Everyone lies at some point in their lives. Some are little white lies that you can easily get away with, but then there are others that aren’t entirely believable. If you’re someone that cannot lie your way through anything, we suggest that you don’t try at all. Otherwise, you might end up like these people who thought that they could get away with lying. People lying on the internet is more common than you think, but some get carried away excessively. Have a look at some of the most hilarious situations where people have been called out for their bad lies.
Nothing Original Here…
We have a guy who says he painted the shirt that he’s wearing with his girlfriend. Now, this lie is almost believable had another person not commented on his post. The person said that they have the exact same shirt that they bought from a store. How is it possible to paint an identical shirt, having the exact same design and colors? We believe that there was no need for him to lie.

How could he not think that there is a possibility of other people having the same shirt? There’s one thing to copy another’s work but claiming it as something of your own is a bit of a stretch.
Packaged Sushi Made at Home
We all love boasting about our skills or trying to impress others. This person really wanted others’ attention so they went on to post about making sushi for the first time and seeking tips. But guess what? The sushi was in a packaged container! They could have at least tried to put it on a plate to make it look believable. Inevitably, they were called out. How embarrassing is that?..

There’s a comment under the post asking why the sushi was prepackaged if it was made at home. We don’t think the person has any answer to that. They should’ve been smarter.
Who Knew Kids at 16 Slave Away at Minimum Paying Jobs?
This guy here thought he would get a lot of praise for his post. However, as you can see, he was only called out for lying about his age and experience. He says that he’s spent a very long time slaving away and getting paid very little from the job. But there’s proof that this guy was only 16 when he made this post. Why would he make these things up?

Apparently, the dude’s been through some level of addiction as well and overcame it. How does one do this at such a small age? We ought to learn from him.
Confusing Labels
Many times, you’d pick an item at the grocery store and see the back of it for the ingredients. Well, this particular product was quite confusing at stating the percentage of juice it had. The top part, which you are most likely to read, says 100%. This will totally catch you off-guard and make you believe that the product indeed is 100% juice. But when you look closely, you’ll notice something else.

A little below that statement, you’ll see that the product also says “Contains 27% juice”. Now, which one is true? We’re not sure what is accurate and how this could have possibly happened.
House For Sale… Or Is It?
It’s funny when people are really trying to impress someone else and they say they live in a very posh area or in a really big house. We assume this is what the person was trying to do over here as well. As you can see, there’s a very confusing conversation going on here. One person is asking why the other is selling their house.

Well, it’s not their house in the first place. The guy lied about owning a house which was clearly on for-sale listing. He got caught by the others, but is still trying to push his lies forward.
All The Cheese You Need
Businesses like to be frugal, and there’s no harm to it. However, if you’re going to cut down costs by cutting the cheese from a cheese sandwich, then there’s going to be a problem. Here, you can see that the sandwich only has a strip of cheese which can be seen on the outer edge. There’s nothing in between. At all… Their customers are surely going to be disappointed with this.

Not only will they give them a bad review, but we highly doubt they’d be coming back for more any time soon. Someone please teach them that to retain customers you got to provide higher quality products. It’s that easy.
Watermarks Exist For A Reason
People really go through a lot of trouble to make others believe a certain lie. But, in this case, they could have done a better job. Someone sent in a picture to their child of an X-ray. If you look closely, there’s a watermark in that picture. So, what was the lady trying to prove? The least she could’ve done was crop the picture a bit to remove the watermark.

This could’ve easily been a great lie had the watermark been removed. However, there was no need to lie about it in the first place. What would this do for anyone?
Basic Math Can Be Difficult
Math isn’t always every person’s favorite subject and we understand that it can be hard at times. However, in this day and age, a calculator is always there for you. So, you can easily tell what is so wrong about the details here. This item happens to have 0% off, and yet the price shows a reduced amount. We believe that there are some issues with the numbers.

We assume that this is a technical issue as we don’t believe anyone would do this on purpose. Or would they? We’re really not sure. Hopefully, they’ve figured out the discrepancy and fixed it.
The Kid’s Got Quite The Intellect
Parents are always trying to showcase their offspring as the perfect being in most cases. There’s no harm in exaggerating your child’s achievements a little bit, but they should only be praised if they’ve actually done something. Here, you can see that there’s a person claiming that her grandson of only three years of age has a lot of wisdom and can speak fluently. We can also clearly see how true her statement is.

