Disney cartoons are a staple in many homes. They are often enjoyed by children and adults alike. However, there are some hidden details in these cartoons that can make us look at them differently. In this blog post, we will explore some of these details and see how they change our perception of these beloved characters!
Pinocchio’s Nose Actually Grew Only Once during the Movie
We all remember the scene where Pinocchio tells a lie and his nose starts growing. What we don’t remember is that this only happened once in the movie. Anytime anyone mentioned Pinocchio the first thing that comes to the mind is the thing about nose getting bigger. Even though his nose getting longer is one of the most famous aspects of his character it actually only happens once in the movie.

His nose growing only once is actually symbolic. This was to show the positive side of his character, that he was learning from his mistakes and becoming the protagonist of the movie.
101 Dalmatians Has a Total of 6,469,952 Black Spots
The black spotted white dogs in the 101 Dalmatians have to be some of the cutest Disney characters but have you ever wondered how many black spots actually appear on the screen throughout the movie. Believe it or not but the number of times the black spots appears is a whopping 6,469,952. The number was determined by taking a frame by frame analysis of the film and counting each and every single black spot.

Seems like a pointless thing to count the black dots but once you see how many times the black spots appear you just cant stay without being surprised.
Rapunzel Is the Only Princess with Green Eyes
You might think that Rapunzel’s hair is her most unique quality however that is not true. She has another unique feature in her character and that is the color of her eyes. When you think of Disney princesses the first thing that probably pops into your mind is their blue eyes. After all, most of them have blue eyes with the exception of a few like Pocahontas and Mulan.

However, there is only one princess that has green eyes and that is Rapunzel from Tangled. Green is actually a very rare eye color in real life so it is pretty cool that Rapunzel was given this unique trait.
Tiana Is the Only Disney Princess with a Real Job
Most of the Disney princesses are either from royalty or they have some sort of magical power. However, there is only one Disney princess that has a real job and that is Tiana from The Princess and the Frog. Tiana is a waitress and she eventually owns her own restaurant. It is pretty refreshing to see a Disney princess with a realistic job.

It shows that you do not have to be born into royalty or have some sort of magical super powers to be a Disney princess.
Did Disney Base Aladdin on Tom Cruise?
Many times Disney animators looked at Hollywood for inspiration for their characters. The Disney character Aladdin is one of the most popular animated characters of all time. He is also one of the few Disney characters that is said to be based on a real person. It is rumored that Aladdin was actually based on Tom Cruise. This makes sense when you look at the two characters side by side.

They both have similar features like the hair and the nose. However, there has been no confirmation from Disney that this is actually true.
Hans From Frozen Can Be Seen In A Background Picture in Big Hero 6
Hans from Frozen is one of the most hated Disney villains of all time. He started off as a nice, kind hearted person but it was later revealed that he was just using Anna to get to the throne. Hans is such a disliked character that Disney decided to give him a cameo in Big Hero 6 as a wanted criminal.

If you look closely at one of the pictures on the wall of the police station, you can see Hans’ face. This is probably one of the best Easter eggs in a Disney movie.
The Character of Wall E was named after Walt Disney Himself
Walt Disney was one of the most important people in the history of animation. He was the founder of Disney and he created some of the most iconic characters of all time. Walt Disney’s full name was Walter Elias Disney which shows that Wall-E is actually taken from Walt and Elias. As he was the founder of the company, it is only fitting that the character of Wall E is named after him.

To be honest it just feels weird that the company waited too long after Walt Disney’s death to release a movie with a character that was named after the founder.
Maui from Moana Was Based on Dwayne Johnson’s Grandfather High Chief Peter Maivia
Maui is one of the main characters in the movie Moana. He is a demigod who helps Moana on her journey to find a fabled island. Maui is voiced by Dwayne Johnson who is also known as The Rock. What most people don’t know is that Maui was actually based on Dwayne Johnson’s grandfather High Chief Peter Maivia who was also a wrestler like Dwayne Johnson.

This is pretty cool as it shows that Dwayne Johnson has a connection to the character. It would be interesting to see how Maui would have been different if Dwayne Johnson didn’t voice him.
Mickey Mouse References in The Emperor’s New Groove
The Emperor’s New Groove is one of the most underrated Disney movies of all time. It is a hilarious movie that has some great jokes and references. One of the references is to Mickey Mouse. In one of the scenes shown above the food in the plate look a lot like Mickey Mouse. This is just one of many Mickey Mouse references in the movie.

