People Who Couldn’t Hide How Unhappy They Were With the Situation (and Got Caught on Camera)

In recent years, behavioural scientists have devoted a great deal of work to investigating what makes us happy. Knowing that happiness can predict health and longevity is a given, and that happiness scales can be used to gauge societal progress and the performance of public initiatives is another. Happiness, on the other hand, is not something that occurs to you. Everyone has the ability to make tiny changes in their conduct, their surroundings, and their interpersonal interactions that can help put them on the path to a more fulfilling existence. It’s true that a picture is worth a thousand words, as the saying goes. As another proverb states, the face is frequently a reflection of the mind’s thoughts. Fortunately for us, these candid photographs of people’s reactions demonstrate that both of these statements are correct. Continue reading for a peek at these people who were just so dissatisfied with what was going on in their lives that they couldn’t keep it a secret from the camera.
That’s Not What He Wants To See
A few dance moves might be better left for the club than the county fair. That’s at least what the man in the photo in the background seems to think. Despite their best efforts to suppress their dance moves, these two dancing divas couldn’t be bothered.

Nobody can fault them; everyone knows hips and knees don’t last forever, so you wouldn’t mind enjoying them while you can, wouldn’t you? A bystander looks mortified or angry that he is not involved in this whole situation. His expression is either mortified or angry.
What Everyone Is Thinking Is Written Across His Face
When it comes to youngsters, you have to give them credit for one thing: unlike adults, they are not bothered to put on a phoney grin when they are bored or sleepy. While children enjoy cake, weddings and other formal gatherings might seem forever to them, particularly if they are dressed in painfully stuffy attire and there is no one under the age of 35 with whom to interact and interact they can feel endless.

I could see by his expression that he was thinking, ‘Did I really put my Legos down for this wedding?’ The strained, half-hearted smiles on the faces of the grownups reveal their true feelings. It appears that either no one wants to be there, or that those who do want to be there are irritated that they came on time while everyone else is late.
Possessiveness Is All She’s Got
Etsy shop owners and helpless boyfriends alike have struggled with custom t-shirt printing. Even though the shirt recipient might be mortified, the shirt is a warning sign for any woman who might otherwise make the unthinkable error of approaching this young man. If you are reading this t-shirt, you are too close.

I have a girlfriend.” No one wants to knock over a hornet’s nest wearing that shirt. Finally, the eyes of the girlfriend on the shirt are augmented. A young woman becomes a terrifying man-captor due to this extra twinkle of jealousy.
The Scary Safari
Getting closer to the natural world is becoming increasingly appealing in our technologically advanced day. But be cautious what you ask for: even animals that have grown used to human contact can retain their ‘wild’ tendencies when left alone. And while the drive-through safari animal below most likely simply wanted to say hello and sniff around for some nibbles.

The small kid in the car is clearly not delighted by the interaction and demands that the furry buddy be let out of the car immediately. Wildlife safaris may appear to be the ideal way to spend a Sunday afternoon, but after seeing this image, we’re reconsidering that notion. It’s possible that we’ll just search on YouTube for safari videos instead.
Too Much Planning
No matter when or where you start a conversation, the outcome is guaranteed to be awkward, but the ‘let’s have kids’ talk can be particularly intimidating. In one case, the couple appears to be discussing interior design, which suggests they’re at least a year into their relationship.

Nevertheless, the man’s cautious facial expression suggests that he is not yet ready to discuss it openly. No matter how open you are in your conversation, it is likely that your partner would enjoy it if you keep some issues hidden from him or her.
All-Faced Queen
Michelle was never one to disguise her feelings, no matter how many cameras were around her. She was a true professional. Also odd is that there weren’t any more photos of Mrs. Obama appearing angry at the 2017 inaugural, considering how much she must have been disappointed in her husband’s election victory. However, as the old adage goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, and this is certainly true. And this one is worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Congratulations to Mrs. Obama for keeping it real in the realm of politics, where everyone greets each other with courteous smiles and handshakes before stabbing each other in the back with their own knives. She has a lot of strength.
Can’t You Wait?
It’s not difficult to comprehend the look of befuddlement on this gorgeous gentleman’s face. The reason why his date is wearing makeup that makes her appear as though she is a cross-bred between Guy Fawkes and Salvador Dali is beyond him. What kind of person would ruin a lovely black cocktail dress with what seems to be a penciled-in unibrow, you may wonder.

