Reddit is a famous platform that allows you to connect with other people. You may tell a funny story that happened to you or ask different questions related to anything: from educational topics to tips for running a business. But by far, the best thing about Reddit is that the platform is famous for sharing stories and conversations. If you have faced awkward situations in your life and feel you’re the only one who has faced such a moment, you’re in the right place. That is because you are not alone. In this post, you will encounter 45 moments that have been shared on Reddit as the most uncomfortable or awkward moments. Many of these may also be relatable.
Flirting Gone Wrong
Flirting with a crush is a tough task for many because you may feel nervous. It can make you behave awkwardly around the person or engage in the most boring conversations. This individual also went through something similar when paired with an attractive cheerleader.

The nerves caused the person to play with a pencil which flew out of his hand, bounced off the eraser, and hit the girl’s eye. The story’s lesson is that you should be wary of items you use to tackle your nervousness. Even a harmless thing, such as a pencil, can be dangerous if you’re not careful.
Present At the Wrong Event
Hosting BBQ parties is fun because you can invite your friends and engage in pleasant conversations. It also allows you to ask your crush out or learn more about your colleagues. However, the whole thing can also go wrong if your friends don’t attend.

Something similar happened to this person who invited their friend over to a BBQ. But their friend didn’t show up after 2 hours. Of course, it was all a mishap because the friend did attend a BBQ party. The only catch is that he got the house wrong and accidentally came to the neighbor’s event.
A Ride Gone Wrong
Dropping someone you know home is a common thing in many countries. You may give the ride to a friend after a party or a coworker at the end of a day, just like this person did. And you don’t expect the whole thing to be eventful. All you need to do is to drop the person off and go home to relax. Unfortunately, this person did not get to do that.

It is awkward to visit a coworker’s place and find their family fighting. However, it is more uncomfortable when you’re stuck on the road because of your colleague’s parents fighting.
A Movie Case Without A Movie
We all get into fights sometimes because of losing patience. This couple also went through a fight while they were still in each other’s crushes. The person borrowed a movie from her crush, who was in high school and still lived with her parents. However, what he got was not a movie, but the crush’s birth control pills hidden in a film case that started making a rattling sound in the car.

He decided to give the pills back discreetly without making things awkward. Unfortunately, the girl’s friends escalated the situation by laughing at them. So, the exchange ended up in a fight.
The Wrong Guess
Assuming things is something that many people are good at. However, the guess can sometimes be wrong, leading to an awkward interaction. This is what happened to this person who was working a night shift. The place had a 21 and over policy after 9 pm, allowing only adults to enter. So, when a few friends walked in, one of them being a little person, he mistook them for a couple with a child.

The worker only understood what was happening after stopping the friends from entering the place. This is why it is best not to assume things and to look twice before saying something.
Hanging Out With A Crush
Hanging out with your crush can be difficult if you don’t have a good plan. The best thing to do is be straightforward and ask to hang out with the person. Of course, you may not have the courage to do that. So you may develop an alternative plan in order to ‘accidentally’ meet the person without revealing your actual intentions. This person also did the same by running past her crush’s house daily, hoping to be invited in.

Unfortunately, the plan was not good because the family never noticed him. So, he had to run multiple times to get invited in and spend time with her crush. Well, he didn’t get what he wanted, but he got healthier as a result, that is for sure.
The Uncomfortable Date
Having your boyfriend over for the first time is a big thing for many people, especially high-school students. So, when her boyfriend was over at her place, this girl tried to be nice and feed him some leftovers. Everything was going right until the dad intervened in their dinner by taking away the boyfriend’s plate.

He took the food away by saying it was his food and ate it at the other end of the table! The couple had to sit awkwardly and wait for the dad to leave after having the food. This is why it is advisable to always plan things properly before having your partner over.
It Really Didn’t Work
Getting your crush’s attention can be tough if you don’t use the correct gesture. Some moves fall flat, while others can end up with you getting a boyfriend or a girlfriend. This girl has an excellent idea of confessing to her crush by giving him a fake interview disc about being interested in him on a radio show.

Unfortunately, the gesture fell short because the crush did not reciprocate the feelings. Grand gestures may seem the best idea when opening up to your crush, but they don’t work every time. This is why it is better to be straightforward and have a mature conversation to avoid cringe moments.
Hearing Things Incorrectly
A routine physical procedure at the doctor’s office is an uneventful day for most people. However, that is not true for this person. They were having the physical for the first time and heard the doctor incorrectly. Instead of coughing after dropping their pants, the person thought the physician was asking them to crawl.

