It’s almost like acquiring something new for the first time when you discover a previously unknown feature. So many items we use daily are used the wrong way without us realizing it. These items, when used correctly, can easily resolve all the small problems you faced or still face. There are little features in the design that appear totally unnecessary but actually serve a very significant purpose. You may not use the secret feature much, but it is great to know it is there. In addition to understanding why some products are designed the way they are, you will also learn how some items are made. A complete list of valuable hidden product features that you are most likely unaware of has been gathered for you over here. With that, let’s begin.
What Is The Purpose Of The Loop On The Back Of A Shirt?
There are so many basic design components that we take for granted and don’t give them a second thought. If your shirt is a regular one, you won’t be able to use this tip. You must have a loop on the back of a collared shirt.

Men in the Navy had loops at the back of their shirts to allow them to hang them on hooks, so we have to thank them for that. As a result, college students began preventing their shirts from wrinkles in the 1960s. Nowadays, the loop is only there because it became a tradition.
Weird Buttons On Jeans
Many people who wear jeans are aware of the various extra buttons that may be found on their pants, which are typically found around the waistline and pockets. In reality, these are button rivets that have been strategically placed to prevent the jeans from ripping and wearing out too soon. Rivets were created by Levi Strauss, and he is the only person who has ever held the patent for the product.

However, according to the website Elite Daily, those small metal buttons aren’t truly buttons at all. Despite the fact that they appear to be snapping onto something, they are really rivets and are not designed to be snapped on to anything.
Golf Ball with Cute Dimples
Instead of the smoothness that current golf balls have, the early golf balls were truly smooth. After using them more and more in the sport, golfers discovered that older balls with bumps, scratches, and gashes traveled far further than newer balls that were perfectly sleek.

Technically speaking, golf balls cannot be considered balls since they are not round. However, let us not dwell on that. Golf balls have dimples because some golfers realized that bumps and nicks cause them to travel farther than smooth ones.
Why Do Long-Neck Bottles Exist?
Long neck bottles have been in use for more than a century. Glass bottles are used all over the world for a variety of purposes. It has been utilized in a variety of ways, ranging from home use to the production of liquor.

But have you ever considered why these bottles have such lengthy necks and what the reasoning is behind this design choice? Whenever a person holds a long neck bottle, the shape makes it comfortable to hold and distributes the heat throughout the bottle.
The Secret Pocket
Women’s fashion may be bizarre at times. While many women are familiar with the problem of being unable to purchase a dress with pockets, it appears that every pair of panties is equipped with one. What is the purpose of the little pocket at the crotch of your pantyhose? Surely it isn’t intended to take the role of pockets on other layers of clothing, do you think?

Not to mention the fact that it is not even large enough to hold anything, much alone the mechanics of how uncomfortable it would be to sit in if you really had stuff stowed in there. So, what really is the situation? Well, it allows your skin to have no contact with the main fabric of the pants, because the fabric the pocket is made of is much softer.
Use Of Juice Boxes Flaps
You’ve probably seen these before anytime your children drink from a juice box. Those two flaps, one on each side of the box’s top, are what keep the box closed. They’re not supposed to make the juice fly, either. Despite the fact that they appear to be wings.

They were initially created in this manner as little handles to make it simpler for children to grip the juice box without squeezing it and squirting the juice all over themselves and their surroundings.
Sneakers With Extra Holes Have a Purpose
You must have noticed that your shoes had some extra holes at the top, and you were puzzled as to what they were for. If you have a tendency to get blisters, these extra holes make it more difficult to tie your shoes.

By tying the shoelaces in the additional holes on either side, you can make a loop on either side (do it in the opposite direction). If you tie your shoes in this manner, you will have a more secure fit than if you tied them in the traditional manner.
Apple’s Power Cable
Apple’s preoccupation with design perfection is also what contributes to the bad design of their power cables to this very day. However, despite the fact that the firm has released updated adapters in an attempt to make people more pleased, the charger continues to aggravate users.