When may a delivery be so urgently needed that it needs to be delivered in the middle of the night, in the middle of a date? Another possibility is that he is completely unaware of everything going on around him and is merely thinking about whether or not he sufficiently tipped his server, or if he should wear slacks with this outfit instead of jeans.
Having A Surprise Party Of A Different Kind
It may serve as a warning to any hesitant boyfriend out there: Wait too long to propose, and you may find out that your partner takes matters into their own hands. This gal did exactly that when she forced her boyfriend to attend their wedding.

To start, she lied and said her brother was getting married. When her boyfriend arrived, she revealed the truth: she was the bride, and he was the groom. He wasn’t bothered. The groom said it was proof of his love. He looks like he’s not bothered at all. He doesn’t look enthusiastic about leaving for their honeymoon…
It’s Like No Other Photo Of Spring Break
If it’s a gorgeous day at the beach, it may as well be a wonderful day for a group shot with your gal mates, but nothing ruins a picture quite like a guy being brought away in handcuffs, as happened in this case. Does these group of young ladies deserve to be commended for their commitment to let nothing stand in their way of having a good time?

Should they be embarrassed of themselves for being so entirely oblivious to their surroundings? It’s possible that both are true. A virtue, especially when waiting just a few seconds means the difference between capturing your and your friends’ precious moments in time and accidentally catching an unpleasant photobomb of someone getting jailed.
What Is The Point Of Soap If You Don’t Use It?
You probably will want to take a hot shower, eat a good meal, and embrace your loved ones after being trapped in a coal mine for so long. With dirt covering his body from head to toe, it doesn’t look like this man is too happy about receiving cheap flowers.

There’s no way we can blame him for not prioritizing that gift. After a near-death experience, you should choose more than just chrysanthemums or daisies to cheer someone up. Florals are both about the arrangement and the thought behind them.
Lottery For Public Transportation
It is always a bit of a gamble to get on a bus, train, or flight. Depending on your hygiene standards, you might be seated next to someone who is insufferably loud, messy eater, or has low personal hygiene standards. As dangerous as all of the above can be is a passenger wearing distractingly inappropriate clothing and taking a deep nap.

I hope our bemused passenger is on at least a relatively short journey. Fortunately, the fully attired passenger sitting next to the inappropriate guy has a comrade in the woman behind him, who appears familiar with the strange spectacle sleeping through the ride.
The Day Of The Hairpiece
This image shows a woman with rough hair with her back to the viewer. Doesn’t everyone have rough hair? But even her most frustrating hair battles pale compared to the bizarre hair extensions of this stranger in the drug store.

Understandably, she does not know whether to help the poor soul or just walk away as fast as she can. That’s understandable. If she wanted to help, where would she even begin? We think it’s best to let this woman be – if she’s a buyer of hair dye, we’re guessing she’s satisfied with her hair.
It’s Not Juice; It’s Fanta
Everyone has been there at least once: a child wants to eat or drink something they know is unhealthy, and parents find creative ways to get them to change their minds. It appears that’s what happened in the photo below, where this little girl’s parents substituted apple juice for the contents of a Fanta can.

Safe to say, the child wasn’t fooled. It would be impossible for her to mistake this apple juice for Fanta because she is familiar with the taste. However, her final look in the photo suggests that she is impressed with whoever tricked her.
Observe, But Don’t Touch
Why should exotic dancers only be hired by men? Ladies, too, deserve to enjoy stripteases! As this birthday girl can attest, a little element of surprise makes it even more fun. A birthday girlfriend shared a Reddit post about how the stripper surprised her on her 21st birthday.

One thing is certain, no matter how content she may be: she will die. She was taken aback and stunned beyond comprehension. One of our favourite aspects of the photograph is her compliance with the “no-touch” rule while (possibly) enjoying the lap dance of her surprise guest.
Don’t eat Breakfast Next Time
During any form of parachute descent, you will experience a great deal of anxiety. You can get thrown off course by rapidly changing wind conditions; equipment malfunctions are rare, but they do happen, and there is always the chance of colliding with another canopy.

The intense drop is not to be taken lightly, so going with a full stomach might not be the best idea for some. Also, it is recommended that those embarking on skydiving, parasailing, or similar adventures in the sky void their bowels before going. Thankfully, this picture was taken from above.
It’s Fashion Police Time At The Club
One assumption is that the dancer in front of this teenage boy mesmerizes him. However, there could be other factors at play. It’s possible he’s shocked that she dressed in fishnets, fingerless gloves, and a choker necklace with an activewear t-shirt as a crop top.

