We have all had those moments when we put on an outfit and felt like a million bucks and then there are the times when we look in the mirror and just cringe. These 45 fashion fails will make you laugh like crazy, but they are also a great reminder to always be careful about what you wear. No one is perfect, and that is definitely true when it comes to fashion. So don’t stress out too much about what you wear – just have some fun with it!
The Useless Back Pockets
The back pockets, which are an essential part of all jeans, are hardly of any use to people. Their size is usually too small to hold the basic stuff carried by people (like a wallet or a cell phone etc). Especially the woman’s skin-fit jeans with holes in them make the appropriate utility of pockets pretty much impossible.

The weird jeans, which are usually ripped or torn, are very popular due to their comfort. However, they can cause a lot of problems due to their unusual design, and hence they should be priced way less than the regular ones.
Definitely Not the Right Message
It is very common to see clothes with messages printed on them and it is very much in fashion these days. However, every time before buying clothes it needs to be ensured that the messages printed on them go with them. For example, if there is some kind of message about the love of grandparents for their grandkids, then it needs to be printed on a shirt or jacket rather than on a sports bra. This message does not go with the garment. Like, at all.

Hence, during buying clothes, it is very much advisable to always look for the suitability of a message and the type of garment itself.
News From Planet Mars
The next fashion fails reminds us of the bodycon dress, which came in different colors and went viral on social media at some point in time. At first sight, the show presenter here seems to be a big-headed lady wearing a black dress with short arms placed on her back. However, if we look at the picture again a bit more closely, we will understand what is actually going on.

At second glance, this show presenter is a good-looking woman wearing a black dress and a white blazer with black details. She looks quite stylish; hence it is a big fashion fail due to this little optical illusion unwillingly created by the designers.
Comfortable garments like hoodies and tracksuits are often created with some fun characters or anime heroes on them to make them look cooler. However, while having fun creating these garments, it is important to ensure you don’t go over the top with your sense of humor. The animation on the jogger pants has been put in the wrooong place, making it look like a fart.

The purpose is to highlight that letting someone rip is never going to look cute or trendy at any cost. Hence such fashion ideas are a big failure and must never be adopted. Well, this masterpiece of a tracksuit found its customer, though. So, maybe it was worth the effort after all.
Is That A Design?
Everyone has the right to do and enjoy works of art, but it can never make you a master at it. Hence whenever someone tries to change the design or pattern of clothes, it usually ends up taking them to the trash bin. This pair of tie-dye jeans is an example of why it might be better for you to avoid getting too artistic with your clothes.

Hence, this tie-dye art should be left solely to fashion designers, who know what they are doing. Such self-created pieces can never be worn when you are out of your house or at work but can be used for wearing at home only.
Formal Or Sportswear?
Adidas is one the most famous brands for activewear, but it can never be a good designer for formal wear. However, if such effort is ever made, the outcome is generally a disaster. Plus, it makes us see how authentic this amazing Adidas dress is. The formal dress in the picture by Adidas looks exactly like it was taken from my grandmother’s closet. Just kidding, my grandma would never wear this monstrosity.

Even knowing how weird modern fashion is, we still don’t believe that this is a real Adidas piece. How many ‘sports dresses’ have you seen that looked like this? The level of ugliness here is just unprecedented.
Mandarin + Google Translate = Hilarity
Shoes always deserve our special love because they make our feet look good and feel better. However, we would never try to get wisdom from them. This job is usually given to 20-year-old Instagram influencers. The picture, however, shows shoe designers who decided to get a bit too artistic with the quotes written on the shoes.

It looks like, along with being rather unattractive, these shoes weren’t decorated by English speakers, and hence it is difficult to understand what on Earth this statement means. It is high time for them to hire a translator who would finally help them with the job.
The Large Sized Tea Bag
Tea is a big love for many people, and so is the recycling bag for this environment, but these two got nothing in common to make a combination of them. The shopping bag here with a tea stain looks like it was stuck in someone’s toilet bowl and got dirty.

Hence, it is advised to drink tea with some best snacks or whatever you like, or even use tea for making facial masks but whatever you wish to do with it should be done with tea only. It should be avoided to wear anything that looks like tea.
What Are Those?!
Northern winters make gloves a very important accessory to keep one warm, and they are very comfortable and cozy. They are a kind of second layer over the hands, and hence sometimes it becomes difficult to do any work while wearing them. This pair of gloves in the picture is an example of the gloves being a great hurdle in performing daily tasks.