The person has been called out for trying to hype up her grandson even though he’s not even close to what has been said. That too by a family member.
A Staged Accident
Who will believe these photos to be of a true accident? Let us give you the answer: no one. The whole scene is so obviously staged: the woman looks like a model and not really injured either. So, why would she try to pass this off as anything other than an attempt to get some attention? Well, we’re not sure why but the influencer in the picture truly tried to make others believe it was a true accident.

Well, we’re not sure why but the influencer in the picture truly tried to make others believe it was a true accident. Not only this, but she also denied having any brand endorsement, which yeah, it is clear from these pictures that nooobody paid her for doing this.
A Bright Blue Sky And Clear Roads
Give it up for this girl who’s trying to get attention on social media by putting up a snap of hers. That’s completely normal and we have nothing against that. But why did she have to lie about the “freaking traffic”? There was no need to write anything for that matter. But then again, we’re always inclined to have something to boost our posts or start a conversation on social media.

This wasn’t a wise decision, as you can see the reflection on her glasses showing clear roads and the bright blue sky. It might not be something you see at the first glance, but it’s there.
It Doesn’t Work This Way
Just to let you know, puppies take about a couple of weeks to open their eyes and make movements. So, when someone shows you a picture of a puppy with its eyes open and standing up, you ought to know it’s older than two weeks. Looks like this person doesn’t have the right info to be talking about dogs in general.

Why else would they claim this puppy to have been born 2 hours ago? We admit that it’s an adorable picture that will immediately attract attention. But it won’t be long before people realize that this is a false statement. A simple google search can help you get the answer.
What A Copycat
Imagine testing yourself and others to the extent where you post a picture of a cat claiming it as your own, but the picture’s already gone viral before. That’s exactly what’s happening here. Someone posted a picture of a cat saying that it’s got ‘kitty crazies’. But it’s not their cat at all.

People were quick to say that this image had been circulating for years now (since 2014 to be precise), so it’s not possible that the cat is actually theirs. What would anyone expect out of this? There’s nothing other than backlash or trolling for sure. We hope that next time he gets his own cat to post.
The Internet Always Remembers
Unless you actively delete your old posts, there’s a backlog of all the activities that you’ve posted about. So, saying something contradictory later on might not be the best thing for you. Here, you can see someone tried to be the cool guy who believes a certain game is boring. However, someone was quick to pick on the fact that the guy had posted about the same game earlier on, raving about it.

Talk about being a hypocrite. If only he had deleted that old post before making that comment. But, as you know, the internet doesn’t forget, and it was easy for someone to find this little detail online.
Educate Yourself Before Writing A Comment
One thing’s for sure, no one should comment on anything that they have no knowledge of. It’s one thing that you’re well-versed in the topic and then make comments about it. But not knowing what the particular thing is about but trying to put a comment out ridiculing it is plain idiocy.

Look at this person trying to claim that reading a particular book ‘doesn’t make you special’. We’re sure it doesn’t, but this person hasn’t even read the book themselves. Another comment on their post makes them look like a complete fool. So, it’s best to not say anything about something you don’t have the knowledge of.
People over the internet are always trying to catfish people into dating them or talking to them. This is when they aren’t comfortable with their looks, so they try to talk to others by showing someone else’s picture. You’ve probably even come across a few in your life. This guy was trying to do that same thing here, but he wasn’t smart about it. You can see why that’s the case.

The guy literally sent a screenshot of his google search “Latino selfie” and the search bar is entirely visible. The other person must be visually impaired to overlook this.
False Advertisements Won’t Get You Anywhere
When selling something, we always try to make sure that we put out the positives and try to sell it as a barely used item. That’s fine. However, if you’re trying to sell something by saying it’s brand new, then you better make sure there’s no evidence that it’s been used. This guy didn’t realize that the glasses he’s selling as brand new are the ones he’s wearing in his display picture.

The entire thing is hard to miss, and you’d be appalled by the confidence with which this has been posted. We’re just glad that nobody moved forward with this.
Now This Is Creepy
We’ve all seen posts where old friends who have lost touch have been reunited with the help of social media. Similarly, there have been posts where strangers who’ve made contact once and been blown away by them have been reunited with the help of a picture. This is exactly what this man was trying to do. But there are so many things going wrong here other than the fact that he was called out.