The fashion police weren’t impressed with someone’s club attire tonight, that’s for sure. When you’re just going to cut up a Puma shirt, what’s the point? It would have been much cheaper, and the dancer would have gotten the same result if the top had been off-brand.
Ice Cream Is A Universal Desire
One of the greatest human achievements is soft serve ice cream, and it is quite commendable that these ladies understood the benefits of sharing a dessert with friends when it is absolutely delicious. It’s possible that the spectator had feelings for these ladies, but he was more likely just curious as to why the licking ladies chose vanilla when they might have chosen chocolate or strawberry to make their life a little more exciting.

Perhaps he is offended by the notion that anyone would ever divide a soft-serve ice cream cone rather than splurging on two scoops of their favourite flavour rather than splitting one soft-serve ice cream cone. It will be well worth the extra money in the long run.
Donkey Surprise
Performance art has the potential to be one of the most emotional and unforgettable of all the creative genres. In contrast, more provocative performances have occasionally strayed into the realm of vulgarity—and the police officer seen above would claim that this performance crossed the line totally into vulgarity. After all is said and done, it’s worth noting that both onlookers appear to be enthralled and not particularly eager to put an end to the spectacle.

As a result, the performance seemed to have been a success in some respects. It is possible that this performance will be tough to prosecute under obscenity laws. After all, the performers can argue that they were making a public health message about America’s over-dependence on maize throughout their performance.
This Top Isn’t The Best
A woman may be deeply offended over the mannequin’s style and find the layer of necklaces too obvious, or she may be horrified by the disturbing message on the tank top: “Boys are better than books.” At least the shirt is still on the mannequin and not in a teenage girl’s shopping bag.

Let us hope that this continues to be the case. When you look at this snapshot, it’s obvious what occurred afterward: the young woman most likely wrote a strongly-worded letter to the store where she had purchased this foolishness. Perhaps she simply asked to speak with the manager.
The Only Thing He Hoped For Was One
The upcoming journey of raising children can cause some parents to feel pressured to express nothing but joy and excitement. Let’s be kind to this poor guy who seems to be miserable. The fact that ultrasounds exist makes it unlikely that he discovered that he was going to be a parent to four at the last minute.

But holding them all at once might have made him realize how tired and sleep-deprived his life would be in the future. A producer called him to pitch a reality show about raising quadruplets, or he’s worried about the time and money it will take to raise four children.
There’s No Such Thing As Too Much.
The father of these new born babies seems freaked out as he holds them. That’s understandable. What would it be like to have twins and then welcome a set of quadruplets? Goodnight, goodnight. Well done, mom; you seem just fine.

However, he may need some time to adjust if his completely dazed expression indicates how he feels right now. Their next pregnancy could result in octuplets if this pattern continues. Likely, they spoke briefly with their doctor about family planning before heading home.
“Before and After” for the Worst Case
A young woman on the right has that look of ‘This is way more than I bargained for in her eyes while the photo subjects on the left seem genuinely excited by their meeting. It was clear that Little Ms. Flint had more excitement meeting former President Barack Obama than she did meeting former President Donald Trump.

Both pictures convey the same message. An aside: why is there a thumbs-up guy in the background? Even by (apparent) Secret Service standards, his body language and facial expressions seem strange. Ms. Flint may have looked terrified because of him.
Brunch Is Dead: Here’s Why.
There were four guests at the table, but Instagram was not seated. A social meal that should have been fun and enjoyable has quickly become a “phone eats first” scenario. A guy grumpily sits there, and he does not appear satisfied with the situation.

That or he regrets his meal choice, which includes far too many vegetables to make a fun brunch. The lonesome man may also be thinking about stealing some extra food while these ladies are distracted. Don’t miss out on these opportunities! Take pictures without ruining their food, though…
I Am Not Ashamed Of Anything
Despite winning the wrestling match against her boy opponent, the little winner looks to have mixed emotions in the picture below. Is she in shock because she wasn’t expecting to win? That might be how the referee felt judging by his face. Meanwhile, he also appears to be quite proud and impressed.

Even though we cannot see his face, the little boy’s body language does not speak of joy. In this wrestling match, the referee probably did not look condescendingly at the boy after losing. Instead, he praised the winner and moved on to the next match.
Pandas Can’t Enjoy The Holidays?
One can only speculate why the two plainclothes models appear so bleak. The dog-costumed friend could have just told them she was part of the furry fandom community, which put a damper on their celebration. It seems the Reddit community thinks that’s what’s happening in this photo.