It is impossible to even open the door or take something out of a bag while wearing these. Going out while wearing these gloves is something that no one would ever want to do. Just chuck them out, dude.
Cows are beautiful creatures and are truly amazing. However, having love for any animal never means that all of their physical characteristics are to be copied in fashion choices. These shoes are a mere example of exaggerating your love for cows. It is obvious that their hooves can never be in human fashion. There is no point in putting cow love in shoes.

Hence such fashion choices must be kept for themed events or parties like Halloween. During such events, you can show as much love for cows as you want wearing these amazing heels.
Dirty Laundry
It is always very easy to opt for comfortable clothes, but the hoodie in the picture made it a tough decision to make. It is of a beautiful fuchsia color, but the washed-out spotted design has added much to the confusion. The hoodie looks more like a laundry hack gone wrong rather than some kind of fashion statement.

Everyone should take notice that if their clothes look like this beautiful piece, then that is not a fashion statement but rather a fashion faux pas. Hence, wearing such garments should be avoided. At all costs.
Cowboy Sneakers
In this modern era of the latest technology, where everyone wants immediate gratification rather than a long-term benefit, people are trying to incorporate multitasking into their lifestyle to achieve the maximum. Everyone is trying to do their best at one time, but still, there is always a lot that cannot be achieved.

These shoes look like they were designed for a cowboy and an athlete simultaneously. Hence, if you wear these, you will be a target of jokes. This is such a fashion faux pas. Plus, these leather shoes will be very difficult to use as they will get too sweaty while running (or riding your horse?..).
That Shirt Is NOT Perfect
The ‘inspirational quotes’ or just regular platitudes that are printed on t-shirts are often a cause of embarrassing fashion fails. The quote printed on the T-shirt not only betrays a lack of original thought but is an absolute lie hence exhibiting that this shirt is not perfect, like, at all. The only perfect thing in this picture appears to be the caption.

The photographer has absolutely provided everything required for a good laugh. The fashion designers who allow this kind of failure to happen should probably be fired. It’s a proper disaster, for real.
Is It A Tent?..
Online shopping has become very popular due to its convenience, but it is not guaranteed that the buyer will get what they have seen online and ordered. There are often problems with the products received. Hence, the Internet can never replace the concept of physically visiting stores to shop and trying the clothes you like.

This picture is a clear example of an online shopping failure that would have deceived the buyer’s expectations completely. However, you do not need to panic after such online shopping experiences; rather, you can send the rejected items back to the seller and get your money back.
Really Bad Design
Fashion has changed a lot compared to the previous generations. These days people wear what they like without caring too much. Few people are humble when choosing clothes, while some go for display. Some people are even more likely to go for something completely unique. This picture is an example of this.

Not a great example, though… This thing is confusing for every viewer. Even the people who like the cut-out design will be confused. This cut-out is placed weirdly on her dress. It looks like her dress has eyes, which makes it terrifying. Would you agree?
Expensive Moncler Ugliness
Luxury designer brands consider it OK to charge as much as they like for their unique designer pieces, no matter what they look like. The puffer jacket is undoubtedly a very important winter garment. However, the puffer jacket and dress here are objectionable because they are not worth their price considering their looks.

These pieces look more like a combination of garbage bags and igloos rather than expensive and unique fashion pieces to be worn as designer dresses. The pictures seem amusing, which does not justify the prices on the tags.
When You Run Out Of Ideas
The designers of high-end brands often try to be very creative to give unique, relevant pieces and keep an edge. But such creative effort can sometimes really destroy a beautiful fashion piece. These sneakers are an example of how a big activewear brand like Adidas has killed the beauty of this piece by being overly creative.

At first glance, it looks like these shoes have stepped into some crime scene. After the second look, it becomes clear that there is a bird design on them. The buyer may never want such expensive pieces to give such an unnecessarily scary impression at first sight.
This Is Just Wrong
It is always expected to receive a sweater as a gift on Christmas. But as everyone wears them together for the annual Christmas card, nobody feels like making some kind of joke. But the case of these pajama pants for Christmas is different. The mother who designed these pajama pants with love and affection has the purest intentions, but it seems she has skipped on some of the tiny details in her design.