The moment became confusing because of the mishearing. This is why you must prepare for such events. Our only tip for you is to search for information on physicals before visiting a doctor for the first time. It will help you avoid an awkward moment such as this one.
The Incorrect Dress Code
School can be stressful for many kids due to the studying pressure. However, the institute became hard to attend for this kid after an embarrassing day. The school kept a pajama day to allow the children to avoid wearing their uniform for a single day. Unfortunately, the administration did not consider that some kids wear boxers while sleeping.

So, this student decided to shock the audience by attending the institute in just his boxers. The situation didn’t sit well with the teachers, and his parents were called to pick him up. This is why you should use common sense when wearing specific kinds of clothing.
The Awkward Classroom Moment
A classroom is one of those places where you better be careful because kids see and notice absolutely everything. This is because students notice all the tiniest moves and can make a big deal out of them. Unfortunately, no one gave this warning to this poor teacher who picked her nose while reading.

The worst part is that not just a single student, but the entire class saw her picking her nose. Well, the book must have been really interesting, that’s for sure. Our only hope is that the students didn’t misbehave with the teacher or make fun of her using this action. After all, we all have done embarrassing things at some point in our lives.
A Name To Remember
Giving a name to your newborn is a difficult task for many parents. Sometimes you may not agree with the choices your partner is present. Besides that, you may want to give a famous name to your kid. Sadly, this parent did not meet the expectations by giving an awkward name to his son.

If you have read J.R.R. Tolkien’s books, you must be aware of one of his characters, Legolas. However, not everyone is a fan of the author or gets the reference. The parents may have liked the name, but we’re sure the kid regrets being named Legolas.
The Awkward Anniversary
It is common for couples to visit a restaurant on their anniversary and have a good time together. After all, the event is special for many people. However, we are sure this couple did not enjoy their time at the restaurant. The hostess asked them if they were out for a special occasion.

Unfortunately, the guy replied no and said it was ‘just their anniversary’, forgetting the day’s importance. The people who overheard this conversation probably had a good laugh. However, we are sure that the wife must have gotten upset and given the husband a hard time. Sadly, there is no way to know that.
The Wrong Kid
Watching a movie at the cinema is a fun experience for many people. You may visit the theatre with your partner or child to have a fun day. However, the whole event can be awkward if you make a mistake while seated. You may leave the theatre and go to the washroom and sit in the wrong seat after returning.

You may also hold hands with someone else’s kid as this mom did. The woman thought she was holding her child’s hand, but that was not the case at all. After a minute passed, she realized that the kid beside her was someone else’s son.
The Worst Way To Impress Your Crush
Impressing a crush is difficult, and not all techniques work. This person’s friend had an awkward encounter in high school when the kid behind her used to stow away her fallen hair in his calculator. The boy probably did such a thing to have a memory of his crush. However, this also gave him the most awkward technique of impressing the girl. He got a haircut and gifted his hair to the crush.

The gesture may have seemed cool to the boy, but that was not the case for the girl, and I don’t understand who on Earth could possibly like something like that. So, you must always think before doing something to impress your crush.
An Ex Marrying Another Ex
What happened to Ross Geller in Friends may seem exaggerated, but that is not true. In the series, he divorced his first wife after she came out as gay. The same thing happened to this guy who got a divorce after his wife came out.

However, his situation was even funnier because he attended her next wedding years later, where she married one of his ex-girlfriends. The world is small for many encounters to repeat, but this is unheard of. We hope the couple is living a happy married life.
The Cringiest Wedding Ever
Musical movies and series offer a fun time to many people. However, the same genre is loathed by others. This couple was a fan of musicals and decided to sing their vows with a chorus. Unfortunately, the guests did not like musicals and cringed at what was happening. The couple expected the guests to sing with the chorus.

What’s worse is that the musical vows lasted for about 20 minutes. This wedding idea may have seemed cool to the couple, but the guests did not like it AT ALL. So you should consider the audience before deciding on something unheard of at special events.
The Wrong Recipient
We all love to give gifts to our loved ones at events such as Christmas. The couple in this story also decided to send a gift to their son and his wife. They used a gift company to send the package but made a severe mistake. Instead of writing the name of their son’s current wife, they gave his ex’s name. Luckily, the couple realized the mistake before the son received the gift.