Their view is that we can learn a valuable lesson from this unfortunate experience. What are the lessons? Before telling them you are part of the furry fandom, please consider your family’s reaction. Some people are less open-minded than we would like them to be, and, well, maybe some things are better left unsaid.
Bathtime Isn’t My Favorite
According to the baby’s parent, the infant seems skeptical of the bubbles, but more than one factor could be at play. Could it be a lost rubber duckie? Are you using inferior soap? Or maybe the photographer is just singing erratically?

It may be time to add a bath pillow or use a washcloth if none of the above ruins the mood. Does the baby’s skin look particularly pink despite its age? The water may be uncomfortable. The photo is still worth keeping.
Watch Your Step
Nothing about this group of five friends appears to be objectionable, so what is it that is causing this woman to have such a nasty expression on her face? Have you ever taken a drink of a new alcohol only to discover that the aftertaste was particularly revolting? Is it possible that she slipped on a potentially dangerous banana peel, causing her to experience tremendous surprise, terror, and instability?

The photographer, it appears, is an ex-boyfriend whom she had no intention of seeing at the neighbourhood bar. Another option is that one of these partygoers is wearing a t-shirt with an especially unpleasant statement printed on the back of it. It’s possible that this or that woman has a strong dislike for pilgrim hats.
Wannabe-Anywhere But Here
Congas are designed to be happy and melodic. But this Conga queen seemed to have missed the message. A. Hate line dancing; B. Have indigestion; or C. Hate the man who has his arms around her waist. If any of those apply, don’t volunteer to lead the dance.

His grip on her, on the other hand, is a little too tight. To be honest, he should be on his guard. He doesn’t appear to be a favourite of the Game of Throne actress. We’ve heard she’s a well-known lady with a number of high-ranking associates.
We Really Hope The Car Is Parked
From this perspective, it’s impossible to tell if the automobile was moving or not. However, given the fact that the pair in this photograph is not wearing seatbelts and that he is holding a bottle of whiskey, we really, really hope they were parked. This was probably not a good idea to post on social media, even if the automobile wasn’t moving and their actions were completely legal. And it appears that her lover concurs with us…

As much as I hate to spoil their celebration, he appears to be far less enthusiastic about their anniversary than she is. Perhaps this explains why he’s holding a huge bottle in his hands… I’m just putting it out there.
She Won’t Swipe Right On Him
Some may consider this cowboy’s choice of chaps to be improper for a trip to the department store, but photographs can only convey so much information about the situation. Perhaps he was wearing ordinary pants at the time, but a dog got a whiff of bacon pieces in his pocket and tore enormous portions of denim from his legs.

Okay, fine, this dude most definitely wore those cut-out pants with the holes in them on purpose, just the way they are. And, let’s be honest, watching the lady’s expression next to him is really hilarious. In addition, it’s worth noticing that the blonde shopper appears to be wearing denim shorts as well, but they aren’t nearly as short as Cowboy’s. The importance of proportion cannot be overstated.
He’ll Just Walk By And Be Quiet.
Some sort of wizard emerges on the far left, followed by a punk-rock lady, and finally an Antarctic jester who looks to be upset by a youngster in a tattered cloak, which appears to be the last image. Quite the motley bunch, if there ever was one, and such an odd sight to behold that it’s surprised the security guard didn’t stop to join in the fun.

He must have been in a great deal of haste. Alternatively, they are terrified by these children. The gentleman passing past gives the idea that this is his go-to response to unusual public behaviour, and appreciation is due to him for remaining calm in the midst of all the craziness surrounding him.
No Pants For A Pyramid
However, while simple pyramids appear to be simple, they need tremendous amounts of power, attention, and coordination to pull off well. Keep a properly formed facial expression on top (or on bottom) of everything else is a difficult task. However, it’s not apparent why the young females who served as the foundation of this prank look to be so anxious; perhaps, everything turned out fine and the camera only captured their expressions in an Edvard Munch-esque moment.

Could it be that their grips are actually rather good, and that they are merely disgusted by the flyers’ choice of undergarments? The next time you pick panties out of the drawer, think about your alternatives more thoroughly before making a snap decision.
Isn’t A Kid As Good As A Chair?
Pets may offer children with a sense of physical protection as well as mental support, and they can also assist youngsters in developing sentiments of compassion and accountability. However, it is essential for children to be attentive to an animal’s pain spots and to never treat an animal as if it were a piece of furniture. In contrast, properly teaching this same lesson to a dog might be a useless endeavour, particularly when the dog is overjoyed to be taken for a trip.