You may raise the power cable of your MacBook by pulling up on the wings. These don’t just come out of nowhere. Flipping the power block and the cord around makes it simple to wrap the cord around the power block.
Why Do Airplane Windows Have Holes?
Have you ever noticed a hole in a plane window when you traveled by plane? What do you think is the reason for that? When you’re flying up in the air, you might be scared at first, thinking maybe there’s something wrong with the air pressure.

In an airplane, when the air pressure drops, this hole is called a breather hole, and it helps maintain a safe and comfortable level of cabin pressure. The plane can cope with changing pressure differences when it has a breather hole.
Square Patches On Backpacks Serve A Purpose
Yes, the square patch is very attractive. However, it does nothing to enhance the look of the backpack. With today’s backpacks, the leather patch has become a popular accessory. It’s referred to as a lash tab or a pig snout.

Originally, it was intended to be used with outdoor packs to allow string to be passed through it and equipment to be tied up to it. Rubber and plastic have gradually taken the place of leather as weatherproof alternatives. On personal flotation devices, it’s also used to connect knives, whistles, and other pieces of equipment.
That Little Hole Next To The Camera
If you’ve looked at the iPhone camera, you’ve surely noticed that there is a little hole right next to the camera lens and wondered why it is there. Okay, let’s throw out that conspiracy theory that Facebook can spy on its users.

In truth, a microphone is exactly what it appears to be. All smartphones come with three microphones: one beneath the speaker grill, one at the bottom edge of its body, and one in front of the camera. It’s really important.
The Arrow on Gas Gauge Has a Purpose
The gas arrow has been on all manufactured cars since 2010. Routinely filling up our cars is something we do without noticing. If you’re driving a rental vehicle, this comes in handy when it’s time to fill up. It’s not worth looking foolish if you go to the wrong side.

The arrow shows the direction the dots fill up. Most gauges and dials function the opposite way: full/more to the right, empty/less to the left. While F and E appear self-explanatory, automobile makers include an arrow to avoid driver confusion.
All of Us Asked This Question
All of us were perplexed as children by those erasers that had a blue section or two distinct colors on the same side at some point throughout our youth. Unfortunately, the old wives’ tale about blue parts removing ink does not hold up either, despite popular belief.

When dealing with thicker paper, such as that used by paper artists, it is important to use a more sensitive eraser to get a good result. A few years later, eraser manufacturers discovered that many people were misinformed about the product’s real use. As a result, they began encouraging people to use the blue section of the eraser for its newly discovered purpose of eliminating pen markings. They even went so far as to identify it with the picture of a pen to make it even clearer.
Padlock Hole
Padlocks have a little hole at the bottom that you can see if you look closely. What is the purpose of that hole? It is possible that certain padlocks, particularly those intended for outdoor usage, will include a small hole on the side of the cylinder slot. A major purpose of this device is to maintain the integrity of the padlock mechanism over time by releasing water that may otherwise stagnate owing to high humidity or freeze inside the padlock in cold conditions.

It also serves the goal of lubricating the internal mechanisms of the padlock, which are prone to corrosion if they are not maintained. Another sort of hole may be found in some replaceable cylinder models, and this hole is used to change the cylinder in these types.
The Disc Under the Bottle Cap Has a Purpose
When dealing with a liquid product, you’ll need a closure that allows for regulated dispensing while also being able to be re-closed by the user and to still hold all the fluid inside the bottle. Almost no one has ever wondered why a soda bottle has a little plastic disc underneath the cap.

While it may appear to be superfluous, it is really beneficial to the carbonation process. It is because of this that the carbon dioxide is trapped in the container. If there is no carbon dioxide in the bottle, you will not be able to experience the fizz.
The Zigzag Side of Bobby Pin
Is it possible that you’ve glanced at a bobby pin and wondered why there’s a zig-zag pattern on one end and a straight section on the other? But not many of us know that the zig-zag side of the bobby pin should be facing down (towards the scalp) to make it easier to glide into the hair.

