There is a reason that the saying “beauty is pain” exists. People have been trying to look good for centuries, which has been challenging. In fact, many times, it has been downright painful! We will look at some of the most extreme things that have happened to women in the name of beauty. Some cosmetic treatments can be painful, while others are just unexpected terrible results from treatments gone wrong.
Makeup Explosion
It’s said: “Beauty is pain.” Women can bear the pain for the sake of beauty, but when it comes to their emotions, it becomes more traumatic. A beauty-conscious lady shared her most terrible experience when her $40 worth of foundation tube splattered out all around the wash basin and mirror on the first use. Nothing is left behind to apply to the face. Isn’t it heartbreaking?

This might seem to be an accident. Mainly, such cases occur during air travel due to pressure changes. Unluckily, you can’t avoid it happening. So, think twice before opening the foundation seal on the airplane.
No Eyelashes
Oh no, this lady had ripped half of her eyelashes while trying to have long, curled, dreamy eyelashes. Eyelash curlers are more like mini Victorian torture tools that can cut away your eyelashes. So don’t trust the sharp curling instruments. It may be a mishap by a naive guy, but we can feel for the poor lady who is no longer eager to see in the mirror.

The worst part about such damage is that it is not reversible. You can’t even put mascara to cover the bare patch. It can only be hidden by artificial eyelashes.
Don’t Ever Use This Product While in the Shower
A person really had PTSD after using this special Shower Gel in place of their regular shower gel. Don’t believe this? The product had tingling solid ingredients like tea tree oil and mint with a powerful and long-lasting scent and wiggling sensations. He cleaned by using an enormous amount of gel all over his body, even in the areas where he was not supposed to use it.

It ended up in a burning sensation. Take it as a warning. Do not use these combinations of itching substances in the forbidden areas, and read the product ingredients well before making a purchase.
A Different Type of Tan
It might seem that this person loves pink so much that she turned her skin-tone pink. Nobody can stop laughing at first glance. But seriously, what’s the matter? She didn’t even bother to read how to use this specific bath oil and directly applied it to her entire body. The action resulted in a painful beauty disaster. She might have to take a lot of showers to make it normal.

Products like Lush Razzle Dazzle bath oil are directed to be diluted in a tub full of water and then taken a bath with it. Otherwise, you can turn pink like this person in the picture.
Where Are My Eyelashes?!
The following mishap will explain why a patch test is necessary before using a new beauty product. Everyone has a different skin type, and skin care products affect it differently. A patch test is recommended to check the risk of allergies one may have to the ingredients. This person went to the saloon for fake lashes and ended up with burnt real lower-line eyelashes.

Make a patch test for sure, even if you are at the parlor. These beauty hacks may become disasters if you don’t check on a small skin patch. Be cautious about the natural beauty.
Don’t Use Gorilla Glue in Your Cosmetics Routine
Jessica Brown went viral on social media platforms for using Gorilla Glue spray instead of her regular hairspray. She poured the adhesive glue on her scalp as a ‘final touch’, and it ended quite badly, as you see. For a long time afterward, Miss Brown had severe headaches and a burning scalp. Moreover, she had an intense hair fall.

Keep it in mind to read the pros and cons of a product before using it. The Gorilla Glue is an adhesive DIY product mainly used for industrial purposes, while the hair sprays are skin friendly and commonly used in the beauty industry.
Not a Hairdo I’d Want
The lady in the picture had pretty long, healthy, and shiny hair a few days back. She must have felt overconfident to do a self-hair cut at home after watching a tutorial on YouTube, and the awful result is here. Well, this must be called a quarantine lockdown haircut. She parted the hair into halves like a pro and then used scissors.

We can feel the pain she felt when looking in the mirror. She must have gone for a bob cut immediately after the insane beauty crime against such radiant and healthy hair.
When Your Mirror Catches Fire
It’s hard to believe that a mirror actually caught fire in the sunlight. To my wonder, the person reported that it happened in his room where the mirror was mounted on the wall, and the sun shone brightly on it, causing the mirror to catch fire and turn many things around into piles of ashes.

Luckily, the fire didn’t spread throughout the room, and the damage was minimal. It should be noted why such incidents occur. Either it was the low quality of the mirror that caused this to happen or the mounting angle that couldn’t bare the sunshine.
Never Wish For Mega Brows
Most women crave thick and bushy eyebrows like Cara Delevingne’s. Many innovative ways are available today to get these bolder and more natural-looking eyebrows, such as waxing, threading, full HD, or tinting. Sometimes things don’t happen the way we expect them to.