The picture is taken in a bathroom. Why is this picture on his phone if she asked him to take it for her? Technically, it should be on hers. It’s all very alarming, to be honest.
Copyright Issues
Having similar art is one thing but copying a band’s cover is surely going to land you with some trouble. The band that had their album in the works for a long while called the copycat out for stealing their art. The person really went all the way to say that they’re dropping their “mixtape” with the cover of another band’s album. Imagine seeing your hard work on the internet like that.

We can safely assume that the band who originally used this image was absolutely livid when they saw this. And their response is quite accurate towards someone stealing their work. Do you think there’s going to be a lawsuit between the two?
Talking To Yourself?
Talking to yourself is common and many people do this, mostly to calm themselves down or to put their thoughts in order. What we haven’t seen is people talking to themselves on the Internet. This one smart individual made a comment about a particular show and went on to agreeing to their own comment later on. We believe they forgot to switch their profiles to make it look like other people were agreeing to them.

We don’t know how people make these basic mistakes when they’re trying to prove something to the entire world of the internet. You ought to be careful when doing something foolish like this.
The Best Photoshop Skills
Hiring celebrities for advertising your products can cost you a dime. So, many people try to photoshop their products into celebrity pictures and try to sell them this way. The celeb probably doesn’t even know the product exists, and of course they are not even remotely interested in endorsing them. That’s the case here. Someone posted about Meghan Markle using their product and loving it. Unfortunately, for them, this picture of Meghan was already on the internet without their product.

The photoshopped product is not even believable at first glance. So, we’re not sure how they were trying to compel other people with this image. Plus, they’re not ready to admit to their deceptive behavior.
Celebrity Response You Wouldn’t Expect
Typically, you don’t expect celebrities to respond to your tweets or any other social media posts. Mostly because their profiles are run by their managers who would mainly post or respond to relevant stuff. But in this case, the person was taken aback as Harry Styles chose to respond to his post about meeting the celebrity. We can all say he really gave a great response.

Lying about celebrities isn’t cool. Most of the stories you hear are made up. And if they respond to you denying your statement, you’re going to want to hide away from the public out of sheer embarrassment.
Remember: Lie On a Platform Where You Won’t Get Caught
It’s important to be aware of your surroundings. Don’t lie about something that other people have witnessed. That’s something that one should never forget. This person thought it was best to lie about their experience in a classroom on social media where other students were present as well. You can only imagine how that might have gone. Well, as you can see, the person was called out for lying.

It’s insane as to what extent people go to when they are lying. This story is so made up that it’s funny that one would think it’ll be believed by anyone who has seen exactly what happened.
20 Yards
Lying about winning something will get back and bite you in your behind because there are other people present there who can call you out. Why would you even want to boast about winning something you didn’t win? This person thought he would get away with claiming that he won a race while swimming. But things didn’t go how he might have hoped for them to. The actual winner responded immediately.

Now, what’s the lesson this guy learned? Try not to steal someone else’s win for yourself, it’s not worth it. And, you’ll get caught before you know it. Second place isn’t that bad either. Loss is necessary. Making a fool of yourself online, on the other hand, is not.
Seeking Validation 101
Everyone has their way of seeking validation on the Internet. But if your experience hasn’t been as you say it was, you should avoid saying things that others will contradict. This girl here wanted to get some approval that she’s turned out to be beautiful as opposed to how she was in middle school. She claims that she was called ugly during that time. But was she really?

To her misfortune, her ex-classmate commented saying no one ever called her ugly. It’s best to avoid saying anything on the internet that will cause unwanted drama. Why would you want that?
Creating Problems Lands You In A Tight Spot
Silly lies are acceptable to a certain extent, as long as they’re not hurting anyone. However, anything beyond that is not okay. You shouldn’t be hurting anyone or making false accusations against someone, no matter what the situation is. You can see that this person tried to create a lot of trouble for the school and other students starting this false news. It could have easily led to a lot of trouble.

Luckily, someone had seen what the person had done and called them out. Clearly, no one will be trusting them ever again and they’ll be labelled as the liar.
Stealing Art Is One Thing; But Claiming Another Child As Your Own?
We don’t even know where to start with this. This isn’t a harmless little thing. Someone literally took a photo of someone else’s baby and tried to show the world that it’s theirs. Sure, they want some attention and reactions for the post. But we think it’s a little extreme to take a picture of a child from the internet to do this. If you don’t have a child, don’t post these things.

