold winds blowing. That is when you think everything is going perfectly, and nothing can do anything about it. That is the stress-free feeling you experience.

And what if, at this right moment, you feel like your tea tastes different? What if this is what you get to see in your cup? There would be no going back from such a trauma.
That Looks Cool, But Only On Him
This is one mistake that we have made at least once in our life. If not with a hoodie, then maybe with a t-shirt or any other clothing, but we all have worn it backward. It may look stupid, but it looks like this boy intended to wear it like this. Well, someone is at least trying new things and breaking some trends.

For some, it may look traumatizing, some may even get uncomfortable if they directly look at this. However, if the kid is happy with this, then let it be.