Like this person who went to the parlor to make her brows bold with some treatment, but the outcome was not as desired. Unfortunately, something went wrong with the procedure, and she woke up with itching and swollen eyebrows in the morning. The red and scabby eyebrows happened due to sensitive skin being prone to allergic substances.
Mam! That Are Not Your Lashes
Sometimes women are mad for beauty. Here is a clear yet hilarious instance of a mother who can’t see without her glasses. She repeatedly attempted putting on her set of false lashes but failed. Till now, everything has seemed sane. Tired of trying, she called her daughter for help and sent her a photo. Hold on! The daughter resolved the problem.

She spotted that her mother, who had bad vision, was trying to fix a dead moth or fly with glue on her eyelid instead of false lashes. Ah! It’s quite nasty yet funny as she couldn’t see without glasses.
A Facial That Gives You Acne
A beauty blogger shared this picture of her face covered with horrendous puss-filled pimples. The gruesome spots were not looking good at all. Her face was delicate with neat skin unless she went to the saloon for a facial. Everything was OK after the procedure, but after some days passed, she started to feel bad.

The skin on her face started to get these pustules shown in the picture. It’s terrible to get ravaged by a skin treatment. This person may have had to visit a dermatologist more than once to fix the issues and never have visited that beauty salon again.
Don’t Overheat Your Curler
In some situations, it becomes hard to control your laughter and offer some apologies to the victim. The same is the case with the iconic Tory Locklear, who went viral for burning her locks with a curling wand while she was live on the internet making her hairstyle. She screamed that her hair got burned and left the internet.

She really took pain for the sake of beauty. However, Locklear suggests using heat protection sprays right before styling and adjusting the temperature of curling rods or straighteners. Good to know she is now working with Pantene for hair tutorials.
Are Those Brows Hand Drawn?
The person in the picture does not give any clue why her eyebrows look like brown grass. We can assume that she didn’t go to the saloon for this; otherwise, it would have been closed for sure. Her crafty smile shows she has combed her brows straight up like feathers. We can’t assume the intention behind this unique style.

She may be trying to attain quite a hilarious look for some performance. These are all our notions. Still questionable, why can someone do this terrible beauty thing to herself?
Don’t Wax Your Lips: Use a Thread
Hair removal is always a hassle when it comes to waxing. Women have to go through various painful procedures to get hair-free beauty. It is not easy to pull the hair from the roots. Facial hair removal is riskier than the hair being pulled out of the calves of the legs. This person tried waxing out her upper lip hair for the sake of beauty and ended up with a burning sensation and a red mustache.

Isn’t there some painless method to remove facial hair? Either some removal creams or razors? Because this doesn’t seem the ideal way to go about it.
Getting Your Hands Dirty With a Dye
Talk about being caught purple-handed. You may be wondering to what extent these women happily bear anything for the sake of beauty. She had applied her hair dye and, due to her carelessness, didn’t put on her protective plastic gloves, which usually come with the home dyeing kit, and colored her hands as well as her hair.

She would feel like an alien with purple hands for weeks. Just imagine how she would prepare and take her meals with purple hands unless she scrubbed them with lemon juice, olive oil, or some remover.
Waterproof Mascara? We Don’t Think So
The person in the following picture can be blamed for her own beauty disaster that she can merely avoid by purchasing a good quality waterproof mascara. In fact, it’s better not to put on cosmetics when working out. The lady might not have known that this black paste on her lashes and sweat could turn her beauty into a striped face. Quite hilarious!

You can learn from her to work out with a bare face or at least use waterproof makeup. Otherwise, you will be posing for a picture like this. So what’s your decision?
Beauty Blogger Advertises a Bad Face Mask
There is a very grim story about this picture that is going to make everyone angry. A beauty and fashion blogger suggested her viewers put on a homemade cinnamon mask for radiant, glowing, and fresh skin. With some research, she claimed it is full of antioxidants and has high purifying qualities. Well, cinnamon can make you allergic, so it is not prescribed for direct use on the skin because it can actually result in your skin getting badly burnt.

Many of her followers tried this homemade mask in order to get magical results, but sadly, they all resulted in burnt skin, allergies, or itching. Remember, when it comes to facial masks, they should not hurt your skin.
Hair strokes?
Don’t ever go to a random person for any sort of treatment. They would leave you like this person in the picture. This woman went for microblading her brows but returned with this sheer distress. You’ll be familiar with microblading, an eyebrow tattoo created to give realistic hair strokes with a tiny blade. Instead of gorgeous, fuller brows, she got these thin lines.