Mickey Mouse is the oldest character launched by Disney so it is only fair to see references to the character in other Disney movies.
An Apple Car Can Be Seen On the Racing Track in the Movie Cars
The Cars franchise is one of the most popular franchises created by Disney. It is loved by both kids and adults. The movies are also filled with Easter eggs and references. One of the references is to Apple. In the movie Cars, there is a scene where Lightning McQueen is racing on a track. If you look closely at the track, you can see an Apple car.

This is probably a reference to the fact that Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was on the board of directors of Pixar, the company that made Cars. The car has an Apple logo and the number 84 written on it which is a nod to 1984; the year when Apple was founded.
Hercules Is Wearing Scar’s Pelt in the Movie Hercules
Hercules is one of the most popular Disney movies of all time. It is a movie that is loved by both kids and adults. The movie has some great jokes and references. One of the references is to Scar from The Lion King. In the movie Hercules, there is a scene where Hercules is wearing Scar’s pelt. The pelt even has the signature scar on the eye of the lion.

This is probably a reference to the fact that Scar was voiced by James Earl Jones who also voiced Mufasa. It also shows how all the Disney movies are interconnected to each other.
This Dress Transformation of Cinderella Was Walt Disney’s Favorite Animation
Cinderella is one of the most iconic Disney princesses. She is a kind-hearted person who goes through a lot of hardships in her life. One of the most iconic scenes in the movie is when she transforms from a raggedy dress to a beautiful gown. This scene is also one of Walt Disney’s favorite animations. It is interesting to see how one of the most iconic scenes in the movie is also one of Walt Disney’s favorite animations.

We can not deny that it is definitely one of the greatest scenes in a Disney movie ever. And the animation is quite good and ahead of its time.
If Merida from Brave Straightened Her Hair It Would Be 4 Feet Long
Merida is the main character in the movie Brave. She is a princess who does not want to follow the traditional path set for her. One of the things that makes Merida unique is her wild red hair. What most people don’t know is that if Merida straightened her hair, it would be 4 feet long. Rapunzel would be proud of her.

This is pretty cool as it shows that her hair is really unique. However this is just an information that we get from the movie makers we don’t actually get to see the full length of her hair.
Chicha from the Emperor’s New Groove Is the First Pregnant Woman in a Disney Movie
Chicha is one of the supporting characters in The Emperor’s New Groove. For Chicha, Disney actually moved away from their regular portrayal of mothers and tried to portray her in a more positive role. What most people don’t know is that Chicha is the first pregnant woman in a Disney movie. This is pretty cool as it shows that Disney is starting to represent different types of people in their movies.

It would be interesting to see more pregnant women in Disney movies in the future as this gives the character a unique arc and makes the character more loveable in the eyes of the audience.
Maui’s Tattoos Show His Supernatural Achievements in the Movie Moana
Maui is one of the main characters in the movie Moana. He is a demigod who helps Moana on her journey. One of the things that makes Maui unique is his tattoos. Many might think that these tattoos are just there because of the voice actor Dwayne Johnson as he has a lot of tattoos as well. However the reality is slightly different.

These tattoos show his different supernatural achievements. One of his tattoos is actually based on his own conscious and it helps Maui think in a more reasonable manner when he is in trouble or facing a difficult situation.
The Popular Tarzan Yell in the Tarzan Movie Actually Came From the Villain’s Voice Actor
Tarzan is one of the most popular Disney movies of all time. The movie has some great action and adventure. One of the things that make Tarzan unique is his famous yell. What most people don’t know is that the Tarzan yell actually came from the villain’s voice actor. Tony Goldwyn who voiced Tarzan couldn’t come up with a convincing Tarzan Yell so they had to ask Brian Blessed to do it and he did a great job.

One fun fact that most people might not know is that the Tarzan yell is actually a registered trademark owned by the company that created the Tarzan character.
Walt Disney Didn’t Like the Spaghetti Scene from the Lady and the Tramp
The Lady and the Tramp is one of the most popular Disney movies of all time. It is a classic love story between two dogs. One of the most iconic scenes in the movie is when they share a plate of spaghetti. What most people don’t know is that Walt Disney actually didn’t like this scene. He thought it was too messy and he didn’t want his characters to be seen in such an unflattering light.