The couple was lucky that the company was accommodating because UPS had already dispatched the package. This is why you should always confirm the recipient’s name before sending gifts.
An Awkward Conversation
Chatting with your crush can be difficult when you don’t know what to talk about. This person also faced the same trouble while messaging his crush. Luckily, the girl was accommodating and allowed him to talk with her by giving her an opportunity. Unfortunately, the guy missed his chance by ending the conversation before it even started.

We wonder if he got the signal wrong or left the chat ‘cause he was too nervous. Anyways, the lesson of this story is to use chance instead of throwing it away when talking to your crush. This will allow you to avoid awkward interactions.
Working At A Weird Wedding
Your wedding day is supposed to be the happiest day of your life. After all, you get to marry the person you love. However, this wasn’t the case for the couple in this story. A guy who worked at the wedding revealed it shared on Reddit that the wife spent hours in another guy’s lap at the wedding. Instead of doting on her husband, she flirted with the second guy, who was a guest.

We wonder why the girl was getting married if she did not like her groom or wanted to flirt with others. The happiest day turned into a bad memory for the defeated groom.
At The Church?!
Going to church is a prevalent activity for many families, but that does not mean that the kids love going there. Many children feel bored and engage in different activities to have fun. This kid decided to enjoy time at church by slapping his father’s bottom. Unfortunately, the kid mistook someone else for his father and hit the guy’s backside. The worst part is that his parents saw him do it.

The couple laughed their way out of the awkward situation instead of punishing the kid right there. We’re sure the family never again attended the same church out of embarrassment.
The Worst Wedding Speech
Wedding speeches are a way to make your guests feel welcomed and show your love for people. This groom also decided to do the same by thanking people and focusing more on his brother-in-law during the speech. The groom roasted his new relative, who took the speech in good humor. At least, that’s how it appeared to most guests. However, the person sharing this story faced an uncomfortable moment.

They were sitting at the table with the bride’s family, and the groom’s speech did not amuse the guests AT ALL. This is why you must consider the place and people before making jokes.
The Guests Didn’t Show Up
Sharing happy events such as a wedding with friends is prevalent in many regions. You invite guests to spend time with them and create a good memory. This couple, though, decided to invite their 700 Facebook friends!!! The worst part is that only 100 showed up at the event. This is why you better not expect much from your social media friends, especially the ones on Facebook.

It is also best to only invite people you’re close to instead of all Facebook friends. A small wedding is better than hosting a big wedding with way too many people to talk to all of them.
Getting Off At The Wrong Stop
Riding a bus is not a tough task, so it is a very convenient means of transportation. However, this is not true for all passengers. People who ride the bus for the first time may make silly mistakes, such as this person. The only catch is that this individual didn’t own their mistake. They pressed the stop button at the wrong spot and got off the bus instead of accepting the mistake.

The person had to walk an hour in the rain to avoid facing embarrassment on the bus. This is why you must not let your social anxiety and fear win over accepting a mistake.
Rectangle Is The New Oval
Family disagreements are pretty prevalent for various reasons. This couple bought a table and chairs for their house. The wife posted the picture on Facebook so her mom could look at the furniture. Her mother commented about the oval table, which started an argument. This is because the table was actually rectangular, and the comment indicated the mother did not look at the pictures of the furniture.

Finally, the daughter forced her mother to look at the pictures. After realizing her mistake, the mother covered it up by saying that that was her way of calling rectangle. Now, this is interesting.
Walking Without Seeing
It is no secret that you should watch where you’re going to avoid accidents such as tripping. Unfortunately, this girl was too mesmerized by her crush to follow the advice. She walked the same route as him to their classes. However, one day she fell on her face due to zoning out while looking at him.

The worst part is that the crush laughed and walked past her instead of helping. The same incident happened to her again and for the exact same reason. This time it was outside a mart where she ran into a pole. So please avoid zoning out while staring at your crush in public places.
The Smooth Rejection
Rejecting prospective partners is easy for some people if the feelings are not mutual. This guy confessed his feelings to his crush while struggling to explain why he liked her. The girl understood and explained that he did not have to have a reason to like her. However, this was not enough for her to accept his confession.