The real mother got creeped out by this and called it weird. We’re on her side 100% because this is just too creepy to accept. Let’s all agree to not do this to anyone.
Someone Needs To Go Back To School
Let’s get this one thing clear, no human being can survive without water for more than three days. We’ve all learnt that when we were only kids, right? This makes us wonder how someone could lie so extensively about not having water for 5 and a half days. Dude, you wouldn’t be alive to make this post if that were the case. Exaggeration can only be done to a certain extent.

Avoid lying about things that are not possible in reality. It will not make you look like some superhero, people will only make fun of you for doing this kind of thing.
Reviews Are Only Reliable When They’re Unbiased
People check out the reviews for a restaurant or any other place to figure out the user experience and whether it’s worth going to. Now, if the reviews are made by the workers of the place itself, that wouldn’t lead to honest reviews. That’s exactly the case here. Someone who works at a restaurant posted a review about how great it is and you shouldn’t follow rumors about it as they’re all false.

Luckily for everyone, that was the only positive review about the restaurant so no one’s going to be swayed away. He was also called out for this review of course, just as we all expected.
A Fart That Saved The Day
This one’s going to make you laugh for sure. So, imagine running away from the cops and hiding away very discreetly. But your digestive system chooses to be not so discreet in the worst kind of ways and at the worst moment. Your cover gets blown away because you couldn’t keep your fart in. Thanks to that, the criminal was caught quite easily and the day was saved for the men in blue. Can’t say the same about the criminal though. He has it tough.

How would you tell anyone how you got caught? We’re sure the person has quite a cover up story for how he was actually caught. He wouldn’t want anyone knowing it was because of his bodily gas.
Try Making It Less Obvious
We’re trying to understand why anyone would blatantly lie on their sale listing. As you can see, there’s a cat sitting on the back of the sofa, and the description states no pets. How can that make sense? How was this not visible to the person posting this couch for sale? We’re truly concerned at how someone could miss such an obvious detail in this post.

We’re assuming the person was drained of all energy to even review their listing. The better thing they could’ve done was not lie in the description. That would’ve been easier for everyone.
Next Level Unwanted Ads
We’re all aware of how annoying these ads are on your mobile. You’re either trying to skip them or making sure that there is nothing unwanted being installed on your phone. But guess what? These new ads are trying to deceive you even more now. While it might say swiping up would close the ad, it would actually end up installing the app that you don’t want.

This is surely annoying, and you probably don’t want to go through this again and again. There should be a limit to the extent of annoyance you can cause to users. Why don’t they get it?
Don’t Believe Everything You Read on the Internet
People are always trying to make others believe what they have to say and they’ve got the power of Google to help them with this. However, they forget that others also have access to search engines and can easily tell when they’re lying. Taking a picture from the internet and trying to say it’s yours while punching your agenda forward is something you should be wary of.

If you have strong beliefs about something, try to put out factual data for it rather than coming up with false statements. No one will ever believe what you’re saying otherwise.
More Drama – More Attention
Sometimes, you just have that feeling inside of you where you believe people are out to get you and everything is about you. Well, guess what? You should really get out of your bubble because that’s not true at all. You should take a reality check and realize that the world indeed doesn’t revolve around you. Employees at a restaurant or any place else have their own way of communicating, without using straws.

No one has the time to color code the straws to mean something. It’s an outrageous thought and no one would want to offend their customers by doing this.
‘Rough Childhood’
Pretending to have little means when you actually have lived a fairly decent life is nothing short of being ungrateful. Many people try to gain popularity or sympathy by doing this, and it works in most case. Unless you’re called out by your family members like in this case. The mother was clear enough to count everything that the girl has had over the years, making it obvious that she was not poor at all.

What would you want to achieve by doing so? Also, we’re livid at how she says her mother’s comment is inappropriate and that she’ll block her for telling the truth.
Someone Needs To Go Back To School – Part 2
We’re all learning new things every day. So, it’s only fair that you come across some new information and try to share it with others. But before doing this, you should always confirm whether it’s true or not. Don’t be the person who would just repeat anything they heard just because it sounds cool. This guy thought he finally understood what news meant. Well, we all know it’s no abbreviation.