However, the scene ended up being one of the most iconic scenes in the movie and it is still loved by fans to this day.
The Spice Girls Were the First Choice to Play the Muses in the Movie Hercules
The Spice Girls were one of the most popular groups of the 90s. They were known for their catchy songs and their fun personalities. What most people don’t know is that the Spice Girls were actually the first choice to play the muses in the movie Hercules. However, they turned down the role due to scheduling conflicts but to this day it still feels like the muses were based on the spice girls.

After all they were also a band of 5 girls and they were also musicians. It would have been interesting to see the Spice Girls lend their voice to the movie.
Ursula Was Initially Supposed To Be Ariel’s Aunt
Ursula is one of the main villains in the movie The Little Mermaid. She is a sea witch who tries to take over Ariel’s kingdom. Ursula was actually initially supposed to be Ariel’s aunt. However, the creators decided against it as they thought it would be more interesting. It definitely makes Ursula a more interesting character and it also makes her relationship with Ariel more complex which is a great story element.

Who knows, maybe we will see Ursula’s backstory in a future movie. It is said that she may not be her aunt but was she was definitely a part of King Triton’s kingdom.
Gaston Was Initially Supposed to Say
Gaston is one of the main villains in the movie Beauty and the Beast. He is a narcissistic man who is obsessed with Belle. Gaston was actually supposed to say “Time to die” in one of the scenes but the dialogue was later changed to “Belle is mine”. The creators through that using the words “time to die” would be a bit too dark for the movie and thus deciding against using it.

The change in dialogue definitely makes Gaston seem less violent and more obsessed which is the true nature of his character.
Dr. Facilier’s Look Was Based off Michael Jackson
Dr. Facilier is the main villain in the movie The Princess and the Frog. He is a voodoo doctor who has evil intentions. Dr. Facilier’s look was actually based off of Michael Jackson. This is evident in his clothing choice and his hairstyle. It is also said that his voice was partly inspired by Michael Jackson’s voice and judging by their voices that does seem to be a fact.

It is definitely interesting to see such a famous musician be the inspiration for a Disney villain. When the movie came out he was one of the most popular Disney villains.
Ariel from the Little Mermaid Was Based On Alyssa Milano
Ariel is the main character in the movie The Little Mermaid. She is a mermaid who dreams of becoming human. Ariel was actually based on the actress Alyssa Milano. This is evident in their physical appearance as well as their personalities. It is definitely interesting to see such a famous and beautiful actress be the inspiration for a Disney character who is equally as lovable.

Unlike Milano, Ariel is a redhead but it is said that the creators of little mermaid didn’t only base Ariel’s look off Alyssa Milano but also her character traits.
Simba Does Not Roar Like a Lion; Instead He Roars Like a Tiger
Most people don’t even know this but the Lion does not have the loudest roar in the Jungle. Tiger’s have a relatively denser roar than a lion. Simba is the main character in the movie The Lion King. He is a lion who becomes the king of his Pride Lands. Adult Simba’s roar in the movie was actually taken from a tiger as the lion’s roar is relatively quieter as compared to a tiger.

This was done because it sounded more intimidating and it also sounds better when Simba is an adult as his voice gets deeper. It definitely adds value to his character.
Dumbo Is the Shortest Disney Movie
This 1941 movie is only 64 minutes long, making it the shortest feature-length Disney movie ever made. Dumbo was also one of the first Disney movies to be made in color. It introduces the very loveable character of Dumbo, a baby elephant with big ears who is ridiculed by the other animals in the circus. All I remember from watching Dumbo was the anger I started feeling for other characters who teased the cute elephant dumbo.

However, Dumbo soon discovers that his big ears give him the ability to fly and he becomes a star attraction in the circus.
Sleeping Beauty’s Main Character Aurora Only Had 18 Lines in the Whole Movie
Aurora, the main character of Sleeping Beauty, may not have had much to say in the movie, but she sure was pretty! The animators did an amazing job of making her look like a real person, and they even managed to make her look like she was blushing in some scenes. Interestingly, Aurora only had 18 lines in the whole movie. That is actually a bit surprising considering she is the main character of the movie.

And we don’t think there is any other movie in existence where the main character has so few lines. Even though she didn’t say much, her character still made an impact.
The Beast in Beauty and the Beast Is a Mix of Many Animals
The Beast from Disney’s Beauty and the Beast is said to be a mix of many animals. He has the head of a buffalo, the mane of a lion, the tusks of a wild boar, the eyebrows of a gorilla, the arms of a bear, and the legs and tail of a wolf. You can also see the information about the make up of the beast in the photo above.