She rejected him, saying that she considered him a friend only. The smooth rejection must have been a blow to him, but that is not the same for his siblings. Instead, they laughed it off after hearing the story.
The Fake Seizure
We all have done stupid things around our crushes at some point in our lives. However, this girl has crossed the bar by faking a seizure after being rejected by a guy. She did that after her crush told her that he was not single. The surrounding people believed her lie and called an ambulance to help her. When the paramedics reached, she realized her mistake and ran off from the site.

The moral of the story is to avoid lying regardless of the situation. This girl most likely faked a seizure to get attention and avoid the embarrassment of rejection. However, her lie caused even more embarrassment.
The Stupid Question
You may have heard that there’s no such thing as stupid questions. However, that is not true. Some things are not meant to be asked out aloud. Unfortunately, this girl did not get the memo about this. She watched a documentary about cavemen with her siblings and was in awe. During an ad break, she decided to ask a question about how the cameras got there to capture the footage.

The girl didn’t realize that the documentary was not real footage and that these cavemen were just actors. We bet she still regrets asking such a stupid question to her siblings.
The Awkward First Date
Most first dates are awkward because of nervousness and other factors. However, things were different for this couple. Their meetup was not uncomfortable at all, and they hung out at the zoo. They may have been out of money, but the couple had a blast at the site. However, the perfect day was interrupted by an awkward moment when they parted ways to go home. The guy leaned in for a kiss while the girl wanted a hug.

The overall result was that he headbutted her date and caused a nosebleed. He was kind enough to ask her if she was okay but ran off soon after.
The Sad Wedding
A wedding is supposed to be a happy occasion for most people. The bride and groom in this story were delighted, but their families weren’t. Of course, no one realized the real reason why the bride’s mother-in-law was sobbing throughout the event. Due to cultural differences, the girl’s family forced her to break up with the same guy years before.

The couple overcame that, considering they decided to get married. The family may have been upset about the wedding, but that does not matter. This couple did what they wanted and achieved their happiness, setting goals for many other similar couples.
Not The Right Place
Sharing personal stories can allow you to get closer to some people. However, there is always a time and place for such things. The pastor in this story didn’t realize that when he decided to share a personal anecdote during a wedding. He told his life story while officiating the ceremony and even called his wife to stand up.

The move seemed good to him, but it was not the right place. If you ever officiate a wedding, use this incident to avoid sharing personal anecdotes. The happy day should be about the couple getting married, not you.
The Bizarre Apple Wedding
A couple bought an apple orchard before getting married to lead a simple life away from the bustling city. They decided to make the wedding about apples by using the fruit as the theme. Unfortunately, this made the event bizarre because apples were incorporated into everything. The groom wore an apple tie, every dish had this fruit in it, fake apple trees were placed, and even the cake’s design was an apple.

The wedding seemed bizarre to most people because of the weird theme. Sadly, the apple fever did not last long because the couple sold the orchard the following year.
Public Farting
It is no secret that many people fart in public places when they realize that it will be a silent one. This person decided to do the same thing when shopping in a supermarket. However, the person misjudged the fart: it was not silent. The worst part is that they were not alone in the aisle. So please avoid farting in public places to avoid embarrassment.

A fart is not unnatural, but people consider it awkward in public places. So it is advisable to avoid it when you’re around people. If you cannot manage that, being discreet is another option.
Think Before Acting
We often don’t think before acting because we do not consider a specific situation. Shaking someone’s hand may seem like a prevalent gesture, but not everyone can do that. This person learned this the hard way. They struck out a hand to shake an amputee’s hand without thinking much. The other person was nice enough to bring out his amputated arm without being offended and diffuse the awkwardness of the situation.

The person decided to shake the part around the elbow where the cut was made by reaching out. This situation ended with some awkward laughs. So you must pay attention to details before making everyday gestures.
Talking To A Stranger
We all share intimate details of our lives with our best friends. This may include secrets and other everyday information. The guy in this story also thought he was doing the same thing at a gas station. However, he realized later that the person he was talking to was not his friend. Instead of facing the situation, the guy ran away from the station and did not visit the place again.

You should always check your surroundings before starting an intimate conversation. Your friend may be near, but you may also be talking to a stranger like this guy did.
A Disastrous News
Spending Christmas with your girlfriend is a good idea, especially when you don’t have family plans. However, the day was anything but uneventful for this guy. His girlfriend’s sister revealed during dinner that she was pregnant. The catch was that the guy’s cousin was the father.