One can prevent these mishaps with a bit of research. However, this lady may have covered her brows with a tint or some pencil until the regrowth of new hairs.
Staying Inside the Lines Is Not Her Strong Suit
Many of us try new things by watching beauty hacks and tutorials on YouTube. Self-care is really essential. There is nothing wrong with doing it yourself at home. Mani- and pedicures can be done with a little effort, but one needs to follow some steps. Nails must be appropriately shaped, cleaned, and buffed before applying various coats of nail paint. Here you need some skill to put the polish smoothly.

In this picture, the girl doesn’t even show basic skills for applying nail color neatly, and almost all of the nail lines are roughly covered by the paint. Is there any beauty to compliment that?
Kylie Jenner Challenge
Note to self: “don’t do this Kylie lip challenge.” This is the first challenge failure case on our list. The youngsters do this viral beauty hack by creating a vacuum with small jars, bottles, and lids to get fuller lips like Kylie Jenner. Social media does not reveal an accurate picture and has a lot of tricks to hide the worst part.

Although the reality star attained lip enlargement in front of the public, she managed to cover her rashes with a fine makeup layer. Unfortunately, many teenagers tried this challenge and came up with scratches, swollen red faces, and injuries.
Baaaad Idea…
Another case of using super adhesive DIY glue as Jessica Brown did with Gorilla Glue instead of her skin-friendly fixing spray. This little beauty tried to fix her mother’s fake eyelashes on her eyelids all alone. Things wouldn’t have turned terrible if she had applied the eyelash glue. She innocently went for the super glue and had an excruciating lash removal.

We can imagine her mother’s expressions when she came to know about superglue. Remember to keep such things out of your child’s reach to prevent these incidents.
She Wasn’t Even In a Boxing Match
We can’t even imagine the fierce allergic reaction to the chemicals. This is the story of a person who did not thoroughly follow the patch test and applied the hair dye to her scalp. To no one’s wonder, she had the worst allergic reactions, resulting in a swollen, itchy head, and she ended up in the hospital emergency room. She resolved never to dye her hair again in her whole life.

Reactions did not appear immediately after use, as other allergic symptoms developed gradually in the above list. This scary picture drives our attention toward the pre-use patch test.
Don’t Stop the Blood Flow
A person shared her horror story with us. It is usual for many women to wear their hair ponies on their wrists for a quick hair tie. Sometimes, due to their poor memory, they often put on the ponies’ band on their arms instead of carrying scrunchies. One may not imagine what a disaster a band can cause.

She had a red swollen bump that appeared suddenly on her arm with a little pain. She assumed it was some sort of insect bite. The doctor diagnosed that the huge abscess was caused by a dangerous bacteria sticking to her hair band.
That’s Not a Tattoo: That’s Branding
Another creepy picture of a chemical burn is shared by a teenager who traveled to Turkey on vacation. She desired a pretty henna tattoo on her arm, but that turned out to be a scary, scabby, and painful burn. She felt her skin coming off. This beauty disaster seems to be really very painful.

A lab investigation revealed that this was caused by p-paraphenylenediamine, which the FDA does not monitor, and yet it’s used in various cosmetics. That clearly shows that harmful synthetic dye can also cause permanent scars.
When Every Makeup Accessory You Own Goes down the Drain
Now, it’s time to change your mood with this awful yet hilarious image. We can simply imagine that, somehow, it is done by a toddler or a pet. Yup! You are right; her cat was not impressed with the makeup culture. So she decided to throw all her owner’s brushes and makeup essentials around the commode in the bathroom. Our sympathies are with the possessor.

The kitty showed her stand against the prevailing makeup culture, or she might like her owner more in a bare look. It might be an attention-seeking action, maybe. So many assumptions!
That’s Not How a Skilled Professional Would Do It
Women know these hair-styling terms well. There is emotional distress regarding the hair dye. The person in the photograph surely went to some unskilled person to get balayage done. To your knowledge, balayage is a skillful hand-painting technique that is actually done without using foils. As an outcome, the hair gives a natural sun-kissed shade. Wait, it doesn’t give any clues about balayage.

Only an expert can handle the balayage technique. So again, do your research before choosing a hair dye. It’s not a simple task that everyone can do; otherwise, it will turn out to be a blunder, not a balayage.
Another One of Those Kylie Lip Challenge Fails
Meet our other teen victim of the infamous Kylie Jenner challenge. Young girls are most affected by this peculiar beauty hack to get fuller lips by sucking them into a round shape to make a pout. They expect to have the perfect selfie pout, but in reality, most of them end up with red rashes, a change in skin color, and swollen lips.