If you have ever wondered why the beast’s face looks so disfigured; well now you know. However we think that this was a very creative way to make the Beast look unique.
Toy Story has The Same Carpet like the One in the Horror Movie the Shining
We all love Toy Story, right? The toys come to life and have adventures, it’s a heartwarming story of friendship and loyalty. But did you know that the carpet in Andy’s home is the same carpet from The Shining? The Overlook Hotel is one of the most iconic haunted locations in movie history, and the fact that the same carpet was used in both films is pretty creepy.

In the scene above you can see Woody trying to walk very quietly through a room where the carpet can be seen. It’s weird to see a carpet design from a horror movie in a children’s animation.
The Jungle Book Vultures Were Based on the Beatles
You know those four vultures in The Jungle Book with the moptops and British accents? They’re based on the Beatles! In an interview, Disney animators said that the vultures were loosely based on the four members of the boy band Beatles. The reference is pretty clear when you see the vultures together. They have similar characteristics as that of the Beatles.

It is truly great to see such a reference of one of the famous bands in one of the most famous cartoons.
Eeyore & Optimus Prime Are Voiced By the Same Person
You might not have realized it, but the voice of Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh and Optimus Prime from Transformers are actually performed by the same person. The actor is Peter Cullen and he has done an amazing job at making both characters sound unique. It’s interesting to think about how different these two characters would sound if they were voiced by different people.

It surely requires some skills to be able to make your voice sound completely different for two completely different and unique characters that don’t even belong in the same genre.
Remy’s Shadow in Ratatouille Looks Like the Dog From UP
When Ratatouille was released it became one of the most popular animated movies. When you watch Ratatouille, you might notice that Remy’s shadow looks a lot like the dog from UP. This was a foreshadowing attempt by Disney to show the viewers what the future held. However this is just one instance, Disney very often foreshadows future movies in their past ones.

Both movies were a huge success and even after all these years both kids and adults enjoy watching them. We personally prefer UP over Ratatouille however both movies are great.
Pocahontas Is the Only Disney Heroine Who’s Based on An Actually Historical Person
Pocahontas is the only Disney heroine who is based on an actual historical person. The real Pocahontas was a Native American princess, believed to have been born around 1596. She was the daughter of Powhatan, the leader of a group of tribes in Virginia. At the age of 11 or 12, she married a man named Kocoum. In 1607, the English settled in Virginia and established the Jamestown colony.

Pocahontas met John Smith, an Englishman, and they became friends. She saved his life when her father ordered him to be executed. So it was only fair to base a character on such a kind hearted soul like Pocahontas.
Topless Woman in the Rescuers
The Rescuers came out in 1977 and was one of the first Disney films to be released after Walt Disney’s death. The movie is about two mice who try to save a little girl who has been kidnapped by an evil organization. While the film is lighthearted and fun, there is a scene that has caused some controversy over the years.

In one scene, the two main characters fly past a topless woman in an open window. The woman is not shown in close up and she is only on screen for a split second, but it is still clearly visible that she is not wearing a top.
Lilo and Stitch Have a Strong Obsession with Elvis Presley
Lilo and Stitch is one of the most popular Disney movies of all time. The movie is about a young girl named Lilo who befriends an alien named Stitch. Together, they go on wild adventures and have a lot of fun. What many people don’t know is that Lilo is actually obsessed with Elvis Presley. Throughout the movie, she is constantly talking about him and even has a poster of him in her room.

This obsession is actually based on the real life obsession that the movie’s director, Chris Sanders, had with Elvis. He even named one of the characters after him!
Several Disney Main Characters Have Horses as Their Sidekicks
Horses are one of the most beautiful animals ever and there is surely someone at Disney who loves the as much as we do. One of the most classic examples is Sleeping Beauty, in which Princess Aurora has a horse named Samson as her confidant and best friend. Similarly, in The Little Mermaid Ariel befriends a seahorse named Sebastian, and Belle from Beauty and the Beast has a horse named Philippe for company.

Even though these characters are anthropomorphized animals, they maintain many characteristics of their real-life counterparts – including the horse’s loyalty, strength and beauty.
Pumba Was the First Character to Pass Gas in a Disney Movie
Disney movies aren’t without their fair share of questionable jokes and scenes. In the scene where Timon and Pumba are teaching Simba “Hakuna Matata”, Pumba lifts his tail and lets out a loud fart. This was the first time that a character passed gas in a Disney movie. While it may seem like a small detail to some of the audience.