Not only is it less time-consuming, but it also retains the hair more securely. Hair pins with zig-zag patterns are intended to “grab” onto hair beneath, while straight pins with straight edges are intended to hold hair in place neatly on top.
What Is the Purpose of Coin Ridges?
Consider the fact that nickels and pennies do not have sharp edges like quarters and dimes. This may have occurred to you. This is due to the fact that the weights of the coins were altered many years ago. The weights of the coins were adjusted in order to better represent their genuine worth.

It has been decided to add ridges to the coins in order to prevent anyone from polishing the edges of the coins and melting them into new ones. This is to prevent the coins from being tampered with in any way.
What Are The Benefits Of Brass Doorknobs?
You might ask why brass doorknobs are so popular in today’s market. You definitely make use of them many times a day if not more. There isn’t a scarcity of low-cost brass to blame for the situation. Do you know it’s important?

Brass is more resistant to germs than other materials, and because doorknobs are handled by so many people, it helps them stay cleaner longer between cleanings. If you don’t already have a brass doorknob, it would be a good idea to get one.
Bumps On The Keyboard Serve A Purpose
The F and J keys on your PC or laptop have two little bumps on them right now, which you can see. Do you have any idea what they’re for? They are there for the users’ convenience so that they can simply navigate their way around the keyboard even when they are not looking at it.

Once you’ve had some practice, you’ll find it much easier to operate your keyboard. Input devices such as keyboards and mice have been the major means of interacting with computers for decades. While you’re certainly aware of the fundamental design of keyboards.
The Wrong Way To Use Boxes
We’re pretty sure that many of you guys like eating. Most of the time, Chinese cuisine is simply poured onto plates or removed from containers, with no extra preparation required. As a result, it is not recommended to consume Chinese cuisine in this manner.

Takeout containers that have been specially intended for us to use them as plates. Carefully separate the box’s sides and that’s it, you can eat now. However, many people who know it definitely prefer using it as a box, not as a plate. Maybe it’s more convenient, or maybe they just do it out of habit.
Grocery Cart Looping
We sometimes overfill a grocery cart with fragile items only to find out that they broke. The fold-out section is framed with loops to solve this problem. However, few people are aware of it. Usually, bread and eggs are stored in it.

We sometimes get little bags with fabric inside of them when we buy new clothes. The reason most people think it’s because the extra fabric can be used if the pants or shirt rips. However, this isn’t the case at all.
A Spaghetti Spoon Hole’s Rightful Place
The spaghetti spoons, which are used to combine and serve pasta strands, are undoubtedly something you’ve seen before. Everyone has one tucked away in a kitchen drawer or a cupboard. Have you ever pondered what the center hole is supposed to serve?

It turns out that it has a very straightforward and intelligent use. To measure out about one serving of spaghetti, the hole may be used as a measuring cup. A single serving is defined as the number of dry noodles that can fit into that hole.
Boot Loop
What about the loops on boots? We’ve spoken about the additional holes in shoes, but what about the loops on boots? We’ve come to understand that manufacturers don’t just throw things in there for the sake of it. Many military-style boots feature loops at the top and rear, which you may have noticed if you have them.

They are there to assist you in pulling the shoe up while you are attempting to wear them, and they may also be used to hang your boots. Furthermore, you may use the loop to provide additional support for the laces.
Black Grating On Microwaves: Why Is It There?
You may have wondered at least once why the microwave door has a black grating on it if you use one regularly. It is important to people who use microwave ovens that they are able to view what is cooking within the oven without being blasted by possibly hazardous microwave radiation. Because microwaves cannot pass through plastic or glass doors, grating with several microscopic holes is utilized to reflect the microwaves back into the oven, preventing the microwaves from leaving the oven.