This image is evidence of Kylie Jenner’s challenge failure. This girl said she had made her own mustache around her lips. Many cosmetic companies have introduced lip enhancers that are available with the proper instructions and are less harmful than this hack.
Pink Mess
Are you planning to dye your hair at home? Yes, there is no harm in doing it yourself. Simple hair dye is not that difficult. Just remember a person with purple hands and make sure to have all the necessary equipment, like coloring kits, gloves, and wrapping sheets.

Please be aware of the precautionary measures since this will end up as it happened in the image below. The hair may look prettier with the new hair color, but it won’t be very nice to have a pink sink for a long time. We are unsure whether the stains will get away quickly or stay for a long time.
When Your Barber Is an Amateur
Here is another example of beauty tainted by the disaster. Teenagers love to have shaved undercuts as a fashion statement or to follow the cuts of their favorite celebrities, sports team logos, or other designs. These shaved undercuts can only be done by experts. Otherwise, you may need to clean-shave the whole cut.

A person shared her story, and we can assume she will have a full under shave. She went to the salon to get some unique geometrical patterns shaved into her undercut, which resulted in these faint lines. Is there any pattern to show some beauty?
This Girl Would Have Done a Better Job Herself
It is more terrible when you go to the parlor on a short note, get late for the party, and the hair stylist makes a blunder with your hair. We can imagine your mental state. Some stylists don’t listen to the customers’ opinions and do as they like.

Sometimes, clients interrupt so much that it is impossible for the stylist to do their job. Look at this picture, where she is left with the highly messy hairdo. What do you suggest for this hairstyle? Does it look like a braid or a bird’s nest?
When Your Dog Thinks Make-Up Is A Treat
There is no compromise on beauty products. These can be interpreted as necessary as weapons are for soldiers. A lady who uses a beauty blender will never go for foundation brushes or fingertips application. We feel sorry for the owner who came to know that her dear pet dog chewed up her makeup blender.

It may seem like a test of her love for the pet. Her caption for the picture shows the deep pain she felt. What would you do if you were in her place? Think twice!
That Is Not How You Blend a Bronzer
Things can worsen if you don’t know how to use them properly. This person bought an expensive bronzer and put it on as per directions. She might lack practice and couldn’t blend the bronzer smoothly. She has shared her photograph, asking why she failed to make it look natural. We can see the dark patches of bronzer giving her a ridiculous look.

Here are some quick tips for applying the bronzer. Put a little amount in strokes from the middle of your ear outwards. Next comes the buffing and blending. Do it with the proper brush till it blends nicely. Remember to apply the products cautiously.
When You Get, a Low-Quality Tan
Women can go to any extent for the sake of beauty, whether it is their skin tone, hair dye, nail paint, or regular skin care. They can do anything for the sake of beauty. Sometimes things become scruffier to maintain their charm. A person had shared her experience of a fake tan that stained her new bed cover when she woke up in the morning.

This picture shows her body print left by the fake tan. Even though fake tan helps people look even more beautiful, it frequently stains clothing and beddings. You can enjoy a piece of art afterward!
That Toothpaste May Be Black, but This Is Totally the Person’s Fault
Charcoal toothpaste is under debate due to its coal-black color. Some favor it and say it can whiten your teeth better than regular kinds of toothpaste. Some still have doubts and say it can damage the tooth enamel. Like this man in the following picture, who did not believe in its whitening properties and had a mess with the product.

We can see he has used charcoal powder instead of paste and dipped his vibrating electric toothbrush into the container, which ended up spluttering around the wash basin. Enjoy hours of cleaning!
One of the Victims of the Wen
Do patch tests, dear people, or be ready for the consequences. The choice is yours. Tracie Hashton shared her picture with bald patches. Let us introduce her; she is one of the various ladies who sued Wen (a well-known hair products brand) for her hair disaster. The company denies its products caused any damage. More than 200 ladies sued the company, though.

She complains that she faced severe hair fall right after using this particular shampoo brand, resulting in bald patches. How shocking this is for a woman, that’s why we stress the patch test.
This Is What Hair Dye Can Do To Your Hair
It is right to say “Beauty is pain” in the case of this gorgeous lady who lost all of her hair in an attempt to dye them with an imported yet cheap hair color. She caused the disaster herself and didn’t read the instructions in some other language, and spread the whole tube on the hair covering the whole scalp.