This instance of flatulence helped to break down barriers and pave the way for more adult-oriented humor in Disney films. You might not realize this but it was actually a history in the making for animated movies.
The Vegetarian Shark in Finding Nemo Was Named Bruce After the Animatronic Shark Used in the Movie Jaws
We all know the ruthless Shark from the Jaws movie but did you know it wasn’t CGI, it was actually an animatronic shark that was used in the entire film. The animatronic shark was called Bruce on the set of Jaws. Finding Nemo pays homage to the movie jaws by having their own loveable Shark character by the same name.

What better way to pay tribute to a classic movie than by using the same name of the animatronic shark in your own film.
A Hyena Researcher Was Offended By The Way Disney Portrayed Hyenas in the Lion King: He Even Sued the Company
Few people know that Disney was sued over the way they depicted hyenas in The Lion King. A biologist was so offended by the portrayal of these animals as cowardly and stupid that he decided to take legal action. Thankfully, the case was eventually thrown out, but it’s still fascinating to think about. His point was that Hyenas are actually very intelligent animals, and they should not have been portrayed in such a negative light.

It’s weird because Lion King is just a cartoon and it just goes to show that people would joke around with the legal system without a care in the world.
Actress Lucille La Verne Removed Her Fake Teeth to Create the Sound of the Witch in Snow White
In 1937, the first ever full-length Disney cartoon was released, and it was a massive success. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was an instant classic, and is still loved by children and adults around the world today. But did you know that there are some strange and interesting facts about this timeless tale? For example, did you know that the witch’s cackle was actually created by actress Lucille La Verne removing her false teeth?

It was improvised by the actress herself and with how iconic the witch’s voice is considered it only goes to show that her decision to do this was 100% correct.
The Luxo Ball Appears In Multiple Disney Movies
The Luxo Ball is a small, yellow ball with a blue stripe and a red star that appears in several Pixar films. It first appeared in the short film “Luxo Jr.” and has since appeared in “Toy Story,” “A Bug’s Life,” “Monsters, Inc.,” “Finding Nemo,” and “Cars.” The Luxo Ball is a symbol of Pixar and has become one of the studio’s most recognizable icons.

The ball was originally created by John Lasseter, who is the current chief creative officer of Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios. Lasseter based the ball on a lamp that he had in his office at Lucasfilm.
Jackie Chan Has Provided Voice over Work to Disney and Also Recorded a Song for Mulan in Mandarin and Cantonese
Did you know that Jackie Chan has done voiceover work for Disney? He was the voice of Shang in Mulan, and also recorded a song for the movie in Mandarin and Cantonese. When people hear the name Jackie Chan, they normally do not think about his Disney roles, all they think about is his action movies and martial arts skills. However, Jackie Chan has done a lot more than just action movies, he has also dabbled in voice work and singing.

In addition to singing for Mulan he has also released other songs in Mandarin and Cantonese. Who knew that the action star had such hidden talents?
Pocahontas Sidekick Was Initially a Turkey
In the early stages of developing the film, Pocahontas’ sidekick was not the lovable raccoon we know today. He was actually a turkey named Redfeather. Imagine if Meeko had been a turkey! The name “Redfeather” eventually became Meeko’s official middle name. The reason the character was changed was because the voice actor of Redfeather the Turkey passed away and the filmmakers thought it would be a better idea to change the character to a different animal.

Pocahontas was based in Virginia and there are a lot of Turkeys found in Virginia and this is why the creators wanted a turkey character. However then they settled for Raccoon which have a large population in the United States of America.
Margaret Kerry Was the Inspiration behind Tinker Bell’s Character
Did you know that Tinker Bell’s character was inspired by a real person? Margaret Kerry was an actress and dancer who served as the live-action reference model for the iconic Disney character. Disney animators studies the mannerisms and character traits of Margaret Kerry and used them to bring Tinker Bell to life on the big screen. There is no denying that Margaret Kerry was very beautiful in her youth. She still looks very graceful.