They had met at a family function before and decided to get together. The news was shocking because the sister was only 20 years old. The story may have seemed happy initially, but the news was only troublesome for the family. They were most likely worried about the next thing to do.
The Wedding That Did Not Take Place
Showing up to your wedding date is an uncommon thing for most brides. However, this bride passed all levels of inconsideration. A guest shared this story on Reddit that the bride arrived hours late at her wedding venue. She also came in a yoga outfit instead of a wedding dress.

Upon seeing her, the groom called off the wedding and left her stranded at the venue after she refused to change. Apparently, the bride cheated on the groom with her personal trainer, and the yoga outfit gave reason to the groom. She also got married to the trainer later. However, they divorced soon due to unknown reasons.
The Wrong Date
Remembering special days such as anniversaries is difficult for most guys. The one in this story does not fall further from the normal crowd. He got his wife an engraved jewelry box with their anniversary date and a special message. However, the wife teared up when she received the box because the date was wrong. The guy pretended that the company who engraved it had made a mistake and that he remembered the date.

The guy pretended that the company who engraved it had made a mistake and that he remembered the date. The employee at the place was kind enough to accept the guy’s mistake as his own. However, the kindness did not go unpaid, as the guy paid triple the amount for the box.
Never Blindside Your Bride
In some countries, there is a tradition that grooms and brides must smear a bit of the wedding cake on each other’s faces after feeding one another. The bride in this story told the groom not to cake her face during the event. However, the guy did it anyways and ended up upsetting her. The bride ran away from the reception to a room in the back and stayed there for an hour.

After one hour of sitting alone, the groom was allowed to meet the bride and talk to her. However, they argued more, and the event was shut down midway. The couple also got divorced within two years.
The School Crush
If you think only adults have crushes, that is not true. This Reddit user shared a story about his school crush when he was five. The guy wanted to sit next to the girl during one of his classes, but the crush did not want that. Instead, she wanted to sit next to her friend. This hurt the five-year-old, who started crying about the situation instead of accepting it.

The teacher did force the girl to sit beside him, but the embarrassment he suffered from crying in class was greater. This is why you must not let your emotions go crazy.
The Awkward Trip To Las Vegas
Meeting your girlfriend’s parents is important because your relationship may be impacted if things go wrong. This user shared that he met his girlfriend’s parents, who lived in Las Vegas while he was 18. The dad dressed up fancy during dinner and asked him many questions about his family. After the trip, his girlfriend told him that her dad thought they were getting married in Las Vegas.

This is shocking, considering the guy was only 18 years old, and the girl must have been around the same age. Would the interaction have been less awkward if the guy had known what was happening from the beginning?
The Incorrect Name
Remembering movie characters with friends seem like a fun thing to do. However, it was not enjoyable for this group of friends. The person tried to remember the name of one of Harry Potter’s characters with a friend and the friend’s sister. They tried to remember Professor Lupin, but the person got the name incorrect.

Instead of Lupin, the individual guessed it as Lupus, a severe disease that can lead to fatality. The worst part is that it was the same disease due to which the friend’s mother died. Fun fact: ‘Lupus’ means ‘wolf’ in Latin, which is exactly why J. K. Rowling gave this name to Prof. Lupin, who was a werewolf.
Not So Polite
We all have had uncomfortable moments in our lives but considering someone’s loss a happy thing is insensitive. This user shared a story about his mother’s impolite interaction with an older couple. The couple had lost one of their sons due to a brain tumor, while the other had moved out recently for university.

The user’s mother started the conversation by asking the couple if it must have been nice to have the house to themselves. Despite hints of avoiding the conversation by the couple, the mother continued to talk. She also scolded her son for not recognizing that they were having a mature conversation.
The Sad Moment
Guessing things may seem fun, but judging a situation incorrectly can lead to an uncomfortable moment. This person saw a pregnant woman and joked about getting the baby out. However, the person did not see the next thing coming. The woman revealed that the baby did not have a heartbeat. This means that the pregnancy was a stillbirth. The moral of the story is not to make jokes with people you don’t know.

The woman’s blunt reply also implies that she was trying to indicate that the person should not have made the joke. We’re sure the moment was uncomfortable for both of them.