The boys wore these pants on Christmas, and they looked funny. It gave a reason for a laugh and amusement, which is like nothing else.
Eat Milk!
A funky T-shirt paired with jeans is the best casual look to be carried by women. The funky element is usually added by writing something cool on them or ripping t-shirts with unusual designs on them. The t-shirt shown here isn’t cool at all because its ‘message’ doesn’t make any sense. It is even known to infants that we always drink and ‘not eat milk’.

However, it is advised to fashion designers that while creating funky elements, they should always make sure that at least they themselves make some sense of what they have written.
That Looks Uncomfortable
Plain white t-shirts are very common and basic for everyday wear. However, it is natural to get bored of something being worn daily. Hence, multiple attempts were made to take the basic tees to a different level by adding cheesiness, designs, patterns, colors, prints etc. But it always needs to be ensured that the add-ons are always in the right place otherwise, they can change the item completely.

It can be seen in the picture that the embellishments are placed in the worst place possible on the shirt, and it looks as if you have horrible-looking pimples on your armpit area, which makes the whole thing a total failure.
Bikini Shoes
Everyone likes to rush towards the beach in the summer in the best sportswear to enjoy the waves under the sun. Women rush to stores to buy active wear so they can have a good time at the beach. It is assumed that the one thing that can never look wrong is a pair of flip-flops: they are just too basic for something to go wrong. Well, lo and behold: this woman is wearing ‘bikini shoes’…

Why did she think that a bikini could also be worn as shoes? Would you ever wear those? However, it is her choice to carry it differently, but this look can never have a fashion light.
When Your Baby Has Short Legs And Long Arms
Baby clothes are the cutest ones, as they have endless colors, styles, and sizes with matching caps and accessories. It is always fun for the parents to dress up the little ones. But one thing is very important: the outfit should always fit the baby properly. Otherwise, it will never be useful, let alone cute.

However, sometimes the sizes of infants’ clothes are very odd, as it can clearly be seen in the picture. The sleeves of the outfit are so long that a baby that would fit into it should look like an alien.
Kids’ cartoons are a good source of laughter and entertainment, but they can rarely be considered inspiring as far as fashion is concerned. But some fashion designers do not believe in it and try experimenting with their creativity using cartoons, which leads to hilarious outcomes. The picture shown here is an example of this particular sort of fashion failure.

Some fashion designers must have thought that these inflatable pants are the best thing in the fashion industry, but these pants remind us of a hot air balloon that has no connection to the world of style.
That Thing Is Cute
While designing everyday wear, it is always best to design it in the simplest way. And as far as accessories are concerned, the same rule should be followed for designing them, rather than making them original incorrectly. We can see in the picture that the woman has paired a completely black outfit with a strange bag which is a poop-shaped and cloud-inspired bag.

This bag can be on our purchase list until we see what it looks like. It is advised to all fashion followers that nothing that looks like poop can ever be used as some kind of fashion statement, so please avoid wearing this kinda stuff.
Are Pants Gender-Biased?
Men and women have so many differences, but the sizes of their pockets should not be one of them. It is an example where a couple compared the sizes of their pockets, and it was really shocking to see the difference. The guy has been able to fit his gaming device in his pocket, whereas the girl cannot go even half the way into hers. What a shame!

The research has revealed that jeans are designed very unfairly for males and females; hence a penalty can be imposed for this on fashion designers regarding unfair fashion crime.
Who Designed This?
Warm fleece clothes are always best for cold winters, but we changed our minds when we saw this warm top in the picture with long sleeves and a bunny with its ears hanging. Adding this awful bunny to this top has made it unsuitable and turned it into a fashion fail. The ears of the poor bunny have been placed in the wrong place, which makes it a big fashion disaster.

If the ears of the bunny were placed a bit higher or lower, then it could have looked better, but their current placement will never make them look good ever.
Elsa Face Masks
The Disney character Elsa was a big success and got so much attention when it was released. Having a love for any character never means that it needs to be displayed on every item possible. These characters need only to be displayed on children’s stuff like toys and accessories etc. In this picture, Elsa has been printed on a face mask with her face split in the center, which makes it look pretty scary.