The microwaves (which have a wavelength of around 12 centimeters) are too large to pass through the holes, but visible light, which has a wavelength that is smaller than the aperture, can easily travel through the grating without causing any interference. Even though the grating shields individuals from microwaves, some microwaves can still seep out through the door seal if the seal is not cleaned on a regular basis.
Pot Handle Holes Serve A Purpose
There are chances you don’t know why most pots have holes in their handles, even though professional cooks know why they do. I know it can be hung somewhere with the hole, but that isn’t what it was intended for. A utensil can easily be inserted into that hole.

If you happen to be cooking something soon, try it out. The thing is, it is not at all what the hole is intended to be used for. Believe it or not, the hole is intended for taking care of your spoons..
Ketchup Can Be Removed Easily With This Trick
There’s nothing more irritating than ketchup that won’t come out of the bottle. On rare cases, a small amount of ketchup will take an indefinite period of time to emerge. A large ketchup maker was the one who identified the solution to this “BIG PROBLEM.”

It is simple to tap the ’57’ insignia on the bottle by rotating it 45 degrees and tapping it on the bottle. Occasionally, a small amount of sauce will leak from the jar. Afterwards, you’ll be grateful that you did. Oh Yes!
Tabs of Soda Cans
You either live in a cave or you have tried tinned soda drinks lots of times in your life. And of course you’ve noticed the tab on top of the can. What is its purpose of it? The tab can be flipped to make a small straw holder, not many people know that.

Using this little ring is quite convenient, but we can’t say it’s really needed that badly. In fact, many people just open the tin and put the straw in without the ring. What about you? How would you do it?
Ballpoint Pen Cap With A Hole
A ballpoint pen does not seem unusual at first glance. The cap of a ballpoint pen has a small hole if you look closely. As long as ballpoint pens are kept without their caps, they will dry out, so a hole in the cap defeats the purpose, right?

Well, it is actually there to protect you if you swallow the cap by accident. The hole is there for air to flow through without causing complications for kids and even adults who like to put pen caps in their mouths.
Detachable Headrests Have Another Use In Cars
Anyone who has driven a car has most likely noticed the removable headrest, but did you realize it also serves another purpose? If you become stranded in your vehicle, the headrest of your vehicle can be used to smash the glass. Even while we hope that doesn’t happen, you now have a better understanding of what you can do with it.

In any case, if you have an older car with older windows that wound down manually, you’re probably feeling a little smug at this point, because the issue of window mechanisms shorting out isn’t a concern for you any longer.
Carrot Peeler
Your meals will almost certainly never be as visually appealing as the ones that are served to you in a posh restaurant unless you are a professional chef or have had some type of formal culinary training. Peeling carrots, for instance, is usually done with vegetable peelers. But we know that and do that.

Most people do not know, however, that you can also use it on onions. Do it the next time because not only is it fast, but it also prevents onion tears. Say goodbye to the tears of onion. It is possible to speed up the whole process by using a potato peeler to shave small slices of this veggie, perhaps before your eyes begin to well up.
Colored Squares On Toothpaste: What Are They For?
The fact that there’s a brilliantly colored block at the bottom of your toothpaste bottle is probable that you’ve overlooked it. A typical color scheme for the design includes the hues of black, green, red, and blue. Have you ever wondered why?

These marks on the toothpaste package are referred to as “eye markings” because they assist machines on the assembly line in determining when and where to cut and fold the tube of toothpaste. Let us know in the comment section if you find this info useful!
Hooks for Airplane Seats
The most beautiful things in life are frequently there in front of you, yet they go unnoticed most of the time. For example, look at that little hook on the back of aircraft seats, which we’ll cover in more detail later today.

The woman in front of me recently took her cardigan off and hung it over the handle of the overhead compartment on a recent flight. When that happened, my mind was blown, and I felt stupid for not seeing that this hook existed prior to it happening.
Electrical Outlets With HDTV Antennae
In the average American household, the internet, telephone, and television account for about $200 a month. As HDTV channels are getting more and more expensive, a new technology called “HDTV antennae” has emerged that stream HDTV from big stations like NBC, ABC, FOX, PBS, and many others.