This guy, however, thought it was cool to discover something new. But guess what? Merriam Webster called him out and said no to his discovery. Quite brutal, but it was required.
A Million Dollar Bill
We understand that people are always trying to outmanoeuvre one another. This million-dollar bill proves that people are just trying to do anything to stand out. While it’s obvious that no one would believe this to be true, it’s astounding to see someone try to showcase this as real. No one’s buying the million-dollar bill picture because it’s far from reality. It’s as fake as it can get.

We believe that people need to realize the kind of things that are acceptable and those that are not. It’s better to create counterfeit money that people will actually believe.
Let’s Not Lie About Treatments
Taking a picture of your drip and showing it to all your friends is fun because they get all concerned and start giving you attention. It’s even more fun to trick them into thinking that you’re getting a heavy dose of morphine or something like that.

This is what this person wanted to achieve, and they could’ve gotten away with it as well if it wasn’t for that one person on the comment list. Now everyone knows that he wasn’t getting morphine at the hospital, it was just a saline drip for his stomach issues. Not quite the reaction he might have been expecting.
Sorry Dude, Didn’t Work
It’s one thing to lie about traveling somewhere but going out of the way to say that you smuggled your way out of a country on an airline. Well, this won’t turn out great. The airline’s clap back is surely warranted as they don’t want anyone to believe that their security system is weak. Not only this, they want to make sure these rumors are destroyed before they can be questioned.

Sorry buddy, you won’t be able to have this one. There’s only so much that you can lie about. This is something you can’t get away with, especially when the airline is tagged.
The Shadow…
We understand there’s a need for posting pictures that other people will appreciate. But what’s the point of lying in the caption? The guy says the sun was in his eyes that he couldn’t keep them open when clearly it looks like he wasn’t facing the sun in the first place.

He’s even trying to cover up his stance by arguing with someone else who’s tried to correct him. Either he’s not that bright or he’s just too proud to accept his error. And on top of that, why would he continue with the façade when he’s been caught lying?
That’s Something We Haven’t Heard Before
There is a myriad of diseases present in the world that humans transmit to each other. Also, it’s to note that not each of these diseases has a cure. So, it would be quite fascinating when someone with no knowledge about the disease or the medical world would come around saying they got a vaccine.

More importantly, a vaccine for something that has no cure currently. The guy’s just trying to get attention. The funnier thing to note is that someone actually thought he was telling the truth. They were probably entirely unaware of the medical world like this dude.
Fitness is Essential
Staying outdoors, going for a run, and taking pictures in nature is what a fitness lover really does. But there are many out there trying to deceive you by sharing these pictures of their great outdoor life, without really having one. This girl took a picture in her backyard and tried to prove that she was on a hike. Many people would believe her when they see the picture.

However, she was called out by her sister as they were only in their backyard doing a photoshoot. You should always remember to make sure that no one rats you out when you’re doing this kind of stuff.
Some Vintage Filters Will Do the Trick
This one here is super funny. Taking two pictures of your girlfriend and trying to showcase one of them as her mother’s from back in the day. While these picture comparisons are great, it would be better if you could get the real picture of her mother. If you don’t have it, there’s no need to create one when there’s no need. Plus, you’ll get easily called out with some details.

For instance, the Fitbit worn by the girl appears to be in both the pictures. How do you respond to that detail when the technology only came out a few years ago?
Research First, Spread Rumors Later
It’s fun to assume something about a certain location and start talking about it with other people. This only leads to multiple rumors about the place. Spreading uncertified stories mainly happens because people are misinformed and might not have the intention of deceiving others. Here, people are trying to connect this image to history in one way or another, without really knowing the truth. Perhaps they’ll be more informed now.

The person who shared the story has been told that this is not what he assumes. Instead, it’s a work of art in a certain location and not something related to an abandoned wedding.
Don’t Get Carried Away
People try to make medical claims left, right, and center. It somehow makes them happy. We’re truly concerned for this individual as they seem to have a disease which paralyses them from waist down. But wait a minute, that’s not true. Imagine having to lie about your physical health just to run an unwarranted agenda against a medical drug. It’s insane because this person’s words don’t add up.

Not only this, they’re also being called out by another as they have pictures while they’re standing. How would that be possible if they were indeed paralysed from their waist down? It’s a wonder.