Again, the love for characters is ok, but it should be displayed on the appropriate stuff rather than something like this. It can scare anyone. We can assure you that a princess can never look like this.
Bella Wouldn’t Approve Of This
Showing love for any character or movie on your garment is understandable. Twilight was a big hit, and people loved it, hence this T-shirt with a Bella print. We totally agree that this is a legit way to show love for your favorite character. But whenever you decide to buy such a garment, it is always advised to try it on first.

This picture is an example of this kind of failure. A girl looks like she’s wearing a significantly overweight version of Bella rather than the character we all remember. Again, make sure you try the garment before buying it to avoid any fashion disaster.
That’s Not Mud; That Is The Actual Design
Designs and prints on the garments only look good if they are done correctly. They can cause a big fashion failure if done in the wrong way. The paint on the garment can totally change the game and make it look like a failure.

The dress in the picture is an example of this fashion failure where the brown shades have been placed so wrong on the clothes that it looks like something very messy. Who on Earth would buy it? This fashion failure forces us to flush this idea from our minds and to keep such ideas away from garment designing.
Just Buy The Poor Kid An Umbrella…
We always want some alternatives for regular clothes, but sometimes we create disasters resulting in people looking like aliens. This hoodie used for rain protection is an example of this fashion fail where the kid undoubtedly has been protected from the rain, but the whole thing just looks awkward.

Traditional raincoats or an umbrella would be better alternatives to this weird thing. This hoodie looks very weird and needs to be considered as a fashion fail because we are just unable to even properly describe what it looks like.
When You Only Have a Left Foot
Online shopping is very popular in this era of advanced technology, but you can never say that delivery services cannot make mistakes. The picture below is an example of such a case: the person got new sneakers with two left shoes, which might be even better for you if you have two left feet. But fortunately, you don’t.

So, this is just another example of a delivery service disaster. However, the buyer of these shoes has been very positive as he made a funny caption for social media on this picture.
Give Your Feet Some Rest
Soft pillows and beddings surely create a very relaxing and comfortable atmosphere for everyone, but that does not mean that attaching the same pillow to your shoes will give the same feeling. The picture shows ankle boots with attached pillows, which may create a big fashion confusion.

Although these pillow boots give a good reason for laughter to everyone, still their designer should be penalized for such a big fashion fail. These boots look more suitable for sleeping rather than walking. Why would anyone buy them?..
‘Best Dad Ever’ Bib
Praising your close relations through statements printed on clothes is always in fashion. However, do take into consideration what exactly is being written on what kind of garment. It can be seen in the picture that the father’s love is being honored on a baby’s bib. Fail.

The writing on this bib is totally unsuitable for it and makes no sense at all; rather, it looks more suitable for a mug or a cap gifted to your father. Hence, it is a big fashion, as this statement makes no sense on the baby bib.
Sniff Boxer Shorts
Boxers are a widely used and trusted undergarment among men. However, the brand’s name shown in the picture is quite interesting. There should be some compatibility between the kind of garment and its brand name. As much as one would want to buy them for comfort and durability, the brand is turning the poor pants into a fashion fail.

Although such garments are very private and are not seen by everyone, their brand name might be a bit too much for most of us regular people, who don’t have such an original sense of humor…
Yeezy Shoes Have Their Own Level of Uniqueness
Fish is a great source of protein and other nutrients the human body needs, but these benefits do not mean that fish should be worn on the human body. These shoes are apparently inspired by fish skeletons, and they look a bit too ‘amusing’. Such fashion pieces are a big fashion failure.

No matter how you try to combine these with the rest of your outfit, it will still look funny to wear such pieces in public. So, while designing any fashion piece, the relevance should be taken into account in order to avoid making it a fashion fail.
If Only All of These Were City Names
T-shirts with names of countries or cities have always been fashionable and look nice. However, it is very important for the information on the shirt to be correct. The information printed on the shirt is geographically wrong and makes the shirt another fashion failure. It is important to check out the facts before buying such pieces. Hence, such wrong information can make you a laughing stock.