Antennae exist in a range of forms and sizes, each tailored for a specific environment. Some are narrow focused antennae, while others are both with a varied range of capabilities. Well-designed antennae, such as our unique Tapered Loop, are optimized for certain frequency ranges and geographical challenges, which will boost your chances for success.
Food Does Not Need To Be Reheated
Eating fully cooked food that has been stored in the refrigerator for up to four days without reheating it is completely safe to do so. When you get home, you’re exhausted and hungry, so you make your meal in the microwave.

It might be annoying when your food is still cold in the very center. Making a hole in the centre of the plate and heating it is the most effective method of resolving this constant problem. This method will ensure that the food is cooked more evenly.
Do Cable Cords Have A Cylinder At The End?
Your laptop cable might have a large cylinder-shaped lump at the end. Why is it there? Well, it keeps electromagnetic interference at bay. If you put your cell phone near a speaker, you may start to hear weird noises in your call due to electromagnetic interference.

These cylinders are also frequent on keyboard cables, as you can see in the picture. Each casing contains what are known as ferrite beads, which are designed to reduce the amount of energy lost via the cable. They are referred to as EMI filters or chokes in some circles, but they are always employed to improve the efficiency of charging and power transfer.
Tabs On Foil And Cling Wrap
Aluminum foil or cling film may be quite difficult to remove from a package, as those of you who have done so have seen this firsthand. There are small tabs on the side of each box that you may press to ensure that you never have to feel that way again. As you draw the roll, the tabs keep it from falling out.

Say goodbye to the never-ending toil and aggravation of pulling the roll out of the box. Alternatively, the roll flapping about the box, particularly as it shrinks, and floating up against the cutting blade as you pull, prompting you to grasp and bend the box in order to keep it in position. After that, all you have to do is push the tabs the first time you use the roll. Welcome to a very other universe.
How Lined Paper Gets Its Margins
You must have seen the red margin line on the notebook’s sides, which was a nice touch. When we see these margin lines, only a small number of people are able to say why they are there. The objective of drawing these lines in the margins of the notebook has nothing to do with the content. What is the goal of adding it, how did it get started? These are all questions that need to be answered.

Rats used to go into houses and eat paper when there was a huge rat problem. Because the paper had margins, the rats only ate the edges. Of course, the rat problem doesn’t exist anymore, but they continue to be there just because it’s a tradition.
Mascara Wands Shouldn’t Be Pumped
Making your lashes look longer, thicker, and more defined using mascara is one of the simplest things you can do to improve their appearance. Because of this, if you don’t use your mascara correctly, it can actually work against you and possibly cause harm to your lashes.

The statement “old school habits don’t go away easy” will not be considered incorrect. Many individuals pump the mascara wand without realizing that they are forcing more air into the tube, which causes the makeup to dry at a much faster rate than it would otherwise. For the most part, you should make sure that when you pull the brush out, the ‘pop’ noise is heard, and if it isn’t, you should replace the brush.
Using Your Fingers For Applying Makeup Is A Mistake
It appears more probable that many beauty businesses want to sell their goods, which is why they continue to warn everyone not to apply makeup with their fingers, as it appears to be the case. After further investigation, it was discovered that applying foundation to the face with your fingers does not provide even coverage and that this is not their marketing trick to sell more and more beauty items.

Furthermore, because your fingertips may contain bacteria, doing so with your fingers may result in an allergic reaction or other skin disorders. As a result, the next time you apply foundation, consider using a sponge or a foundation brush. Amazing!
It’s All About Blending
Healthier eating habits appear to be one of the factors contributing to the rise in blender usage. Among personal blender users who are using the appliance more frequently, “eating better” is the most frequently cited reason, while 31 percent of full-size blender users claim they are using the device more frequently because they are drinking more smoothies.