The character of Tinkerbell was portrayed flawlessly on the big screen so we can say that chose the right person to base the character on. Now we cannot see Tinker Bell being portrayed way other way.
In The Hunchback of Notre Dame, the Film Makers Tried Their Best to Capture and Depict Paris in the Most Realistic Way Possible
The Disney movie ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’ is set in Paris, and the film makers tried their best to capture and depict Paris in the most realistic way possible. The movie starts with a beautiful shot of the Notre Dame Cathedral, which is one of the most iconic landmarks in Paris. We then see a close up of Quasimodo, the hunchback of the title, who is sitting on one of the gargoyles on the cathedral.

The film makers even visited Paris and also outsource some of the animation work to local animators so that they could capture the Paris in the most realistic way possible.
The Stampede Scene in the Lion King Took 3 Years to Complete
The stampede scene in Disney’s Lion King was one of the most difficult scenes to animate. It took over three years to complete and involved more than 100 animators. The animators studies herds of wildebeests to create the most realistic scene that they could. They even used a combination of modern animation technology and traditional animations to create the scene. The scene is still considered one of the best in the film.

It is also an iconic scene because it is an important point in the story. It is the scene where Mufasa dies and Simba leaves the Pridelands in guilt.
Disney Created an Entirely New Language for Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Creating a completely new language for a movie or TV show isn’t something that Hollywood has never seen before. Marc Okrand, the person who developed Klingon for Star Trek was called in to help with the film Atlantis: The Lost Empire. He created an entirely new language for the Atlantean people that was based on ancient languages like Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit.

The language was intended to be difficult for the audience to understand, just as it would be for someone who suddenly found themselves transported to a lost city. However, Okrand did include a few English words in the dialogue so that viewers would be able to follow along.
Daveigh Chase Voiced Lilo from Lilo and Stitch and Also Voiced Samara from the Horror Movie the Ring
Did you know that the voice of Lilo from Lilo and Stitch also voiced Samara from The Ring? Daveigh Chase was just 14 years old when she voiced Samara in the horror movie. She did an amazing job at sounding like a creepy little girl, which is probably why she was cast in the role. It is very interesting to know that Lilo and Stitch has a horror movie connection like this.

It is always fascinating to see how a single actor can voice two completely different characters that are on opposite sides of the spectrum. One is a fun loving young girl in an animated movie while the other one is a super natural being in a horror movie.
Some Inspiration for Tarzan’s Tree Surfing Was Taken From the Skateboarder Tony Hawk
Tony Hawk is a professional skateboarder who is widely considered to be one of the most successful and influential skateboarders of all time. He has appeared in many films and television shows, including his own reality series, Tony Hawk’s underground. In the Disney animated film Tarzan, the character Tarzan is often seen tree surfing – that is, riding on the branches of trees as if they were waves.

It’s a skill he uses to travel through the jungle quickly and efficiently. It turns out that the animators who created Tarzan were inspired by Tony Hawk’s skateboarding skills when they came up with the idea of tree surfing.
They Wanted To Cast Jack Nicholson as the Voice of Hades in Hercules
Hades, the Lord of the Dead, was almost voiced by Jack Nicholson in Disney’s Hercules. The filmmakers originally wanted the Oscar-winning actor to star in the 1997 animated film, but he turned down the role. Hades ended up being voiced by James Woods instead. The reason that Jack Nicholson turned down the iconic role was because he felt he had to be paid more than what Disney was paying.

However it all turned out to be good because James Woods did an amazing job with the character and his voice is one of the main reasons his character is so memorable.
Henry Selick and Tim Burton Had a Clash on Set of the Nightmare before Christmas
Henry Selick, the director of The Nightmare before Christmas, and Tim Burton, the producer, apparently had a bit of a clash on set. This was mostly due to the disagreement between the two on how the movie should end. It is even said that out of anger Tim Burton kicked a wall leaving a hole there. We hope that both guys were able to mend their relationship in the time to come.

Selick wanted the character of Oogie Boogie to be revealed as Sally’s father at the end of the movie where as Burton wanted the ending we actually see in the movie.
The Voice Actors of Both Mickey and Minnie Mouse Fell In Love and Married Each Other
Very often we see that two actors who work in a movie together tend to fall in love and start a relation and even get married. The same can be said about voice actors. You may not have known this, but the voice actors for both Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Wayne Allwine and Russi Taylor, fell in love with each other and ended up getting married. They both voiced their respective characters for 32 years in total.

May be it was the chemistry they had with each other that led to the onscreen chemistry of Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse and yes we do understand that they are just animation but chemistry in voice over acting is also equally important.