So, it is important to check the accuracy of facts while buying such shirts in order to avoid being turned into a joke (which is absolutely guaranteed). The shirt talks about city life, yet there are countries and states mentioned on the shirt as well.
Would You Even Call That A Pocket?
The purpose of pockets in garments is to safely store the basic stuff, such as a wallet, a phone, a keychain etc. This pocket here is useless because it is impossible to put pretty much anything in there. Such pockets which have no space can make a garment a fashion failure because you can’t really use them at all. I mean, you can wear it, no problem, but the pockets are totally useless.

The top designed for training and exercise is super cute and nice, but pockets with zero space have made the vest a fashion fail as its usage is affected. Hence it is advised to all designers to design pockets with enough space.
Is That A Shoe or A Bag?
Many pieces of accessories have been seen inspired by different stuff, but this bag inspired by a shoe is exceptional. These two accessories are of completely different usage and should not be combined. Designers should have some reasonable grounds before using something as an inspiration.

I mean, yes, we sometimes want a bag that matches our shoes. But a bag that LOOKS like a shoe? No, thank you… There is no point in making a combination out of these. D – , sorry designers…
What On Earth…
A regular puffer jacket serves its purpose well and keeps one warm in cold winters. There is no point in understanding the need for designing this huge puffer jacket which was already fine for its purpose. I understand, guys, you want to make something original, but this thing is enormous, and it looks like it’s made out of garbage bags.

So, designers probably should not go this far with a garment that is already playing its role well enough. This giant jacket must have been very difficult to wear and does not look good at all. This must have been a reason for many memes on social media.
Pizza Bikini
A few things are loved by everyone. For example, eating pizza and swimming in the sea are some of the most liked things. But that never means that these two things should be combined. If such an effort is ever made, the outcome will look like this. This pizza-inspired swimsuit can kill one’s love for both pizza and bikinis.

The love for any food probably needs to be restricted to the belly only. Designing food-inspired clothes is pretty much never a good idea. Printing the food on a swimsuit can definitely kill the love for both the outfit and the food.
Bruised Leggings
The tie-dye art is very difficult as, in most cases, the designer ends up getting an unexpected outcome. The tie-dye print of these leggings is not technically wrong, but still, the girl’s legs look badly injured, turning these poor leggings into another fail on our list. The effect these leggings have created on legs is not what one can ask for.

Leggings are generally supposed to bring more elegance into your outfit. But these purple leggings are definitely a fashion fail, taking a look to some other side and not adding anything to complete the look.
Accessories always add style to a look and make an outfit more attractive, which lifts your mood. But this cap shows another major fashion failure that can completely destroy the look. It is studded with so many fake jewels and one letter that has been chosen to look like The Eiffel tower, making it a fashion fail.

Another letter (most probably the letter “A”) could have served the purpose better. Bejeweled accessories need to be designed carefully in order to avoid a fashion fail like this. They are catchier and grab attention quickly.
Leggings For Women With The Worst Design Possible
Sportswear leggings are often very colorful and tight-fitting to charge your mood and brighten your day. Although, these gym leggings are a big fashion failure due to their color. The design and fit seem to be perfect, but the designer has made a fatal mistake with the color.

If any woman wears these, it will create the impression that she had an accident. No one will ever pay for a pair of leggings that looks like blood is flowing down. Designers should always make the garments carefully not to make them look embarrassing for the women who buy them.
Putin The Angel
It is every woman’s right to look like a princess on her big day, and girls make a lot of effort to look like them. The bride here, though, is a big disappointment and a source of laughter at the same time. Her wedding gown is a big fashion disaster, although she chose it to be this way.

It is hard to imagine the thought behind designing a wedding dress that looks like this. The thought behind this dress is confusing, and it is hard to accept it as a wedding gown. Hence, such a design makes the dress a big fashion disaster.
She Wouldn’t Wear That On TV Again
Sometimes there is an illusion created due to the choice of colors or tones for the garment. This news presenter’s top makes her look like she has a big head and a tiny body. If she’d looked twice, she would have noticed that she had made the wrong top choice.

So, it is advised to the TV presenters to wear clothes with combinations that do not make them look like beautiful aliens on TV. Some color combinations with a dark background on TV screens can create optical illusions and make you look like this lady. Well, she came out of the situation with grace, poking fun at herself on social media.