Most of the time, users just pour all of the components into the blender and click the power button to begin blending. While it accomplishes the work for them, there are occasionally little chunks of unblended content left behind. Adding liquids first, followed by solids, is the most efficient method. This improves the smoothness of the mixing process.
Vacuum Cleaner
We typically throw away everything that comes with a vacuum cleaner. They sit on a shelf and are never used. They need to be used again because they are used in one-off spaces, such as the difficult-to-reach ones. That’s really interesting!

True, you don’t need all the attachments to vacuum well, and it would be a waste of money to purchase them all without taking your individual needs into consideration. Cleaning equipment, on the other hand, may make your life a lot easier if you choose it wisely.
Condiment Cups Made of Paper
Use the best portion cups available in the market to serve your meal and sauces. The fast-food restaurant gives us little paper condiment cups as we order fries and a chicken burger. The burger won’t dip in the sauce, so we wonder how we can do it.

We were, after all, using the sauce wrong the entire time. Unfolding the cup into a plate form is a simple process. These white paper cups are great for a variety of uses, including holding condiments, portion-controlled snacks, etc. etc.
How To Eat Oreos
If you see an Oreo for the first time, what is your initial reaction? You can actually do it in many different ways. But as long as we give you the most effective way to accomplish something and you choose to use that strategy in the future, we are satisfied. There’s nothing easier than sticking a fork into the creamy white center and you’re set to go.

You have no problem eating Oreos in your preferred manner if you love doing so. However, the “twist, lick, and dunk” procedure provides the finest experience possible, ensuring that the right quantities and combinations are obtained every time. The “America’s favorite cookie” is difficult to resist under any circumstance.
Wearing Earbuds Correctly
Earphones are not suitable for everyone. Especially the ones that do not have Silicone tipping. Some folks have ears that just do not allow them to be fully received. I recently purchased a new pair of headphones for jogging, but they are refusing to remain in my ears.

The only option available to me online was to purchase another pair, which was unaffordable for me at that time. It is suggested to place the round part of the earbuds towards the ground and above the ear. This will also prevent the earbuds from sliding.
Lids on Cups: What’s Right and What’s Wrong
Isn’t it interesting that the lid was created to be used as a coaster as well? Yep! Just take it off, and there you have it. It should be emphasized, however, that this also applies to other types of plastic cups.

In addition to preventing spills, plastic lids serve another purpose that not many people are aware of. Your cup can easily fit on the ridge of the plastic lid because there are three bumps in it. It can help prevent spills when you are sitting down to enjoy a hot beverage.
The Right Way to Eat Clementines and Oranges
Consuming citrus fruits is always an amazing idea, unless you’re allergic. The process of eating them is frequently messy and peeling them off with your hands might be unpleasant. The easiest way to do it is to cut it in half from both sides and then in half again from the center.

Your fingertips will remain dry, and you will save time because of this. Whatever technique you choose to enjoy your orange, be certain that you will reap more health benefits from it than simply the delightful flavor of its juice. Oranges are a good source of vitamin C as well as other nutrients.
The Right Way To Use A Conditioner
Shampoo works by rubbing your scalp to eliminate oil and grime from your hair and scalp. As a consequence, the hair roots are cleansed as well. However, do not use conditioner in this manner. In many cases, the conditioner is applied throughout the full head of hair.

Only the ends of your hair should be treated with conditioner, and you should work your way up. The dirt and oil are most concentrated in the roots, but your shampoo has already got you rid of them. Putting conditioner on the roots isn’t a great idea if your hair is normal or oily.
How To Floss Correctly
Maintaining good oral hygiene is easy with flossing, but many people find it difficult. Most people floss incorrectly. Although we all know that we should floss at least once a day, not everyone is aware of the proper manner to do it. It’s best to make a loop with the floss to avoid injuring your gums or fingers.

Once you have finished, dispose of the floss. A piece of floss that has been used previously will not be as effective and may leave bacteria in your mouth. Consult with your dentist to determine which sort of oral care products will be the most beneficial for your specific needs.