She experienced the worst consequences as it left her with itchy, scabby, bald patches on her head. She panicked when she came to know how many allergens she had pasted on her head and thanked God for the regrowth of hairs.
This Girl Thought She Was Eating Chocolates
How can you keep the children far from the chocolates? Yes, this naughty little angel mistakenly tried to have the chocolate all alone. It’s not her fault at all. A company called Two Faced makes eyeshadow palettes in the form of chocolate bars; they look and smell the same as chocolate. She decided to check it out.

Hey, we feel equally sorry for the owner, who might be her mother, and can understand her feelings about the deteriorated palate worth 40 dollars. The little girl looks sad about not having a real bar of chocolate.
Keeping Eyelash Glue with the Rest of Your Cosmetics Seem To Be a Dangerous Idea
It is ridiculous yet very harmful to put lash glue on your lips. Yeah, such things happen when you are in a hurry and blindly pick up the wrong tube. The same happened with one of our sweet ladies. She shared a snap of both products, which look similar in size. She hurriedly picked up the glue instead of her lip-protecting cream.

How can we avoid such beauty mishaps? Lip creams should come in bright or neon colors packaging. So no one can get deceived.
Don’t Ever Get a Tattoo You Think You’ll Regret
One should not opt for cheap products as they prove to be harmful. For instance, consider the following picture. This poor person used a DIY tattoo removal kit which caused a horrific reaction that resulted in what you see in the picture.

The flesh has been totally scraped or burnt. We don’t suggest using products that are still under observation as they may cause terrible complications. Following precautions must be made: avoid anything that includes corrosive compounds for the time being. This tattoo removal kit had TCA content in it which is a corrosive substance that can burn your skin off.
Bubble Face Masks
Though one looks like a snowman in the following mask, nevertheless, these masks are enjoyable to wear and work as advertised. This is why it’s said, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Once applied to the skin, these bubble masks expand due to air oxidation.

These bubble masks can actually be very soothing for your skin and can help your skin look better. Bubble face masks are unique and very satisfying. This Korean innovation has proved to be fascinating as it has the potential to give an instant glow. Once you rinse off the mask, you will be shocked to see your rejuvenated skin, free of dirt and grime.
This Looks Like a Joke
SOS, a lockdown manicure is needed. As a matter of fact, utterly inevitable in this case! This lady has decided to hang in between a manicure and a nail disaster. We are sure that her nail polish wasn’t always that gross, but as is visible now, this is quite an annoying sight, with parts of the nail paint being chipped off from her nails. Most people would have removed the polish before this stage!

The lady should stick to one direction: either complete nail paint or nothing at all. A bottle of acetone is all we’d recommend to her now!
Waist Trainers? More like Waist Suffocators
All this pain, and for what? An ideal figure, and that’s it? In Victorian times, corsets were used, and they would become a plight for ladies due to tight-fitting around the waist, resulting in extreme muscle pain. And here we have an updated version of corsets, the waist trainers, to make the core look slimmer. Oh yes, it sounds purely absurd!

The Kardashian Family flaunted these waist trainers for some time, making them quite popular. But their practical application hasn’t been very promising at all!
We Shouldn’t Even Call That A Manicure
Manicure is the result of finesse, detail, and precision. But the following picture changes our perspective entirely! It is so perfectly imperfect that there’s nothing we can do about it. The dilemma is that this extraordinary piece of art was made through five thick layers of nail paints and glitters.

Now, one must enjoy removing it with dozen bottles of nail varnish removers. The fact that skill is necessary to become a nail technician tells us that not everyone can fulfill this delicate job. Nail art requires one to be diligent and patient.
Those Are Some Bad Perms
Curling your own hair might look really fancy, as it did for Alison Porter in the movie Curly Sue. For the actress, it suited her quite well but look at this young lady with her curls: We infer that she expected to become just another Curly sue, but reality just gives you the middle finger sometimes!

It seems pretty evident that the curls could have been made much better. Oh, but what can be done now except to hope that the hair is curled and not permed?
The Walmart Bag Is For Groceries, Not a Beauty Procedure
Dyeing or bleaching the hair comes with its own challenges. Bleaching is a commonly used procedure that includes putting a plastic bag to cover the head. It then has to be heated using a mild blow dry. At the same time, the plastic shower cap is typical in saloons.

When bleaching at home, most women use plastic bags that might imprint their design on the hair, making the head printed with the exact logo. Do you think the lady here is dying her hair like this? Don’t panic, though. It happened with a Walmart plastic bag! No worries, such imprint usually gets washed out easily.