While this pup is restrained, it looks to have a reasonable amount of freedom of movement within the car, which might be a good or bad thing. Perhaps there is a market for the development of special car seats for dogs that are modelled after the seats we use for children.
Shoulders Aren’t Open Range
The exchange of respectful contact between two people who care about one another may be a beautiful way for them to bond, whether they are family members, lovers, friends, or even coworkers. A well-intended, over-the-shoulder embrace that conveys the message “we’re buddies” can swiftly turn sour when the sensation of fondness between the two people turns out to be one-sided.

Before putting his arm around this young girl, this gentleman may have done well to reevaluate the amount of closeness he shared with her. As a result, while we don’t know the current condition of their relationship, it doesn’t appear that she is thrilled to be a part of this embrace or picture op. It’s only a matter of expressing the obvious.
Here Comes Therapy!
The degree to which people are comfortable with nudity varies from one culture to the next. However, face expressions are frequently universal. The poor youngster in this photograph does not like what he sees, and he may hold it against his parents for the rest of his life for forcing him to attend this parade/march/etc. Take comfort in the fact that the photograph was taken from the back.

For better or worse, our vantage point from which we are viewing the world forces us to rely on our imagination. What, exactly, is the reason behind this character’s lack of clothing? It seems like it was an unusually hot day. Is it possible that he wandered in from a nearby nudist colony?
Kitty Applause
Cats and dogs devote a significant amount of their time to chasing after tiny insects, rodents, and squirrels. It’s not uncommon for a pursuit to culminate in a successful capture, so it’s not unexpected that this feisty feline appeared to be at a loss for what to do with its victim when it finally caught up with it. After that, Fred has two options: either hunt down the little animal for some additional protein or release it back into the air and come back for round two the next day.

It appears as though Fred opted for the latter option. Of course, it’s possible that the shot was just labelled incorrectly. Perhaps Fred was applauding after a particularly impressive performance of his favourite symphony or after a particularly tense episode of The Young and the Restless?
She Saw Florida.
Getting a decent fit is one of the most important aspects of dressing effectively, and determining whether pants are too tight or just tight enough may be a difficult skill to perfect. Some leggings, on the other hand, are obviously improper for wearing in public. If passersby can clearly see what you’re wearing, it may be a clear indication that it’s time to find a pair of looser-fitting pants.

Another sign is when everyone turns and flees away from you, their faces contorted in horror at what they have seen. In light of the fact that this gentleman chose not to zip his jacket and so prevent the exposure by doing so, it’s possible that he’s a bit of an exhibitionist. The alternative is that this closet urgently need the addition of a full-length mirror next it.
It’s A Bad Idea To Sneak Treats Out Of The Kitchen
It’s impossible to miss the expression on this kid’s face. Anguish, frustration, and embarrassment are all a part of it. What triggered the situation is much more ambiguous. He climbed onto the shelves of a huge refrigerator, didn’t he? And what exactly was he attempting to grab? The thing he was after looked more appetizing at one point than it ended up being.

However traumatizing this experience may have been, it was an effective way of teaching me that some things are better left unopened; some doors are better left closed. There is some ice cream that children should avoid.
A Good Time Isn’t For Everyone
Teenagers may find roller coasters exhilarating, but young children – say, those under the age of six – may find them terrifying. Once these unwise babysitters return their traumatized charges to their parents, they may have quite a bit to explain to them.

To stop these boys’ uncontrollable tears, they will need to spend their entire pay on cotton candy and caramel corn. Maturity is built on compromise. Children might prefer teacup rides instead of the ‘Drop of Doom’ when visiting an amusement park.
Different pregnancy tests have different symbologies. However, based on the mixed reactions shown here, one could speculate that this young couple is expecting, and one of the partners isn’t overjoyed about it. An expectant mother probably never imagined that her casual photo would become the cover of a PowerPoint presentation about safe intimacy among teens in high schools around the world.

He may have been misunderstood. He may be permanently stoic, but he is incredibly excited to be a father. Could this face always be this way? The adults’ forced, halfhearted smiles tell a lot. Everyone seems to be either mad that they arrived on time and everyone else was late or don’t want to be there.